Member State report / Art9 / 2018 / D8 / Baltic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D8 Contaminants
Region/subregion Baltic
Reported by Member state
Member state
Member state report
Marine reporting units MRUs used
  • BAL-FI
  • BAL-GR-EE-ICES_SD_28-1
  • BAL-LV-AAA-006
  • BAL-LV-AAA-007
  • BAL-LV-AAA-009
  • BAL-LT-MS-01
  • L2-SEA-007-POL
  • L2-SEA-008-POL
  • L2-SEA-009-POL
  • L3-24
  • L4-POL-001
  • L4-POL-002
  • L4-POL-003
  • L4-POL-004
  • L4-POL-005
  • L4-POL-006
  • L4-POL-007
  • L4-POL-008
  • L4-POL-009
  • L4-POL-010
  • L4-POL-011
  • L4-POL-012
  • L4-POL-013
  • L4-POL-014
  • L4-POL-015
  • L4-POL-016
  • L4-POL-017
  • L4-POL-018
  • L4-POL-019
  • DE_CW_B0.9610
  • DE_CW_DEMV_WP_20
  • DK-TOTAL-part-BAL
  • BAL-SE-RG-Ostersjon
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Surface-feeding birds
  • D8C2 (1)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Pelagic shelf fish
  • D8 (4)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Seals
  • D8C2 (4)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Marine species
  • D8C2 (4)
  • D8 (5)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats Benthic broad habitats
  • D8 (1)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Apex predators
  • D8C2 (5)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: No theme All marine ecosystem elements
  • D8 (1)
Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Biological All biological pressures
  • D8C2 (1)
Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Substances, litter and energy Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events
  • D8C1 (11)
Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Chemical Acute pollution events
  • D8C3 (6)
  • D8C3 (1)
  • D8C4 (1)
  • D8 (3)
  • D8C3 (3)
  • D8 (5)
  • D8C3 (1)
  • D8C4 (1)
  • D8C3 (1)
Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Chemical Contaminants - non UPBT substances
  • D8C1 (66)
  • D8C3 (6)
  • D8C1 (24)
  • D8C1 (1)
  • D8 (20)
  • D8C1 (22)
  • D8 (5)
  • D8C1 (1)
  • D8C2 (1)
Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Chemical Contaminants - UPBT substances
  • D8C1 (44)
  • D8C1 (24)
  • D8 (2)
  • D8C1 (1)
  • D8 (20)
  • D8C1 (22)
  • D8 (5)
  • D8C1 (1)
  • D8C1 (1)
  • D8C2 (1)
GES description D8 Contaminants
D8C1 concentrations of priority substances

D8C2 biological effects of pollution

D8C3 Significan pollution events
Concentrations of contaminants are at levels not giving rise to pollution effects.

The health of species and the condition of habitats (such as their species composition and relative abundance at locations of chronic pollution) are not adversely affected due to contaminants including cumulative and synergetic effects

The spatial extent and duration of significant acute pollution events are minimised.
The good environmental status for the descriptor "pollutants" is achieved when the concentrations of pollutants in biota, sediment and water comply with the environmental quality standards in accordance with the WFD, the UQN Directive 2008/105/EC and the Surface Water Regulation (OGewV). and meet the environmental objectives and environmental objectives of the "Hazardous substances segment" of helCOM BSAP. Due to the considerable uncertainties and knowledge gaps that still exist in the current UQNs and EACs (Environmental Assessment Criteria), the precautionary principle should be used as an additional criterion for assessment. In addition, for good environmental status, other specific requirements arising from the MSRL must be met, in particular compliance with other environmental quality standards/environmental quality objectives for sediments and biota and the Taking into account biological pollutant effects." In order to assess the good environmental status of D8, the following criteria are used in accordance with Commission (EU) 2017/848 decision: D8C1, D8C2, D8C3, D8C4. Explanation: In this round of reports, Germany does not update the general description of the good environmental status of 2012 at descriptor level. During the reporting period, Germany worked with the Countries bordering the Baltic Sea within the framework of the EU's MSRL-CIS process and in HELCOM to develop methodological standards (indicators, evaluation procedures). Specific details of criteria and indicators that contribute to a quantitative assessment of good environmental status are reported in the reporting scheme Art. 8_GES. For the evaluation of the criteria of the Commission's Decision (EU) 2017/848, Article 8_GES, where relevant, shall include the assessments under other EU directives, take into account, as far as possible, the regional assessments agreed so far and, in individual cases, national assessments.
GES description D8C1 Contaminants in environment (8.1, 8.1.1)
Concentrations of benzo-a-pyrene and fluoranthene in molluscs are below the environmental quality standards (5 and 30 µg kg-1 ww) and the concentrations of anthracene in sediment are below 24 µg kg-1 dw (TOC 5%). The status of harmful substances in the marine environment is first assessed for the offshore and offshore sections of marine areas separately for each substance or indicator and then as a weighted average of indicators using the HELCOM CHASE tool.

