Member State report / Art10 / 2018 / D7 / North East Atlantic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 10 Environmental targets (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D7 Hydrographical changes
Region/subregion North East Atlantic
Reported by Member state
Member state
United Kingdom
Member state report
Reporting area(s) MRUs used
  • ANS-SE-SR-Nordsjon
  • DK-TOTAL-part-ANS
  • ANS-NL-MS-1
  • ANS-BE-MS-1
  • ACS-IE-AA-001
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species
  • Commercially exploited fish and shellfish (1)
  • All fish (2)
  • Coastal fish (2)
  • Deep-sea fish (2)
  • Demersal shelf fish (2)
  • Pelagic shelf fish (2)
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats
  • All habitats (2)
  • All habitats (2)
  • Benthic broad habitats (1)
  • Circalittoral coarse sediment (8)
  • Circalittoral mixed sediment (8)
  • Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef (4)
  • Circalittoral sand (4)
  • Infralittoral mixed sediment (4)
  • Infralittoral rock and biogenic reef (4)
  • Infralittoral sand (4)
  • Littoral rock and biogenic reef (4)
  • Littoral sediment (12)
  • Offshore circalittoral coarse sediment (4)
  • Offshore circalittoral mixed sediment (8)
  • Offshore circalittoral rock and biogenic reef (4)
  • Offshore circalittoral sand (4)
  • Other benthic habitats (12)
  • Pelagic habitats (2)
  • All habitats (2)
  • Benthic habitats (3)
  • Coastal (2)
  • Abyssal (1)
  • Benthic habitats (1)
  • Coastal (1)
  • Pelagic habitats (1)
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs
  • Current regime (1)
  • Salinity (1)
  • Temperature (1)
  • All physical and hydrological characteristics (9)
  • All physical and hydrological characteristics (3)
  • Current regime (4)
  • Freshwater input (12)
  • Nutrients (N, P) (2)
  • Organic carbon (2)
  • Turbidity (silt/sediment loads) (11)
  • All physical and hydrological characteristics (3)
  • Freshwater input (2)
  • Seabed substrate and morphology (3)
  • Bathymetry (1)
  • Coastal ecosystem (1)
  • Current regime (1)
  • Dissolved carbon dioxide (pCO2) (1)
  • Oceanic/deep-sea ecosystem (1)
  • Salinity (1)
  • Shelf ecosystem (1)
  • Temperature (1)
  • Turbidity (silt/sediment loads) (1)
  • Wave regime (1)
  • pH (1)
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: No theme
  • All marine ecosystem elements (45)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Biological
  • Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities) (1)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Physical
  • Changes to hydrological conditions (1)
  • Changes to hydrological conditions (7)
  • Physical disturbance to seabed (11)
  • Physical loss of the seabed (9)
  • Changes to hydrological conditions (5)
  • Changes to hydrological conditions (21)
  • All physical pressures (1)
  • Changes to hydrological conditions (10)
  • Physical loss of the seabed (8)
  • Physical disturbance to seabed (1)
  • Physical loss of the seabed (1)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Substances, litter and energy
  • Input of anthropogenic sound (impulsive, continuous) (1)
  • Input of other forms of energy (including electromagnetic fields, light and heat) (2)
  • Input of nutrients - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition (2)
  • Input of organic matter - diffuse sources and point sources (4)
  • Input of water - point sources (e.g. brine) (12)
  • All pressures related to inputs of substances, litter and energy (2)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: No theme
  • All pressures (2)
  • All pressures (11)
Features Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Physical and hydrological
  • Hydrographical changes (5)
  • Hydrographical changes (1)
  • Hydrographical changes (2)
  • Hydrographical changes (2)
  • Hydrographical changes (1)
Features Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Chemical
  • Eutrophication (2)
Features Uses and human activities in or affecting the marine environment: Physical restructuring of rivers, coastline or seabed (water management)
  • All activities related to physical restructuring of rivers, coastline or seabed (3)
  • All activities related to physical restructuring of rivers, coastline or seabed (1)
  • Coastal defence and flood protection (1)
Features Uses and human activities in or affecting the marine environment: Transport
  • Transport - shipping (1)
  • Transport infrastructure (1)
Features Uses and human activities in or affecting the marine environment: No theme
