Member State report / Art9 / 2018 / D7 / Baltic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D7 Hydrographical changes
Region/subregion Baltic
Reported by Member state
Member state
Member state report
Marine reporting units MRUs used
  • L2-SEA-007-POL
  • L2-SEA-008-POL
  • L2-SEA-009-POL
  • L4-POL-001
  • L4-POL-002
  • L4-POL-003
  • L4-POL-004
  • L4-POL-005
  • L4-POL-006
  • L4-POL-007
  • L4-POL-008
  • L4-POL-009
  • L4-POL-010
  • L4-POL-011
  • L4-POL-012
  • L4-POL-013
  • L4-POL-014
  • L4-POL-015
  • L4-POL-016
  • L4-POL-017
  • L4-POL-018
  • L4-POL-019
  • DK-TOTAL-part-BAL
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats All habitats
  • D7 (1)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats Benthic broad habitats
  • D7 (6)
  • D7C2 (1)
  • D7 (19)
  • D7C2 (19)
  • D7 (1)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats Other benthic habitats
  • D7 (1)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Current regime
  • D7 (6)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Salinity
  • D7 (6)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Temperature
  • D7 (6)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Wave regime
  • D7 (6)
Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Physical Physical disturbance to seabed
  • D7 (12)
Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Physical Physical loss of the seabed
  • D7 (12)
Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Substances, litter and energy Input of water - point sources (e.g. brine)
  • D7 (6)
Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Physical and hydrological Hydrographical changes
  • D7 (12)
  • D7 (22)
  • D7C1 (22)
  • D7 (1)
GES description D7 Hydrographical changes
Hydrographical changes on the beach or the seabed do not give rise to a significant reduction in natural habitats. Permanent changes in hydrographical conditions are estimated as the share of the modified area of the total surface area.

The construction or operation of installations at the beach, the seabed or sea do not significantly alter the hydrographic conditions of the area, such as waves, currents, salinity and temperature. Permanent changes in hydrographical conditions are estimated as the share of the modified area of the total sea area.
Spatial extent and distribution of permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions (e.g. changes in wave action, currents, salinity, temperature) to the seabed and water column, associated in particular with physical loss of the natural seabed.
GES is determined on the basis of the indicator relevant for criteria D7C1.

Spatial extent of each benthic habitat type adversely affected (physical and hydrographical characteristics and associated biological communities) due to permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions.

GES is determined on the basis of the indicator relevant for criteria D7C2.
Good environmental status (GES) is achieved when permanent changes in hydrographical conditions only have local impacts due to human intervention and these impacts, individually or cumulatively, do not have adverse impacts on the marine ecosystems (species, habitats, ecosystem functions) and do not result in biogeographic population effects. Good environmental status (GES) is achieved, if the permanent hydrographical changes addressed in accordance with D 7 do not prevent the good ecological status of the water in accordance with the WFD. The habitat types listed in Annex I relevant to the marine sector and the habitats of the marine species listed in Annex II to the Habitats Directive, as well as the marine habitats of species covered by the Birds Directive, are not adversely affected by permanent alterations in hydrographical activities such as the construction of bridges, tunnels or offshore wind installations, etc. and are in a favourable conservation status. The conservation status of a habitat is considered favourable when its natural range and the area it covers in this area are stable or increasing, and the structures and specific functions necessary for its long-term survival exist and are likely to continue to exist in the foreseeable future. Species are subject to favourable conditions for their diet and reproduction.
Permanent alteration of the hydrographic properties does not adversely affect marine ecosystems.
GES description D7C1 Permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions (7.1, 7.1.1)
GES is determined on the basis of the indicator relevant for criteria D7C1
GES description D7C2 Adverse effects from permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions (7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.2)
GES under the criteria D7C2 is determined via the spatial area of hydrographically altered habitat type sandbanks (code 1110), estuaries (code 1130), mudflats and sandflats (code 1140), large shallow inlets and bays (code 1160), reefs (code 1170).

GES is achieved if the extent of the hydrographically altered habitat is ≤ 10% of the total area of the habitat type.
GES is determined on the basis of the indicator relevant for criteria D7C2
Determination date
  • 2018-07 (D7)
  • 2018-07 (D7C2)
  • 2015-09 (D7C2, D7, D7C1)
  • 2018-10 (D7)
  • 2019-04 (D7)
Update type
  • Modified from reported determination (D7)
  • New determination (D7C2)
  • New determination (D7C2, D7, D7C1)
  • Same as last reported determination (D7)
  • Modified from reported determination (D7)
Justification for non-use of criterion
D7C1: Criteria D7C1 assesses spatial distibution and area of alterations of hydrographic conditions. According to Commission Decision 2017/848 and WG GES Guidance for Assessments Under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive criteria D7C1 does not have threshold value. It is used to assess other criteria. D7C1 informs assessment of D7C2.
Justification for delay in setting EU/regional requirements
D7C1: Hydrographic characteristics (temperature, salinity, oxygen, pH, water transparency) were performed in 2006–2011 and 2012–2017. a comparative analysis that did not show significant changes in physico-chemical conditions in pelagic and benthic habitats. So far, there is only one type of man-made structures in the Lithuanian sea area, which can affect certain hydrographic parameters - hydrotechnical equipment, more precisely - Klaipeda port gate piers. Their potential impact on the coastal hydrological regime is examined in the report. The physical parameters (temperature, salinity, current velocity, circulating) have no effect on sand embankment, although they can locally reduce the impact of waves on shore erosion. For the D7C1 and D7C2 criteria at regional level, indicators are proposed that should be developed at regional and national level in the future.

D7C2: Hydrographic characteristics (temperature, salinity, oxygen, pH, water transparency) were performed in 2006–2011 and 2012–2017. a comparative analysis that did not show significant changes in physico-chemical conditions in pelagic and benthic habitats. So far, there is only one type of man-made structures in the Lithuanian sea area, which can affect certain hydrographic parameters - hydrotechnical equipment, more precisely - Klaipeda port gate piers. Their potential impact on the coastal hydrological regime is examined in the report. The physical parameters (temperature, salinity, current velocity, circulating) have no effect on sand embankment, although they can locally reduce the impact of waves on shore erosion. For the D7C1 and D7C2 criteria at regional level, indicators are proposed that should be developed at regional and national level in the future.
D7: Regional threshold values have not been established yet. National values have been used instead.

D7C1: Regional threshold values have not been established yet. National values have been used instead.

D7C2: Regional threshold values have not been established yet. National values have been used instead.
D7: During the reporting period, regional cooperation focused on the development of methodological standards to assess the various aspects of stress and resilience on the basis of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU. The indicators vary in their level of maturity and require further development or testing. Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 gives, for the first time, an explicit obligation on the part of the EU Member States to agree on evaluation elements, thresholds and integration rules in the framework of the EU MSFD CIS process and through regional or subregional cooperation. Germany is actively working with the countries bordering the Baltic Sea in the framework of the ongoing work programmes of the EU MSFD and the HELCOM bodies to establish where a coordinated definition is still missing.
D7: In relation to descriptor 7, good environmental status is considered descriptive, since no threshold values have been set in either OSPAR or HELCOM.