Concentrations of compounds below the environmental quality standards for fish, crustaceans and molluscs are as follows: sum of PBDEs 28, 47,99,100, 153 and 154 0.0085 μg kg-1 ww, HBCDD 167 μg kg-1, PFOS 9.1 µg kg-1 ww, PCB sum of congener 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180 sum of 75 µg kg-1 ww, sum of dioxins (including dioxin-like PCB congeners) 0.0065 TEQ kg-1 ww. The status of harmful substances in the marine environment is first assessed for the offshore and offshore sections of marine areas separately for each substance or indicator and then as a weighted average of indicators using the HELCOM CHASE tool.

Concentrations of lead, mercury and cadmium (annual average) below environmental quality standards in water (1.3 μg Pb L-1 and 0.2 μg Cd L-1) and in fish (mercury only, 200 μg kg-1 ww). The status of harmful substances in the marine environment is first assessed for the offshore and offshore sections of marine areas separately for each substance or indicator and then as a weighted average of indicators using the HELCOM CHASE tool

Lead concentrations in fish and cadmium concentrations in bivalve molluscs are below the thresholds of 24 µg Pb kg-1 ww and 960 µg Cd kg-1 dw agreed at HELCOM. The status of harmful substances in the marine environment is first assessed for the offshore and offshore sections of marine areas separately for each substance or indicator and then as a weighted average of indicators using the HELCOM CHASE tool.

PESTICIDE FORMULATIONS: The concentrations of blue myrky nodularin are lower than 1,0 µg in L-1 in seawater.
The status of undesirable substances in the marine environment is assessed for coastal and offshore elements of marine waters, first for each substance or indicator separately and then as a weighted average of indicators, using HELCOM Chase.

The concentration of radioactive Cesium-137 in the herring is below 2.5 Bq kg-1. The status of harmful substances in the marine environment is first assessed for the offshore and offshore sections of marine areas separately for each substance or indicator and then as a weighted average of indicators using the HELCOM CHASE tool.

The concentration of tributyltin (TBT) in sediment is lower than the agreed threshold of 1.6 μg kg-1 dw (5% TOC) in HELCOM or the corresponding environmental quality standard in water (0.2 ng L-1). The status of harmful substances in the marine environment is first assessed for the offshore and offshore sections of marine areas separately for each substance or indicator and then as a weighted average of indicators using the HELCOM CHASE tool.
Within coastal and territorial waters GES is determined via contaminants selected in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC: contaminants for which an en­vironmental quality standard is laid down in Part A of Annex I to Directive 2008/105/EC; River Basin Specific Pollutants un­der Annex VIII to Directive 2000/60/EC, in coastal waters; and regionally agreed HELCOM hazardous substances core indicators.

Beyond territorial waters GES is determined via regionally agreed Helcom hazardous substances core indicators.

GES is achieved if the indicator (contaminants) concentration values do not exceed the threshold values from Directive 2008/105/EC, national legislation of agreed River Basin Specific Pollutants and from Helcom core indicator reports.
Concentrations of pollutants in coastal and territorial waters do not exceed these threshold values. The condition is assessed according to the indicators: 1) Pollutants in water. 2) Contaminants in bottom sediments. 3) Pollutants in biota. During the assessment period of 2012-2017, all substances referred to in Directive 2008/105/EC (as amended by 2013/39/EC) were examined, and their relevance in the Lithuanian sea area was clarified.
Within coastal waters the concentrations of contaminants do not exceed the threshold values apply as follows: (a) environmental quality standard for priority substances selected in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC laid down in Part A of Annex I to Directive 2013/39/EC; (b) environmental quality standards for other contaminants laid down in Annex 9 Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 21 July 2016 on the way of classifying the status of water bodies and environmental quality standards for priority substances (Polish low); (c) threshold values of water quality indicators from the group of substances particularly harmful to the aquatic environment (specific synthetic and non-synthetic pollutants), referring to uniform surface water bodies of all categories laid down in Annex 6 Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 21 July 2016 on the way of classifying the status of water bodies and environmental quality standards for priority substances (Polish low). Beyond coastal waters, the concentrations of contaminants do not exceed the threshold values apply as follows: (a) environmental quality standard laid down in Part A of Annex I to Directive 2013/39/EC for priority substances selected in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC; (b) environmental quality standards and threshold values set nationally or regionally for other contaminants (also in other matrices) set as national or regional (HELCOM) indicators.

