Member State report / Art9 / 2012 / D1-B / North East Atlantic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2012-10-15
GES Descriptor D1 Birds
Region/subregion North East Atlantic
Reported by Member state
Member state
SE (
DK (
DE (
NL (
BE (
FR (,,
UK (,
IE (
ES (,
PT (,
Marine reporting units Number used
Features Pressures
AcutePollutionEvents (4)
BioDisturb_other (10)
ChangeHydrology (2)
ChangeSalinity (1)
ChangeThermal (1)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (10)
InputN_Psubst (21)
IntroHazSubstOther (24)
IntroNIS (9)
IntroNonSynthSubst (2)
IntroSynthComp (2)
Litter (3)
Noise (7)
NutrientOrgEnrich (2)
PhysDam (5)
PhysDisturbance (12)
PhysLoss (5)
Acidification (3)
AcutePollutionEvents (3)
BioDisturb_other (3)
ChangeHydrology (4)
ChangeSalinity (4)
ChangeThermal (4)
ExtractSpeciesAll (12)
InputN_Psubst (12)
InputOrganics (12)
IntroHazSubstOther (8)
IntroMicroPath (3)
IntroNIS (4)
IntroNonSynthSubst (8)
IntroRadioNuclides (8)
IntroSynthComp (8)
Litter (4)
Noise (6)
NutrientOrgEnrich (12)
PhysDam (4)
PhysDisturbance (3)
PhysLoss (4)
SystematicReleaseSubst (8)
Acidification (3)
AcutePollutionEvents (5)
ChangeHydrology (3)
ChangeThermal (3)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (4)
IntroMicroPath (3)
IntroNIS (4)
IntroNonSynthSubst (6)
IntroRadioNuclides (2)
IntroSynthComp (7)
Litter (8)
Noise (4)
NutrientOrgEnrich (4)
PhysDam (3)
PhysLoss (3)
AcutePollutionEvents (1)
ChangeHydrology (3)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (3)
InputN_Psubst (1)
IntroHazSubstOther (3)
IntroNIS (3)
IntroNonSynthSubst (2)
Litter (3)
Noise (3)
NutrientOrgEnrich (1)
PhysDam (4)
PhysLoss (3)
BioDisturb_other (3)
ChangeSalinity (3)
ChangeThermal (3)
ExtractSpeciesAll (3)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (12)
InputN_Psubst (6)
InputOrganics (6)
IntroHazSubstOther (9)
IntroMicroPath (9)
IntroNIS (12)
IntroNonSynthSubst (9)
IntroRadioNuclides (9)
IntroSynthComp (9)
Litter (3)
Noise (3)
NutrientOrgEnrich (6)
ChangeHydrology (1)
ChangeSalinity (1)
ChangeThermal (1)
IntroHazSubstOther (2)
IntroNIS (1)
Litter (1)
Noise (1)
NutrientOrgEnrich (1)
ChangeHydrology (3)
ExtractSpeciesAll (7)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (3)
IntroNIS (3)
IntroNonSynthSubst (6)
IntroSynthComp (6)
Litter (3)
Noise (6)
NutrientOrgEnrich (3)
GES description D1 Biodiversity
Biologisk mångfald bevaras. Livsmiljöernas kvalitet och förekomst samt arternas fördelning och abundans överensstämmer med rådande geomorfologiska, geografiska och klimatiska villkor.

Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climate conditions.
The existing descriptions are to be used for the definition of good biodiversity status under the MSFD. It can therefore be said that good environmental status for D1 is defined inter alia by the fact that:... the coastal waters are in good ecological status and the entire territorial sea are in good chemical status in accordance with the WFD. ... the habitat types listed in Annex I (LRT 11xx) to the Habitats Directive which are relevant to the marine area of the North Sea are in a favourable conservation status... the species listed in Annex II to the Habitats Directive which are relevant to the marine area of the North Sea, the species listed in the Wadden Sea Plan are in a favourable conservation status, the species listed in the groups of species and habitats in the Wadden Sea are in a good state... the objectives of individual BOS. The list has been completed accordingly.
Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climate conditions
Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of
species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditions.
Good environmental status is achieved when the following conditions are met :
- species and habitat diversity, ecological structures and functions, such as connectivity, material flows or species habitats, are maintained and consistent with existing natural environmental conditions;
- human activities and induced pressures are at a level compatible with the ecological resilience of the ecosystem. The concept of "existing natural environmental conditions" incorporates the natural variability of populations and communities, as well as that due to climate change.
This implies in particular and cumulatively that good ecological status is achieved when:
- diversity at all levels of life organisation (populations, functional groups, communities and habitats) does not decrease significantly, in terms of composition (number and nature of taxa, functional groups or basic habitats) and proportion (relative abundances/extent), under existing natural environmental conditions;
- the spatial distributions of naturally occurring populations and habitats are adapted to existing natural environmental conditions. Spatial and functional connectivity is preserved, particularly for species habitats (all the geographical areas necessary for the completion of the natural life cycle of a species);
- the size, demographic characteristics (fertility, mortality) and health status of naturally occurring populations allow their long-term maintenance and survival, according to existing natural environmental conditions; - the quality of the basic habitats, described by biotic (such as the specific composition and abundance of the naturally associated biological community) and abiotic (structural and environmental conditions) parameters, is at a sufficient level to ensure the integrity of the naturally associated ecological functions.

Good environmental status is achieved when the following conditions are met : - species and habitat diversity, ecological structures and functions, such as connectivity, material flows or species habitats, are maintained and consistent with existing natural environmental conditions; - human activities and induced pressures are at a level compatible with the ecological resilience of the ecosystem. The concept of "existing natural environmental conditions" incorporates the natural variability of populations and communities, as well as that due to climate change. This implies in particular and cumulatively that good ecological status is achieved when: - diversity at all levels of life organisation (populations, functional groups, communities and habitats) does not decrease significantly, in terms of composition (number and nature of taxa, functional groups or basic habitats) and proportion (relative abundances/extent), under existing natural environmental conditions; - the spatial distributions of naturally occurring populations and habitats are adapted to existing natural environmental conditions. Spatial and functional connectivity is preserved, particularly for species habitats (all the geographical areas necessary for the completion of the natural life cycle of a species); - the size, demographic characteristics (fertility, mortality) and health status of naturally occurring populations allow their long-term maintenance and survival, according to existing natural environmental conditions; - the quality of the basic habitats, described by biotic (such as the specific composition and abundance of the naturally associated biological community) and abiotic (structural and environmental conditions) parameters, is at a sufficient level to ensure the integrity of the naturally associated ecological functions.
At the scale of the MSFD subregions, and in line with prevailing conditions, the loss of biodiversity has been halted, and where practicable, restoration is underway. The abundance, distribution, extent and condition of species and habitat in UK waters are in line with, prevailing environmental conditions as defined by specific targets for species and habitats. Marine ecosystems and their constituent species and habitats are not significantly impacted by human activities such that the specific structures and functions necessary for their long-term maintenance exist for the forseeable future. Habitats and species identified as requiring protection under existing national or international agreements are conserved effectively through appropriate national or regional mechanisms.
Ireland’s Marine Biodiversity is safeguarded in such a way that:-

• Overall biodiversity is maintained or where appropriate restored.

• Ecosystem structure and function is not compromised.

• Abundance, distribution, extent and condition of key species and habitats are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climate conditions. Species and habitats identified as needing protection under national or international agreements are effectively protected or conserved through the appropriate national, regional or international mechanisms.
GES description D1C1 Mortality rate from incidental by-catch
GES description D1C2 Population abundance (1.2, 1.2.1)
1.2A Abundans av tumlare
Tumlarens abundans ska öka tills mål definierade i ASCOBANS har nåtts.

1.2B Abundans av övervintrande sjöfåglar (samma som 4.3C)
Abundansen av övervintrande sjöfågelarter avviker inte från en baslinjenivå.

1.2C Abundans av häckande sjöfåglar
Abundansen av häckande sjöfågelarter avviker inte från en baslinjenivå.

1.2E Abundans av sälar
GES saknas. Utvecklas i samband med ny förvaltningsplan för sälar.

Populationsstorleken av däggdjur, fåglar och fiskar avviker inte från populationernas naturliga fluktuationer.

