Member State report / Art10 / 2018 / D1-R / North East Atlantic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 10 Environmental targets (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D1 Reptiles
Region/subregion North East Atlantic
Reported by Member state
Member state
United Kingdom
Member state report
Reporting area(s) MRUs used
  • ANS-SE-SR-Nordsjon
  • DK-TOTAL-part-ANS
  • ANS-NL-MS-1
  • ANS-BE-MS-1
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species
  • Coastal fish (1)
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish (1)
  • Demersal shelf fish (1)
  • Pelagic shelf fish (1)
  • Marine species (1)
  • All mammals (3)
  • Small toothed cetaceans (4)
  • All birds (21)
  • All cephalopods (21)
  • All fish (21)
  • All mammals (40)
  • Turtles (37)
  • All birds (16)
  • All cephalopods (2)
  • All fish (4)
  • All mammals (16)
  • Demersal shelf fish (9)
  • Marine species (13)
  • Turtles (5)
  • All birds (7)
  • All fish (1)
  • All mammals (7)
  • Marine species (6)
  • Turtles (8)
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats
  • Benthic habitats (3)
  • Pelagic habitats (3)
  • Benthic habitats (3)
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs
  • Ecosystems, including food webs (3)
  • Bathymetry (3)
  • Current regime (3)
  • Dissolved oxygen (3)
  • Mixing (3)
  • Nutrients (N, P) (3)
  • Organic carbon (3)
  • Residence time (3)
  • Salinity (3)
  • Temperature (3)
  • Transparency (3)
  • Turbidity (silt/sediment loads) (3)
  • Upwelling (3)
  • Wave regime (3)
  • pH (3)
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: No theme
  • All marine ecosystem elements (2)
  • All marine ecosystem elements (65)
  • All marine ecosystem elements (4)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Biological
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities) (1)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities) (4)
  • All biological pressures (3)
  • Disturbance of species (e.g. where they breed, rest and feed) due to human presence (4)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities) (22)
  • Input or spread of non-indigenous species (3)
  • Disturbance of species (e.g. where they breed, rest and feed) due to human presence (2)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities) (27)
  • Input or spread of non-indigenous species (20)
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities) (1)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Physical
  • All physical pressures (3)
  • Changes to hydrological conditions (3)
  • Physical disturbance to seabed (3)
  • Physical loss of the seabed (3)
  • Changes to hydrological conditions (3)
  • Physical disturbance to seabed (12)
  • Physical loss of the seabed (3)
  • Physical disturbance to seabed (1)
  • Physical loss of the seabed (1)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Substances, litter and energy
  • Input of nutrients - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition (5)
  • Input of organic matter - diffuse sources and point sources (3)
  • Input of nutrients - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition (1)
  • All pressures related to inputs of substances, litter and energy (3)
  • Input of anthropogenic sound (impulsive, continuous) (3)
  • Input of litter (solid waste matter, including micro-sized litter) (3)
  • Input of nutrients - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition (3)
  • Input of other forms of energy (including electromagnetic fields, light and heat) (3)
  • Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events (3)
  • Input of water - point sources (e.g. brine) (3)
  • All pressures related to inputs of substances, litter and energy (4)
  • Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events (9)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: No theme
  • All pressures (11)
Features Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Biological
  • Established non-indigenous species (4)
  • Newly-introduced non-indigenous species (4)
Features Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Physical and hydrological
  • Continuous low frequency sound (4)
  • Impulsive sound in water (4)
Features Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Chemical
  • Acute pollution events (3)
Features Uses and human activities in or affecting the marine environment: Physical restructuring of rivers, coastline or seabed (water management)
  • All activities related to physical restructuring of rivers, coastline or seabed (3)
Features Uses and human activities in or affecting the marine environment: Extraction of non-living resources
  • All activities related to extraction of non-living resources (1)
Features Uses and human activities in or affecting the marine environment: Extraction of living resources
  • All activities related to extraction of living resources (1)
Features Uses and human activities in or affecting the marine environment: Cultivation of living resources
  • Aquaculture - marine, including infrastructure (3)
Features Uses and human activities in or affecting the marine environment: No theme
  • All activities (3)
GES components
  • D1 Biodiversity (1)
  • D1 Fish (1)
  • D1C2 Population abundance (1.2, 1.2.1) (1)
  • D1C3 Population demographic characteristics (1.3, 1.3.1) (1)
  • D1C4 Population distributional range and pattern (1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3) (1)
  • D1C6 Pelagic habitat condition (1.5.2, 1.6, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3) (1)
  • D3 Commercial fish and shellfish (1)
  • D3C1 Fishing mortality rate (F) (3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2) (1)
  • D3C2 Spawning stock biomass (SSB) (3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2) (1)
  • D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems (1)
  • D4C1 Trophic guild species diversity (1.7, 1.7.1) (1)
  • D4C2 Abundance across trophic guilds (1.7, 1.7.1, 4.3, 4.3.1) (1)
  • D4C3 Trophic guild size distribution (4.2, 4.2.1) (1)
  • D4C4 Trophic guild productivity (4.1, 4.1.1) (1)
  • D6C5 Benthic habitat condition (1.6, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3, 6.2, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.4) (1)
  • D1 Biodiversity (3)
  • D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems (2)
  • D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats (2)
  • D1 Biodiversity (5)
  • D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems (5)
  • D5 Eutrophication (5)
  • D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats (5)
  • D1C1 Mortality rate from incidental by-catch (4)
  • D1C2 Population abundance (1.2, 1.2.1) (3)
  • D1C5 Habitat for the species (1)
  • D1 Biodiversity (1)
  • D1C6 Pelagic habitat condition (1.5.2, 1.6, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3) (1)
  • D5 Eutrophication (1)
  • D5C2 Chlorophyll-a concentration (5.2.1) (1)
  • D1 Biodiversity (24)
  • D1 Mammals (16)
  • D1 Reptiles (16)
  • D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise (2)
  • D1 Biodiversity (133)
  • D1 Birds (2)
  • D1 Fish (2)
  • D1 Mammals (2)
  • D1 Reptiles (2)
  • D10 Litter (41)
  • D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise (41)
  • D2 Non-indigenous species (62)
  • D3 Commercial fish and shellfish (80)
  • D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems (114)
  • D5 Eutrophication (44)
  • D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats (77)
  • D7 Hydrographical changes (50)
  • D8 Contaminants (43)
  • D9 Contaminants in seafood (40)
  • D1 Biodiversity (17)
  • D1 Reptiles (1)
  • D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise (4)
  • D1C1 Mortality rate from incidental by-catch (1)
  • D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats (1)
Target Number defined
Target code/description
ANSSE-C.4_Samhälle_fisk_förkomst_art_storlek: C.4 Presence, species composition of species, and size distribution in the fish community must make it possible to maintain important functions in the food web. (HVMFS 2012:29).
