Member State report / Art10 / 2012 / D7 / North East Atlantic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 10 Environmental targets (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2012-10-15
GES Descriptor D7 Hydrographical changes
Region/subregion North East Atlantic
Reported by Member state
Member state
Marine reporting units Number used
Features Functional group
AllFunctional (2)
FishCoastal (1)
FishDeep_sea (1)
FishDemersal (1)
FishPelagic (1)
AllFunctional (1)
Features Predominant habitats
SeabedHabitatsAll (1)
WaterColumnHabitatsAll (1)
SeabedHabitatsAll (2)
WaterColumnHabitatsAll (2)
SeabedHabitatsAll (1)
WaterColumnHabitatsAll (1)
HabitatsOther (5)
Features Pressures
ChangeHydrology (1)
ChangeSalinity (1)
ChangeThermal (1)
ChangeHydrology (1)
ChangeSalinity (1)
ChangeThermal (1)
ExtractSpeciesAll (1)
IntroMicroPath (1)
IntroNIS (1)
Noise (1)
PhysDam_abrasion (1)
PhysDam_extraction (1)
PhysDam_silt (1)
PhysDisturbance (1)
PhysLoss_Seal (1)
PhysLoss_Smother (1)
ChangeHydrology (1)
PhysDam (1)
Acidification (2)
AcutePollutionEvents (2)
BioDisturb_other (2)
ChangeSalinity (2)
ChangeThermal (2)
ExtractSpeciesAll (2)
InputN_Psubst (1)
InputOrganics (1)
IntroHazSubstOther (2)
IntroNIS (2)
IntroNonSynthSubst (2)
Litter (2)
Noise (2)
NutrientOrgEnrich (2)
PhysDam (2)
PhysDam_abrasion (2)
PhysDam_extraction (2)
PhysDam_silt (2)
PhysDisturbance (2)
PhysLoss (2)
PhysLoss_Seal (2)
PhysLoss_Smother (2)
SystematicReleaseSubst (2)
ChangeHydrology (1)
ChangeSalinity (1)
ChangeThermal (1)
ChangeHydrology (4)
PressureOther (6)
Features Physical/chemical features
CurrentVelocity (1)
Salinity (1)
SeaBottomTemperature (1)
SeaSurfaceTemperature (1)
CurrentVelocity (2)
Mixing (2)
NutrientLevels (2)
OxygenLevels (2)
ResidenceTime (2)
Salinity (2)
SeaBottomTemperature (2)
SeaSurfaceTemperature (2)
TopographyBathymetry (2)
Transparency (2)
Turbidity (2)
Upwelling (2)
WaveExposure (2)
pH (2)
CurrentVelocity (2)
TopographyBathymetry (2)
Turbidity (2)
WaveExposure (2)
CurrentVelocity (1)
Mixing (1)
NutrientLevels (1)
OxygenLevels (1)
ResidenceTime (1)
Salinity (1)
SeaBottomTemperature (1)
SeaSurfaceTemperature (1)
TopographyBathymetry (1)
Transparency (1)
Turbidity (1)
Upwelling (1)
WaveExposure (1)
pH (1)
Features Species group
BirdsAll (2)
CephalopodsAll (2)
FishAll (2)
MammalsAll (2)
ReptilesAll (2)
Features No theme
FishDiadromous (1)
FishDiadromous (1)
NotReported (3)
Targets Number used
Indicators Number used
Target/indicator values No. with quantitative values
Indicators - 3 (100.0%)
Targets - 1 (100.0%)
Indicators - 0 (0.0%)
Targets - 0 (0.0%)
Indicators - 0 (0.0%)
Targets - 10 (100.0%)
Indicators - 4 (100.0%)
Targets - 2 (100.0%)
Indicators - 3 (100.0%)
Targets - 3 (100.0%)
Indicators - 0 (0.0%)
Targets - 10 (100.0%)
Indicators - 4 (100.0%)
Targets - 4 (100.0%)
Indicators - 1 (100.0%)
Targets - 1 (100.0%)
Indicators - 21 (100.0%)
Targets - 21 (100.0%)
Indicators - 0 (0.0%)
Targets - 0 (0.0%)
Proportion of area to achieve values Range of % values reported
100 - 100 (1 Targets - 100.0%)
NotReported - NotReported (3 Indicators - 100.0%)
0 - 0 (0 Indicators - 0.0%)
0 - 0 (0 Targets - 0.0%)
0 - 0 (0 Indicators - 0.0%)
NotReported - NotReported (10 Targets - 100.0%)
-7777 - -7777 (2 Targets - 100.0%)
-7777 - -7777 (4 Indicators - 100.0%)
100 - 80 (3 Indicators - 100.0%)
100 - 80 (3 Targets - 100.0%)
-7777 - -7777 (10 Targets - 100.0%)
0 - 0 (0 Indicators - 0.0%)
Only large scale projects such as offshore windfarms, tidal barrages, tidal farms, offshore airports, and other significant marine infrastructures - Only large scale projects such as offshore windfarms, tidal barrages, tidal farms, offshore airports, and other significant marine infrastructures (4 Indicators - 100.0%)
