Member State report / Art9 / 2012 / D5 / Mediterranean

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2012-10-15
GES Descriptor D5 Eutrophication
Region/subregion Mediterranean
Reported by Member state
Member state
UK (
ES (
FR (
IT (,,
MT (
SI (
HR (
EL (,,
CY (
Marine reporting units Number used
Features Pressures
NutrientOrgEnrich (2)
InputN_Psubst (2)
InputOrganics (2)
IntroMicroPath (3)
NutrientOrgEnrich (2)
NutrientOrgEnrich (19)
InputN_Psubst (12)
InputOrganics (12)
NutrientOrgEnrich (15)
NutrientOrgEnrich (3)
GES description D5 Eutrophication
Good ecological status is achieved when the biological community is in balance and retains all necessary functions in the absence of adverse disturbances associated with eutrophication (e.g. excessive phytoplankton growth, low oxygen concentrations, etc.) and/or when there are no impacts related to excessive nutrient enrichment of waters on the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services. Good ecological status is achieved when: - either nutrient levels are not high (criterion 5.1) and there are no direct (criterion 5.2) or indirect (criterion 5.3) impacts related to excessive nutrient enrichment of waters on the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services; - or there are no direct impacts (criterion 5. 2) or indirect (criterion 5.3) impacts of excessive nutrient enrichment of waters on the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services, despite high nutrient levels (criterion 5.1).
Evtrofikacija zaradi dejavnosti človeka, in njeni škodljivi učinki, kot so upad biotske raznovrstnosti, degradacija ekosistemov, škodljiva cvetenja alg in pomanjkanje kisika v spodnjih plasteh voda, je minimalna.
In order to achieve GES in the marine environment, it is necessary to keep nutrients -compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus – in the water column at levels which do not accelerate primary production. If there is no excess organic matter and increased suspended algae, water transparency will be satisfactory allowing photosynthesis process to evolve naturally and allow perennial seaweeds and sea grasses to grow. In addition, chlorophyll concentration in the water column will not be increased and oxygen levels will establish a satisfactorily oxygenated environment without anoxic or hypoxic conditions. When an ecosystem is in GES the nutrients are preserved at moderate levels and any human-induced eutrophication phenomena are prevented. Hence, the floristic composition of the marine environment is not altered disturbing the diatom to flagellate ratio, or causing toxic algal blooms. As a result, the ecosystems retain their balance and biodiversity is preserved. Therefore, the overall quality of the marine environment is maintained.In the subregion examined it is deemed that only a maximum proportion of 5% of the assessment area is not in Good Environmental Condition, and as a result occasionally presents eutrophication phenomena due to anthropogenic intervention. There are particular hot spots in coastal areas, mainly enclosed gulfs, where nutrients concentrations exceed threshold values as a result of land –based or sea based human activities; Amvrakikos Gulf and Patraikos Gulf.
The marine environment of Cyprus is considered to be in good environmental status by the year 2020 if human-induced eutrophication is minimised, especially adverse effects thereof, such as losses in biodiversity, ecosystem degradation, harmful algae blooms and oxygen deficiency in bottom waters.
GES description D5C1 Nutrient concentrations (5.1, 5.1.1)
No hay tendencias crecientes no explicables por variabilidad
hidrológica en la concentración de nutrientes durante los últimos seis años,
ni se han registrado valores por encima de los umbrales
bueno/moderado definidos en la DMA o planes de cuenca ni se
sobrepasan los valores del percentil 90 con más frecuencia de lo
esperable estadísticamente para toda la serie temporal

