Member State report / Art8 / 2012 / D4 / Black Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2012-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems |
Region/subregion | Black Sea |
Reported by | Member state |
Member state | BG |
RO |
Marine reporting units | Number used | 12 |
3 |
Features | No theme | Abundance (5) EcosystemOverall (5) FeatureorCharacteristics (23) HabitatsSpecificAreas (23) IceCoverDuration (2) IceCoverExtent (2) ImpactPressureSeabedHabitats (1) ImpactPressureWaterColumn (1) LevelPressureAcidification (1) Productivity (5) Proportion (5) Structure (5) |
Features | Physical/chemical features | CurrentVelocity (2) Mixing (2) ResidenceTime (2) Salinity (2) SeaBottomTemperature (2) SeaSurfaceTemperature (2) TopographyBathymetry (2) Transparency (2) Turbidity (2) Upwelling (2) WaveExposure (2) |
Elements | Predominant habitats | MarineCoast (1) |
Elements | No theme | NotRelevant (1) |
Criteria used | D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems | ||
Criteria used | D4C1 Trophic guild species diversity (1.7, 1.7.1) | 1.7.1 |
Criteria used | D4C2 Abundance across trophic guilds (1.7, 1.7.1, 4.3, 4.3.1) | 1.7.1 |
Criteria used | D4C3 Trophic guild size distribution (4.2, 4.2.1) | ||
Criteria used | D4C4 Trophic guild productivity (4.1, 4.1.1) | ||
Threshold values | % of indicators with values (no. of indicators reported) | 0.0% (0) |
38.5% (26) |
Proportion threshold values | Range of % values (no. of indicators reported) | 50 - 50 (10) |
Baseline | No. of indicators reported per response | We adopted the threshold value the one stipulated in 2008/105/EC. (10) |
Proportion values achieved | No. of criteria reported per category | 1-90 (1 or 2.1%) Accumulation in sediments, for the same period,was characterized by the following average values and range of variation: copper 33,05 ± 27,54 µg/g (0,53 – 147,84 µg/g); cadmium 1,03 ± 1,52 µg/g (0,01 - 9,63 µg/g); lead 26,71 ± 26,16 µg/g (0,10 - 300,78 µg/g); nickel 36,54 ± 25,93 µg/g (0,40 – 211,73 µg/g); chromium 44,58 ± 31,08 µg/g. (1 or 2.1%) Altered (4 or 8.5%) Annually, TOC means oscillated within 3.456-5.535mg/L without any identified trend. Spatial, we observe a slightly increasing trend in the central and southern parts. (1 or 2.1%) Concentration in Mytilus galloprovincialis: copper 2,61 ± 1,80 µg/g (0,91 – 10,77 µg/g); cadmium 0,36 ± 0,39 µg/g (0,05 – 1,98 µg/g); lead 0,98 ± 1,78 µg/g (0,02 – 10,29 µg/g); nickel 1,05 ± 0,55 µg/g (0,11 – 2,66 µg/g); chromium 0,97 ± 1,13 µg/g (0,01 – 6,07 µg/g). (1 or 2.1%) Concentrations in seawater during 2006 - 2011 recorded the following averages and range of variation: copper 10,02 ±13,77 µg/L (0,01-93,51 µg/L); cadmium 0,99 ± 1,26 µg/L (0,01-18,32 µg/L); lead 3,78 ± 6,03 µg/L (0,01-51,97 µg/L); nickel 3,65 ± 4,40 µg/L (0,01-30,59 µg/L); chromium 3,84 ± 6,26 µg/L (0,01-59,74 µg/L). (1 or 2.1%) In biota concentration <0,35 μg/g dry tissue for lindane and DDT and < 0,15 μg/g dry tissue HCB and heptachlor. Concentrations of other investigated compounds (aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, DDE and DDD) < 0,07 μg/g dry tissue. (1 or 2.1%) InLine (4 or 8.5%) Long-term (1980-2011, N=3914), is generally observed the decreasing of DIN means, up to comparable values from 1991-1992, when the eutrophication intensity starts to decrease. Nowadays, DIN values are slightly increasing than the end of 90’s when minimum was observed. (1 or 2.1%) On long term, is outlined the variability decreasing trend due to increased temperatures in both warm and cold season. In the water column, the concentrations are high in the surface layer, 0-10m, the stratification being more pronounced in spring and autumn. The hypoxia, extreme phenomenon in the study period, is found exclusively in the warm season and has episodically character. Thus, we have not found permanent hypoxic areas, the phenomenon being more influenced by climatic factors than biological. (1 or 2.1%) PAHs in water, during 2006-2011, total PAH content from Sulina-Vama Veche falls