Member State report / Art9 / 2012 / D4 / North East Atlantic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2012-10-15
GES Descriptor D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems
Region/subregion North East Atlantic
Reported by Member state
Member state
SE (
DK (
DE (
NL (
BE (
FR (,,
UK (,
IE (
ES (,
PT (,
Marine reporting units Number used
Features Pressures
AcutePollutionEvents (4)
BioDisturb_other (10)
ChangeHydrology (2)
ChangeSalinity (1)
ChangeThermal (1)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (10)
InputN_Psubst (21)
IntroHazSubstOther (24)
IntroNIS (9)
IntroNonSynthSubst (2)
IntroSynthComp (2)
Litter (3)
Noise (7)
NutrientOrgEnrich (2)
PhysDam (5)
PhysDisturbance (12)
PhysLoss (5)
Acidification (3)
AcutePollutionEvents (3)
BioDisturb_other (3)
ChangeHydrology (4)
ChangeSalinity (4)
ChangeThermal (4)
ExtractSpeciesAll (12)
InputN_Psubst (12)
InputOrganics (12)
IntroHazSubstOther (8)
IntroMicroPath (3)
IntroNIS (4)
IntroNonSynthSubst (8)
IntroRadioNuclides (8)
IntroSynthComp (8)
Litter (4)
Noise (6)
NutrientOrgEnrich (12)
PhysDam (4)
PhysDisturbance (3)
PhysLoss (4)
SystematicReleaseSubst (8)
Acidification (3)
AcutePollutionEvents (5)
ChangeHydrology (3)
ChangeThermal (3)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (4)
IntroMicroPath (3)
IntroNIS (4)
IntroNonSynthSubst (6)
IntroRadioNuclides (2)
IntroSynthComp (7)
Litter (8)
Noise (4)
NutrientOrgEnrich (4)
PhysDam (3)
PhysLoss (3)
AcutePollutionEvents (1)
ChangeHydrology (3)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (3)
InputN_Psubst (1)
IntroHazSubstOther (3)
IntroNIS (3)
IntroNonSynthSubst (2)
Litter (3)
Noise (3)
NutrientOrgEnrich (1)
PhysDam (4)
PhysLoss (3)
BioDisturb_other (3)
ChangeSalinity (3)
ChangeThermal (3)
ExtractSpeciesAll (3)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (12)
InputN_Psubst (6)
InputOrganics (6)
IntroHazSubstOther (9)
IntroMicroPath (9)
IntroNIS (12)
IntroNonSynthSubst (9)
IntroRadioNuclides (9)
IntroSynthComp (9)
Litter (3)
Noise (3)
NutrientOrgEnrich (6)
PhysDam_extraction (9)
ChangeHydrology (1)
ChangeSalinity (1)
ChangeThermal (1)
IntroHazSubstOther (2)
IntroNIS (1)
Litter (1)
Noise (1)
NutrientOrgEnrich (1)
PhysDam_extraction (1)
ChangeHydrology (3)
ExtractSpeciesAll (7)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (3)
IntroNIS (3)
IntroNonSynthSubst (6)
IntroSynthComp (6)
Litter (3)
Noise (6)
NutrientOrgEnrich (3)
PressureOther (6)
GES description D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems
Alla delar av de marina näringsvävarna, i den mån de är kända, förekommer i normal omfattning och mångfald på nivåer som är tillräckliga för att arternas långsiktiga bestånd ska kunna säkerställas och deras fulla reproduktiva kapacitet behållas.

