Member State report / Art9 / 2012 / D5 / Baltic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2012-10-15
GES Descriptor D5 Eutrophication
Region/subregion Baltic
Reported by Member state
Member state
FI (
EE (
LV (
LT (
PL (
DE (
DK (
SE (
Marine reporting units Number used
Features Pressures
InputN_Psubst (3)
InputOrganics (3)
NutrientOrgEnrich (3)
InputN_Psubst (79)
NutrientOrgEnrich (31)
InputN_Psubst (2)
NutrientOrgEnrich (18)
Acidification (3)
InputN_Psubst (12)
InputOrganics (12)
IntroMicroPath (3)
NutrientOrgEnrich (3)
InputN_Psubst (28)
NutrientOrgEnrich (2)
GES description D5 Eutrophication
Ihmisen aiheuttama rehevöityminen, erityisesti sen haitalliset vaikutukset, kuten biologisen monimuotoisuuden häviäminen, ekosysteemien tilan huononeminen, haitalliset leväkukinnat ja merenpohjan hapenpuute, on minimoitu
The good environmental status for the descriptor "eutrophication" is achieved if the "good ecological status" according to the WFD is achieved and if the eutrophication status according to the integrated HELCOM eutrophication assessment HEAT is at least good. However, a further comparison of the assessment procedures and results for the MSFD is still necessary. Harmonized assessment procedures are available for the scope of the WFD and for HELCOM for the entire Baltic Sea. It developed ecological quality goals, defined indicators and set threshold values ​​for the condition assessment. According to Article 3 No. 1b) MSRL, the assessment procedures according to the WFD exist in the overlapping scope of the MSFD and the WFD (i.e. 1 nautical mile, based on the ecological status assessment according to the WFD). The HELCOM eutrophication assessment tool (HEAT, HELCOM Eutrophication Assessment Tool) will be used for the Baltic Sea beyond 1 nautical mile for the assessment of the state of eutrophication in accordance with MSRL. In line with the need for regional coordination in accordance with Article 5 paragraph 2 MSFD, Germany will strive to make detailed stipulations with the other HELCOM contracting states. As long as detailed stipulations with regionally coordinated class boundaries do not exist within a marine region, assessment procedures analogous to those of the WFD are used. It should be noted that there is a descriptor eutrophication under the MSFD which is based on its own criteria. Under the WFD, eutrophication is not assessed separately, but is considered as part of the ecological status assessment.
Övergödning framkallad av människan reduceras till ett minimum, särskilt dess negativa effekter, såsom minskad biologisk mångfald, försämrade ekosystem, skadliga algblomningar och syrebrist i bottenvattnet.

Human-induced eutrophication is minimised, especially adverse effects thereof, such as losses in biodiversity, ecosystem degradation, harmful algal blooms and oxygen deficiency in bottom waters.
GES description D5C1 Nutrient concentrations (5.1, 5.1.1)

Annual nutrient input into the sea (total phosphorus, total nitrogen)
EQR above treshold value
WFD: Normative definition according to RL 2000/60 / EG: "The nutrient concentrations are not above the values at which the functionality of the ecosystem and compliance with the values described above for the biological quality components are guaranteed." HELCOM: The ecological quality goal of the BSAP in terms of nutrients is nutrient concentrations close to the natural concentration.
Nutrient concentrations in the water column in open Danish waters correspond to the level of protection in Danish coastal waters as a result of the Water Framework Directive (Criterion D5.1.1).
5.1A Koncentrationer av kväve och fosfor i kustvatten
En nivå som minst motsvarar god status för näring enligt gällande bedömningsgrund för näringsämnen i kustvatten och vatten i övergångszon (NFS 2008:1, Bilaga 5, kap 2.4 med ändring för Nordsjön i NFS 2010:12).

Koncentrationer av näringsämnen resulterar inte i negativa direkta eller indirekta effekter på biologisk mångfald och ekosystem.