DK-T1.5: Need for protection initiatives for HELCOM and OSPAR Red List species is assessed. If there are any Red List species that are endangered or not sufficiently protected, the Ministry of Environment and Food will assess specifically the need for further initiatives in collaboration with relevant ministries. (Operational target)
DK-T6.6: The northern Sound is designated as a marine protected area pursuant to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, and new licences to extract mineral resources are stopped. This will not result in any changes in relation to the existing fisheries regulation
DK-T6.10: The need for additional marine protected areas or other initiatives in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea is assessed, and a similar assessment is subsequently carried out for the Danish Straits. (Operational target)
UZN1.3: Operational objective for the overall environmental objective 'Seas without impacts from anthropogenic eutrophication: Nutrient inputs from the atmosphere should be further reduced.
UZN1.1: Operational objective of the overall environmental objective 'Seas without impacts from anthropogenic eutrophication: Nutrient inputs into rivers need to be further reduced. Reduction targets have been laid down in the programmes of measures of the WFD management plans. Over the period 2012-2014, agriculture was the main source of nutrient inputs to surface waters (71 % of nitrogen inputs and 44 % of phosphorus inputs), followed by input from point sources (e.g. waste water treatment plants)(21 % of nitrogen inputs and 35 % of phosphorus inputs)(source: Fuchs et al. 2016, UBA 2017). Nutrient inputs from urban areas and atmospheric deposition on surface waters played a minor role. The nutrient inputs to surface waters drained in the North Sea, measured using the MoRe intake model, have decreased by 18 % (2012 tonnes) for nitrogen (2014 tonnes) and 11 % (2006 tonnes) for phosphorus (Fuchs et al.) in comparison with the 2011-78.050 and 2.070- assessment periods. 2016, UBA 2017). Compared with the assessment periods 2012-2014 and 1983-1987, the nutrient inputs decreased by 56 % (450.638 tonnes) for nitrogen and 74 % (49.624 tonnes) for phosphorus (source: More). The objective of OSPAR to reduce nutrient inputs into marine waters by 50 % (in relation to 1985) has thus been met.
UZN1.2: Operational objective for the overall environmental objective 'Seas without impacts from anthropogenic eutrophication: Nutrients via remote inputs from other sea areas should be reduced. This is to be pursued within the context if the regional cooperation under the OSPAR Marine Convention.
ANSNL-D1T8: Further research into cumulative effects in OSPAR
ANSNL-D1T4: Implementation of mitigation measures in the context of the 2012 Porpoise Protection Plan, including: - By-catch monitoring and research into the application of mitigation measures (pingers) - Preventing or reducing the harmful effects of underwater noise on porpoise populations (NB Act) - Further investigation into the effects around construction and exploitation of offshore wind farms on the porpoise populations (in the context of WOZEP).
D5.T3: The 90th percentile of chlorophyll a concentration (calculated from March to October, averaged over 6 years) is less than 15 µg/l.
OE_ATL_ope_D1.3: Conserve or protect species by reducing incidental catch rates
OE_MMN_gen_D1.1: To sustainably preserve species and habitats with an ecological stake in a given area
OE_GMC_gen_D1.2: Protecting rare or endangered species and habitats
OE_ATL_ope_D1.2: Preserve or protect species habitats and habitats by maintaining or restoring their functionality and sea-land connectivity
OE_MMN_gen_D1.2: Protecting rare or endangered species and habitats
OE_GMC_gen_D1.1: Maintain or achieve the good conservation status of species and habitats of community interest
OE_MMN_gen_D1.4: To sustainably preserve common species and habitats at the scale of the marine sub-region (including their functionalities) / To preserve the structure and functioning of food webs taking into account their dynamics
OE_GMC_gen_D1.4: Sustainably preserve common species and habitats across the marine sub-region (including their functionalities) / Preserve the structure and functioning of food webs, taking into account their dynamics.
OE_ATL_ope_D1.4: Preserve or protect species and habitats by giving them an appropriate protection status
OE_MMN_gen_D1.3: Conserve habitats and species with a key functional role in the ecosystem
D01-MT-OE02: Reducing incidental catches of sea turtles and marine mammals, in particular small cetaceans
OE_ATL_ope_D1.1: Conserve or protect species and habitats by enhancing the coherence, representativeness and effectiveness of the network of marine protected areas
D01-MT-OE03: Reducing collisions with marine turtles and marine mammals
OE_GMC_gen_D1.3: Ensuring the continued functional role of key habitats and species
A.N.1: Ensure the conservation and recovery of marine biodiversity through effective instruments and measures. - Percentage of marine species/habitats not in GES, or threatened, that are subject to conservation, recovery and restoration plans and/or national strategies. * Percentage of the demarcation included in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), including the RN2000. * Percentage of the area of habitats of community interest included in RN2000. * Percentage of MPAs with approved management plans and in application. Objectives 2012: A.1.8, A2.2
A.C.10: To reduce or prevent the increase of populations of species or functional groups whose proliferation indicates a clear alteration or threat of local food webs (e.g. Diadea aff antillarum, species released from marine crops, etc.) • Implementation of control programmes for these species • Allocation and extension of the fine rchine diadema and apf. antillarum • Number of initiatives or actions to reduce or prevent the increase in the number of hedgehog populations OBJECTIVES 2012: A.1.6 AND A.1.7
C.1.5: Develop management plans for marine recreational activities, or the use thereof, such as marine anchoring, diving, recreational fishing, shipping sports, cetacean watching, etc., for each area in the South Atlantic area where these activities are relevant. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.S.8. To ensure, through the Maritime Spatial Plan of the South Atlantic demarcation and/or other development tools, that human activities are developed in a sustainable manner and do not jeopardise the achievement of the Good Environmental Status. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.1.4: Ensure proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the Canary Islands, which carry out work relating to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and to exploit synergies. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.C.12. Ensure proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the Canary Islands, which carry out work relating to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and to exploit synergies. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
B.S.14: Encourage scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment to address the knowledge gaps identified in the Initial Assessment and in the successive phases of Marine Strategies. * Awareness building on impacts arising from the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, which are addressed by scientific studies and projects. OBJECTIVES 2012: B.3.1, B.3.2, B.3.3, B.3.4.