within the 0,010-16,543 (µg/l) . In water extreme values of total PAHs, in the range of 5.0 - 16.5 (µg/l) are more frequent at sampling points located closer to shore. Marine waters (30-50m isobaths) showed occasional extreme values of 12,076 (µg/l) in northern sector near Sf.Gheorghe and 6,358 (µg/l) in - southern sector near Mangalia. Levels of PAH (µg/l) in water established in 2008-2011 indicates downward trend of pollution. Distribution of PAH concentrations showed that extreme values (18%) that have varied in the range 4,132-16,543 (µg/l) were determinated in 2006-2007 period. (1 or 2.1%) TPHs in water and sediments: During 2006-2011, TPH content in water and sediment from Sulina-Vama Veche falls within the range 10.9 – 3592.0 (µg/l) and 4.2-6770.0 (µg/g). In water, extreme values of TPH in the range of 1.0 – 3.6 mg/l are more frequent at sampling points located closer to shore. In sediment, extreme values of TPH (µg/g) in the range of 1.0-6.7 mg/g have found in percent of 18% in two wastewater treatment plants - WWTPs: Constanţa Sud and Eforie Sud. This data are highly different from almost 6 times higher than those recorded in the other stations.The results have identified contaminated sediment in marine area in front of Danube mouths (Sulina, Mila 9, Sf. Gheorghe) while the central sector (Gura Buhaz - Constanta North) and the one in the southern extremity (Costineşti - Vama Veche) are generally characterized by moderate values.Trends in water and sediment:concentration levels of TPH in water (µg/l) and sediment (µg/g) established in 2010-2011 indicated downward trend with oil pollution.The highest level of oil pollution has beeen recorded in 2007-2008s for water and 2009 for sediment. (1 or 2.1%) Temporal, were observed two seasons: cold (November – March) with lower values and warm (April – October) with maximum values . The pH was best correlated with silicate concentrations (r = -0,76). (1 or 2.1%) The levels of Benzo(a)pyrene < 0.094 μg / L. (1 or 2.1%) The levels of Benzo(g,h,i)perylene < 0.054 μg / L. The levels of indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene < 4.108 μg / L. (1 or 2.1%) The levels of DDE, DDD and DDT in water < 0.02 μg / L. (1 or 2.1%) The levels of Fluoranthene in water < 0.755 μg / L. (1 or 2.1%) The levels of HCB in water < 0.35 μg / L. (1 or 2.1%) The levels of HCB, lindane, heptachlor and aldrin in sediments < 0,07 μg / g dry sediment The other organochlorine compounds investigated (dieldrin, endrin, DDE, DDD and DDT) in sediments < 0,005 μg/g dry sediment. (1 or 2.1%) The levels of Naphtalene in water < 10.153 μg / L. (1 or 2.1%) The levels of aldrin in water < 0.35 μg / L. The other cyclodien pesticides investigated (dieldrin, endrin,) in water < 0,02 μg / L. (1 or 2.1%) The levels of anthracene in water < 9.03 μg / L. (1 or 2.1%) The levels of individual componds (Benzo[b]fluoranthene and benzo[k]fluoranthene) < 0.42 μg / L. (1 or 2.1%) The levels of lindane and heptachlor in water < 0,35 μg / L. (1 or 2.1%) The levels of p, p’ DDT in water < 0.02 μg / L. (1 or 2.1%) Total PAH content in sediment from Sulina-Vama Veche falls within the 0,0026-16,425 (µg/g). In sediment concentrations showed a high level pollution for 21% of samples with values varied in range 2,0 – 10,0 (µg/g) . Extreme values of 171.413 and 61.260 (µg/g) recorded in Sulina station in 2006 and Constanţa Sud (wastewater treatmen plant - WWTP) in 2008 have been not included in statistical analysis of data.In sediment, the levels of PAH concentrations recorded in 2010-2011 indicate their downward trend compared with high values determined in 2007. (1 or 2.1%) Unknown_NotAssessed (15 or 31.9%) |
Assessment trend (status) | No. of criteria assessments per category | Improving (15 or 53.6%) Stable (7 or 25.0%) Unknown_NotAssessed (6 or 21.4%) |
Criteria status | No. of criteria assessments per category | Descriptive (17 or 60.7%) NotGood (11 or 39.3%) |
Assessment period | 2005 - 2011 2006 - 2011 2010 - 2011 |
Related activities | NotReported |