Only large scale projects such as offshore windfarms, tidal barrages, tidal farms, offshore airports, and other significant marine infrastructures - Only large scale projects such as offshore windfarms, tidal barrages, tidal farms, offshore airports, and other significant marine infrastructures (4 Targets - 100.0%)
NotReported - NotReported (1 Indicators - 100.0%)
NotReported - NotReported (1 Targets - 100.0%)
-7777 - -7777 (21 Indicators - 100.0%)
-7777 - -7777 (21 Targets - 100.0%)
0 - 0 (0 Indicators - 0.0%)
0 - 0 (0 Targets - 0.0%)
Reference point type No. per category
- (1 Targets - 100.0%)
- (2 Indicators - 66.7%)
Ej fastställd
 (1 Indicators - 33.3%)
NotReported (10 Targets - 100.0%)
not appropriate (4 Indicators - 100.0%)
not relevant for targets (2 Targets - 100.0%)
LimitReferencePoint (2 Targets - 66.7%)
LimitReferencePoint (3 Indicators - 100.0%)
Not applicable (1 Targets - 33.3%)
unknown (10 Targets - 100.0%)
Not relevant (4 Indicators - 100.0%)
Not relevant (4 Targets - 100.0%)
A qualitative target has been defined, therefore a threshold is not applicable. A reference point / limit reference point is therefore also not applicable in this case. (1 Indicators - 100.0%)
N/A (1 Targets - 100.0%)
NA (21 Indicators - 100.0%)
NA (21 Targets - 100.0%)
Baseline No. per category
- (1 Targets - 100.0%)
- (2 Indicators - 66.7%)
Ej fastställd
 (1 Indicators - 33.3%)
Nicht relevant. Wird auf Ebene der operativen Ziele und ihrer Indikatoren festgelegt. (10 Targets - 100.0%)
Current state (2 Targets - 100.0%)
Current state (4 Indicators - 100.0%)
Not applicable (1 Indicators - 33.3%)
Not applicable (2 Targets - 66.7%)
Report GES and environmental targets 2012 (1 Targets - 33.3%)
Report GES and environmental targets 2012 (2 Indicators - 66.7%)
unknown (10 Targets - 100.0%)
The current hydrographic conditions as described in the UK Initial Assessment and the OSPAR Quality Status Report 2010. Additional baseline information will be provided as a result of surveys carried out by industry to meet licence/consent obligations. (4 Indicators - 100.0%)
The current hydrographic conditions as described in the UK Initial Assessment and the OSPAR Quality Status Report 2010. Additional baseline information will be provided as a result of surveys carried out by industry to meet licence/consent obligations. (4 Targets - 100.0%)
A qualitative target has been defined concerned with complying with the existing regulatory regime, therefore a threshold or baseline is not relevant for this target. (1 Targets - 100.0%)
A qualitative target has been defined, therefore a threshold is not applicable. A baseline/reference condition is therefore also not applicable in this case. (1 Indicators - 100.0%)
(see art9 GES reporting for the different descriptors) (2 Indicators - 9.5%)
(see art9 GES reporting for the different descriptors) (2 Targets - 9.5%)
not relevant (13 Indicators - 61.9%)
not relevant (13 Targets - 61.9%)
see art9 GES reporting for D7 (6 Indicators - 28.6%)
see art9 GES reporting for D7 (6 Targets - 28.6%)
Target/indicator type No. per category
Pressure (2 Indicators - 66.7%)
State (1 Indicators - 33.3%)
State (1 Targets - 100.0%)
Impact (3 Targets - 30.0%)
Operational (3 Targets - 30.0%)
Pressure (2 Targets - 20.0%)
State (2 Targets - 20.0%)
Impact (1 Targets - 50.0%)
NotReported (1 Indicators - 25.0%)
Operational (1 Targets - 50.0%)
Pressure (3 Indicators - 75.0%)
Operational (1 Targets - 33.3%)
Pressure (1 Indicators - 33.3%)
Pressure (1 Targets - 33.3%)
State (1 Targets - 33.3%)
State (2 Indicators - 66.7%)
Pressure (4 Targets - 40.0%)
State (6 Targets - 60.0%)
Operational (4 Indicators - 100.0%)
Operational (4 Targets - 100.0%)
Operational (1 Indicators - 100.0%)
Operational (1 Targets - 100.0%)
Operational (13 Indicators - 61.9%)