Within coastal waters the concentrations of contaminants do not exceed the threshold values apply as follows: (a) environmental quality standard for priority substances selected in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC laid down in Part A of Annex I to Directive 2013/39/EC; (b) environmental quality standards for other contaminants laid down in Annex 9 Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 21 July 2016 on the way of classifying the status of water bodies and environmental quality standards for priority substances (Polish low); (c) threshold values of water quality indicators from the group of substances particularly harmful to the aquatic environment (specific synthetic and non-synthetic pollutants), referring to uniform surface water bodies of all categories laid down in Annex 6 Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 21 July 2016 on the way of classifying the status of water bodies and environmental quality standards for priority substances (Polish low). Beyond coastal waters, the concentrations of contaminants do not exceed the threshold values apply as follows: (a) environmental quality standard laid down in Part A of Annex I to Directive 2013/39/EC for priority substances selected in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC; (b) environmental quality standards and threshold values set nationally or regionally for other contaminants (also in other matrices) set as national or regional (HELCOM) indicators.
The concentrations of pollutants in coastal and territorial waters do not exceed the environmental quality requirements set by the Water Framework Directive. The concentrations of pollutants outside coastal and territorial waters do not exceed the thresholds set.
D8C1 Concentrations of hazardous substances in relevant matrix (biota, sediment or water) do not exceed the values for marine environment in regulation HVMFS 2013:19 or values established through regional or subregional cooperation. GES:When all substances achieve the threshold values in the assessment area. The assessment is made separately for uPBT-substances and non-uPBT-substances.
GES description D8C2 Adverse effects of contaminants (8.2, 8.2.1)
Females > 90 % of births in females aged 6 and over will lead to birth.
The status of undesirable substances in the marine environment is assessed for coastal and offshore elements of marine waters, first for each substance or indicator separately and then as a weighted average of indicators, using HELCOM Chase.

More than 90% of the Baltic females'> 5 year old females give birth to a live pup. The status of harmful substances in the marine environment is assessed for coastal and offshore sections of the sea, first for each substance or indicator, and then as a weighted average of indicators using the HELCOM CHASE tool.

The population of the white-tailed eagle is in good condition if the litter production is 0.97; breeding success is 59% and litter size is 1.64. The status of harmful substances in the marine environment is assessed for coastal and offshore sections of the sea, first for each substance or indicator, and then as a weighted average of indicators using the HELCOM CHASE tool.
GES under criteria D8C2 is determined via white tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) productivity.

GES is achieved if all three parameters are above the threshold values.
Threshold values for the parameters are:
productivity: 0,97 nestlings (period average);
brood size: 1,64 nestlings (period average);
Breeding Success: 0,59 (59%).
The health of species and the condition of habitats (such as their species composition and relative abundance at locations of chronic pollution) are not adversely affected due to contaminants including cumulative and synergetic effects.
Levels of imposex / intersex in sea snails in all Danish marine areas do not exceed the set thresholds. Note: No relevant feature for D8C2 was found in the list of features
D8C2 Arternas hälsa eller livsmiljöernas tillstånd påverkas inte negativt på grund av farliga ämnen, inklusive kumulativa och synergistiska effekter.
God miljöstatus: När tröskelvärdena för respektive indikator klaras i alla bedömningsområden i respektive förvaltningsområde. Indikatorerna integreras inte till kriterienivå.
D8C2 The health of species and the condition of habitats are not adversely affected due to hazardous substances including cumulative and synergetic effects.
GES: When the threshold values for each indicator is achieved in each assessment area. The indicators are not integrated to critera level.
GES description D8C3 Significant acute pollution events (8.2.2)
Oil content in seawater is less than 1.0 µg L-1 (annual average in the sea). The status of harmful substances in the marine environment is assessed for coastal and offshore sections of the sea, first for each substance or indicator, and then as a weighted average of indicators using the HELCOM CHASE tool.

Oil discharges observed in the sea are below the HELCOM thresholds: 5.2447 m3 in the Gulf of Finland, 14.3056 m3 in the Northern Baltic Sea, 0.1363 m3 in the Åland Sea, 0.0007 m3 in the Kvarken and 0.1135 m3 in the Gulf of Bothnia. The status of harmful substances in the marine environment is assessed for coastal and offshore sections of the sea, first for each substance or indicator, and then as a weighted average of indicators using the HELCOM CHASE tool.
GES under criteria D8C3 is determined via the number on significant acute pollution events. GES is achieved if no significant pollution event occurs in the assessment period.