1.2 The population sizes of mammals, birds, and fish do not deviate from the natural fluctuations of the population.
The natural distributional range of the species is not declining and there is no risk that it will decline within the foreseeable future (Criterion D1.2.1).
1) Good conditions according to the Water Framework Directive (i.e. good ecological status), Habitats and Birds Directives (i.e. favourable conservation status) and OSPAR (i.e. ecological quality objectives) are attained. Rare and threatened habitat types and species, included in existing legislation and conventions, are protected to the level envisaged by that legislation or convention. 2) The habitat types and constituting species’ populations extent, distribution and condition minimally reflect the conditions described in the Initial Assessment of Belgian waters (2012). 3) The habitat types are structurally and functionally diverse and productive. 4) Diversity within the different ecosystem components (i.e. plankton, benthos, fish, seabirds and marine mammals) is maintained.
Good environmental status is achieved when the workforce, demographic characteristics (fertility, mortality) and the health status of the populations naturally present allow for their long lives and longer term lives, depending on the existing natural environmental conditions.

MARINE MAMMALS: The current stock size is kept without significant decreases.
GES description D1C3 Population demographic characteristics (1.3, 1.3.1)
1.3B Späcktjocklek hos säl
Späcktjockleken hos sälar avviker inte från naturliga fluktuationer hos en population med normal späcktjocklek.

1.3C Dräktighetsfrekvens hos säl (samma som 8.2C)
Dräktighetsfrekvens hos sälhonor avviker inte från naturliga fluktuationer hos en normalt reproducerande population.

1.3D Tillväxthastighet hos marina däggdjur (samma som 4.1B)
Tillväxthastigheten hos marina däggdjur är nära den inneboende tillväxthastigheten hos en population som är opåverkad av människan.

Populationerna av däggdjur, fåglar och fiskar har ett hälsotillstånd som garanterar reproduktion och långsiktig överlevnad.

1.3 The populations of mammals, birds, and fish have a health condition that guarantees their reproduction and long-term survival.
The population's structure and health status can safeguard reproduction and genetic variation to such an extent that the viability of the population can be maintained (Criteria D1.3.1 and D1.3.2).
1) Good conditions according to the Water Framework Directive (i.e. good ecological status), Habitats and Birds Directives (i.e. favourable conservation status) and OSPAR (i.e. ecological quality objectives) are attained. Rare and threatened habitat types and species, included in existing legislation and conventions, are protected to the level envisaged by that legislation or convention. 2) The habitat types and constituting species’ populations extent, distribution and condition minimally reflect the conditions described in the Initial Assessment of Belgian waters (2012). 3) Diversity within the different ecosystem components (i.e. plankton, benthos, fish, seabirds and marine mammals) is maintained.
Good environmental status is achieved when the workforce, demographic characteristics (fertility, mortality) and the health status of the populations naturally present allow for their long lives and longer term lives, depending on the existing natural environmental conditions.
MAMIFEROS MARINOS: Los parámetros poblacionales (supervivencia de crías, reproducción, mortalidad, edad de madurez, etc.) se mantienen a niveles consistentes con una población estable o en aumento. El impacto poblacional debido a actividades antropogénicas (capturas accidentales, colisiones con embarcaciones, ruido en zonas de caza con escucha pasiva, actividades de avistamientos de cetáceos, etc.) se mantiene por debajo de aquellos niveles que supongan un riesgo para la población a largo plazo.

PECES, ELASMOBRANQUIOS E INVERTEBRADOS MÓVILES (CEFALÓPODOS Y CRUSTÁCEOS): El percentil 95% de la distribución de tallas del ecotipo peces (medido como estima del indicador 1.3.1) se mantiene, o incrementa, respecto a los valores detectados en la presente evaluación inicial.

REPTILES: El tamaño poblacional de las especies de cetáceos y reptiles se mantiene en niveles que garanticen la perduración de las mismas en la DM, incluyendo un
adecuado funcionamiento demográfico, y un mantenimiento de la variabilidad genética y los procesos ecológicos en los que participan. Las tasas de mortalidad por capturas accidentales, colisiones, o impacto acústico no ponen 
en peligro el mantenimiento de las condiciones demográficas y los tamaños poblacionales de mamíferos y reptiles considerados necesarios para alcanzar un Buen estado ambiental
GES description D1C4 Population distributional range and pattern (1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3)
1.1A Utbredning av tumlare
Tumlarens utbredningsområde ska öka. Långsiktigt ska arten återfinnas i dess naturliga utbredningsområden.

1.1B Utbredning av sälar
GES saknas. Utvecklas i samband med ny förvaltningsplan för sälar.