A.C.1: Ensuring the conservation and restoration of marine biodiversity through effective tools and measures. * Percentage of marine species/habitats not found or threatened, subject to conservation, restoration and restoration plans or national strategies. * Percentage of the demarcation included in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), including RN2000. * Percentage of the area of habitats of Community interest included in RN2000. * Percentage of MPAs with approved management plans and implementation. Objectives 2012: A.1.11, A2.2
C.S.7: Ensure proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the South Atlantic demarcation district which carry out work related to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and exploit synergies
C.N.11: Promote that localised and permanent physical alterations caused by human activities do not threaten the durability and functioning of protected habitats and/or habitats of natural interest, nor compromise the achievement or maintenance of GES for these habitats * Percentage of compatibility reports on existing installations * Area of protected habitats and/or habitats of natural interest affected by permanent physical alterations
C.1.6: Ensure that fish stocks are properly managed so that they remain within safe biological limits. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.S.9. To promote that fish stocks are properly managed so that they remain within safe biological limits, paying particular attention to those whose status is unknown, and to those who do not reach BEA according to the initial assessment of D3 in the South African Marine Demarcation. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.3.1: Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.C.19. Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information for both administrations and institutions related to the sea, and for the general public. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
A.1.4: Reduce the main causes of mortality and decrease of the populations of non-commercial species groups at the top of the trophic chain (marine mammals, reptiles, seabirds, pelagic and demersal species), such as accidental catches, collisions with boats, ingestion of marine litter, land predators, pollution, destruction of habitats and overfishing. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.N..3. To reduce the main causes of mortality and decrease in the populations of non-commercial species groups at the top of the food chain (marine mammals, reptiles, seabirds, pelagic and demersal industries) This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
A.1.3: In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: A.N.9. Manage processes for invasions of alien species in an integrated manner, especially those identified in the initial evaluation of D2 in the DMNOR, including the development of early detection networks and their coordination at national level. This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
A.S.7: Improve national coordination and standardisation of habitat and species monitoring programmes * Existence of common methodologies/guides/protocols. * No. of meetings for updating the monitoring programmes. * Common access database for the various monitoring programmes. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.7
A.S.3.: Maintain or restore the natural balance of populations of key species for the ecosystem * Trends in populations of the species used as evaluation elements, corresponding to various trophic levels. * Indicators used for the assessment of food webs. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.3.4
C.S.8: To ensure, through the Maritime Spatial Plan of the South Atlantic Marine area and/or other development tools, that human activities are developed in a sustainable manner and do not jeopardise the achievement of the Good Environmental Status. * Number of human activities covered by the management plan OBJECTIVE 2012: C1.5
A.1.4: Reduce the main causes of mortality and decrease of the populations of non-commercial species groups at the top of the trophic chain (marine mammals, reptiles, seabirds, pelagic and demersal species), such as accidental catches, collisions with boats, ingestion of marine litter, land predators, pollution, destruction of habitats and overfishing. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.C.10. Reduce the main anthropogenic causes of mortality of elasmobranchs, in particular those deriving from the commercial exploitation and by-catch This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.C.9: . To prevent impacts on trophic webs of the cultivation of marine species, with a focus on the cultivation of non-native and rare species. • Existence of preventive measures within the control programmes. OBJECTIVES 2012: A.1.5
C.C.16: To promote that the biological and permanent physical alterations caused by human activities do not threaten the persistence and operation of protected habitats or natural interests and do not jeopardise the achievement or maintenance of the GES for these habitats. * Percentage of compatibility reports on existing installations. * Area of protected habitats of natural interest affected by permanent physical alterations.
A.3.1: Maintain viable populations of key species and apical predators (marine mammals, reptiles, seabirds and fish) and for commercially exploited species, keep them within safe biological limits. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: A.C.3. To maintain or restore the natural balance of the stocks of key species for the ecosystem. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
A.1.6: Develop regulation to prevent commercial exploitation and by-catches of elasmobranchs included in the annexes of national legislation, European Directives or applicable international conventions.
C.N.2: To minimise the potential for introduction or secondary expansion of non-native species, directly taking into account the anthropogenic pathways and vectors of translocation * Number of policy/control measures on pathways and vectors for introduction and translocation, * Number of introduction and translocation routes and translocation addressed by policy or regulated measures, such as: Leakages in aquaculture installations, ballast water, anchoring, 'biofouling', live bait, and all types of discharges * Number of events of introduction of invasive non-indigenous species by vector/track OBJECTIVES 2012: A.1.2
C.N.8: Promote, through the Marine Spatial Plan of the North Atlantic Demarcation and/or other development tools, that human activities are developed in a sustainable manner and do not jeopardise the achievement of the Good Environmental Status * Number of human activities covered by the management plan OBJECTIVE 2012: C1.5
C.1.5: Develop management plans for marine recreational activities, or the use thereof, such as boat anchoring, diving, recreational fishing, marine sports, cetacean watching, etc., for each area of the Canary Islands, where these activities are relevant. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.C.13. Ensure, through the Maritime Spatial Plan of the Canary Islands’ Marine Demarcation and/or other management tools, that human activities are carried out in a sustainable manner and do not jeopardise the achievement of the Good Environmental Status. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.1.6: Ensure that fish stocks are properly managed so that they remain within safe biological limits. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.N.9.Promote that the fish stocks are managed properly so that they remain within safe biological limits, paying particular attention to those whose status is unknown, and to those who do not reach BEA according to the initial assessment of D3 in the DMOR This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
A.N.8: Improve the coordination of monitoring and response to accidental catches and mortality events, including the monitoring of the incidental catch of turtles, mammals and seabirds on fishing vessels. * Adoption and implementation of coordination systems at national level (protocols, common data collection templates, common methodologies, common database) to address monitoring and response to these events. * Percentage of fleet involved in monitoring incidental catch (logbooks, specific actions...) OBJECTIVE 2012: A1.7
C.C.17: Measures on stretches of coastline where permanent physical alterations caused by human activities have caused a significant impact so as to be compatible with the good environmental status of the seabed and hydrographical conditions. • No of measures taken in respect of each activity causing significant impact OBJECTIVE 2012: C.2.3
00: Achieve or maintain the values and characteristics defined as GES for all descriptors of GES in South Atlantic region
A.N.10: Ensuring regulatory compliance * Estimation of surveillance in hours * Infringements identified vs sanctions imposed * Human resources available for monitoring and equipment available. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.9
C.1.4: This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.1.3: Ensure social participation in the marine strategy of the Canary Islands area by means of dissemination, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and involvement of stakeholders in the marine environment. In the second cycle, this objective has remained the same, with the exception of the code: C.C.11. Ensure social participation in the marine strategy of the Canary Islands area by means of dissemination, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and involvement of stakeholders in the marine environment. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.C.21: Improving knowledge on the effects of climate change on marine and coastal ecosystems, with a view to mainstreaming climate change variable into all phases of Marine Strategies * Number of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with this issue * Number of monitoring indicators addressing climate change aspects * Percentage of climate change strategies in Marine Strategies OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
A.1.12: Ensuring proper surveillance of the marine environment through remote or on-site systems In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: A.C.13. Ensuring regulatory compliance This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
A.C.9: Manage processes for invasions of alien species in an integrated manner, including the development of early warning networks and their coordination at national level. * The area covered by networks of detection and quantification of non-native species. * Existence of action protocols for IAS screening events. * Number of marine species categorised on the list of invasive alien species * Percentage/number of invasive species subject to management measures or actions * Percentage/number of habitats affected by invasive species which have been subject to management measures or actions OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.3, C.3.6
C.S.17: Improving knowledge on the effects of climate change on marine and coastal ecosystems, with a view to mainstreaming climate change variable into all phases of Marine Strategies * Number of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with this issue * Number of monitoring indicators addressing climate change aspects * Percentage of climate change strategies in Marine Strategies OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
C.N.7: Achieve adequate coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the North Atlantic region that carry out work related to the marine environment, so as to avoid duplication and take advantage of synergies * Number of initiatives, projects and coordination meetings * Number of themes in which coordination initiatives are adopted OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.4.
