Member State report / Art8 / 2012 / D7 / Slovenia / Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2012-10-15
GES Descriptor D7 Hydrographical changes
Member State Slovenia
Region/subregion Mediterranean: Adriatic Sea
Reported by Inštitut za vode Republike Slovenije / Institute for water of the Republic of Slovenia
Report date 2013-01-24
Report access MADSI_MSFD8bPressures_20130514.xml

območje vodnih teles morja glede na NUV

območje vodnih teles morja v razdalji 1 nm od obale in Škocjanski zatokom: SI5VT2 VT Morje Lazaret - Ankaran, SI5VT3 MPVT Morje Koprski zaliv, SI5VT4 VT Morje Žusterna - Piran, SI5VT5 VT Morje Piranski zaliv in SI5VT6 MPVT Škocjanski zatok

GES component
Assessment Topic
CurrentVelocity, ShallMud
Element 2
Threshold value/Value unit
Proportion threshold value
Status of criteria/indicator
Status trend
Status confidence
Description (status of criteria/indicator)
We cannot assess the situation. The problem is the lack of relevant data.
We cannot assess the situation. The problem is the lack of relevant data.
Assessment period
1003/5000 The only area for which we can say that there have been permanent changes of somewhat larger dimensions is the inner part of the Bay of Koper. It covers ~ 4 km2 of water surface. Twenty-four-hour current measurements in the Bay of Koper showed very complex tidal dynamics of water masses. At low tides, the water flow brings fresh, sea water in the middle of the bay, while at the sides the water leaves the bay (Orlando Bonaca et al., 2011), while at higher tides fresh water flows into the bay from the northwest and flows on the southwest side. However, it is not clear whether this flow has a significant impact on the area in front of the Port of Koper and whether such circulation is present throughout the year. Increasingly pronounced water heating in the spring and summer is becoming the rule and brings new challenges. The lack of oxygen in the bottom layer is not problematic for once, but the response of organisms to increased temperatures is uncertain. An uncontrolled intake of nutrients, however, could completely change the summer situation.
The heavily altered water body in the central part of the Bay of Koper is the result of hydrological changes in the past. The essence of these changes were changes to the coastal strip with the erection and construction of facilities along the coast and embankment, and on the other hand the deepening of certain parts of the bay. The crimson material excavated during the deepening of the navigable canals into the port was mostly deposited on land near the coast, and part of it filled the former shallower parts of the coast at the mouth of the Rižana River. This changed the entire ecosystem in the coastal strip in the inner part of the semi-enclosed Bay of Koper. The regulation of the Rižana riverbed, on the other hand, introduced changes in the input of fresh water into the marine water body. The entry of the Rižana River also has a torrential character, as most of the river's water is separated and intended for water supply. In the interior of the bay in the coastal part, the water layer is quite homogeneous in stable weather conditions, and during the transition of weather fronts, due to precipitation and fresh water intake, most of the bay in the layer up to 1 m below the surface is filled with sweetened water. The exchange time of 2.2 to 6 days still allows for good enough conditions so that the condition does not deteriorat
Permanent changes of slightly larger dimensions in the inner part of the Bay of Koper place the area in a strongly transformed water body. It covers ~ 4 km2 of water surface. This fact alone indicates that there have been lasting changes in the composition of benthic organisms.
Permanent changes of slightly larger dimensions in the inner part of the Bay of Koper place the area in a strongly transformed water body. It covers ~ 4 km2 of water surface. This fact alone indicates that there have been changes in functional groups.
Input load
Load unit
Trends (recent)
Trends (future)
Description (activities)
Permanent hydrographic changes in the interior of the Bay of Koper and especially in the waters along the Port of Koper lead to changes in the circulation of fresh sea water and a changed regime of fresh water and nutrient intake. The growth trend of summer temperatures in the semi-enclosed Bay of Koper, which has been ~ 0.15 ° C / year for the last 17 years (Orlando Bonaca et al., 2011), may lead to changes in oxygen saturation at the bottom in the warmest decade or two. part of the flight. This, in turn, means a further deterioration of the situation for organisms living at or on the seabed. The inflow of fresh, fresh water is also reduced in summer, and an increase in temperature may further reduce the solubility of oxygen in water. Possible additional hydrographic changes may have a similar effect on the ecological situation in all semi-enclosed bays along the Slovenian coast (Piran Bay, the bay in front of Strunjan.)
Permanent hydrographic changes in the interior of the Bay of Koper and especially in the waters along the Port of Koper lead to changes in the circulation of fresh sea water and a changed regime of fresh water and nutrient intake. The growth trend of summer temperatures in the semi-enclosed Bay of Koper, which has been ~ 0.15 ° C / year for the last 17 years (Orlando Bonaca et al., 2011), may lead to changes in oxygen saturation at the bottom in the warmest decade or two. part of the flight. This, in turn, means a further deterioration of the situation for organisms living at or on the seabed. The inflow of fresh, fresh water is also reduced in summer, and an increase in temperature may further reduce the solubility of oxygen in water. Possible additional hydrographic changes may have a similar effect on the ecological situation in all semi-enclosed bays along the Slovenian coast (Piran Bay, the bay in front of Strunjan.)
Permanent hydrographic changes in the interior of the Bay of Koper and especially in the waters along the Port of Koper lead to changes in the circulation of fresh sea water and a changed regime of fresh water and nutrient intake. The growth trend of summer temperatures in the semi-enclosed Bay of Koper, which has been ~ 0.15 ° C / year for the last 17 years (Orlando Bonaca et al., 2011), may lead to changes in oxygen saturation at the bottom in the warmest decade or two. part of the flight. This, in turn, means a further deterioration of the situation for organisms living at or on the seabed. The inflow of fresh, fresh water is also reduced in summer, and an increase in temperature may further reduce the solubility of oxygen in water. Possible additional hydrographic changes may have a similar effect on the ecological situation in all semi-enclosed bays along the Slovenian coast (Piran Bay, the bay in front of Strunjan.)
Permanent hydrographic changes in the interior of the Bay of Koper and especially in the waters along the Port of Koper lead to changes in the circulation of fresh sea water and a changed regime of fresh water and nutrient intake. The growth trend of summer temperatures in the semi-enclosed Bay of Koper, which has been ~ 0.15 ° C / year for the last 17 years (Orlando Bonaca et al., 2011), may lead to changes in oxygen saturation at the bottom in the warmest decade or two. part of the flight. This, in turn, means a further deterioration of the situation for organisms living at or on the seabed. The inflow of fresh, fresh water is also reduced in summer, and an increase in temperature may further reduce the solubility of oxygen in water. Possible additional hydrographic changes may have a similar effect on the ecological situation in all semi-enclosed bays along the Slovenian coast (Piran Bay, the bay in front of Strunjan.)
Activity type
  • LandClaimDefence
  • NotReported
  • Ports
  • LandClaimDefence
  • NotReported
  • Ports
  • LandClaimDefence
  • NotReported
  • Ports
  • LandClaimDefence
  • NotReported
  • Ports
Information gaps

območje vodnega telesa SI5VT1 VT Jadransko morje

območje GFCM GSA 17 - severni del Jadranskega morja

celotno območje NUMO oz. območje morskih voda pod suverenostjo ali pristojnostjo Republike Slovenije oz. območje vodnih teles morja glede na NUV + epikontinentalni pas in zaščitna ekološka cona Republike Slovenije