Member State report / Art8 / 2012 / D9 / Black Sea

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 8 Initial assessment (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2012-10-15
GES Descriptor D9 Contaminants in seafood
Region/subregion Black Sea
Reported by Member state
Member state
Marine reporting units Number used
Features No theme
ImpactPressureFunctionalGroup (7)
ImpactPressureSeabedHabitats (7)
ImpactlPressureFishSeafood (7)
LevelPressureAir (7)
LevelPressureEnvironment (7)
LevelPressureFunctionalGroups (7)
LevelPressureLand (7)
LevelPressureSea (7)
Elements Functional group
FishPelagic (1)
Elements Predominant habitats
LitSed (1)
Elements No theme
NotRelevant (11)
Elements Species group
FishAll (1)
Criteria used D9 Contaminants in seafood
Criteria used D9C1 Contaminants in seafood (9.1, 9.1.1)
Threshold values % of indicators with values (no. of indicators reported)
0.0% (0)
95.9% (197)
Proportion threshold values Range of % values (no. of indicators reported)
0 - 78 (88)
Baseline No. of indicators reported per response
Even if there are EQS at EU level, the monitoring of heavy metals in water is done for total samples and not for dissolved ones. (8)
The threshold value is according to the Directive 2008/105/EC (86)
The threshold value is according to the Directive 2008/105/EC. (2)
We adopted the threshold value the one stipulated in 2008/105/EC. (60)
Proportion values achieved No. of criteria reported per category
0,0039 (1 or 1.8%)
0,319 (1 or 1.8%)
1,24 (1 or 1.8%)
401,188 (1 or 1.8%)
50-75% (2 or 3.6%)
Unknown_NotAssessed (50 or 89.3%)
Assessment trend (status) No. of criteria assessments per category
Improving (7 or 25.0%)
Unknown_NotAssessed (21 or 75.0%)
Criteria status No. of criteria assessments per category
Descriptive (11 or 39.3%)
Good (4 or 14.3%)
NotAssessed (9 or 32.1%)
NotGood (4 or 14.3%)
Assessment period
2006 - 2011
2007 - 2011
2009 - 2009
Related activities
Industry, NotReported, OilGas, Shipping, Urban