C.1.5: In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.N..8. Promote, through the Marine Spatial Plan of the North Atlantic Demarcation and/or other development tools, that human activities be developed in a sustainable manner and do not jeopardise the achievement of the Good Environmental Status. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
A.C.11: Monitor and reduce the impacts of the included predator populations (e.g. cats and rats) in seabird colonies. • Number of predators eradication actions in affected colonies • Trends in the impacts by predators on the main islands in 10 years, and in 25 % of mean sea bird colonies on average over 20 years. • Number/percentage of colony-free seabird colonies introduced OBJECTIVE 2012: C. 3.8
A.1.9: Ensuring proper surveillance of the marine environment through remote or on-site systems In the second cycle, this target has been amended to: A.N.10. Ensuring regulatory compliance This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.C.22: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impact of human activities on habitats, species, populations and communities * Criteria for evaluation and monitoring of the results of scientific projects/studies (based on the references in documents) * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies
A.N.5: Promoting the consideration of marine species in the regional, national and international asset lists of threatened species, as well as their study * No. of marine species which are listed/delisted on lists and catalogues of threatened species, or change category. * No. of target species. OBJECTIVE 2012: C1.1
C.N.12: Take measures on coastal stretches where permanent physical alterations caused by human activities have caused a significant impact so as to be compatible with the good environmental status of the seabed and hydrographical conditions. * No. of measures taken in respect of each activity causing significant impact. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.2.3
A.C.6: Improve international coordination of species monitoring programmes, especially for geographically wide species (e.g. fish, cetaceans and reptiles). • Number of international initiatives and working groups involved. • Establishment of an international group in Macaronesia for coordinating monitoring programmes for marine birds, marine mammals and sea turtles. OBJECTIVE 2012: C1.2
C.S.16: Encourage scientific studies and projects to address knowledge gaps identified in the initial assessment of the impact of human activities on marine and coastal ecosystems. * Number of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with these subjects. * Knowledge-based studies and scientific projects. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
A.S.6: Improve international coordination of species monitoring programmes, especially for geographically wide species (e.g. fish, cetaceans and reptiles). * Number of international initiatives and working groups involved. OBJECTIVE 2012: C1.2
C.S.6: Ensure social participation in the Marine Strategy of the South Atlantic Basin through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. * Number of initiatives for social participation and evaluation of their results OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.3
A.S.8: Improve the coordination of monitoring and response to accidental catches and mortality events, including the monitoring of the incidental catch of turtles, mammals and seabirds on fishing vessels. * Adoption and implementation of coordination systems at national level (protocols, common data collection templates, common methodologies, common database) to address monitoring and response to these events. * Percentage of fleet involved in tracking accidental turtles (logbooks, specific actions...) OBJECTIVE 2012: A1.7
A.1.2: To minimise the potential for introduction or secondary expansion of non-indigenous species, directly taking into account the anthropogenic pathways and vectors of translocation (avoid leakages in aquaculture or aquarium installations, avoid transport and release into the medium of species associated with those cultivated outside their natural range, ballast water control, control of live bait, sediment discharge control, anchoring or cleaning of helmets). In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.C.2.Minimise introduction or expansion possibilities secondary tract of non-native species, directly taking into account tracks and anthropogenic vector translocation vectors This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
A.1.2: To minimise the potential for introduction or secondary expansion of non-indigenous species, directly taking into account the anthropogenic pathways and vectors of translocation (avoid leakages in aquaculture or aquarium installations, avoid transport and release into the medium of species associated with those cultivated outside their natural range, ballast water control, control of live bait, sediment discharge control, anchoring or cleaning of helmets). In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.N..2. To minimise the potential for introduction or secondary expansion of non-native species, directly taking into account the anthropogenic pathways and vectors of translocation This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
B.C.13: Encourage scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, in response to knowledge gaps identified in the Initial Assessment and in the successive phases of Marine Strategies. * Awareness building on impacts arising from the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, which are addressed by scientific studies and projects. OBJECTIVES 2012: B.3.1, B.3.2, B.3.3, B.3.4
C.S.5: To prevent impacts on trophic webs from the cultivation of marine species, with a focus on the cultivation of non-native and rare species. * Existence of preventive measures within the control programmes. OBJECTIVES 2012: A.1.5
A.N.3.: Maintain or restore the natural balance of the stocks of key species for the ecosystem. * Trends in populations of species used as evaluation elements, corresponding to various trophic levels. * Indicators used for the assessment of food webs. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.3.4
A.S.1: Ensuring the conservation and restoration of marine biodiversity through effective tools and measures * Percentage of marine species/habitats not found or threatened, subject to conservation, restoration and restoration plans or national strategies. * Percentage of the demarcation included in Marine Protected Areas (MPA), including RN2000. * Percentage of the area of habitats of Community interest included in RN2000. * Percentage of MPA with approved management plans and implementation. Objectives 2012: A.1.8, A2.2
A.N.11: Increase awareness of food webs, with a view to developing new indicators to assess and define Good Environmental Status. There are adequate indicators to assess food webs. OBJECTIVE 2012: C. 3.8
A. S.12: Improve knowledge of the seabed, including physical and biological characteristics. * Proportion of the assessment area studied. * Proportion of coastal habitats studied. * Proportion of deep habitats studied. OBJECTIVES 2012: C.3.2, C.3.3, C.3.4.
A.1.5: To prevent impacts on trophic webs of the cultivation of marine species, with a focus on the cultivation of non-native and rare species In the second cycle, the objective has been maintained, although changing the code and indicators C.C.9. Preventing the impacts on food webs of culture from marine species, with particular attention to species cultivation they are both native and rare. This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, given that the code and the code have been changed.