  • All activities (6)
Features Ecosystem services: Underpinning and/or enhancing physical and intellectual interactions
  • Entertainment (1)
  • Heritage, cultural (1)
  • Physical use of land-/seascapes in different environmental settings (1)
GES components
  • D6C5 Benthic habitat condition (1.6, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3, 6.2, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.4) (1)
  • D7 Hydrographical changes (1)
  • D7C1 Permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions (7.1, 7.1.1) (2)
  • D7C2 Adverse effects from permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions (7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.2) (2)
  • D1 Biodiversity (9)
  • D1 Birds (5)
  • D1 Cephalopods (3)
  • D1 Fish (5)
  • D1 Mammals (5)
  • D1 Pelagic habitats (5)
  • D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise (2)
  • D3 Commercial fish and shellfish (1)
  • D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems (14)
  • D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats (13)
  • D7 Hydrographical changes (14)
  • D7C1 Permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions (7.1, 7.1.1) (1)
  • D7C2 Adverse effects from permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions (7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.2) (1)
  • D7 Hydrographical changes (5)
  • D7C1 Permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions (7.1, 7.1.1) (3)
  • D7C2 Adverse effects from permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions (7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.2) (1)
  • D1 Biodiversity (2)
  • D3 Commercial fish and shellfish (2)
  • D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems (2)
  • D5 Eutrophication (2)
  • D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats (2)
  • D7 Hydrographical changes (33)
  • D8 Contaminants (2)
  • D7 Hydrographical changes (1)
  • D7C1 Permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions (7.1, 7.1.1) (1)
  • D1 Biodiversity (69)
  • D10 Litter (42)
  • D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise (42)
  • D2 Non-indigenous species (45)
  • D3 Commercial fish and shellfish (45)
  • D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems (63)
  • D5 Eutrophication (45)
  • D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats (61)
  • D7 Hydrographical changes (79)
  • D8 Contaminants (44)
  • D9 Contaminants in seafood (41)
  • D7C1 Permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions (7.1, 7.1.1) (1)
  • D7C2 Adverse effects from permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions (7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.2) (1)
Target Number defined
Target code/description
ANSSE-D.3_Hydrografiska_förhåll_storskal_verksam: D.3 Permanent alterations in hydrographic conditions owing to large-scale activities, either individual or collaborative, may not negatively affect biological diversity and ecosystems.
DK-T7.2: I forbindelse med tilladelse til aktiviteter på havet, der kræver en miljøkonsekvensvurdering, fremmer godkendelsesmyndigheden, at opgørelse over hydrografiske ændringer og de negative påvirkninger heraf indrapporteres til Miljøstyrelsen (overvågningsprogram).
DK-T7.1: Anthropogenic activities that are particularly associated with physical loss of the sea floor, and which cause permanent hydrographical changes - only have local impacts on the sea floor and in the water column, and - are designed to take account of the environment and what is technically possible and financially reasonable to prevent harmful effects on the seabed and in the water column.
UZN6: The objective is "seas without interference from anthropogenic energy inputs". The objective is implemented by means of the operational objectives UZ6.1, UZN6.2, UZN6.3, UZN6.4 and UZN6.5. The environmental objectives established in 2012 and their description under the 2012 MSFD report continue to apply. They are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report describes the achievement of objectives and the state of implementation of the measures respectively. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment on progress towards achieving the target is available, will this be reported in the Progress Assessment.
UZN7.1: The (sub) catchments of mudflat areas are in natural balance. The existing substrates are present in their typical proportions shaped by dynamic equilibrium. There is a natural variability of the salt content.
