National overview: Belgium

Who is responsible for MSFD implementation?

MSFD Article Art. 7 Competent authorities
Report date 2020-01-16
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CA code (EU, national)
Acronym, Name (national)
FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - Service Marine environment (FOD Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu - Dienst Marien Milieu)
FPS Mobility and Transport (FOD Mobiliteit en Vervoer – Directoraat-generaal Maritiem Vervoer)
MUMM: FPS Science Policy, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Service Management Unit of the Mathematical Model of the North Sea (POD Wetenschapsbeleid, Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Wetenschappelijke Dienst Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee)
Defense - Naval component (Ministerie van Landsverdediging – Marinecomponent)
FPS Economy, SME's and Energy, DG Energy (FOD Economie, K.M.O, Middenstand en Energie – Algemene Directie Energie)
FPS Economy, SME's and Energy, DG Quality and Safety (FOD Economie, K.M.O, Middenstand en Energie – Algemene Directie Kwaliteit en Veiligheid)
Place Victor Hortaplein 40/010, Brussels/Brussel, Belgium, 1060
rue du Progrès-Vooruitgangstraat 56, Brussels/Brussel, Belgium, 1210
Vautierstraat 29, Brussels/Brussel, Belgium, 1200
Graaf Jansdijk 1, Bruges (Zeebrugge)/Brugge (Zeebrugge), Belgium, 8380
avenue Albert II-laan 16, Brussels/Brussel, Belgium, 1000
avenue Albert II-laan 16, Brussels/Brussel, Belgium, 1000
Legal status
Federal administration
Federal administration
Federal administration
Federal administration
Federal administration
Federal administration
De federale overheid, de bevoegde overheid in België, voert een vooruitstrevend beleid inzake Mariene Strategie. Als we de toestand in België vergelijken met de andere landen van Europa, dan is de balans positief. Wij in België zijn er in geslaagd 'zorg voor het milieu' te vertalen in een en beleid en niet een of beleid: er is plaats voor de mens en de natuur, niet de mens of de natuur. Om dit te bereiken buigt de dienst marine milieu van de federale overheid zich over thema ’s als internationale natuurbescherming, olieverontreiniging en verontreiniging van op het land, interactie land-zee. De rode draad door heen het beleid van de dienst mariene milieu is het uitvoeren van het aangegane engagement, de uitdagingen innoverend te benaderen en de internationale gemeenschap te inspireren. De Dienst Marien Milieu coördineert de uitvoering door de bevoegde federale diensten van een correcte implementatie van de Kaderrichtlijn Mariene Strategie.
scheepvaartcontrole; exploitatie, beveiliging en havenaangelegenheden; veiligheid en milieuvrijwaring.
Modellering en monitoring van het marien milieu
In het kader van “Acties van de Staat op zee” maakt Defensie/COMOPSNAV deel uit van de Structuur Kustwacht. De Kustwacht coördineert, door het inzetten van de juiste competenties en middelen op de juiste plaats, het toezicht op de toepassing en naleving van de geldende regelgevingen en treedt tegenover derde partijen op als één geïntegreerde uniforme structuur. Ze doet dit door de coördinatie te verzekeren van de acties van de overheid in de havens en de zee- en kustgebieden die onder de bevoegdheid vallen van de federale en gewestelijke overheden. De acties van de overheid op zee worden gedragen door zowel nationale als de door de federale en gewestelijke overheden erkende internationale regelgeving en conventies.
• instaan voor het behoud en de continuïteit van de energiebevoorrading van het land, in het vooruitzicht van duurzame ontwikkeling. • Aanduiding van mogelijke concessiezones voor windturbineparken.
• De Algemene Directie Kwaliteit en Veiligheid zet zich in voor het uitvoeren van technische opdrachten zodat de kwaliteit en de veiligheid van producten, diensten en installaties, de know-how en de competitiviteit van de ondernemingen ondersteund worden. • Zo verhoogt zij het vertrouwen van nationale en internationale actoren in een competitieve economie, ondersteund door ontwikkelingen die samengaan met controle, normalisatie, accreditatie en certificatie, hand in hand met innovatie. • Daarnaast begeleidt en coördineert ze het wetenschappelijk onderzoek inzake metrologie en het duurzaam beheer van het continentaal plat. • zand- en grindontginning op Belgische continentaal plat.
De Dienst Marien Milieu heeft het voorzitterschap van de Stuurgroep MNZ (Mèr du Nord – Noordzee) van het Coördinatiecomité International Milieubeleid. De juridische basis van dit comité is het samenwerkingsakkoord van 5 april 1995 tussen de federale Staat, het Vlaamse Gewest, het Waalse Gewest en het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest met betrekking tot het internationaal milieubeleid. Deze Stuurgroep staat in voor de coördinatie met de relevante bevoegde diensten van de federale Staat en de Gewesten. De intern-Belgische bevoegdheidsverdeling, zoals beschreven in de Bijzondere Wet tot Hervorming der Instellingen van 8 augustus 1980 (zoals gewijzigd), wijst diverse voor het mariene milieu relevante bevoegdheden toe aan de Gewesten, zoals visserijbeleid, waterwegen, havens, zeewering, ... die, voor wat de Noordzee en de kust betreft, door het Vlaamse Gewest worden uitgeoefend. Het milieubeleid (met uitzondering van het productbeleid) t.a.v. bronnen op het land van stoffen die kunnen aanleiding geven tot mariene verontreiniging valt eveneens onder de Gewestelijke bevoegdheden. Taken: • de voorbereiding van het standpunt van de Belgische delegatie bij de Internationale Organisaties of de Internationale ministeriële conferenties, en een inschatting maken van de financiële gevolgen van eventuele beslissingen door deze organisaties • de samenstelling bepalen van deze Belgische delegatie, en een woordvoerder hiervoor aanduiden • de organisatie van het overleg voor een gezamenlijke uitvoering van de aanbevelingen en beslissingen van deze instanties • de voorbereiding van de agendapunten van de interministeriële leefmilieuconferenties • de supervisie over de gegevensverzameling voor het beantwoorden van vragen van internationale organisaties en eventueel de uitwerking van een gezamenlijk federaal + gewestelijk rapport • het verstrekken van advies voor vragen van ministers of staatssecretarissen die in het comité vertegenwoordigd zijn De Stuurgroep MNZ is bevoegd voor de nationale standpuntbepalingen betreffende het mariene milieu. De Dienst Marien Milieu neemt de passende initiatieven binnen het CCIM om voor alle wateren die onder Belgische jurisdictie vallen een geïntegreerde mariene strategie voor te bereiden en uit te voeren.
Regional coordination
Met België als één van de verdragspartijen neemt de Dienst Marien Milieu actief deel aan de coördinatie en activiteiten binnen OSPAR (Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic). De belangrijkste doelstellingen van dit verdrag zijn: • het voorkomen en beëindigen van de verontreiniging van het mariene milieu; • het beschermen van het zeegebied tegen de nadelige effecten van menselijke activiteiten ten einde de gezondheid van de mens te beschermen en het mariene ecosysteem in stand te houden en, wanneer uitvoerbaar, aangetaste zeegebieden te herstellen. Verder streeft het verdrag naar een duurzaam beheer van het betrokken gebied. "Duurzaam beheer" is volgens de preambule van het verdrag "een zodanig beheer van menselijke activiteiten dat het mariene ecosysteem het rechtmatig gebruik van de zee kan blijven dragen en kan blijven voorzien in de behoeften van de huidige en toekomstige generaties". Om dit te bereiken nemen de verdragspartijen, afzonderlijk en gezamenlijk, programma's en maatregelen aan en harmoniseren zij hun beleid en strategieën. Daarbij moeten een aantal principes toegepast worden: • het voorzorgsbeginsel (neem preventieve maatregelen als er een redelijk vermoeden is dat er een nadelige impact op het milieu zal zijn, zelfs al is daar geen bewijs voor); • het beginsel de vervuiler betaalt; • de beste beschikbare technieken, beste milieupraktijk en schone technologie aanwenden. De OSPAR Commissie, die bestaat uit vertegenwoordigers van alle verdragspartijen, ziet toe op de uitvoering van het verdrag en kan zelf beslissingen nemen tot het opstellen van programma's en maatregelen in het kader van het verdrag.