Arternas utbredning överensstämmer med rådande geomorfologiska, geografiska och klimatiska villkor. Utbredningsområden som förändrats på grund av mänsklig störning är återställda till en långsiktigt hållbar nivå.

1.1 The distribution of species is in line with prevailing geomorphological, geographical, and climatic conditions. Distribution areas previously changed, owing to human activities, are restored to a long-term sustainable level.
Developments in the porpoise population follow a level which safeguards long-term species abundance and maintenance of the full reproductive capacity of the species (Criteria D1.1.1, D1.1.2 and D1.1.3).
1) Good conditions according to the Water Framework Directive (i.e. good ecological status), Habitats and Birds Directives (i.e. favourable conservation status) and OSPAR (i.e. ecological quality objectives) are attained. Rare and threatened habitat types and species, included in existing legislation and conventions, are protected to the level envisaged by that legislation or convention. 2) The habitat types and constituting species’ populations extent, distribution and condition minimally reflect the conditions described in the Initial Assessment of Belgian waters (2012). 3) Diversity within the different ecosystem components (i.e. plankton, benthos, fish, seabirds and marine mammals) is maintained.
Good environmental status is achieved when the spatial distributions of naturally occurring populations are adapted to existing natural environmental conditions. Spatial and functional connectivity is preserved, especially for species habitats.

Poultry (Bulweria bulwerii, Oceanodroma castro and Pelagrodroma marina): There has been no bird colony which meets IBA criteria in 2020, and in the event of the disappearance of colonies that do not meet those criteria, the disappearance does not affect more than 5 % of the regional population.
GES description D1C5 Habitat for the species
GES description D1C6 Pelagic habitat condition (1.5.2, 1.6, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3)
1.6C Bottenfaunaindex (BQI) för kustvatten (samma som 5.3E och 6.2A)
En nivå som minst motsvarar god status för bottenfauna enligt gällande bedömningsgrund för bottenfauna i kustvatten och vatten i övergångszon (NFS 2008:1, Bilaga 4, kap. 1.4).

1.6D Bottenfaunaindex (BQI) för utsjövatten (samma som 5.3F och 6.2B)
En nivå som minst motsvarar god status för bottenfauna för de utsjövatten som angränsar till de yttre typområdena enligt gällande bedömningsgrund för bottenfauna i kustvatten och vatten i övergångszon (NFS 2008:1, Bilaga 4, kap. 1.4).

Livsmiljön är i ett tillstånd som stödjer dess ekologiska funktioner samt diversiteten i associerade samhällen.

1.6 The habitat is in a condition that supports its ecological functions and the diversity of associated communities.
The physical, hydrological and chemical conditions support the functionality of the habitat (Criteria D1.6.1, D1.6.2 and D1.6.3).
1) Good conditions according to the Water Framework Directive (i.e. good ecological status), Habitats and Birds Directives (i.e. favourable conservation status) and OSPAR (i.e. ecological quality objectives) are attained. Rare and threatened habitat types and species, included in existing legislation and conventions, are protected to the level envisaged by that legislation or convention. 2) Viable species populations are maintained for the key long-lived, slowly reproducing species, as well as for the top predator species in all habitat types. 3) The habitat types and constituting species’ populations extent, distribution and condition minimally reflect the conditions described in the Initial Assessment of Belgian waters (2012).
Good ecological status is achieved when the quality of basic habitats, described by biotic (such as the specific composition and abundance of the naturally associated biological community) and abiotic (structural and environmental conditions) parameters, is at a sufficient level to ensure the integrity of naturally associated ecological functions.
El estado de los hábitats, evaluado  términos  estado de las especies y comunidades típicas (1.6.1), o de abundancia y/o biomasa relativa (1.6.2), o en función de sus condiciones físicas, hidrológicas y químicas  (1.6.3), se mantiene dentro de valores que
garanticen su perdurabilidad y funcionamiento, y el mantenimiento de las especies características y especies clave asociadas
Threshold values % of criteria with values (no. of criteria)
100.0% (16)
0.0% (4)
100.0% (1)
0.0% (1)
0.0% (5)
0.0% (15)
100.0% (2)
100.0% (1)
20.0% (15)
0.0% (0)
Proportion of area to achieve threshold values % of criteria with values (range of values reported)
31.2% (100 - 100)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
100.0% (Not relevant - Not relevant)
100.0% (GES has not been quantitatively defined/agreed - GES has not been quantitatively defined/agreed)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)