Member State report / Art9 / 2012 / D4 / Baltic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2012-10-15
GES Descriptor D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems
Region/subregion Baltic
Reported by Member state
Member state
FI (
EE (
LV (
LT (
PL (
DE (
DK (
SE (
Marine reporting units Number used
Features Pressures
ChangeSalinity (2)
ChangeThermal (1)
ExtractSpeciesAll (2)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (2)
InputN_Psubst (3)
InputOrganics (3)
IntroNIS (4)
IntroNonSynthSubst (3)
IntroRadioNuclides (1)
IntroSynthComp (5)
Litter (1)
Noise (1)
NutrientOrgEnrich (3)
PhysDam (2)
PhysDam_extraction (1)
PhysDisturbance (1)
PhysLoss (1)
SystematicReleaseSubst (1)
BioDisturb_other (1)
ChangeHydrology (1)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (5)
InputN_Psubst (79)
IntroHazSubstOther (8)
NutrientOrgEnrich (31)
AcutePollutionEvents (2)
ExtractSpeciesAll (1)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (24)
InputN_Psubst (2)
IntroHazSubstOther (9)
IntroNIS (2)
IntroNonSynthSubst (20)
IntroSynthComp (3)
NutrientOrgEnrich (18)
PhysDam (1)
PhysDam_extraction (1)
PressureOther (8)
Acidification (3)
AcutePollutionEvents (3)
BioDisturb_other (3)
ChangeHydrology (4)
ChangeSalinity (4)
ChangeThermal (4)
ExtractSpeciesAll (12)
InputN_Psubst (12)
InputOrganics (12)
IntroHazSubstOther (8)
IntroMicroPath (3)
IntroNIS (4)
IntroNonSynthSubst (8)
IntroRadioNuclides (8)
IntroSynthComp (8)
Litter (4)
Noise (6)
NutrientOrgEnrich (3)
PhysDam (4)
PhysDisturbance (2)
PhysLoss (4)
SystematicReleaseSubst (8)
AcutePollutionEvents (4)
BioDisturb_other (8)
ChangeHydrology (2)
ChangeSalinity (1)
ChangeThermal (1)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (10)
InputN_Psubst (28)
IntroHazSubstOther (29)
IntroNIS (13)
IntroNonSynthSubst (2)
IntroSynthComp (2)
Litter (3)
Noise (5)
NutrientOrgEnrich (2)
PhysDam (5)
PhysDisturbance (19)
PhysLoss (5)
GES description D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems
Meren ravintoverkkojen kaikki tekijät, siltä osin kuin ne tunnetaan, esiintyvät tavanomaisessa runsaudessaan ja monimuotoisuudessaan ja tasolla, joka varmistaa lajien pitkän aikavälin runsauden ja niiden lisääntymiskapasiteetin täydellisen säilymisen
Good environmental status for D4 can only be measured with indicators that are precisely tailored to D4 and still need to be developed. The existing descriptions for D4 can be used together with those described under D1 (Biodiversity) for the definition of the good status of the marine food web according to MSRL. A prerequisite for the good environmental status for D4 is therefore that at least ... the inner and outer coastal waters are in good ecological condition and the entire coastal marine area in good chemical condition in accordance with 1 of the WFD ... those for the marine Area of ​​the Baltic Sea relevant habitat types of Annex I (LRT 11xx) of the Habitats Directive are in a favorable state of conservation .... the species of Annex II of the Habitats Directive relevant for the marine area of ​​the Baltic Sea and those for the marine area of ​​the Baltic Sea relevant species of the bird protection guideline are in a favorable state of preservation .... the goals of individual species or species group-specific conventions (e.g. ASCOBANS, Jastarnia plan) have been achieved ... the biological diversity according to HELCOM is in good shape Condition. The burdens and effects in the reporting sheet (see list of physical / chemical features, habitats, functional groups and pressures) are understood to affect the GES of the descriptor. The list was filled out accordingly.
Alla delar av de marina näringsvävarna, i den mån de är kända, förekommer i normal omfattning och mångfald på nivåer som är tillräckliga för att arternas långsiktiga bestånd ska kunna säkerställas och deras fulla reproduktiva kapacitet behållas.