Where is the MSFD implemented?

MSFD Article Art. 3(1) Marine waters
Report date 2018-06-26
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Member state marine waters
The Belgian Marine Strategy relates to the Belgian part of the North Sea. This coverage comprises the water, the seabed and the subsoil seaward of the base line from where the width of the territorial sea is measured. The outer limit of the coverage is defined by the international boundaries of the Belgian Continental Shelf (also the boundary of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)).

Areas for MSFD reporting

MSFD Article Art. 4/2017 Decision: Marine regions, subregions, and subdivisions
Report date 2018-06-26
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Region / subregion description
NE Atlantic Ocean: Greater North Sea
OSPAR region II: Greater North Sea
MRUs description (AreaType)
Coastal water body ; Territorial waters within a RBD ; Belgian offshore waters (beyond 12 nm)
Region or subregion Member state Area type Marine Reporting Unit MRU Name Art. 8-9-10 (2012) Art. 11 (2014) Art. 13-14 (2016) Art. 17 (8-9-10) (2018) Art. 18 (2019) Art. 17 (11) (2020)
ANS BE SR_Subregion ANS
Greater North Sea, incl. the Kattegat and the English Channel
Used Used
ANS BE MS_MarineWatersPartRegionSubregion ANS-BE-MS-1
Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS)
Used Used Used Used Used
Belgian offshore waters (beyond 12nm)
ANS BE AA_AssessmentArea BEFED_CW
Belgian coastal waters (0-1 nm)
Used Used
ANS BE AA_AssessmentArea BEFED_TEW
Belgian territorial waters (1-12 nm)
Used Used
ANS BE SD_Subdivision L2.2.5
OSPAR region II: Greater North Sea
Used Used

