Member State report / Art10 / 2018 / D11 / Baltic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 10 Environmental targets (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise
Region/subregion Baltic
Reported by Member state
Member state
Member state report
Reporting area(s) MRUs used
  • BAL-FI
  • BAL-LV-AAA-006
  • BAL-LT-AA-01
  • BAL-LT-AA-03
  • L2-SEA-007-POL
  • L2-SEA-008-POL
  • DK-TOTAL-part-BAL
  • BAL-SE-RG-Ostersjon
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species
  • Marine species (1)
  • All mammals (1)
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs
  • Bathymetry (6)
  • Seabed substrate and morphology (6)
  • Sound (1)
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: No theme
  • All marine ecosystem elements (2)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Biological
  • Disturbance of species (e.g. where they breed, rest and feed) due to human presence (1)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities) (5)
  • Input of microbial pathogens (2)
  • Input or spread of non-indigenous species (2)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Physical
  • Changes to hydrological conditions (6)
  • Physical disturbance to seabed (7)
  • Physical loss of the seabed (5)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Substances, litter and energy
  • Input of anthropogenic sound (impulsive, continuous) (12)
  • Input of anthropogenic sound (impulsive, continuous) (2)
  • Input of anthropogenic sound (impulsive, continuous) (4)
  • Input of anthropogenic sound (impulsive, continuous) (5)
  • Input of litter (solid waste matter, including micro-sized litter) (3)
  • Input of nutrients - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition (2)
  • Input of other forms of energy (including electromagnetic fields, light and heat) (2)
  • Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events (3)
Features Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Biological
  • Newly-introduced non-indigenous species (1)
Features Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Physical and hydrological
  • Continuous low frequency sound (2)
  • Impulsive sound in water (4)
  • Continuous low frequency sound (1)
  • Impulsive sound in water (1)
  • Continuous low frequency sound (1)
  • Impulsive sound in water (6)
Features Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Chemical
  • Eutrophication (3)
Features Uses and human activities in or affecting the marine environment: Transport
  • Transport - shipping (6)
GES components
  • D1 Biodiversity (8)
  • D10 Litter (7)
  • D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise (20)
  • D2 Non-indigenous species (1)
  • D3 Commercial fish and shellfish (1)
  • D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems (2)
  • D5 Eutrophication (1)
  • D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats (8)
  • D7 Hydrographical changes (7)
  • D8 Contaminants (7)
  • D9 Contaminants in seafood (1)
  • D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise (1)
  • D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise (2)
  • D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise (4)
  • D11C1 Anthropogenic impulsive sound (11.1, 11.1.1) (4)
  • D11C2 Anthropogenic continuous low-frequency sound (11.2, 11.2.1) (2)
  • D1 Birds (8)
  • D1 Cephalopods (1)
  • D1 Fish (8)
  • D1 Mammals (8)
  • D1 Pelagic habitats (9)
  • D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise (9)
  • D2 Non-indigenous species (1)
  • D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems (9)
  • D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats (6)
  • D7 Hydrographical changes (2)
  • D11C1 Anthropogenic impulsive sound (11.1, 11.1.1) (6)
  • D11C2 Anthropogenic continuous low-frequency sound (11.2, 11.2.1) (1)
  • D1 Mammals (1)
  • D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise (1)
Target Number defined
Target code/description
ALUE1: Maritime spatial planning is carried out in a way that it advances the achievement of good environmental status in marine environment.
LUONTO3: Disturbing or adversely affecting traffic and human presence and activities decrease in marine protected areas.
TIETO2: Knowledge of the level of underwater noise increases and its effects on sensitive species are understood. Then, decrease the level of underwater noise in important distribution areas or during sensitive seasons.
TIETO3: Finland's maritime chartographic products are included in the ISO S-100 data model of International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). Up-to-date topographic and navigational data products are available for planning and monitoring.
JVM7: Sound and other type of energy is not causing undesirable effects in marine ecosystem
9: Ensure that noise and other forms of energy emitted to the marine environment as a result of anthropogenic activities do not exceed levels that adversely affect aquatic life.
PL_Target_D11: Limiting the pressure related to temporal and spatial occurrence of impulsive and continuous low-frequency sounds in the sea associated with human activity above levels that have a negative impact on the population of marine animals
PL_Target_D11C1: Limiting the frequency and range of distribution impulsive sounds, particularly in areas of marine mammals existence and spawning periods for cod and herring, in particular exceeding the threshold values, when they are established at the EU level, taking into account regional or subregional specifics.