5.1 Concentrations of nutrients do not result in direct or indirect negative effects on biological diversity and ecosystems.
GES description D5C2 Chlorophyll-a concentration (5.2.1)
concentration of chlorophyll a in surface water
WFD: Normative definition according to RL 2000/60 / EG: "The composition and abundance of phytoplankton taxa show minor signs of malfunction. The biomass deviates slightly from the type-specific conditions. These deviations do not indicate an accelerated growth of algae that the balance of the organisms in the water or the physico-chemical quality of the water in an undesirable manner. There may be a slight increase in the frequency and intensity of the type-specific plankton flowers. " HELCOM: The chlorophyll a concentrations ensure compliance with the following ecological quality goals of the BSAP: "Algae blooms occur naturally" and "clear water".
5.2A Biomassa växtplankton i kustvatten (klorofyll a-koncentration och biovolym)
En nivå som minst motsvarar god status för klorofyll a och biovolym enligt gällande bedömningsgrund för växtplankton i kustvatten och vatten i övergångszon (NFS 2008:1, Bilaga 4, kap. 3.5).
GES description D5C3 Harmful algal blooms (5.2.4)
The number, species and extent of algal blooms
WFD: Normative definition according to RL 2000/60 / EG: "The composition and abundance of the phytoplankton taxa show minor signs of malfunction. The biomass deviates slightly from the type-specific conditions. These deviations do not indicate an accelerated growth of algae, which affects the balance of the organisms in the water or the physico-chemical quality of the water would undesirably disrupt. There may be a slight increase in the frequency and intensity of the type-specific plankton flowers. "HELCOM ecological quality goal of the BSAP:" Algae flowers occur only in natural dimensions " and "natural occurrence and distribution pattern of plants and animals"
GES description D5C4 Photic limit (5.2.2)
Water Transparency Associated with Increased Floating Algae: Average summer or annual
However, WFD only uses depth of vision in ecological assessment as an accompanying parameter: Normative definition according to RL 2000/60 / EG: "The values for temperature, oxygen balance and depth of vision do not go beyond the range within which the functionality of the ecosystem and the Compliance with the values for the biological quality components described above are guaranteed. The nutrient concentrations are not higher than the values at which the functionality of the ecosystem and the compliance with the values described above are guaranteed for the biological quality components. "HELCOM: ecological quality objective according to BSAP is" clear water "
5.2C Siktdjup i kustvatten
En nivå som minst motsvarar god status för siktdjup enligt gällande bedömningsgrund för siktdjup i kustvatten och vatten i övergångszon (NFS 2008:1, Bilaga 5, kap. 1.4).
GES description D5C5 Dissolved oxygen concentration (5.3.2)
The condition of the blind-algal zone (the proportion of the gap rest with the minimum rest)
WFD: Normative definition according to RL 2000/60 / EG: "The values for temperature, oxygen balance and depth of vision do not go beyond the range within which the functionality of the ecosystem and compliance with the values for biological quality components described above are guaranteed The nutrient concentrations are not above the values at which the functionality of the ecosystem and compliance with the values described above for the biological quality components are guaranteed. " HELCOM: The BSAP's ecological quality target with regard to oxygen is "natural oxygen concentrations"
5.3B Syrebalans i kustvatten
En nivå som minst motsvarar god status för syre enligt gällande bedömningsgrund för syrebalans i kustvatten och vatten i övergångszon (NFS 2008:1, Bilaga 5, kap. 3.3)

5.3C Syrebalans i utsjövatten
Syrekoncentrationen i bottenvattnet överstiger 3,5 ml/l.

5.3D Syrebalans i utsjövatten (Egentliga Östersjön)
Andelen syrefattiga bottnar (<3,5 ml/l) minskar långsiktigt.

5.3E Bottenfaunaindex (BQI) för kustvatten (samma som 1.6C och 6.2A)
En nivå som minst motsvarar god status för bottenfauna enligt gällande bedömningsgrund för bottenfauna i kustvatten och vatten i övergångszon (NFS 2008:1, Bilaga 4, kap. 1.4).