Regional cooperation

MSFD Article Art. 5(2) and Art. 6 Regional cooperation
Report date 2018-06-26
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Region/ subregion
Art. 8 countries involved
NO, NL, FR, UK, PT, , BE, DE, ES, FI, IE, SE, DK,
Art. 8 nature of coordination
1. There has been a high level of information sharing and joint assessment in the North-East Atlantic through the work of the OSPAR Commission which has repeatedly undertaken integrated environmental assessments. 2. The OSPAR Quality Status Report 2010, together with its underlying assessment reports, provides the primary basis for coordination of national initial assessments across the North East Atlantic OSPAR Contracting Parties / EU Member States. The QSR provides an overarching summary of environmental state across the Region and the five subregions. It provides evidence that OSPAR has provided Contracting Parties / EU Member States a basis to ensure regional and subregional coherence of their initial assessments. Contracting Parties agreed they should aim to refer to the QSR and, when appropriate, the underlying assessments in their national initial assessments. 3. As regards the conclusions of national initial assessments, it was agreed within OSPAR that further coordination should be carried out between relevant Contracting Parties at a sub-regional level. Contracting Parties / EU Member States were requested to share planning information to make this possible. 4. An OSPAR socio-economic analysis is being taken forward and will provide a strong basis for more detailed coordination of the socio-economic element of the MSFD assessments process in the future. 5. No significant differences in National Initial Assessments were identified through sub-regional coordination in the first half of 2012 and no country has flagged major inconsistencies in the conclusions of neighbouring national initial assessments. From: OSPAR 2012 Summary Record, Annex05. For further information refer to the OSPAR report: “Finding common ground – Towards regional coherence in implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the North-East Atlantic region through the work of the OSPAR Commission”. OSPAR publication 578/2012
Art. 8 regional coherence
Art. 8 regional coherence problems
No problems.
Art. 9 countries involved
NO, NL, FR, UK, PT, , BE, DE, ES, FI, IE, SE, DK,
Art. 9 nature of coordination
International coordination has been pursued through OSPAR (A) and through bilateral contacts (B): (A) OSPAR 1. There has been a high level of sharing of existing methodologies for determining GES and of coordination in further developing them through work of the OSPAR Commission. 2. OSPAR bodies have developed internal ‘Advice documents’ on determining GES and setting targets and indicators for GES the Descriptors (with the exception of D3 and D9) taking account of information available at all relevant levels (EU to national). 3. There has been a collective examination of the emerging GES determinations by countries through the creation of an inventory of emerging national proposals for Descriptors 3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11. This inventory was created in late 2011 and updated in mid 2012. The inventory was analysed to make an assessment of the level of regional coherence and specific actions were identified to improve regional coordination on Article 9 for a number of the GES Descriptors, both before and after the 2012 deadline. For the biodiversity Descriptors (1,2,4 and 6) countries are sharing expertise on common approaches (see Art.10). 4. OSPAR EU Member States have agreed high-level, qualitative statements of GES for Descriptors [5,10 and 11] that are included in the OSPAR report on regional MSFD coordination published by the OSPAR Commission. Member States may refer to these in their national articulations of Article 9. 5. Analysis of Contracting Parties draft proposals for Articles 8 and 9 has concluded that there is a good degree of coordination and alignment with regard to Descriptors 5, 8, 9 and 10, a fair degree of coordination with regard to Descriptors 3 and 11, and a relatively low level of coordination with regard to Descriptor 7. From: OSPAR 2012 Summary Record, Annex05. For further information refer to the OSPAR report: “Finding common ground – Towards regional coherence in implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the North-East Atlantic region through the work of the OSPAR Commission”. OSPAR publication 578/2012 (B) Bilateral informal coordination has been pursued through a bilateral meeting on Articles 8, 9 and 10 with NL in Autumn 2011. Differences and similarities were discussed in relation to the contents and main conclusions of the Initial Assessments and national ambitions in environmental target setting and potential management measures. Belgium organised a workshop with both national stakeholders and representatives from neighbouring countries (NL, UK, FR) to discuss the Belgian drafts for Art. 9 and 10 products. This led to e.g. more emphasis on ‘pressure’ indicators for seafloor integrity. In addition to these bilateral contacts, Belgium participated in the informal 'North-Sea' meetings (organised by NL) to exchange views on current MSFD products and potential future cooperation in the North Sea.
Art. 9 regional coherence
Art. 9 regional coherence problems
The timeline and ambitious implementation requirements (implementation of Art.8, 9 and 10, with a step for public consultation) required Member States to interact, to the extent possible, simultaneously within their national administrations (often with several governance levels) and across international boundaries. Lack of time did not permit a sufficient number of iterations to mutually adjust GES determination in this complex setting. The methodological framework for applying a coherent ecosystem approach is still under development and this has led to different interpretations in the implementation of this Directive across EU Member States within this evolving context. Issues that can be addressed in an improved way in the period 2012-2018 have been identified. Additional actions to improve coordination have been identified for all of the GES Descriptors. Descriptor 7 has been identified as an area where coordination is relatively low and this should be a priority for future work.
Art. 10 countries involved
NO, NL, FR, UK, PT, , BE, DE, ES, FI, IE, SE, DK,
Art. 10 nature of coordination
International coordination has been pursued through OSPAR (A) and through bilateral contacts (B): (A) OSPAR 1. There has been a moderate level of information sharing on the development of coordinated environmental targets and indicators 2. OSPAR bodies have developed internal ‘Advice documents’ on determining GES and setting targets and indicators for GES the Descriptors (with the exception of D3 and D9) taking account of information available at all relevant levels (EU to national). 3. There has been a collective examination of the emerging national GES targets and indicators through a number of processes. 4. For Descriptors 3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11 an inventory was created to capture emerging national proposals. This inventory was created in late 2011 and updated in mid 2012. The inventory was analysed to make an assessment of the level of regional coherence and specific actions were identified to improve regional coordination on Article 10 for a number of the GES Descriptors both before and after the 2012 deadline. 5. For Descriptors 1, 2, 4 and 6 OSPAR has an intensive programme of work led by the Intersessional Correspondence Group on Coordinated Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring (COBAM) to coordinate national approaches to biodiversity targets and indicators, including the on-going development of a proposed set of common OSPAR biodiversity indicators for MSFD. 6. Analysis of Contracting Parties draft proposals for Articles 8 and 9 has concluded that there is a good degree of coordination and alignment with regard to Descriptors 5, 8, 9 and 10, a fair degree of coordination with regard to Descriptors 3 and 11, and a relatively low level of coordination with regard to Descriptor 7. From: OSPAR 2012 Summary Record, Annex05. For further information refer to the OSPAR report: “Finding common ground – Towards regional coherence in implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the North-East Atlantic region through the work of the OSPAR Commission”. OSPAR publication 578/2012 (B) Bilateral informal coordination has been pursued through a bilateral meeting on Articles 8, 9 and 10 with NL in Autumn 2011. Differences and similarities were discussed in relation to the contents and main conclusions of the Initial Assessments and national ambitions in environmental target setting and potential management measures. Belgium organised a workshop with both national stakeholders and representatives from neighbouring countries (NL, UK, FR) to discuss the Belgian drafts for Art. 9 and 10 products. This led to e.g. more emphasis on ‘pressure’ indicators for seafloor integrity. In addition to these bilateral contacts, Belgium participated in the informal 'North-Sea' meetings (organised by NL) to exchange views on current MSFD products and potential future cooperation in the North Sea.
Art. 10 regional coherence
Art. 10 regional coherence problems
The timeline and ambitious implementation requirements (implementation of Art.8, 9 and 10, with a step for public consultation) required Member States to interact, to the extent possible, simultaneously within their national administrations (often with several governance levels) and across international boundaries. Lack of time did not permit a sufficient number of iterations to mutually adjust GES targets and indicators in this complex setting. The methodological framework for applying a coherent ecosystem approach is still under development and this has led to different interpretations in the implementation of this Directive across EU Member States within this evolving context. Issues that can be addressed in an improved way in the period 2012-2018 have been identified. Additional actions to improve coordination have been identified for all of the GES Descriptors. Descriptor 7 has been identified as an area where coordination is relatively low and this should be a priority for future work.