PL_Target_D11: Limiting the pressure related to temporal and spatial occurrence of impulsive and continuous low-frequency sounds in the sea associated with human activity above levels that have a negative impact on the population of marine animals.
PL_Target_D11C2: Reduction of the range and occurrence of noise caused by maritime shipping, particularly in areas of marine mammals existence and spawning periods for cod and herring, in particular exceeding the threshold values, when they are established at the EU level, taking into account regional or subregional specifics.
PL_Target_D11C1: Limiting the frequency and range of distribution impulsive sounds, particularly in areas of marine mammals existence and spawning periods for cod and herring, in particular exceeding the threshold values, when they are established at the EU level, taking into account regional or subregional specifics .
UZO3.1: Sufficient spatial and temporal refuge and rest zones for ecosystem components exist. In order to protect against anthropogenic interference, for instance unused and/or restricted areas will be established ("no-take-zones and "no-take-times" for fisheries in accordance with the rules of the CFP)(see inter alia, Recital 39 of the MSFD). The environmental objectives established by Germany in 2012 are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report shows the achievement of objectives and the state of implementation of the measures respectively. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment on progress towards achieving the target is available, will this be reported in the Progress Assessment. However, for birds, fish, mammals and benthic habitats, it was established that the environmental target UZ3.1. was not met.
UZO3.3: If, taking into account the effects of climate change, the environmental conditions are met for the successful reintroduction of locally extinct or endangered species, their resettlement or the stabilisation of their populations will be sought, as well as other risk factors removed in sufficiently large marine areas for these species. Ongoing resettlement projects, such as for the sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus), are completed with the successful reintroduction of the species. The environmental objectives established by Germany in 2012 are the basis for the 2016-2016 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report describes the achievement of objectives and the state of implementation of the measures respectively. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment showing progress towards achieving the targets is available, this will be reported in the Progress Assessment.
UZO3.2: The structure and function of food webs and marine habitats will not be adversely affected further by by-catches, discards and bottom-trawling. Regeneration of ecosystem components damaged as a result of past interventions is sought. The functional groups of biological characteristics (MSFD Annex III Table 1) or their food base are not endangered. The environmental objectives established by Germany in 2012 are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report shows the achievement of objectives and the state of implementation of the measures respectively. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment on progress towards achieving the target is available, will this be reported in the Progress Assessment. However, in relation to birds, it was found that the environmental objective was not achieved.
UZO3: The global objective is: "Seas without harming marine species and habitats through the impact of human activities". The objective is implemented by means of the operational objectives UZO3.1, UZO3.2, UZO3.3, UZO3.4 and UZO3.5. The environmental objectives established in 2012 and their description under the 2012 MSFD report continue to apply. They are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report shows the achievement of objectives and the state of implementation of the measures respectively. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment on progress towards achieving the target is available, this will be reported in the Progress Assessment.
UZO6.1: Anthropogenic noise by sound signals and shock waves does not cause physical harm (e.g. a temporary hearing threshold shift in harbour porpoises) and no significant disturbance of marine species. The environmental objectives established by Germany in 2012 are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report shows the achievement of objectives and the state of implementation of the measures respectively. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment on progress towards achieving the target is available, will this be reported in the Progress Assessment.
UZO3.4: Human infrastructure and uses do not pose a threat to the natural distribution (including migration) of species for which ecologically passable migration corridors present essential habitats. The environmental objectives established by Germany in 2012 are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report describes the achievement of objectives and the state of implementation of the measures respectively. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment on progress towards achieving the target is available, will this be reported in the Progress Assessment. However, in relation to birds, it was found that the environmental objective was not achieved.
UZO6.3: The anthropogenic heat input does not have negative spatial and temporal impacts and does not exceed the agreed limit values respectively. In territorial waters, a temperature increase of 2 K in 30cm depth and in the EEZ an increase of 2 K in 20cm sediment depth respectively will not be exceeded. The environmental objectives established by Germany in 2012 are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report shows the achievement of objectives and the state of implementation of the measures respectively. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment on progress towards achieving the target is available, will this be reported in the Progress Assessment.
UZO6.2: Noise inputs due to continuous, especially low-frequency broadband noises have no negative spatial and temporal effects, such as significant (substantial) disturbances (expulsion from habitats, masking of biologically relevant signals, etc.) and physical damage to marine species. As continuous noise inputs predominantly originate from the shipping sector, the specific operational objective of reducing the contribution of noise stemming from ships to the background levels should be aimed for. The environmental objectives established by Germany in 2012 are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report describes the achievement of objectives and the state of implementation of the measures respectively. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment on progress towards achieving the target is available, will this be reported in the Progress Assessment.