Operational (15 Targets - 71.4%)
State (6 Targets - 28.6%)
State (8 Indicators - 38.1%)
Timescale No. per time period
2020-12 (1 Targets - 100.0%)
2020-12 (3 Indicators - 100.0%)
2020-12 (10 Targets - 100.0%)
2012-06 (1 Targets - 50.0%)
2020-06 (1 Targets - 50.0%)
2012-07 (1 Targets - 33.3%)
2020-12 (2 Targets - 66.7%)
2020-12 (3 Indicators - 100.0%)
2018-12 (2 Targets - 20.0%)
2020-12 (8 Targets - 80.0%)
2020-12 (4 Targets - 100.0%)
2020-01 (1 Targets - 100.0%)
2020-12 (21 Targets - 100.0%)
Interim or GES target No. per category
GES (1 Targets - 100.0%)
GES (3 Indicators - 100.0%)
Interim (10 Targets - 100.0%)
GES (2 Targets - 100.0%)
NotReported (4 Indicators - 100.0%)
GES (3 Indicators - 100.0%)
GES (3 Targets - 100.0%)
GES (10 Targets - 100.0%)
GES (4 Targets - 100.0%)
GES (1 Targets - 100.0%)
NotReported (1 Indicators - 100.0%)
GES (17 Targets - 81.0%)
Interim (4 Targets - 19.0%)
Compatibility with existing targets/ indicators No. per category
Der Qualitätszustandbericht (QSR) für den Nordostatlantik (OSPAR, 2010) beschreibt den Eintrag von anthropogenem Unterwasserschall im Konventionsgebiet als eine der bedeutendsten und ständig zunehmenden menschlichen Belastungen mit deutlichen Indizien für negative Effekte auf marines Leben. In den diesen Aspekten zugrunde liegenden OSPAR-Dokumenten 2009/436 (JAMP Assessment; OSPAR 2009b) und 2009/441 (Background Document; OSPAR 2009c) zu Unterwasserlärm in der OSPAR-Region wurde eine umfassende Einschätzung hinsichtlich der Eintragsquellen und negativen biologischen Auswirkungen von Unterwasserschall vorgenommen und die Notwendigkeit von Minderungsmaßnahmen konstatiert. Darüber hinaus haben eine Reihe internationaler Übereinkommen das Thema adressiert (z.B. Bonner Übereinkommen, Internationale Walfangkommission, Internationale Seeschifffahrtsorganisation, Internationale Gemeinschaft zum Schutz der Natur und der natürlichen Ressourcen, die Weltnaturschutzunion, Abkommen zur Erhaltung der Kleinwale in der Nord- und Ostsee).Die formulierten operativen Zielsetzungen harmonieren mit der Zielsetzung der OSPAR-Biodiversitätsstrategie: '(1.2 e) endeavour to keep the introduction of energy, including underwater noise, at levels that do not adversely affect the marine environment in the OSPAR maritime area.' (3 Targets - 30.0%)
Die operativen Ziele stehen in Einklang mit den Umweltzielen für andere Deskriptoren der MSRL und es ergeben sich keine Zielkonflikte. Dies gilt auch für die WRRL, die regionalen Meeresabkommen und das Übereinkommen über die Biologische Vielfalt (CBD). Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen betrachten sowohl die lokalen Auswirkungen als auch kumulative Auswirkungen veränderter hydrographischer Bedingungen. (3 Targets - 30.0%)
Lebende Ressourcen:Da die Verbreitung und Nutzung mariner Arten meistens grenzüberschreitend ist, müssen auf regionaler Ebene Indikatoren und Zielwerte erarbeitet werden, soweit sie nicht bereits durch die Arbeiten des ICES vorgegeben sind.Die Bewirtschaftung von kommerziell genutzten Fischbeständen erfolgt in der deutschen Nordsee im Rahmen der GFP auf internationaler Ebene. Als wissenschaftliche Grundlage zur Festlegung der operativen Ziele dienen für eine Vielzahl der genutzten Bestände die Fangempfehlungen der jeweiligen ICES Expertengruppen, welche sich auf eine analytische Bewertung internationaler Datensätze stützt. Nationale Bestandsbetrachtungen finden in der Regel nicht statt und machen aufgrund der hohen Mobilität der meisten kommerziell genutzten Fischbestände keinen Sinn. Der ICES strebt an, in MSRL-bezogenen Arbeitsgruppen die Zeitserien und Sollwerte für Indikatoren auf Bestandsebene und internationaler Ebene zu berechnen.Die hier formulierten Ziele sind nur im Rahmen