All elements of the marine food webs, to the extent that they are known, occur at normal abundance and diversity and levels capable of ensuring the long-term abundance of the species and the retention of their full reproductive capacity.
Ein guter Umweltzustand für D4 ist nur messbar mit Indikatoren, die genau auf D4 zugeschnitten sind und noch entwickelt werden müssen. Die für D4 bestehenden Beschreibungen können zusammen mit den unter D1 (Biologische Vielfalt) dargestellten für die Definition des guten Zustands des marinen Nahrungsnetzes nach MSRL herangezogen werden. Eine Voraussetzung für den guten Umweltzustand für D4 ist somit, dass mindestens:... sich die Küstengewässer entsprechend der WRRL in einem guten ökologischen Zustand und der gesamte Küstenmeerbereich in einem guten chemischen Zustand befinden.... sich die für den marinen Bereich der Nordsee relevanten Lebensraumtypen des Anhangs I (LRT 11xx) der FFH-Richtlinie in einem günstigen Erhaltungszustand befinden.... sich die für den marinen Bereich der Nordsee relevanten Arten des Anhangs II der FFH-Richtlinie sowie die für den marinen Bereich der Nordsee relevanten Arten der Vogelschutz-Richtlinie in einem günstigen Erhaltungszustand befinden.... sich die im Wattenmeerplan aufgeführten Arten, Artengruppen und Lebensräume im Wattenmeer in einem guten Zustand befinden.... die Ziele von einzelnen arten- oder artengruppenspezifischen Konventionen (z.B. ASCOBANS, Abkommen zur Erhaltung der Seehunde im Wattenmeer) erreicht sind.... die von OSPAR definierten Ecological Quality Objectives (EcoQO) erreicht sind.Die Belastungen und Auswirkungen, die im reporting sheet (s. Liste physical/chemical features, habitats, functional groups und pressures) vorgegeben sind, werden so verstanden, dass diese auf den GES des Deskriptors wirken. Die Liste wurde entsprechend ausgefüllt.
All elements of the marine food webs, to the extent that they are known, occur at normal abundance and diversity and levels capable of ensuring the long-term abundance of the species and the retention of their full reproductive capacity
All elements of the marine food webs, to the extent that they are known, occur at normal abundance and diversity and levels capable of ensuring the long-term abundance of the species and the retention of their full reproductive capacity
Good environmental status is achieved when the following conditions are cumulatively met, taking into account that major functional and structural changes are not only triggered by regional anthropogenic pressures alone, but also by other factors such as climate change or natural population variability : - the different key compartments (functional groups, species, habitats) of the food webs are maintained in proportions that allow the long-term sustainability of the general structure of the food webs; - the general abundance dynamics of these groups, analysed over sufficiently large time scales, ensure the proper functioning of the system; this also implies maintaining the fertility and genetic diversity of the populations; - the main trophic links on which the general dynamics of the system are based are maintained in order to guarantee the efficiency of correct energy transfer from low to high trophic levels; - the processes of recycling of organic matter provided by the microbial loop and decomposers are maintained under conditions which do not jeopardize their functional role in the system.
At the level of the MSFD sub-regions, populations of key species groups within the food web have an age and size structure indicative of sustainable populations and occur at levels that ensure the long-term sustainability of the marine ecosystem of which they are part, in line with prevailing conditions, as defined by specific targets for species and pelagic habitats. There should be no significant adverse change in the function of different trophic levels in marine food webs as a result of human activities, including as a result of by-catch and discards.
The characteristics of GES for food webs for Ireland are as follows:

• Abundance, distribution, extent and condition of key species is in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climate conditions or are indicative of sustainable exploitation.

• Age and size structure of key species is in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climate conditions or are indicative of sustainable exploitation.

• Vulnerable (long-lived, slowly reproducing) species populations are maintained in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climate conditions or are indicative of sustainable exploitation.
La eutrofización, la extracción selectiva, u otros efectos derivados de las actividades humanas, ocurren a unos niveles que no ponen en riesgo el mantenimiento de las relaciones tróficas existentes.
GES description D4C1 Trophic guild species diversity (1.7, 1.7.1)
1.7A Trofisk nivå inom fisksamhället i kustvatten (samma som 4.3B)
Fisksamhällets trofiska nivå avviker inte från en baslinjenivå. Om baslinje inte kan tillämpas anges önskad riktning.