The significant acute pollution event is determined as follows:
extent of the spill exceeds 4,5 km2;
removal time of the spill exceeds 48 hours (from first alert of the spill until removal of the spill);
volume of the spill exceeds 10 m3.
The spatial extent and duration of significant acute pollution events are minimised.
HELCOM's tærskelværdier for ulovligt oliespild fra skibe er overholdt i all delområder
D8C3 The spatial extent and duration of significant acute pollution events are minimised. GES:When the threshold values are achieved in the assessemnt areas.
GES description D8C4 Adverse effects of significant pollution events (8.2.2)
Adverse effect of significant acute pollution can be assessed only if a significant acute pollution event occurs.
For the criteria D8C4 no specific indicators or GES threshold values have been determined.
In case of significant acute pollution event the scale of assessment is as used for assessment of the species groups or benthic broad habitat types under descriptors 1 and 6. According to descriptors 1 and 6 an estimate of the abundance of each species that is adversely affected and an estimate of the extent of each broad habitat type that is adversely affected has to be given.
The adverse effects of major acute pollution events on species health and habitat status have been minimized and, as far as possible, eliminated.
Determination date
  • 2018-07 (D8C1, D8C2, D8C3)
  • 2018-07 (D8C1, D8C4, D8C2, D8C3)
  • 2012-12 (D8)
  • 2019-02 (D8)
  • 2013-04 (D8C1)
  • 2018-10 (D8C1, D8, D8C2, D8C3)
  • 2018-10 (D8)
  • 2019-04 (D8C1, D8C4, D8C2, D8C3)
  • 2018-12 (D8C1, D8C2, D8C3)
Update type
  • Modified from reported determination (D8C1, D8C2, D8C3)
  • Modified from reported determination (D8C1)
  • New determination (D8C4, D8C2, D8C3)
  • Modified from reported determination (D8)
  • New determination (D8)
  • Modified from reported determination (D8C1)
  • Modified from reported determination (D8C1, D8)
  • New determination (D8, D8C2, D8C3)
  • Same as last reported determination (D8)
  • Modified from reported determination (D8C1, D8C2)
  • New determination (D8C4, D8C3)
  • Modified from reported determination (D8C1, D8C2)
  • New determination (D8C3)
Justification for non-use of criterion
D8C3: This criteria has not been used since all Contaminants indicators are related to Criteria D8C1 and D8C2.
D8C3: There is a lack of a regionally developed methodology for assessing the criterion. Monitoring of acute pollution focuses on oil, but spills of other substances are also possible. Due to the lack of sufficiently sensitive sensors, it is difficult to identify individual substances in accordance with MARPOL Annex II. The classification of significant pollution incidents and the follow-up to such incidents should be defined and developed. Cases of pollution are recorded in the Lithuanian sea area, but monitoring of acute pollution events is not sufficient.
D8C4: So far, no collected registration has been performed for this criteria
Justification for delay in setting EU/regional requirements
D8C3: There is a lack of a regionally developed methodology for assessing the criterion. Monitoring of acute pollution focuses on oil, but spills of other substances are also possible. Due to the lack of sufficiently sensitive sensors, it is difficult to identify individual substances in accordance with MARPOL Annex II. The classification of significant pollution incidents and the follow-up to such incidents should be defined and developed. Cases of pollution are recorded in the Lithuanian sea area, but monitoring of acute pollution events is not sufficient.
D8: During the reporting period, regional cooperation focused on the development of methodological standards to assess the various aspects of stress and resilience on the basis of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU. The indicators vary in their level of maturity and require further development or testing. Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 gives, for the first time, an explicit obligation on the part of the EU Member States to agree on evaluation elements, thresholds and integration rules in the framework of the EU MSFD CIS process and through regional or subregional cooperation. Germany is actively working with the countries bordering the Baltic Sea in the framework of the ongoing work programmes of the EU MSFD and the HELCOM bodies to establish where a coordinated definition is still missing.
D8C1: List of contaminants has not yet been fully established through regional or subregional cooperation according to GES D8C1, criteria (2)(b). Furthermore thresholds are not agreed for all contaminants through regional or subregional cooperation

D8C2: A list of species, and relevant tissues to be assessed, and habitats has not yet been established through regional or subregional cooperation

D8C3: There has not been set an agreed definition of what 'acute pollution events' means

D8C4: No agreed definition of 'acute pollution events' has been agreed upon.