A.S.10: Ensuring regulatory compliance * Estimation of surveillance in hours * Infringements identified vs sanctions imposed * Human resources available for monitoring and equipment available. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.9
A.1.10: Establish a national system for the coordination of programmes for the monitoring of incidental catches of seabirds, reptiles and marine mammals, reptiles and mammals and cabbage birds. In the second cycle, this objective has been divided into two: A.C.7. Improve national coordination and standardisation of habitat and species monitoring programmes A.C.8. Improve the coordination of monitoring and response to events of incidental catches and beamings, including the monitoring of the incidental catch of turtles, mammals and seabirds in ships fishing Both will be reported as new because they have changed code and indicators
A. C.13: Ensuring regulatory compliance. * Surveying of surveillance in hours * Infringements identified vs sanctions imposed * Human resources available for surveillance and available materials. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.12
C.S.15: To improve access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as to ensure the quality of this information, both for maritime administrations and institutions and for the general public. • Existence of platforms for access and exchange of information on the marine environment which facilitate the management of public administrations • Means of access and quality of marine environment information available to citizens • Number of metadata available OBJECTIVE C.3.1
A.C.7: Improve national coordination and standardisation of habitat and species monitoring programmes • Development of methodologies/common protocols/guidelines. • No of meetings for updating the monitoring programmes. • Development of common access database for the different operators of monitoring programmes. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.7
A. N.12: Improving knowledge on the seabed, including physical and biological characteristics * Proportion of the assessment area studied. * Proportion of coastal habitats studied. * Proportion of deep habitats studied. OBJECTIVES 2012: C.3.2, C.3.3, C.3.4.
B.C.14: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through studies, initiatives and scientific projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment. * Criteria for evaluating and monitoring the results of scientific projects/studies. * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies.
C.S.12: Take measures on coastal stretches where permanent physical alterations caused by human activities have caused a significant impact so as to be compatible with the good environmental status of the seabed and hydrographical conditions. * No. of measures taken in respect of each activity causing significant impact OBJECTIVE 2012: C.2.3
00: Achieve or maintain the values and characteristics defined as GES for all descriptors of the good environmental status in the Canary Islands
A.C.3.: Maintain or restore the natural balance of populations of key species for the ecosystem * Trends in populations of the species used as evaluation elements, corresponding to various trophic levels. * Indicators used for the assessment of food webs. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.3.4
C.N.15: To improve access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as to ensure the quality of this information, both for maritime administrations and institutions and for the general public. • Existence of platforms for access and exchange of information on the marine environment which facilitate the management of public administrations • Means of access and quality of marine environment information available to citizens • Number of metadata available OBJECTIVE C.3.1
A.S.5: Promoting the consideration of marine species in the regional, national and international asset lists of threatened species, as well as their study * No. of marine species which are listed/delisted on lists and catalogues of threatened species, or change category. * No. of target species. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.1
A.1.1: Reduce the intensity and area of ​​influence of significant anthropogenic pressures on benthic habitats, with special attention to biogenic and / or protected habitats that represent biodiversity hotspots and are key to ensuring the services and functions of the marine environment: maërl beds, communities of Laminaria, communities of cold-water corals, communities dominated by Pennatulaceans, aggregations of deep and circalittoral sponges and coral gardens. In particular, avoid bottom-gear fishing on the most sensitive habitats, such as seamounts, coralline and maërl communities and cold-water corals; avoid or reduce the construction of infrastructures that may affect sensitive habitats; avoid / reduce the direct and indirect effects of dredging on vulnerable benthic habitats; and avoid the adverse effects of the exploitation of non-renewable marine resources on biogenic and / or protected habitats. In the second cycle, this objective has been modified to: C.N.1. Reduce the intensity and area of ​​influence of significant anthropogenic pressures on benthic habitats, with special attention to protected and / or natural interest habitats. This modified objective will be reported as new, since the code and indicators have changed.
A.S.9: Manage processes for invasions of alien species in an integrated manner, especially those identified in the initial evaluation of D2 in DMSUD, including the development of early detection networks and their coordination at national level. The area covered by networks of detection and quantification of non-native species. • Existence of action protocols for IAC screening events. • Number of marine species categorised on the list of invasive alien species • Percentage/number of invasive species subject to management measures or actions • Number of habitats affected by invasive species which have been subject to management measures or actions. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.3 C.3.6
A.C.8: Improve the coordination of monitoring and response to accidental catches and bereavement events, including the monitoring of the incidental catch of turtles, mammals and seabirds on fishing vessels. • Adoption and implementation of coordination systems at national level (protocols, common data collection templates, common methodologies, common database) to address monitoring and response to these events. • Percentage of fleet involved in tracking accidental turtles (logbooks, specific actions...) OBJECTIVE 2012: A1.7
C.S.11: To promote that the biological and permanent physical alterations caused by human activities do not threaten the persistence and operation of protected habitats or natural interests and do not jeopardise the achievement or maintenance of the GES for these habitats. * Percentage of compatibility reports on existing installations. * Area of protected habitats of natural interest affected by permanent physical alterations.
B.N.14: Encourage scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment to address the knowledge gaps identified in the Initial Assessment and in the successive phases of Marine Strategies. * Awareness building on impacts arising from the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, which are addressed by scientific studies and projects. OBJECTIVES 2012: B.3.1, B.3.2, B.3.3, B.3.4.
A.1.3: Eradicate or decrease, preferably in the initial stages of the invasive processes, the abundance of invasive species to ease pressure on the habitat, in cases where the economic or biodiversity loss is significant, and provided that it is technically feasible and there is no collateral damage
A.1.1: Reduce the intensity and area of ​​influence of significant anthropogenic pressures on benthic habitats, with special attention to biogenic and / or protected habitats that represent biodiversity hotspots and are key to ensuring the services and functions of the marine environment: phanerogam meadows, maërl beds, cold-water coral communities, underwater structures produced by gas escapes, pennatulacean-dominated communities, aggregations of deep and circalittoral sponges and coral gardens. In particular, avoid fishing with bottom gear and gear on the most sensitive habitats, such as underwater structures produced by gas escapes, coralline and maërl communities and cold-water corals; avoid or reduce the construction of infrastructures that may affect sensitive habitats; avoid / reduce the direct and indirect effects of dredging on vulnerable benthic habitats; and avoid the adverse effects of the exploitation of non-renewable marine resources on biogenic and / or protected habitats. In the second cycle, this objective has been modified to: C.S.1. Reduce the intensity and area of ​​influence of significant anthropogenic pressures on benthic habitats, with special attention to protected and / or natural interest habitats. This modified objective will be reported as new, since the code and indicators have changed.