Näringsvävens beståndsdelar samt livsmiljöernas utsträckning och tillstånd garanterar att ekosystemtjänster tillhandahålls.

1.7 The components of the food web, and the extent and condition of the habitats, ensure that ecosystem services are provided.
Ecologically diverse and dynamic oceans and seas which are clean, healthy and productive within their intrinsic conditions, and the use of the marine environment is at a level that is sustainable, thus safeguarding the potential for uses and activities by current and future generations (Criterion D1.7.1).
Diversity within the different ecosystem components (i.e. plankton, benthos, fish, seabirds and marine mammals) is maintained.
Good ecological status is achieved when the diversity of species and habitats, ecological structures and functions, such as connectivity, material flows or species habitats, are maintained and are consistent with existing natural environmental conditions. There is no significant decline in diversity, at all levels of life organisation (populations, functional groups, communities and habitats), in terms of composition (number and nature of taxa, functional groups or basic habitats) and proportion (relative abundances/extents).
AVES: Para el conjunto de la red de IBA marinas dentro de la Demarcación,las estimas numéricas se mantendrán lo suficientemente elevadas como para mantener los criterios de IBA en por lo menos un 85% de los casos. Se entiende por “casos” la interacción entre especie y espacio. Es decir, cada especie que cumple criterios en una IBA dada representa un caso, independientemente de si esa especie cumple criterios en otra IBA (si la especie cumple criterios en 3 IBA, se trata como 3 casos independientes).
GES description D4C2 Abundance across trophic guilds (1.7, 1.7.1, 4.3, 4.3.1)
1.7A Trofisk nivå inom fisksamhället i kustvatten (samma som 4.3B)
Fisksamhällets trofiska nivå avviker inte från en baslinjenivå. Om baslinje inte kan tillämpas anges önskad riktning.

4.3B Trofisk nivå inom fisksamhället i kustvatten (samma som 1.7A)
Fisksamhällets trofiska nivå avviker inte från en baslinjenivå. Om baslinje inte kan tillämpas anges önskad riktning.

4.3C Abundans av övervintrande sjöfåglar (samma som 1.2B)
Abundansen av övervintrande sjöfågelarter avviker inte från en baslinjenivå.

Alla trofiska nyckelgrupper och nyckelarter förekommer i en sådan omfattning att näringsväven kan fungera i balans.

4.3 All key trophic groups and key species occur to an extent that ensures that the food web can function in balance.

Näringsvävens beståndsdelar samt livsmiljöernas utsträckning och tillstånd garanterar att ekosystemtjänster tillhandahålls.

1.7 The components of the food web, and the extent and condition of the habitats, ensure that ecosystem services are provided.
Developments in the porpoise population follow a level which safeguards long-term species abundance and maintenance of the full reproductive capacity of the species (Criterion D4.3.1).

Ecologically diverse and dynamic oceans and seas which are clean, healthy and productive within their intrinsic conditions, and the use of the marine environment is at a level that is sustainable, thus safeguarding the potential for uses and activities by current and future generations (Criterion D1.7.1).
Diversity within the different ecosystem components (i.e. plankton, benthos, fish, seabirds and marine mammals) is maintained.

Viable species populations are maintained for the key long-lived, slowly reproducing species, as well as for the top predator species in all habitat types.
Good ecological status is achieved when the diversity of species and habitats, ecological structures and functions, such as connectivity, material flows or species habitats, are maintained and are consistent with existing natural environmental conditions. There is no significant decline in diversity, at all levels of life organisation (populations, functional groups, communities and habitats), in terms of composition (number and nature of taxa, functional groups or basic habitats) and proportion (relative abundances/extents).