Uses and human activities and their pressures on marine environment

Title Analysis of predominant pressures and impacts, including human activity (Art. 8(1)(b))
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Uses and human activities (MSFD Annex III, Table 2b) Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment (MSFD Annex III, Table 2a)
Biological Physical Substances, litter and energy
Non-indigenous species Microbial pathogens Genetically modified species & translocation Cultivation of species Disturbance of species Extraction of, or mortality/ injury to, species Physical disturbance Physical loss Changes to hydrological conditions Nutrients Organic matter Contaminants, incl. acute pollution events Litter Anthropogenic sound Other forms of energy Input of water
Physical restructuring of rivers, coastline or seabed (water management) All activities related to physical restructuring of rivers, coastline or seabed
Canalisation and other watercourse modifications
Coastal defence and flood protection
Land claim
Offshore structures (other than for oil/gas/renewables)
Restructuring of seabed morphology, including dredging and depositing of materials
  • Disturbance of species due to human presence
  • Physical disturbance to seabed
  • Physical loss of the seabed
Extraction of non-living resources All activities related to extraction of non-living resources
Extraction of minerals (rock, metal ores, gravel, sand, shell)
  • Disturbance of species due to human presence
  • Physical disturbance to seabed
  • Physical loss of the seabed
Extraction of oil and gas, including infrastructure
Extraction of salt
Extraction of water
Production of energy All activities related to production of energy
Transmission of electricity and communications (cables)
Non-renewable energy generation
Renewable energy generation (wind, wave and tidal power), including infrastructure
  • Physical disturbance to seabed
  • Input of anthropogenic sound
Extraction of living resources All activities related to extraction of living resources
Fish and shellfish harvesting (professional, recreational)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species
  • Physical disturbance to seabed
  • Input of litter
Fish and shellfish processing
Hunting and collecting for other purposes
Marine plant harvesting
Cultivation of living resources Agriculture
All activities related to cultivation of living resources
Aquaculture - freshwater
Aquaculture - marine, including infrastructure
Transport Transport - air
All activities related to transport
Transport infrastructure
Transport - land
  • Input of other substances
  • Input of litter
  • Input of anthropogenic sound
Transport - shipping
  • Input or spread of non-indigenous species
  • Input of other substances
  • Input of anthropogenic sound
Urban and industrial uses All urban and industrial uses
Industrial uses
Urban uses
Waste treatment and disposal
Tourism and leisure Tourism and leisure activities
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species
All activities related to tourism and leisure
  • Disturbance of species due to human presence
  • Input of litter
Tourism and leisure infrastructure
Security/defence Military operations (subject to Article 2(2))
Education and research Research, survey and educational activities

