Member State report / Art9 / 2018 / D2 / Black Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D2 Non-indigenous species
Region/subregion Black Sea
Reported by Member state
Member state
Member state report
Marine reporting units MRUs used
  • BLK-BG-AA-EmineMaslennos
  • BLK-BG-AA-GalataEmine
  • BLK-BG-AA-KaliakraGalata
  • BLK-BG-AA-MaslennosRezovo
  • BLK-BG-AA-OpenSea
  • BLK-BG-AA-Shelf
  • BLK-BG-AA-SivriburunKaliakra
  • BLK_RO_RG_MT01
  • BLK_RO_RG_TT03
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats Benthic broad habitats
  • D2C3 (6)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats Pelagic broad habitats
  • D2C3 (3)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: No theme All marine ecosystem elements
  • D2C1 (7)
Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Biological Established non-indigenous species
  • D2C2 (7)
  • D2C2 (3)
Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Biological Newly-introduced non-indigenous species
  • D2C1 (3)
GES description D2 Non-indigenous species
GES description D2C1 Newly-introduced NIS
The number of non-indigenous species which are newly introduced via human activity into the wild, per assessment period (6 years), measured from the reference year as reported for the initial asessment under Article 8(1) of Directive 2008/56/EC, is minimised and where possible reduced to zero.
The threshold for good status in the Bulgarian Black Sea are as follows:
BLK-BG-D2C1_NewNIS (coastal waters) = 1
BLK-BG-D2C1_NewNIS (shelf) = 0
BLK-BG-D2C1_NewNIS (open sea) = 0
The number of non-indigenous species which are newly introduced via human activity into the wild, per assessment period (6 years), is minimised and where possible reduced to zero. The number of non-indigenous species does not exceed the threshold value.
GES description D2C2 Established NIS (2.1, 2.1.1)
Abundance and spatial distribution of established non-indigenous species, particularly of invasive species, contributing significantly to adverse effects on particular species groups or broad habitat types.
Thresholds for good status in the Bulgarian Black Sea are as follows:
BLK-BG-D2C2_ML_BIOM < 4 г/м3
Established Non-indigenous species (Mnemiopsis leidyi) introduced by human activities are at levels that do not adversely alter the ecosystems and do not exceed the threshold values.
GES description D2C3 Adverse effects of NIS (2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.2)
Proportion of the species group or spatial extent of the broad habitat type which is adversely altered due to non-indigenous species, particularly invasive non-indigenous species. In the Bulgarian Black Sea a threshold is defined for the proportion of bivalves to invasive predatore Rapana venosa biomass:
The impact of the established non-indigenous species calculated as Biopollution index of Mnemiopsis leidyi does not exceed the threshold value.
Determination date
  • 2021-07 (D2C2)
  • 2021-09 (D2C1, D2C3)
  • 2018-12 (D2C1, D2C3, D2C2)
Update type
  • Modified from reported determination (D2C1, D2C3, D2C2)
  • New determination (D2C1, D2C3, D2C2)
Justification for non-use of criterion
Justification for delay in setting EU/regional requirements