UZO6: The objective is "seas without interference from anthropogenic energy inputs". The objective is implemented by means of the operational objectives UZO6.1, UZO6.2, UZO6.3, UZO6.4 and UZO6.5. The environmental objectives established in 2012 and their description under the 2012 MSFD report continue to apply. They are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report shows the achievement of objectives and the state of implementation of the measures respectively. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment on progress towards achieving the target is available, will this be reported in the Progress Assessment.
DK-T11.6: In connection with licensing offshore activities requiring an environmental impact assessment (EIA), the approval authority is encouraging reporting to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (monitoring programme) of registrations of impulse noise. (Operational target)
DK-T11.3: Activities by the authorities under the Ministry of Defence that cause impulse noise in the marine environment are, as far as possible, being assessed and adapted to reduce possible adverse effects on marine animals under the Habitats Directive, provided this does not conflict with national security or defence objectives. Defence Command Denmark applies current NATO standards when carrying out environmental assessments.
DK-T11.4: When conducting preliminary seismic studies, adequate remedial action is taken in accordance with the Danish Energy Agency's guidelines on standard terms and conditions for preliminary studies at sea.
DK-T11.2: Anthropogenic activities causing impulse sound are planned such that direct adverse effects on vulnerable populations of marine animals from the spatial distribution, temporal extent, and levels of anthropogenic impulsive sound are avoided as far as possible and such that these effects are assessed not to have long-term adverse effects on population levels.
DK-T11.1: As far as possible, marine mammals under the Habitats Directive are not exposed to impulsive sounds that lead to permanent hearing loss (PTS). The limit value for PTS is currently assessed as 200 and 190 dB re.1 uPa2s SEL for seals and porpoise, respec-tively (the best knowledge currently available is on these species). However, it is likely that these limits will be revised as new knowledge on this field becomes available. The values are the sound-exposure level accumulated over two hours.
DK-T11.5: The Ministry of Environment and Food contributes to work regionally and in the EU regarding establishment of threshold values and determination of good environmental status, and is working to ensure that the level of underwater noise is in accordance here-to.
DK-T11.7: Through increased monitoring, the Ministry of Environment and Food is improving knowledge about the extent and levels of low-frequency noise in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. (Operational target)
BALSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur: E.2 Human activities shall not cause harmful impulsive sound on the distribution areas of marine mammals during periods of sensitivity to disturbance. E.2 Human activities should not cause cause harm to the distribution for marine mothers during the time of the more sensitive to Diurgbance.
Target value No. of parameters/elements with quantitative values
  • Not reported (20 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (10 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (9 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (7 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (1 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
Target status No. of assessments per category
  • Target not yet achieved (20 - 100.0%)
  • Status not reported (10 - 100.0%)
  • Status not reported (5 - 55.6%)
  • Target not yet achieved (4 - 44.4%)
  • Target not yet achieved (7 - 100.0%)
  • Status not reported (1 - 100.0%)
Assessment period No. of targets per period
2018-2024 (20 - 100.0%)
2011-2016 (2 - 20.0%)
2011-2017 (2 - 20.0%)
2012-2017 (6 - 60.0%)
2011-2016 (9 - 100.0%)
2018-2024 (7 - 100.0%)
2011-2016 (1 - 100.0%)
Timescale to achieve targets No. of targets per date
2024-12 (20 - 100.0%)
2020-12 (1 - 100.0%)
2030-12 (2 - 100.0%)
2022-12 (10 - 100.0%)
2020-12 (9 - 100.0%)
2024-10 (7 - 100.0%)
2020-12 (1 - 100.0%)
Update date No. of targets per date
2018-07 (20 - 100.0%)
2016-07 (1 - 100.0%)
2017-02 (1 - 50.0%)
2017-12 (1 - 50.0%)
2018-12 (10 - 100.0%)
2018-10 (9 - 100.0%)
2019-04 (7 - 100.0%)
2018-12 (1 - 100.0%)
Update type No. of targets per category
  • New target (13 - 65.0%)
  • Same as 2012 definition (7 - 35.0%)
  • New target (1 - 100.0%)
  • Modified from 2012 definition (1 - 50.0%)
  • Same as 2012 definition (1 - 50.0%)
  • New target (10 - 100.0%)
  • Same as 2012 definition (9 - 100.0%)
  • Modified from 2012 definition (1 - 14.3%)
  • New target (6 - 85.7%)
  • New target (1 - 100.0%)
Related indicators No. of different indicators reported
Related measures No. of different measures reported