Pressures affecting environmental status

Title Assessments of current environental status and pressures and impacts (Art. 8(1)(a)(b))
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GES Descriptors Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment (MSFD Annex III, Table 2a)
Biological Physical Substances, litter and energy
Non-indigenous species Microbial pathogens Genetically modified species & translocation Cultivation of species Disturbance of species Extraction of, or mortality/ injury to, species Physical disturbance Physical loss Changes to hydrological conditions Nutrients Organic matter Contaminants, incl. acute pollution events Litter Anthropogenic sound Other forms of energy Input of water
Pressure-based descriptors D2 Non-indigenous species
  • Input or spread of non-indigenous species
D5 Eutrophication
  • Input of nutrients
D7 Hydrographical changes
D8 Contaminants
  • Disturbance of species due to human presence
  • Input of other substances
D9 Contaminants in seafood
  • Input of other substances
D10 Litter
  • Input of litter
D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise
  • Input of anthropogenic sound
State-based descriptors D1 Birds
  • Disturbance of species due to human presence
D1 Mammals
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species
D1 Reptiles
D1 Fish
  • Disturbance of species due to human presence
D1 Cephalopods
D3 Commercial fish and shellfish
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species
D1 Pelagic habitats
D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats
  • All physical pressures
  • Physical disturbance to seabed
  • All physical pressures
  • Physical loss of the seabed
  • All physical pressures
D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems

Current environmental status and extent to which GES is achieved (as reported in 2018)

Title Assessments of current environental status and pressures and impacts (Art. 8(1)(a)(b))
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GES Descriptors Features Marine Reporting Unit GES extent achieved GES extent unit GES achieved
Pressure-based descriptors D2 Non-indigenous species
Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
Number of newly-introduced species
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
D5 Eutrophication
Proportion of area in good status
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
D7 Hydrographical changes
Benthic broad habitats
Not relevant
Not relevant
Hydrographical changes
Not relevant
Not relevant
D8 Contaminants
Acute pollution events
Not relevant
Not relevant
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Proportion of substances in good status
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Proportion of substances in good status
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
Contaminants - non UPBT substances
Proportion of substances in good status
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Proportion of substances in good status
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Proportion of substances in good status
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
Contaminants - UPBT substances
Proportion of substances in good status
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
Marine species
Not relevant
Not relevant
D9 Contaminants in seafood
Contaminants - in seafood
Proportion of substances in good status
GES achieved by 2018
D10 Litter
Litter in the environment
Proportion of litter categories in good status
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
Litter in the environment
Not relevant
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise
Continuous low frequency sound
Not assessed
Impulsive sound in water
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
State-based descriptors D1 Birds
Benthic-feeding birds
Proportion of species in good status within species group
GES achieved by 2018
Benthic-feeding birds
Grazing birds
Proportion of species in good status within species group
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
Pelagic-feeding birds
Proportion of species in good status within species group
GES achieved by 2018
Pelagic-feeding birds
Surface-feeding birds
Proportion of species in good status within species group
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
Surface-feeding birds
Wading birds
Proportion of species in good status within species group
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
Wading birds
D1 Mammals
Small toothed cetaceans
Proportion of species in good status within species group
D1 Reptiles
Not reported
D1 Fish
Demersal shelf fish
Proportion of species in good status within species group
D1 Cephalopods
Not reported
D3 Commercial fish and shellfish
Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
Proportion of populations in good status
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
D1 Pelagic habitats
Not reported
D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats
Benthic broad habitats
Proportion of area in good status
GES expected to be achieved later than 2020, no Article 14 exception reported
Physical disturbance to seabed
Not relevant
Not relevant
Physical loss of the seabed
Not relevant
Not relevant
D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems
Not reported

Environmental targets to achieve GES

Title Environmental targets (Art. 10)
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GES Descriptors Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment (MSFD Annex III, Table 2a)
Biological Physical Substances, litter and energy
Non-indigenous species Microbial pathogens Genetically modified species & translocation Cultivation of species Disturbance of species Extraction of, or mortality/ injury to, species Physical disturbance Physical loss Changes to hydrological conditions Nutrients Organic matter Contaminants, incl. acute pollution events Litter Anthropogenic sound Other forms of energy Input of water
Pressure-based descriptors D2 Non-indigenous species
  • D2.T1
D5 Eutrophication
  • D5.T1
  • D5.T2
  • D5.T3
  • Target 27
  • Target 28
D7 Hydrographical changes
D8 Contaminants
  • D8.T4
  • D8.T5
  • Target 38
  • Target 40
  • D8.T1
  • D8.T2
  • D8.T3
  • D8.T6
  • D8.T7
  • D8.T8
  • Target 33
  • Target 35
  • Target 38
  • Target 41
  • Target 42
D9 Contaminants in seafood
  • D9.T1
  • D9.T2
  • Target 43
D10 Litter
  • D10.T1
  • D10.T2
  • D10.T3
  • D10.T4
D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise
  • D11.T1
  • D11.T2
State-based descriptors D1 Birds
  • D1.T3
  • D1.T5
  • Target 2
  • Target 3
  • Target 4
D1 Mammals
  • D1.T1
  • D1.T2
D1 Reptiles
D1 Fish
  • D1.T4
D1 Cephalopods
D3 Commercial fish and shellfish
  • D3.T1
  • D3.T2
  • D3.T3
  • D3.T4
  • Target 19
  • Target 25
D1 Pelagic habitats
D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats
  • D6.T10
  • D6.T2
  • D6.T3
  • D6.T4
  • D6.T5
  • D6.T6
  • D6.T7
  • D6.T8
  • D6.T9
  • Target 12
  • Target 13
  • Target 14
  • Target 15
  • Target 16
  • D6.T10
  • D6.T2
  • D6.T3
  • D6.T4
  • D6.T5
  • D6.T6
  • D6.T7
  • D6.T8
  • D6.T9
  • Target 12
  • Target 13
  • Target 14
  • Target 15
  • Target 16
  • D6.T10
  • D6.T2
  • D6.T3
  • D6.T4
  • D6.T5
  • D6.T6
  • D6.T7
  • D6.T8
  • D6.T9
  • Target 12
  • Target 13
  • Target 14
  • Target 15
  • Target 16
D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems

Measures to meet environmental targets and to achieve GES

Title Programme of measures (Art. 13)
Access reports View reports
GES Descriptors Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment (MSFD Annex III, Table 2a)
Biological Physical Substances, litter and energy
Non-indigenous species Microbial pathogens Genetically modified species & translocation Cultivation of species Disturbance of species Extraction of, or mortality/ injury to, species Physical disturbance Physical loss Changes to hydrological conditions Nutrients Organic matter Contaminants, incl. acute pollution events Litter Anthropogenic sound Other forms of energy Input of water
Pressure-based descriptors D2 Non-indigenous species
D5 Eutrophication
  • ANSBE-M002
D7 Hydrographical changes
D8 Contaminants
  • ANSBE-M002
  • ANSBE-M006
  • ANSBE-M012
  • ANSBE-M002
  • ANSBE-M006
  • ANSBE-M017
D9 Contaminants in seafood
D10 Litter
  • ANSBE-M001
  • ANSBE-M013
  • ANSBE-M014
  • ANSBE-M015
  • ANSBE-M016
D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise
  • ANSBE-M018
  • ANSBE-M019
State-based descriptors D1 Birds
D1 Mammals
  • ANSBE-M003
D1 Reptiles
D1 Fish
  • ANSBE-M020
D1 Cephalopods
D3 Commercial fish and shellfish
  • ANSBE-M001
  • ANSBE-M009
  • ANSBE-M010
  • ANSBE-M011
  • ANSBE-M020
D1 Pelagic habitats
D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats
  • ANSBE-M004
  • ANSBE-M005
  • ANSBE-M007
  • ANSBE-M008
  • ANSBE-M004
  • ANSBE-M005
  • ANSBE-M007
  • ANSBE-M008
  • ANSBE-M004
  • ANSBE-M005
  • ANSBE-M007
  • ANSBE-M008
D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems

Exceptions reported when targets or GES cannot be achieved

Title Exceptions (Art. 14)
Access reports View reports
GES Descriptors Action or inaction for which MS is not responsible (Art. 14 (1a)) Natural causes (Art. 14 (1b)) Force majeure (Art. 14 (1c)) Physical modifications for overriding public interest (Art. 14 (1d)) Natural conditions preventing timely improvement (Art. 14 (1e)) No significant risk or disproportionate costs (Art. 14 (4))
Pressure-based descriptors D2 Non-indigenous species
D5 Eutrophication
D7 Hydrographical changes
D8 Contaminants
D9 Contaminants in seafood
D10 Litter
D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise
State-based descriptors D1 Birds
D1 Mammals
D1 Reptiles
D1 Fish
D1 Cephalopods
D3 Commercial fish and shellfish
D1 Pelagic habitats
D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats
D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems

Assessments of progress in MSFD implementation (Art. 12, 16) / 2012

Title Implementation of marine strategies (Art. 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18)
First cycle 2012-2017
Access reports View Art12 (8-9-10) report

NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea

Descriptor Article 9 - GES Determination Article 8 - Initial Assessment Article 10 - Environmental Targets
Pressure-based descriptors
D2 - Non-indigenous species
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
Inadequate (1)
D5 - Eutrophication
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
D7 - Hydrographical changes
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
Adequate (3)
D8 - Contaminants
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
Adequate (3)
D9 - Contaminants in seafood
Partially adequate (2)
Inadequate (1)
Partially adequate (2)
D10 - Marine litter
Inadequate (1)
Adequate (3)
Partially adequate (2)
D11 - Energy, incl. underwater noise
Partially adequate (2)
Inadequate (1)
Partially adequate (2)
State-based descriptors
D1 - Biodiversity – birds
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
Adequate (3)
D1 - Biodiversity – mammals
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
Adequate (3)
D1 - Biodiversity – reptiles
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
Adequate (3)
D1 - Biodiversity – fish
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
Adequate (3)
D1 - Biodiversity – cephalopods
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
Adequate (3)
D3 - Commercial fish and shellfish
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
Inadequate (1)
D1 - Biodiversity – pelagic habitats
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
Adequate (3)
D6 - Sea-floor integrity/D1 Biodiversity - benthic habitats
Partially adequate (2)
Partially adequate (2)
Adequate (3)
D4 - Food webs/D1 Biodiversity - ecosystems
Partially adequate (2)
Not reported (0)
Partially adequate (2)

Assessments of progress in MSFD implementation (Art. 12, 16) / 2018

Title Implementation of marine strategies (Art. 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18)
Second cycle 2018-2023
Access reports View Art12 (8-9-10) report