No hay tendencias crecientes no explicables por variabilidad
hidrológica en la concentración de nutrientes durante los últimos seis años,
ni se han sobrepasado los valores de base con más frecuencia de lo esperable estadísticamente
Good ecological status is achieved when: - either nutrient levels are not high (criterion 5.1) and there are no direct (criterion 5.2) or indirect (criterion 5.3) impacts related to excessive nutrient enrichment of waters on the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services; - or there are no direct impacts (criterion 5. 2) or indirect (criterion 5.3) impacts of excessive nutrient enrichment of waters on the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services, despite high nutrient levels (criterion 5.1).
Stanje morja je dobro, če povprečne letne koncentracije hranilnih snovi v morju ne presegajo okoljskih standardov kakovosti za obalno morje v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja stanje površinskih voda.
Nutrient levels
GES description D5C2 Chlorophyll-a concentration (5.2.1)
GES description D5C3 Harmful algal blooms (5.2.4)
GES description D5C4 Photic limit (5.2.2)
GES description D5C5 Dissolved oxygen concentration (5.3.2)
GES description D5C6 Opportunistic macroalgae of benthic habitats (5.2.3)
GES description D5C7 Macrophyte communities of benthic habitats (5.3.1)
GES description D5C8 Macrofaunal communities of benthic habitats
GES description 5.1.2 Nutrient ratios (silica, nitrogen and phosphorus)
GES description 5.2 Direct effects of nutrient enrichment
No hay tendencias crecientes no explicables por variabilidad hidrológica en la concentración de clorofila a durante los últimos seis años, ni se han registrado valores por encima de los umbrales bueno/moderado definidos en la DMA o planes de cuenca ni se sobrepasan los valores del percentil 90 con más frecuencia de lo esperable estadísticamente para toda la serie temporal; no hay tendencia hacia la disminución de la transparencia ni cambios en las comunidades de fitoplancton atribuibles al enriquecimiento en nutrientes

No hay tendencias crecientes no explicables por variabilidad hidrológica en la concentración de clorofila a durante los últimos seis años, ni se han sobrepasado los valores de base con más frecuencia de lo esperable estadísticamente para toda la serie temporal; no hay tendencia hacia la disminución de la transparencia ni cambios en las comunidades de algas atribuibles al enriquecimiento en nutrientes
Good ecological status is achieved when: - either nutrient levels are not high (criterion 5.1) and there are no direct (criterion 5.2) or indirect (criterion 5.3) impacts related to excessive nutrient enrichment of waters on the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services; - or there are no direct impacts (criterion 5. 2) or indirect (criterion 5.3) impacts of excessive nutrient enrichment of waters on the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services, despite high nutrient levels (criterion 5.1).
Stanje morja je dobro, če povprečne letne koncentracije hranilnih snovi v morju ne presegajo okoljskih standardov kakovosti za obalno morje v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja stanje površinskih voda. V obalnih predelih je mejna vrednost dobrega okoljskega stanja določena z vrednostjo indeksa za makroalge EEI-c.

V odprtih vodah je stanje dobro, ko evtrofikacija zaradi dejavnosti človeka ne povzroča škodljivega cvetenja.
Direct effects of nutrient enrichment
GES description 5.3 Indirect effects of nutrient enrichment
No se registran cambios en las comunidades de macrófitos atribuibles al aumento de la concentración de nutrientes; no hay una tendencia decreciente en la saturación de oxígeno ni se alcanzan valores inferiores al 80% más allá de lo esperable estadísticamente
Good ecological status is achieved when: - either nutrient levels are not high (criterion 5.1) and there are no direct (criterion 5.2) or indirect (criterion 5.3) impacts related to excessive nutrient enrichment of waters on the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services; - or there are no direct impacts (criterion 5. 2) or indirect (criterion 5.3) impacts of excessive nutrient enrichment of waters on the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services, despite high nutrient levels (criterion 5.1).
Na sedimentnem dnu infralitorala je dobro okoljsko stanje določeno s primernim stanjem travnikov morskih cvetnic.

V odprtih vodah je dobro okoljsko stanje določeno s prostorsko in časovno razporeditvijo koncentracij raztopljenega kisika v pridnenem sloju. Dobro okoljsko stanje predstavljajo razmere, ko so epizode pomanjkanja kisika (hipoksije) v pridnenem sloju časovno in prostorsko tako omejene, da ne povzročajo trajnih poškodb habitatov na morskem dnu.
Indirect effects of nutrient enrichment
Threshold values % of criteria with values (no. of criteria)
0.0% (0)
100.0% (6)
0.0% (4)
0.0% (0)
0.0% (0)
100.0% (6)
0.0% (0)
100.0% (12)
0.0% (1)
Proportion of area to achieve threshold values % of criteria with values (range of values reported)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
0.0% (0 - 0)
100.0% (-8888 - -8888)
0.0% (0 - 0)
50.0% (5% - 5%)
0.0% (0 - 0)