der GFP erreichbar, eine Umsetzung alleine auf nationaler Ebene kann die Erreichung der Ziele nicht sicherstellen. Deshalb setzt sich Deutschland für eine Reform der GFP ein, die den Anforderungen der MSRL genügt, auf eine Erholung der Fischbestände ausgelegt ist und es ermöglicht, einen guten Umweltzustand zu erreichen. Die operativen Ziele aus Anlage I stimmen mit den Zielen der GFP überein und wiedersprechen nicht den Zielen der OSPAR. ¶Nicht lebende Ressourcen:In der MSRL werden der Ökosystemansatz und das Vorsorgeprinzip bei der Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen gefordert. Dieses geht zurück bis auf das Übereinkommen über die Biologische Vielfalt (CBD) 1992, welches deren Erhalt zum weltweiten Grundsatz für die Planung und Regulierung menschlicher Aktivitäten an Land und im Meer machte.Bei der Festlegung der operativen Ziele muss der Ökosystemansatz und das Zusammenwirken mit den anderen Umweltzielen berücksichtigt werden. Die bestehenden europarechtlichen räumlichen Zielvorgaben (Schutzgebiete, Bewirtschaftungspläne) der FFH-RL, der VRL und der WRRL sowie des OSPAR-Übereinkommens sind vollständig in den Nutzungsplänen integriert.Die operativen Ziele zur schonenden Nutzung nicht lebender Ressourcen stehen in Kohärenz zu den regionalen Umweltzielen, da sie größtenteils europaweit abgestimmte Ziele verfolgen und komplettieren. (4 Targets - 40.0%)
Overview of current and initiated policy
•Dredging sludge may be deposited pursuant to a notification in the Besluit Bodemkwaliteit [Bbk, Soil Quality Decree] within the framework of the Environmental Management Act and the Waste Framework Directive.
•Under the Environmental Management Act and the Environmental Impact Assessment Decree, the effects of sand extraction and suppletion are determined for each project and mitigating measures indicated, taking into account the criteria on environmental impact assessment given in the EU Directives. The Nature Conservation Act and the Flora and Fauna Act also apply. The appropriate assessment of the Nature Conservation Act will be necessary if significant effects on protected areas and protected species are to be expected. To spare the ecologically important coastal zone and prevent harm to coastal defences, sand extraction is only allowed in areas outside the continuous NAP -20m isobath.
•The Sand Motor project involves sand being deposited in a highly localised manner that subsequently spreads along the coast due to natural erosion. Compared to classical sand suppletion methods, this method limits the area where benthos and foraging birds are disturbed. The Sand Motor itself creates a varied habitat with new opportunities for nature.
•Pursuant to the BHD, the loss of habitat and foraging area for birds in a part of the coastal zone due to the construction of the Maasvlakte 2 port area is compensated for by creating the Natura 2000 area of the Voordelta, which is ten times larger. (1 Targets - 50.0%)
The indicators depend on the intervention and are to be determined for each individual project in the EIA (see also the OSPAR advice on this descriptor) (3 Indicators - 100.0%)
This is an operational target, agreed in OSPAR. See under Target 7a for the overview of current and initiated policy. (1 Targets - 50.0%)
national and EU legislation (1 Targets - 100.0%)
"The impact of all marine and coastal development is assessed through the licensing
and consents process. All significant developments will be assessed, and potential
impacts will be monitored, in line with the requirements of the Environmental Impact
Assessment Directive, the Water Framework Directive and the Habitats and Birds Directives. Marine Plans provide
the regulatory framework for the licensing and consents process.