Good ecological status is achieved when the maintenance of the abundance and distribution of key groups ensures above all structural stability of the system. Indirectly, the maintenance of abundance also relies on the flows associated with these groups.
AVES (Bulweria bulwerii, Calonectris diomedea borealis, Pelagodroma marina, Oceanodroma castro). Las estimas numéricas (en las IBAs marinas más relevantes), agrupadas por periodos de 3 años, no deben ser significativamente inferiores al 75% de los valores actuales por lo menos para en el 85% de los casos.Se entiende por “casos” la interacción entre especie y espacio.

AVES: Para el conjunto de la red de IBA marinas dentro de la Demarcación,las estimas numéricas se mantendrán lo suficientemente elevadas como para mantener los criterios de IBA en por lo menos un 85% de los casos. Se entiende por “casos” la interacción entre especie y espacio. Es decir, cada especie que cumple criterios en una IBA dada representa un caso, independientemente de si esa especie cumple criterios en otra IBA (si la especie cumple criterios en 3 IBA, se trata como 3 casos independientes).

Se mantiene la productividad  y la abundancia de los grupos tróficos principales de modo que se garantiza la perpetuidad de las cadenas tróficas, y de las relaciones predador-presa existentes. Los procesos naturales de control bottom-up y top-down funcionan eficientemente regulando la transferencia de energía de las comunidades marinas.
GES description D4C3 Trophic guild size distribution (4.2, 4.2.1)
Förekomst och andel av utvalda predatorarter och dessa arters storleksfördelning, möjliggör en naturlig trofisk reglering i näringsväven.

4.2 The occurrence and proportion of selected predator species and their size distribution enable natural trophic regulation of the food web.
The structure and health status of key predator stocks is of a quality which ensures that their reproduction and production is of such an extent that their function in the ecosystem is maintained (Criterion D4.2.1).
Viable species populations are maintained for the key long-lived, slowly reproducing species, as well as for the top predator species in all habitat types.
Good ecological status is achieved when maintaining the proportion of species at the top of the food web results in an acceptable level of direct pressures on the upper trophic levels.
Las poblaciones de las especies seleccionadas como predadores en la cima de la cadena trófica  se mantienen en unos valores que garanticen su mantenimiento en el ecosistema y de las relaciones predador-presa existentes.
GES description D4C4 Trophic guild productivity (4.1, 4.1.1)
4.1B Tillväxthastighet hos marina däggdjur (samma som 1.3D)
Tillväxthastigheten hos marina däggdjur är nära den inneboende tillväxthastigheten hos en population som är opåverkad av människan.

Produktiviteten för nyckelarter och trofiska nyckelgrupper avviker inte från de naturliga fluktuationer som förekommer i ekosystemets näringsväv.

4.1 The productivity of key species and key trophic groups do not deviate from the natural fluctuations that occur in the food web of the ecosystem.
The structure and health status of key predator stocks is of a quality which ensures that their reproduction and production is of such an extent that their function in the ecosystem is maintained (Criterion D4.1.1).
The habitat types are structurally and functionally diverse and productive.
Good ecological status is achieved when the maintenance of the productivity of predatory species induces a correct transfer from low to high trophic levels and a structural and functional maintenance of key elements of higher trophic levels, taking into account that a decrease in productivity may also be caused by other non-trophic factors.
Se mantiene la productividad y la abundancia de los grupos tróficos principales  de modo que se garantiza la perpetuidad de las cadenas tróficas, y de las relaciones predador-presa existentes. Los procesos naturales de control bottom-up y top-down funcionan eficientemente regulando la transferencia de energía de las comunidades marinas.
Threshold values % of criteria with values (no. of criteria)
100.0% (9)
0.0% (4)
100.0% (1)
0.0% (1)
0.0% (5)
0.0% (15)
100.0% (2)
100.0% (1)
26.7% (15)
0.0% (0)
Proportion of area to achieve threshold values % of criteria with values (range of values reported)
55.6% (100 - 100)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
100.0% (Not relevant - Not relevant)
100.0% (GES has not been quantitatively defined/agreed - GES has not been quantitatively defined/agreed)
6.7% (85% - 85%)
0.0% (0 - 0)