5.3F Bottenfaunaindex (BQI) för utsjövatten (samma som 1.6D och 6.2B)
En nivå som minst motsvarar god status för bottenfauna för de utsjövatten som angränsar till de yttre typområdena enligt gällande bedömningsgrund för bottenfauna i kustvatten och vatten i övergångszon (NFS 2008:1, Bilaga 4, kap. 1.4).
GES description D5C6 Opportunistic macroalgae of benthic habitats (5.2.3)
Fyokocyanin concentration in surface water
WFD: Normative definition according to RL 2000/60 / EG: "Most disturbance-sensitive large algae and angiosperm taxa, which can be found in the absence of disturbing influences, are present. The values for the large algae thickness and for the abundance of the angiosperms show signs of malfunction." HELCOM ecological quality goals BSAP: "Plants show a natural occurrence and distribution pattern" and "clear water"
GES description D5C7 Macrophyte communities of benthic habitats (5.3.1)
Depth of the Block algal zone and of the red algal communities
Maximum depth of macrophyte distribution
WFD: Normative definition according to RL 2000/60 / EG: "Most disturbance-sensitive large algae and angiosperm taxa, which can be found in the absence of disturbing influences, are available. The values for the large algae thickness and for the abundance of the angiosperms show signs of malfunction." HELCOM: ecological quality target of the BSAP is "natural occurrence and distribution pattern of plants"
5.3A Djuputbredning av makrovegetation i kustvatten (samma som 1.5A)
En nivå som minst motsvarar god status för makrovegetation enligt gällande bedömningsgrund för makroalger och gömfröiga växter i kustvatten (NFS 2008:1, Bilaga 4, kap. 2.4).
GES description D5C8 Macrofaunal communities of benthic habitats
GES description 5.1.2 Nutrient ratios (silica, nitrogen and phosphorus)
Air deposition of nutrients
WFD: Normative definition according to RL 2000/60 / EG: "The nutrient concentrations are not above the values at which the functionality of the ecosystem and compliance with the values for biological quality components described above are guaranteed." HELCOM: Ecological quality target according to BSAP: " Nutrient concentrations close to natural concentrations "The ratio of the nutrients to each other has not been evaluated as a separate criterion.
GES description 5.2 Direct effects of nutrient enrichment
Vesi on kirkasta ja planktonlevät ja niiden kukinnat eivät haittaa veden laatua ja aiheuta muita epäsuoria haittavaikutuksia.
EQR above sertain treshold
The water transparency is sufficient to prevent the occurrence of unacceptable effects on flora and fauna (Criterion D5.2.2).
Oönskad algtillväxt leder inte till försämrad vattenkvalitet, minskat siktdjup eller indirekta effekter på biologisk mångfald och ekosystem.

5.2 Undesired algal blooms do not lead to deteriorated water quality, reduced seawater transparency, or indirect effects on biological diversity and ecosystems.
GES description 5.3 Indirect effects of nutrient enrichment
Lajien ja luontotyyppien luonnolliset suhteet ja syvyysjakautuma ei vaarannu ja hapen määrä on riittävä.
EQR above sertain treshold
The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water column as a result of the decomposition of organic matter may not be at a level which adversely affects the biological diversity in the marine waters (Criterion D5.3.2).
Fleråriga växter uppvisar naturlig djuputbredning och ingen minskning av syrekoncentrationer till följd av övergödning förekommer.

5.3 Perennial seaweeds and sea grasses show a natural depth distribution and no decrease in oxygen concentrations as a consequence of eutrophication occurs.
Threshold values % of criteria with values (no. of criteria)
50.0% (12)
100.0% (3)
0.0% (0)
100.0% (2)
0.0% (0)
100.0% (9)
0.0% (3)
100.0% (15)
Proportion of area to achieve threshold values % of criteria with values (range of values reported)
0.0% (0 - 0)
100.0% (100% - 100%)
0.0% (0 - 0)
100.0% (100 - 100)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
26.7% (100 - 100)