C.N.3: To reduce the main causes of mortality and decrease in the populations of non-commercial species groups at the top of the food chain (marine mammals, reptiles, seabirds, pelagic and demersal industries) • Mortality of species groups at the top of the trophic chain • Number of initiatives (legislative, technical and operational) to reduce the main anthropogenic causes of mortality of populations of species groups at the top of the trophic chain. • Percentage of species or groups of species covered by specific regulations addressing the causes of mortality identified in the initial assessment. • Mortality for incidental catches of indicator species birds, reptiles, mammals and elasmobranchs, especially in species assessed as “no BEA” in criterion D1C1 • Mortality due to other causes identified as the main ones in the DMOR: Gillnets and entangling of the fixing ropes (turtles), predators (birds), contamination (birds and cetaceans), overfishing (elasmobranchs) OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.4
C.C.13: To guarantee, through the Maritime Spatial Plan of the Canary Islands area and/or other development tools, that human activities take place in a sustainable manner and do not jeopardise the achievement of the Good Environmental Status. * Number of human activities covered by the management plan OBJECTIVE 2012: C1.5
A.S.2: Achieve a comprehensive, ecologically representative, coherent and well managed network of marine protected areas in the South Atlantic area. * Approval of the Master Plan for RAMPE. * Percentage of MPAs included in the Spanish network of Marine Protected Areas. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.2.1
A.1.9: Develop regulation to prevent commercial exploitation and by-catches of elasmobranchs included in the annexes of national legislation, European Directives or applicable international conventions.
A.S.4: To maintain positive or stable trends in the range of habitats protected or of natural interest and specific habitats. * Trends in habitat distribution area. Objective 2012: A3.5
C.C.2: To minimise the potential for introduction or secondary expansion of non-native species, directly taking into account the anthropogenic pathways and vectors of translocation. * Number of policy/control measures on pathways and vectors for introduction and translocation * Number of introduction and translocation routes and translocation addressed by policy or regulated measures, such as: Leakages in aquaculture facilities, ballast water, anchoring, 'biofouling', live bait, and all types of discharges. * Number of events of introduction of invasive non-indigenous species by vector/track OBJECTIVES 2012: A.1.2
C.1.3: Ensure public participation in the marine strategy of the North Atlantic demarcation through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. In the second cycle, this objective has remained the same, with the exception of the code: C.N..6. Ensure public participation in the marine strategy of the North Atlantic demarcation through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
B.N.15: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through studies, initiatives and scientific projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment. * Criteria for evaluating and monitoring the results of scientific projects/studies. * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies.
A.1.2: To minimise the potential for introduction or secondary expansion of non-indigenous species, directly taking into account the anthropogenic pathways and vectors of translocation (avoid leakages in aquaculture or aquarium installations, avoid transport and release into the medium of species associated with those cultivated outside their natural range, ballast water control, control of live bait, sediment discharge control, anchoring or cleaning of helmets). In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.S.2. To minimise the potential for introduction or secondary expansion of non-native species, directly taking into account the anthropogenic pathways and vectors of translocation This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
A.3.4: To maintain positive or stable trends in populations of key species and apical predators (marine mammals, reptiles, seabirds and fish) and for commercially exploited species, to keep them within safe biological limits. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: A.S.3. Maintain or restore the natural balance of the stocks of key species for the ecosystem. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.C.8: Reducing the disturbance to fauna caused by tourist and recreational activities * Number of individuals of the species potentially affected (for turtles and birds) * Number of established protection measures/initiatives to reduce pressure on these populations
00: Achieve or maintain values and characteristics defined as GES for all descriptors of GES in North Atlantic region.
A.S.11: Increase awareness of food webs, with a view to developing new indicators to assess and define Good Environmental Status. There are adequate indicators to assess food webs. OBJECTIVE 2012: C. 3.8
A.1.7: Establish a national system for the coordination of programmes for the monitoring of incidental catches of seabirds, reptiles and marine mammals, reptiles and mammals and cabbage birds. In the second cycle, this objective has been divided into two: A.S.7. Improve national coordination and standardisation of habitat and species monitoring programmes A.S.8. Improve the coordination of monitoring and response to accidental catches and bereavement events, including the monitoring of the incidental catch of turtles, mammals and seabirds on fishing vessels. Both will be reported as new because they have changed code and indicators
A.1.3: In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: A.S.9. Manage processes for invasions of alien species in an integrated manner, especially those identified in the initial evaluation of D2 in DMSUD, including the development of early detection networks and their coordination at national level. This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.S.3: To reduce the main causes of mortality and decrease in the populations of non-commercial species groups at the top of the food chain (marine mammals, reptiles, seabirds, pelagic and demersal industries) • Mortality of species groups at the top of the trophic chain • Number of initiatives (legislative, technical and operational) to reduce the main causes of mortality of populations of species groups at the top of the trophic chain. • Percentage of species included in specific regulations addressing the causes of mortality identified in the initial assessment. • Mortality for incidental catches of indicator species birds, reptiles, mammals and elasmobranchs, especially in species assessed as “no BEA” in criterion D1C1 • Mortality due to other identified root causes under FD SUD: Networking and capture of accidentally caught (turtles), predators (birds), pollution and collisions (birds and cetaceans), overfishing and overfishing (elasmobranchs) OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.4
A.N.6: Improve international coordination of species monitoring programmes, especially for geographically wide-spread species (e.g. fish, cetaceans and reptiles). * Number of international initiatives and working groups involved. OBJECTIVE 2012: C1.2
A.N.4: To maintain positive or stable trends in the area of distribution of protected habitats or of natural interest and specific habitats. * Trends in habitat distribution area. Objective 2012: A3.5
C.C.20: Encourage scientific studies and projects to address knowledge gaps identified in the initial assessment of the impact of human activities on marine and coastal ecosystems. * No. of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with these subjects. * Knowledge-based studies and scientific projects. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
C.N.5: To prevent impacts on trophic webs from the cultivation of marine species, with a focus on the cultivation of non-native and rare species. * Existence of preventive measures within the control programmes. OBJECTIVES 2012: A.1.5
B.S.15: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through studies, initiatives and scientific projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment. * Criteria for evaluating and monitoring the results of scientific projects/studies. * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies.
C.3.1: Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.S.15. To improve access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as to ensure the quality of this information, both for maritime administrations and institutions and for the general public. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
A.N.7: Improve national coordination and standardisation of habitat and species monitoring programmes * Existence of common methodologies/guides/protocols. * No of meetings for updating the monitoring programmes. * Common access database for the various monitoring programmes. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.7
C.N.6: Ensure social participation in the marine strategy of the North Atlantic demarcation through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. * Number of initiatives for social participation and evaluation of their results OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.3
A.C.2: Achieve a complete, ecologically representative, coherent and well-managed network of marine protected areas in the Canary Islands area. * Approval of the Master Plan for RAMPE. * Percentage of MPAs included in the Spanish network of Marine Protected Areas OBJECTIVE 2012: A.2.1
A.1.1: And avoiding adverse effects of the exploitation of marine non-renewable resources on biogenic or protected habitats. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.C.1.Reduce pressure intensity and area significant anthropogenic habitats on benthic habitats, with special reference to: attention to protected habitats or natural interest. This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.3.1: Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.N..15. To improve access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as to ensure the quality of this information, both for maritime administrations and institutions and for the general public. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
A. C.14: Increase awareness of food webs, with a view to developing new indicators to assess and define Good Environmental Status. • Existence of appropriate indicators to assess food webs. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.8
C.S.2: To minimise the potential for introduction or secondary expansion of non-native species, directly taking into account the anthropogenic pathways and vectors of translocation * Number of policy/control measures on pathways and vectors for introduction and translocation. * Number of introduction and translocation routes and translocation addressed by policy or regulated measures, such as: Leakages in aquaculture facilities, ballast water, anchoring, 'biofouling', live bait, and all types of discharges. * Number of events of introduction of invasive non-indigenous species by vector/track OBJECTIVES 2012: A.1.2
A.1.5: To prevent impacts on trophic webs of the cultivation of marine species, with a focus on the cultivation of non-native and rare species In the second cycle, the objective has been maintained, although changing the code and indicators C.S.5. To prevent impacts on trophic webs of the cultivation of marine species, with a focus on the cultivation of non-native and rare species. This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, given that the code and the code have been changed.