All elements of the marine food webs, to the extent that they are known, occur at normal abundance and diversity and levels capable of ensuring the long-term abundance of the species and the retention of their full reproductive capacity.
GES description D4C1 Trophic guild species diversity (1.7, 1.7.1)

The relationship between multiannual algal species and short-lived opportunistic species
Absence of negative trend
Average trophic level of fish
Ecologically diverse and dynamic oceans and seas which are clean, healthy and productive within their intrinsic conditions, and the use of the marine environment is at a level that is sustainable, thus safeguarding the potential for uses and activities by current and future generations (Criterion D1.7.1).
1.7A Trofisk nivå inom fisksamhället i kustvatten (samma som 4.3B)
Fisksamhällets trofiska nivå avviker inte från en baslinjenivå. Om baslinje inte kan tillämpas anges önskad riktning.

Näringsvävens beståndsdelar samt livsmiljöernas utsträckning och tillstånd garanterar att ekosystemtjänster tillhandahålls.

1.7 The components of the food web, and the extent and condition of the habitats, ensure that ecosystem services are provided.
GES description D4C2 Abundance across trophic guilds (1.7, 1.7.1, 4.3, 4.3.1)

Mean pig size stock ? indicator (MSTP, medium size vs. total), the animal plankton community: Reflects the abundance and structure of zooplankton and thus the quantity and quality of diet of plankton feeding

The relationship between multiannual algal species and short-lived opportunistic species
Absence of negative trend

absence of decline
Average trophic level of fish
Developments in the porpoise population follow a level which safeguards long-term species abundance and maintenance of the full reproductive capacity of the species (Criterion D4.3.1).

Ecologically diverse and dynamic oceans and seas which are clean, healthy and productive within their intrinsic conditions, and the use of the marine environment is at a level that is sustainable, thus safeguarding the potential for uses and activities by current and future generations (Criterion D1.7.1).
1.7A Trofisk nivå inom fisksamhället i kustvatten (samma som 4.3B)
Fisksamhällets trofiska nivå avviker inte från en baslinjenivå. Om baslinje inte kan tillämpas anges önskad riktning.

4.3B Trofisk nivå inom fisksamhället i kustvatten (samma som 1.7A)
Fisksamhällets trofiska nivå avviker inte från en baslinjenivå. Om baslinje inte kan tillämpas anges önskad riktning.

4.3C Abundans av övervintrande sjöfåglar (samma som 1.2B)
Abundansen av övervintrande sjöfågelarter avviker inte från en baslinjenivå.

Alla trofiska nyckelgrupper och nyckelarter förekommer i en sådan omfattning att näringsväven kan fungera i balans.

4.3 All key trophic groups and key species occur to an extent that ensures that the food web can function in balance.

Näringsvävens beståndsdelar samt livsmiljöernas utsträckning och tillstånd garanterar att ekosystemtjänster tillhandahålls.

1.7 The components of the food web, and the extent and condition of the habitats, ensure that ecosystem services are provided.
GES description D4C3 Trophic guild size distribution (4.2, 4.2.1)

Abundance of fish (mainly crack, lagoon, stretcher) abundance in coastal waters
Absence of decline
The structure and health status of key predator stocks is of a quality which ensures that their reproduction and production is of such an extent that their function in the ecosystem is maintained (Criterion D4.2.1).
Förekomst och andel av utvalda predatorarter och dessa arters storleksfördelning, möjliggör en naturlig trofisk reglering i näringsväven.

4.2 The occurrence and proportion of selected predator species and their size distribution enable natural trophic regulation of the food web.
GES description D4C4 Trophic guild productivity (4.1, 4.1.1)

The size and development of the stock of seals (hallway and seal) over a long period of time
Smolt production is above the limit share
The structure and health status of key predator stocks is of a quality which ensures that their reproduction and production is of such an extent that their function in the ecosystem is maintained (Criterion D4.1.1).
4.1A Produktivitet hos havsörn (samma som 1.3A och 8.2B)
Produktiviteten och antal ungar per kull hos havsörn avviker inte från en baslinjenivå.

4.1B Tillväxthastighet hos marina däggdjur (samma som 1.3D)
Tillväxthastigheten hos marina däggdjur är nära den inneboende tillväxthastigheten hos en population som är opåverkad av människan.

Produktiviteten för nyckelarter och trofiska nyckelgrupper avviker inte från de naturliga fluktuationer som förekommer i ekosystemets näringsväv.

4.1 The productivity of key species and key trophic groups do not deviate from the natural fluctuations that occur in the food web of the ecosystem.
Threshold values % of criteria with values (no. of criteria)
11.1% (9)
100.0% (4)
0.0% (0)
100.0% (1)
0.0% (0)
100.0% (1)
0.0% (4)
100.0% (10)
Proportion of area to achieve threshold values % of criteria with values (range of values reported)
0.0% (0 - 0)
100.0% (100% - 100%)
0.0% (0 - 0)
100.0% (100 - 100)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
50.0% (100 - 100)