There are specific
regulatory requirements within the licensing process to address cumulative and/or
in-combination effects and to carry out any assessment at the appropriate spatial
" (4 Targets - 100.0%)
Some compatibility with hydromorphological conditions referred to under the WFD. However, MSFD Annex III Table 1 list additional characteristics not included under WFD Annex II (coastal waters system B) (OSPAR, MSFD Advice on GES – D7. Jan 2012). (1 Indicators - 100.0%)
Some compatibility with hydromorphological conditions under the WFD. However, MSFD Annex III Table 1 lists characteristics not included under WFD Annex II (1.2.4 coastal waters system B) (OSPAR, MSFD Advice document on GES– D7. 17 January 2012). (1 Targets - 100.0%)

Objetivo ambiental nuevo específicamente establecido para el desarrollo de la Estrategia Marina para la Demarcación canaria. (1 Targets - 10.0%)
Objetivo ambiental de nueva creación para el desarrollo de la Estrategia Marina para la Demarcación canaria. (1 Targets - 10.0%)
Objetivo ambiental nuevo específicamente establecido para el desarrollo de la Estrategia Marina para la Demarcación canaria (1 Targets - 10.0%)
Objetivo ambiental relacionado con el cumplimiento de la legislación sobre acceso al público de la información ambiental. (1 Targets - 10.0%)
Objetivo ambiental relacionado con la legislación existente sobre participación pública. (1 Targets - 10.0%)
Objetivo ambiental relacionado, con la legislación comunitaria y nacional sobre evaluación de impacto ambiental (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2008, de 11 de enero, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental de proyectos y la Ley 9/2006, de 28 de abril, sobre evaluación de los efectos de determinados planes y programas en el medio ambiente). Este objetivo está también relacionado con la consecución del buen estado medioambiental de las aguas costeras y de transición y sus condiciones hidrográficas, por lo que está también contemplado en la legislación nacional derivada de la transposición de la Directiva Marco del Agua (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2001, de 20 de julio, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley de aguas; Real Decreto 907/2007, de 6 de julio, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de planificación hidrológica; Orden ministerial por la que se aprueba la Instrucción de planificación hidrológica). (1 Targets - 10.0%)
Objetivo ambiental relacionado, en el ámbito comunitario, está relacionado con los objetivos generales establecidos por la Directiva Marco del Agua y Directivas Hábitats y Aves. A nivel nacional, este objetivo está relacionado con los objetivos en materia de protección de la costa por actividades humanas y recuperación de las condiciones hidrográficas e hidrodinámicas que se establecen en: Ley 22/1988, de 28 de julio, de Costas, la Ley 42/2007, de 13 de diciembre, del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad y el Real Decreto 1997/1995, de 7 de diciembre, por el que se establecen medidas para contribuir a garantizar la biodiversidad mediante la conservación de los hábitats naturales y de la fauna y flora silvestres así como la legislación nacional relacionada con la consecución del buen estado medioambiental de las aguas costeras y de transición derivadas de la transposición de la Directiva Marco del Agua (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2001, de 20 de julio, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley de aguas; Real Decreto 907/2007, de 6 de julio, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de planificación hidrológica; Orden ministerial por la que se aprueba la Instrucción de planificación hidrológica). En relación a la necesidad de mitigar los impactos producidos por las actividades humanas este objetivo está contemplado en la legislación comunitaria y nacional sobre evaluación de impacto ambiental (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2008, de 11 de enero, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental de proyectos y la Ley 9/2006, de 28 de abril, sobre evaluación de los efectos de determinados planes y programas en el medio ambiente). (3 Targets - 30.0%)
Éste es el objetivo de partida fijado por la Directiva marco sobre estrategia marina y que de forma general está relacionado y es compatible con los objetivos establecidos en el ámbito internacional, comunitario y nacional en relación al protección del medio costero y marino (Directivas de protección de la calidad de las aguas y de protección de la Biodiversidad (Hábitats y Aves) y normativa nacional resultado de la transposición de dichas Directivas. (1 Targets - 10.0%)