Member State report / Art10 / 2012 / D1-C / Black Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 10 Environmental targets (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2012-10-15
GES Descriptor D1 Cephalopods
Region/subregion Black Sea
Reported by Member state
Member state
Marine reporting units Number used
Features Pressures
ExtractSpeciesAll (1)
ExtractSpeciesFishShellfish (1)
InputN_Psubst (1)
InputOrganics (1)
IntroNIS (1)
Litter (1)
PhysDam_silt (1)
PhysDisturbance (1)
PhysLoss_Seal (1)
PhysLoss_Smother (1)
Features Predominant habitats
LitRock (5)
LitSed (6)
MarineCoast (1)
MarineOceanic (1)
MarineShelf (1)
ShallMud (1)
ShallRock (6)
ShallSand (6)
ShelfMud (1)
ShelfMxdSed (1)
ShelfRock (1)
ShelfSand (1)
Features Functional group
MammalsToothedWhales (3)
Features Species group
FishAll (2)
Features Physical/chemical features
Transparency (3)
Targets Number used
Indicators Number used
Target/indicator values No. with quantitative values
Indicators - 264 (100.0%)
Targets - 104 (100.0%)
Indicators - 0 (0.0%)
Targets - 14 (100.0%)
Proportion of area to achieve values Range of % values reported
100 - 80 (104 Targets - 100.0%)
100 - 80 (264 Indicators - 100.0%)
0 - 0 (0 Indicators - 0.0%)
100 - 100 (14 Targets - 100.0%)
Reference point type No. per category
LimitReferencePoint (12 Targets - 11.5%)
LimitReferencePoint (40 Indicators - 15.2%)
TargetReferencePoint (224 Indicators - 84.8%)
TargetReferencePoint (92 Targets - 88.5%)
TargetReferencePoint (14 Targets - 100.0%)
Baseline No. per category
100-150 (1 Indicators - 0.4%)
150-220 (1 Indicators - 0.4%)
1950-1960 (1 Targets - 1.0%)
1950-1960 (2 Indicators - 0.8%)
1960-2011 (1 Targets - 1.0%)
1967-1972 (3 Indicators - 1.1%)
1967-1972 (3 Targets - 2.9%)
1998-2003 (18 Indicators - 6.8%)
1998-2003 (3 Targets - 2.9%)
2011 (10 Targets - 9.6%)
2011 (7 Indicators - 2.7%)
2500-3000 (1 Indicators - 0.4%)
460-600 (1 Indicators - 0.4%)
550-800 (1 Indicators - 0.4%)
600-1000 (1 Indicators - 0.4%)
Not available (25 Targets - 24.0%)
Not available (30 Indicators - 11.4%)
reference conditions (117 Indicators - 44.3%)
reference conditions (2009 – 2011) is used for basic status (16 Indicators - 6.1%)
reference conditions (2009 – 2011) is used for basic status (2 Targets - 1.9%)
reference conditions (59 Targets - 56.7%)
reference value (26 Indicators - 9.8%)
referent conditions (39 Indicators - 14.8%)
The baseline for Cystoseira distribution could not be established due to limited recent data. The historical data could not be taken as baseline, due to different marine waters conditions. (1 Targets - 7.1%)
The baseline for Cystoseira population could not be established due to limited recent data. The historical data could not be taken as baseline. (1 Targets - 7.1%)
The baseline for Zostera distribution could not be established due to limited recent data. The historical data could not be taken as baseline, due to different marine waters conditions. (1 Targets - 7.1%)
The baseline for Zostera population could not be established due to limited recent data. The historical data could not be taken as baseline. (1 Targets - 7.1%)
We took as baseline the 2000 year for population indicator. However, there is no methodology for establish GES indicator. (1 Targets - 7.1%)
We took into account the baseline from 1960s for the habitat 1110-3b (1 Targets - 7.1%)
We took into account the baseline from 1960s for the habitat 1140-3 (1 Targets - 7.1%)
We took into account the baseline from 1960s for the habitat 1170-10 (1 Targets - 7.1%)
the baseline is the current density of Donacilla cornea as recorded in Micu et al., 2006 (1 Targets - 7.1%)
the baseline is the current density of Donax trunculus as recorded by Micu D. (1 Targets - 7.1%)
the baseline is the current density of Donax trunculus as recorded in Micu, 2007 (1 Targets - 7.1%)
the baseline is the present extent of the habitat in Romania (2 Targets - 14.3%)
the baseline is the present extent of the habitat in unaltered state in Romania (1 Targets - 7.1%)
Target/indicator type No. per category
Impact (4 Targets - 3.8%)
Pressure (2 Targets - 1.9%)
State (264 Indicators - 100.0%)
State (98 Targets - 94.2%)
State (14 Targets - 100.0%)
Timescale No. per time period
2020-06 (104 Targets - 100.0%)
2020-12 (8 Targets - 100.0%)
Interim or GES target No. per category
GES (104 Targets - 100.0%)
GES (14 Targets - 100.0%)
Compatibility with existing targets/ indicators No. per category
The environmental objectives for the Danube River (the main tributary of the Black Sea situated on the Romanian territory) were established within the Danube RBMP and will be achieved by 2021. (14 Targets - 100.0%)