C.1.6: Ensure that fish stocks are properly managed so that they remain within safe biological limits. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.C.14. To encourage fish stocks to be properly managed so that they remain within safe biological limits, paying particular attention to those whose status is unknown and to those who do not reach BEA according to the initial assessment of D3 in the sea demarcation of the Canary Islands’. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
A.N.9: Manage processes for invasions of alien species in an integrated manner, especially those identified in the initial evaluation of D2 in the DMNOR, including the development of early detection networks and their coordination at national level. The area covered by networks of detection and quantification of non-native species. * Existence of action protocols for IAC screening events. * Number of marine species categorised on the list of invasive alien species * Percentage/number of invasive species subject to management measures or actions. * Percentage/number of habitats affected by invasive species which have been subject to management measures or actions OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.3, C.3.6
A.C.4: To maintain positive or stable trends in the range of habitats protected or of natural interest and specific habitats. * Trends in habitat distribution area. Objective 2012: A3.5
C.C.7: Reduce the main causes of anthropogenic marine turtles’ mortality, such as accidental capture in fishing gear, by entanglement and collisions with boats. • Turning mortality due to anthropogenic causes • number of actions aimed at reducing this mortality
A.1.4: Reduce the main causes of mortality and decrease of the populations of non-commercial species groups at the top of the trophic chain (marine mammals, reptiles, seabirds, pelagic and demersal species), such as accidental catches, collisions with boats, ingestion of marine litter, land predators, pollution, destruction of habitats and overfishing. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.S.3.Reduce the main causes of mortality and decrease populations of non-commercial species groups at the top of the trophic chain (marine mammals, reptiles, seabirds, pelagic and demersal industries) This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.C.19: Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information for both administrations and institutions related to the sea, and for the general public. • Existence of platforms for access and exchange of information on the marine environment which facilitate the management of public administrations • Means of access and quality of marine environment information available to citizens • Number of metadata available OBJECTIVE C.3.1
C.C.11: Ensuring social participation in the marine strategy of the Strait and Alboran area through initiatives for dissemination, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and involvement of stakeholders in the marine environment. * Number of initiatives for social participation and evaluation of their results OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.3
C.1.3: Ensure social participation in the Marine Strategy of the South Atlantic Basin through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. In the second cycle, this objective has remained the same, with the exception of the code: C.S.6. Ensure social participation in the Marine Strategy of the South Asian Basin through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.N.16: Encourage scientific studies and projects to address knowledge gaps identified in the initial assessment of the impact of human activities on marine and coastal ecosystems. * No. of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with these subjects. * Knowledge-based studies and scientific projects. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
A.1.7: Establish a national system for the coordination of programmes for the monitoring of incidental catches of seabirds, reptiles and marine mammals, reptiles and mammals and cabbage birds. In the second cycle, this objective has been divided into two: A.N.7. Improve national coordination and standardisation of habitat and species monitoring programmes A.N.8. Improve the coordination of monitoring and response to accidental catches and bereavement events, including the monitoring of the incidental catch of turtles, mammals and seabirds on fishing vessels. Both will be reported as new because they have changed code and indicators
C.N.18: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impact of human activities on habitats, species, populations and communities * Criteria for evaluation and monitoring of the results of scientific projects/studies (based on the references in documents) * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies
C.N.4: Reducing the disturbance to fauna caused by tourist and recreational activities * Number of individuals of the species potentially affected (for turtles and birds) * Number of established protection measures/initiatives to reduce pressure on these populations
A.C.5: Promoting the consideration of marine species in the regional, national and international asset lists of threatened species, as well as their study * No. of marine species which are listed/delisted on lists and catalogues of threatened species, or change category. * No. of target species. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.1
C.S.4: Reducing the disturbance to fauna caused by tourist and recreational activities * Number of individuals of the species potentially affected (for turtles and birds) * Number of established protection measures/initiatives to reduce pressure on these populations
A.3.4: To maintain positive or stable trends in populations of key species and apical predators (marine mammals, reptiles, seabirds and fish) and for commercially exploited species, to keep them within safe biological limits. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: A.N.3. Maintain or restore the natural balance of the stocks of key species for the ecosystem. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
A.3.3: Maintain the range of species distribution, so as not to be evidenced by decreases of the range in a number of species statistically unable to be considered as due to natural and climatic variability.
C.N.17: Improving knowledge on the effects of climate change on marine and coastal ecosystems, with a view to mainstreaming climate change variable into all phases of Marine Strategies * Number of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with this issue * Number of monitoring indicators addressing climate change aspects * Percentage of climate change strategies in Marine Strategies OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
C.C.12: Ensuring proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the Strait and Alboran area who carry out work related to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and to exploit synergies. * Number of initiatives, projects and coordination meetings * Thematic areas in which coordination initiatives are taken OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.4
A.1.9: Ensuring proper surveillance of the marine environment through remote or on-site systems In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: A.S.10. Ensuring regulatory compliance This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.3.4: Increase the quality of information obtained from professional fishing and shellfish trade (volume of fishing, fishing effort or shellfish fishing, harvested species, fishing or shellfishing areas, etc.) so that the state and evolution of those working groups of commercial interest can be properly assessed.
C.S.18: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impact of human activities on habitats, species, populations and communities * Criteria for evaluation and monitoring of the results of scientific projects/studies (based on the references in documents) * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies
A.N.2: Achieve a complete, ecologically representative, coherent and well managed network of marine protected areas in the North Atlantic area. * Approval of the Master Plan for RAMPE. * Percentage of MPAs included in the Spanish network of Marine Protected Areas. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.2.1
A.1.5: To prevent impacts on trophic webs of the cultivation of marine species, with a focus on the cultivation of non-native and rare species. In the second cycle, the objective has been maintained, although changing the code and indicators C.N..5. To prevent impacts on trophic webs of the cultivation of marine species, with a focus on the cultivation of non-native and rare species. This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, given that the code and the code have been changed.
Meta-Azo19: Operational Goal - To ensure the effectiveness of the system of tourism observation of marine life, in accordance with the regulations in force or that may be created for this purpose, to mitigate negative impacts on the populations of target species (including marine mammals, turtles, seabirds and fish).