NE Atlantic: Greater North Sea

Descriptor Article 9 - GES Determination Article 8 - Initial Assessment Article 10 - Environmental Targets
Pressure-based descriptors
D2 - Non-indigenous species
Good (3)
Very good (4)
Poor (2)
D5 - Eutrophication
Good (3)
Good (3)
Poor (2)
D7 - Hydrographical changes
Good (3)
Good (3)
Very poor (1)
D8 - Contaminants
Good (3)
Very good (4)
Poor (2)
D9 - Contaminants in seafood
Good (3)
Very good (4)
Very poor (1)
D10 - Marine litter
Good (3)
Good (3)
Very poor (1)
D11 - Energy, incl. underwater noise
Good (3)
Very good (4)
Very good (4)
State-based descriptors
D1 - Biodiversity – birds
Good (3)
Poor (2)
Very poor (1)
D1 - Biodiversity – mammals
Good (3)
Very poor (1)
Poor (2)
D1 - Biodiversity – reptiles
Very poor (1)
Poor (2)
Good (3)
D1 - Biodiversity – fish
Poor (2)
Poor (2)
Poor (2)
D1 - Biodiversity – cephalopods
Very poor (1)
Poor (2)
Very good (4)
D3 - Commercial fish and shellfish
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Poor (2)
D1 - Biodiversity – pelagic habitats
Good (3)
Not reported (0)
Very poor (1)
D6 - Sea-floor integrity/D1 Biodiversity - benthic habitats
Poor (2)
Good (3)
Poor (2)
D4 - Food webs/D1 Biodiversity - ecosystems
Poor (2)
Not reported (0)
Not reported (0)

