Member State report / Art10 / 2018 / D5 / Black Sea
Report type | Member State report to Commission |
MSFD Article | Art. 10 Environmental targets (and Art. 17 updates) |
Report due | 2018-10-15 |
GES Descriptor | D5 Eutrophication |
Region/subregion | Black Sea |
Reported by | Member state |
Member state | Bulgaria |
Romania |
Member state report | |||
Reporting area(s) | MRUs used |
Features | Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs |
Features | Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Chemical |
GES components |
Target | Number defined | 6 |
Target code/description | 5.1: Principle OneOutAllOut applied to maximum allowable concentrations from national legislation (Ord.161/2006) for each parameter (TP, NO3, NO2, NH4). 5.5: Percentile 90 of borttom oxygen saturation (warm season) should not be lower than the threshold value 5.6: Average biomass of opportunistic macroalgae expressed as ESGII (opportunistic/total biomass ratio percentage) does not exceed 40%. 5.3: At least 50% of Noctiluca scintillans biomass values do not exceed the threshold values: -cold season - 100mg/m3 -warm season - 350mg/m3 5.4: Percentile 90 of water transparency (warm season) should be higher than the threshold value 5.1: DIP and DIN to be maintained or decreased 5.3: At least 50% of Noctiluca scintillans biomass values do not exceed the threshold values: -cold season - 60mg/m3 -warm season - 240mg/m3 5.3: At least 50% of Noctiluca scintillans biomass values do not exceed the threshold values: -cold season - 70mg/m3 -warm season - 240mg/m3 5.1: DIN and DIP concentrations to be maintained or decreased 5.2: 75 percentile of warm season chlorophyll a concentrations in water do not exceed the threshold values |
Target value | No. of parameters/elements with quantitative values |
Target status | No. of assessments per category |
Assessment period | No. of targets per period | 2012-2017 (24 - 100.0%) |
Timescale to achieve targets | No. of targets per date | 2020-12 (24 - 100.0%) |
Update date | No. of targets per date | 2014-06 (15 - 62.5%) 2014-07 (2 - 8.3%) 2018-12 (7 - 29.2%) |
Update type | No. of targets per category |
Related indicators | No. of different indicators reported | 7 |
Related measures | No. of different measures reported | 1 |