Meta DQEM BEA: Maintain viable populations of key species and top predators (marine mammals, reptiles, seabirds and fish), keeping them within safe biological limits. Including sperm whales mortality due to collisions with vessels (e.g. by ferries and fast) which should be kept close to zero, and accidental catches, which should be kept below recommended international values (not more than 1 % of the population size).
AMAPT-T012-D1MAD: Establish an international group in Macaronesia involving scientists, technicians and policy-makers to coordinate monitoring programmes for the assessment of seabirds, marine mammals and sea turtles
AMAPT-T013-D1MAD: Implement the monitoring programmes necessary to assess the criteria of all the UG proposals for seabirds, marine mammals and sea turtles
AMAPT-T004-D1MAD: Map and monitor the meteorology system at the scale of the subdivision (comprising, including, waves and surface streams induced by local winds, sea-open and deep-sea currents) in order to improve the assessment of the environmental conditions and energy potential of the various environmental descriptors, and to assist decision-making processes
AMAPT-T007-D1MAD: Develop management plans (where necessary) to minimise the impact of recreational activities and/or their derivatives, such as anchoring vessels, diving, recreational fishing, water sports, marine mammals, seabirds and turtles.
AMAPT-T003-D1MAD: To study, re-engineer and manage monitoring networks to collect information supporting the characterisation of the marine environment, with the emphasis on situations where there is a need to maintain or reach Good Environmental Status and to those that may reveal the causal relationships between monitoring results and human activities
AMAPT-T005-D1MAD: To study and understand the migratory routes of species of wide geographic distribution to highlight the relevance and ecological importance of the archipelagic seas and seamounts in the continuous eco-ecosystem, and their ocean and global dimension
Meta-Azo17: Operational Target - Develop and implement appropriate methodologies to obtain information to enable the GES to be assessed by 2024.
AMAPT-T009-D1MAD: Reduce marine litter to reduce the risk of ingestion and entanglement of seabirds, marine mammals and sea turtles.
AMAPT-T006-D1MAD: Promote and systematise knowledge of the trophic networks of both coastal habitats and deep-sea ecosystems, including the study of key organisms, as well as the effect of seasonal variations, with a view to developing new indicators for the future assessment of the status of trophic grids and thus adequately define the Good Environmental Status of those networks.
AMAPT-T011-D1MAD: Take the necessary measures to maintain or improve the demographic parameters of seabirds, marine mammals and sea turtles (e.g. reproductive rate and survival rate) to increase their numbers.
AMAPT-T001-D1MAD: Promote knowledge of marine habitats and biocenesis, in particular those existing in the coastal bands, in order to obtain quantitative and qualitative information enabling an initial state and areas of occurrence (mapped) to be defined. Establishing monitoring programmes to maintain and/or restore coastal habitats
AMAPT-T1-D1PCE: By 2021, set up and implement a network of marine and coastal protected areas of ocean Same target for subdivision of the continent: ABIPT-2-D6Cont (change of the Platt target. 1, 2012)
D1-AZO-ST-M1: Pressure target ? Reduce the mortality of sea turtles by accidental catches by surface longlining by 2024.
Target value No. of parameters/elements with quantitative values
  • Not reported (1 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (3 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (4 - 80.0%)
  • Reported (1 - 20.0%)
  • Not reported (2 - 50.0%)
  • Reported (2 - 50.0%)
  • Not reported (1 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (40 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (53 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (12 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
Target status No. of assessments per category
  • Target not yet achieved (1 - 100.0%)
  • Target achieved (1 - 33.3%)
  • Target not yet achieved (2 - 66.7%)
  • Target not yet achieved (5 - 100.0%)
  • Target achieved (4 - 100.0%)
  • Status not reported (1 - 100.0%)
  • Status not reported (24 - 60.0%)
  • Target not yet achieved (16 - 40.0%)
  • Status not reported (40 - 75.5%)
  • Target achieved (9 - 17.0%)
  • Target not yet achieved (4 - 7.5%)
  • Status not reported (1 - 8.3%)
  • Target not yet achieved (11 - 91.7%)
Assessment period No. of targets per period
2011-2016 (1 - 100.0%)
2018-2024 (3 - 100.0%)
2002-2010 (1 - 20.0%)
2011-2015 (2 - 40.0%)
2015 (2 - 40.0%)
1994-2016 (2 - 50.0%)
2013-2013 (2 - 50.0%)
2012-2018 (1 - 100.0%)
2012-2018 (24 - 60.0%)
2015-2021 (16 - 40.0%)
2012-2010 (1 - 1.9%)
2012-2018 (48 - 90.6%)
2012-2108 (2 - 3.8%)
2102-2018 (2 - 3.8%)
2012-2018 (1 - 8.3%)
2015-2018 (4 - 33.3%)
2018 (1 - 8.3%)
2018-2020 (1 - 8.3%)
2018-2024 (2 - 16.7%)
2019-2024 (3 - 25.0%)
Timescale to achieve targets No. of targets per date
2020-12 (1 - 100.0%)
2024-10 (3 - 100.0%)
2020-12 (5 - 100.0%)
2024-07 (4 - 100.0%)
2020-12 (1 - 100.0%)
2018-12 (4 - 10.0%)
2020-12 (20 - 50.0%)
2026-12 (16 - 40.0%)
2020-12 (53 - 39.3%)
2024-12 (82 - 60.7%)
2019-12 (2 - 11.1%)
2020-12 (2 - 11.1%)
2021-12 (1 - 5.6%)
2024-12 (13 - 72.2%)
Update date No. of targets per date
2018-12 (1 - 100.0%)
2019-04 (3 - 100.0%)
2018-10 (5 - 100.0%)
2018-07 (4 - 100.0%)
2018-09 (1 - 100.0%)
2019-09 (40 - 100.0%)
2012-11 (53 - 39.3%)
2019-07 (82 - 60.7%)
2014-06 (1 - 5.6%)
2015-06 (3 - 16.7%)
2018-06 (1 - 5.6%)
2020-03 (13 - 72.2%)
Update type No. of targets per category
  • Modified from 2012 definition (1 - 100.0%)
  • New target (3 - 100.0%)
  • Same as 2012 definition (5 - 100.0%)
  • Same as 2012 definition (4 - 100.0%)
  • Same as 2012 definition (1 - 100.0%)
  • New target (16 - 40.0%)
  • Target no longer needed (24 - 60.0%)
  • Modified from 2012 definition (44 - 32.6%)
  • New target (82 - 60.7%)
  • Target no longer needed (9 - 6.7%)
  • Modified from 2012 definition (2 - 11.1%)
  • New target (12 - 66.7%)
  • Same as 2012 definition (4 - 22.2%)
Related indicators No. of different indicators reported
Related measures No. of different measures reported