Reporting history and performance

MSFD Article Files available Access to reports Report due Report received Difference (days)
MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - XML data
  • ART10_Targets_BE.xml
  • ART8_ESA_BE.xml
  • ART8_GES_BE_20200110.xml
  • ART9_GES_BE.xml
  • Indicators_BE_20191211.xml 2018-10-15 2020-01-14 -456
MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - XML data
  • ART10_Targets_BE.xml
  • ART8_ESA_BE.xml
  • ART9_GES_BE.xml
  • Indicators_BE_20191211.xml 2018-10-15 2020-01-14 -456
MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - XML data
  • ART10_Targets_BE.xml
  • ART8_ESA_BE.xml
  • ART8_GES_BE.xml
  • ART9_GES_BE.xml
  • Indicators_BE.xml 2018-10-15 2019-10-14 -364
MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - XML data
  • ART10_Targets_BE.xml
  • ART8_ESA_BE.xml
  • ART8_GES_BE.xml
  • ART9_GES_BE.xml
  • Indicators_BE.xml 2018-10-15 2019-08-09 -298
MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - XML data
  • ART8_ESA_BE.xml 2018-10-15 2018-08-09 +67
MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - Text reports
  • BE_MSFD_GES_and_targets_FR_review.pdf
  • BE_MSFD_GES_and_targets_NL_review.pdf
  • MSFD2018_Report_Errata_20191011_FR.pdf
  • MSFD2018_Report_Errata_20191011_NL.pdf 2018-10-15 2019-11-21 -402
MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - Text reports
  • Annex_D11.pdf
  • Annex_D1_Bruinvis.pdf
  • Annex_D1_Stekelrog.pdf
  • Annex_D5.pdf
  • Annex_Kint_2018.pdf
  • BE_MSFD_assessment_FR.pdf
  • BE_MSFD_assessment_NL.pdf 2018-10-15 2018-10-15 +0
MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - Text reports
  • BE_MSFD__socio-eco_FR.pdf
  • BE_MSFD_socio-eco_NL.pdf 2018-10-15 2018-10-15 +0
MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - Text reports
  • BE_MSFD_GES_and_targets_FR.pdf
  • BE_MSFD_GES_and_targets_NL.pdf 2018-10-15 2018-10-15 +0
MSFD report on Marine Region or Subregion competent authority or authorities
  • BE_MSCA_20200116.xml 1900-01-01 2020-01-16 -43844
MSFD report on Marine Region or Subregion competent authority or authorities
  • BE_MSCA_20200116.txt 1900-01-01 2020-01-16 -43844
MSFD report on Marine Region or Subregion competent authority or authorities
  • BE_MSCA_20111206.xml 1900-01-01 2011-12-06 -40881
MSFD monitoring programmes (Art. 11)
  • 2014_09_26_Monitoringsprogramma_BE_nl.docx
  • 2014_09_26_programmes_de_surveillance_BE_fr.docx
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D1-4-6-Seabed-SP10_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D1-4-6-Seabed-SP5_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D1-4-6-Seabed-SP6_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D1-4-6-Seabed-SP7_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D1-4-6-Seabed-SP8_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D1-4-6-Seabed-SP9_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D1-4-Birds-SP1_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D1-4-Birds-SP2_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D1-4-Fish-SP3_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D1-4-Mammals-SP4_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D10-Litter-SP26_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D10-Litter-SP27_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D10-Litter-SP28_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D11-Energy-SP29_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D11-Energy-SP30_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D2-NIS-SP11_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D2-NIS-SP12_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D3-Commercial-fish-SP13_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D5-Eutrophication-SP14_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D5-Eutrophication-SP15_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D7-Hydrography--SP16_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D8-Contaminants-SP17_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D8-Contaminants-SP18_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D8-Contaminants-SP19_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D8-Contaminants-SP20_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D8-Contaminants-SP21_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D8-Contaminants-SP22_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D8-Contaminants-SP23_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE-D8-Contaminants-SP24_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11MonSub_ANSBE_D9-Cont-seafood-SP25_2014-9-26.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD11Mon_20141001.xml
  • Annex_1.png
  • Annex_2.png
  • Annex_3.png
  • Annex_4.png
  • Annex_5.png 2014-10-15 2014-09-26 +19
MSFD reporting on Initial Assessments (Art. 8), Good Environmental Status (Art.9), Env. targets & associated indicators (Art.10) & related reporting on geographic areas, regional cooperation and metadata.
  • MSFD8aFeatures_20130514.xml
  • MSFD8bPressures_20130514.xml 2012-10-15 2013-05-14 -211
MSFD reporting on Initial Assessments (Art. 8), Good Environmental Status (Art.9), Env. targets & associated indicators (Art.10) & related reporting on geographic areas, regional cooperation and metadata.
  • MSFDFeature_Overview.xml 2012-10-15 2013-05-13 -210
MSFD reporting on Initial Assessments (Art. 8), Good Environmental Status (Art.9), Env. targets & associated indicators (Art.10) & related reporting on geographic areas, regional cooperation and metadata.
  • ANSBE_MSFD4Geo.xml 2012-10-15 2013-04-23 -190
MSFD reporting on Initial Assessments (Art. 8), Good Environmental Status (Art.9), Env. targets & associated indicators (Art.10) & related reporting on geographic areas, regional cooperation and metadata.
  • ANSBE_assessmentareas_20130423.dbf
  • ANSBE_assessmentareas_20130423.prj
  • ANSBE_assessmentareas_20130423.sbn
  • ANSBE_assessmentareas_20130423.sbx
  • ANSBE_assessmentareas_20130423.shp
  • ANSBE_assessmentareas_20130423.shp.xml
  • ANSBE_assessmentareas_20130423.shx
  • ANSBE_marinewaters_20130423.dbf
  • ANSBE_marinewaters_20130423.prj
  • ANSBE_marinewaters_20130423.sbn
  • ANSBE_marinewaters_20130423.sbx
  • ANSBE_marinewaters_20130423.shp
  • ANSBE_marinewaters_20130423.shp.xml
  • ANSBE_marinewaters_20130423.shx 2012-10-15 2013-04-23 -190
MSFD reporting on Initial Assessments (Art. 8), Good Environmental Status (Art.9), Env. targets & associated indicators (Art.10) & related reporting on geographic areas, regional cooperation and metadata.
  • ANSBE_MSFD8aFeatures.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD8bPressures.xml
  • ANSBE_MSFD8cESA.xml 2012-10-15 2013-04-18 -185
MSFD reporting on Initial Assessments (Art. 8), Good Environmental Status (Art.9), Env. targets & associated indicators (Art.10) & related reporting on geographic areas, regional cooperation and metadata.
  • ANSBE_MSFD9GES_20130314.xml 2012-10-15 2013-03-14 -150
MSFD reporting on Initial Assessments (Art. 8), Good Environmental Status (Art.9), Env. targets & associated indicators (Art.10) & related reporting on geographic areas, regional cooperation and metadata.
  • ANSBE_MSFD10TI_20130314.xml 2012-10-15 2013-03-14 -150
MSFD reporting on Initial Assessments (Art. 8), Good Environmental Status (Art.9), Env. targets & associated indicators (Art.10) & related reporting on geographic areas, regional cooperation and metadata.
  • Analyse_economique_et_sociale.pdf
  • Bon_etat_ecologique_et_objectifs.pdf
  • Evaluation_initiale.pdf
  • Goede_Milieutoestand_en_milieudoelen.pdf
  • Initiele_beoordeling.pdf
  • Socio-economische_analyse.pdf 2012-10-15 2012-08-16 +60
MSFD programmes of measures, including establishment of marine protected areas, and exceptions
  • Measures__1.xml 2016-03-31 2016-03-24 +7
MSFD programmes of measures, including establishment of marine protected areas, and exceptions
  • Annexe_1.pdf
  • Bijlage_1.pdf
  • Programma_maatregelen_KRMS_2016.pdf
  • Programme_de_mesures_DCSMM_2016.pdf 2016-03-31 2016-03-24 +7
MSFD - Article 4 - Spatial data
  • ANSBE_MarineReportingUnit_22062018.cpg
  • ANSBE_MarineReportingUnit_22062018.dbf
  • ANSBE_MarineReportingUnit_22062018.prj
  • ANSBE_MarineReportingUnit_22062018.qpj
  • ANSBE_MarineReportingUnit_22062018.shp
  • ANSBE_MarineReportingUnit_22062018.shx
  • ANSBE_MarineWaters_22062018.cpg
  • ANSBE_MarineWaters_22062018.dbf
  • ANSBE_MarineWaters_22062018.prj
  • ANSBE_MarineWaters_22062018.qpj
  • ANSBE_MarineWaters_22062018.shp
  • ANSBE_MarineWaters_22062018.shx
  • MSFD4Geo_20180626_162932.xml 2018-10-15 2018-06-26 +111