UZN4: The global objective is: "Seas with sustainably and carefully used resources". The objective is implemented by means of the operational objectives UZN4.1, UZN4.2, UZN4.3, UZN4.4, UZN4.5 and UZN4.6. The environmental objectives established in 2012 and their description under the 2012 MSFD report continue to apply. They are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report shows the achievement of objectives and/or the state of implementation of the measures. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment is available on progress towards achieving the target will this be reported in the Progress Assessment.
UZN6.3: The anthropogenic heat input does not have negative geographic and temporal impacts or does not exceed the agreed limit values. The Wadden Sea does not exceed a temperature increase in sediment of 2 K at a depth of 30 cm and does not exceed a temperature increase of 2 K in the EEZ of 20 cm. The environmental objectives established by Germany in 2012 are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report describes the achievement of objectives and the state of implementation of the measures respectively. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment on progress towards achieving the target is available, will this be reported in the Progress Assessment.
UZN4.5: Within the protected areas in the German North Sea, the protection objectives and purposes are a priority. Particular attention should be paid to the specific public interests of coastal protection in the interest of exploiting non-living resources, and are only to be considered after careful assessment of alternatives. The environmental objectives established by Germany in 2012 are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report shows the achievement of objectives and/or the state of implementation of the measures. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment is available on progress towards achieving the target will this be reported in the Progress Assessment. However, in relation to birds, it was found that the environmental objective was not achieved.
UZN4.6: Through the exploitation or exploration of non-living resources, the ecosystem components of the German North Sea, in particular the fragile, declining and protected species and habitats, will not be damaged or disrupted significantly. Breeding, rearing, moulting, hibernation and migration periods, as well as the breeding, resting and feeding sites of the species concerned, shall be particularly taken into account. The environmental objectives established by Germany in 2012 are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report shows the achievement of objectives and/or the state of implementation of the measures. Only in individual cases where an indicator assessment is available on progress towards achieving the target will this be reported in the Progress Assessment. However, in relation to birds, it was found that the environmental objective was not achieved.
UZN7: The objective is "seas with natural hydro-morphological characteristics". The objective is implemented by means of the operational objectives UZN7.1, UZN7.2 and UZN7.3. The environmental objectives established in 2012 and their description under the 2012 MSFD report continue to apply. They are the basis for the 2016-2021 programme of measures notified to the European Commission in 2016. Since the implementation of the measures was only started in 2016, an assessment of the progress and effectiveness of the measures as a basis for updating the environmental objectives is often not yet possible. Where possible, the text report shows the achievement of objectives and/or the state of implementation of the measures. The indicator evaluation on progress towards achieving targets is reported in the Progress Report on operational objectives.
UZN7.2: The sum of the influences of hydrological processes does not adversely affect marine ecosystems.
UZN7.3: Changes in habitats and, in particular, habitat functions (e.g. spawning, nursery and feeding grounds, or migration routes of fish, birds and mammals) due to man-made alterations of the hydrographical situation do not lead, alone or cumulatively, to a risk to species or habitats or to the loss of populations respectively.
ANSNL-D7T1: All developments must meet the requirements of the existing legal regime (for example the Environmental Management Act and the Nature Protection Act) and legal assessments must be carried out in such a way that the potential effects of permanent changes in hydrographic properties, including cumulative effects, consideration should be given to the most appropriate spatial scale on the basis of the guidelines developed for this purpose. (EUNIS level 3, reference year 2012).
Target 30: This consideration demanding impact (see target 29) remains within a distance equal to the root square of the surface occupied by this activity and taken from its inherent external limit.
Target 29: An impact demands consideration if one of the following conditions – related to the bottom stress on a 14 days spring tide/neap tide cycle as computed by validated mathematical models – is met: (i) there is an increase of more than 10% of the mean bottom shear stress (ii) the variation of the ratio between the duration of the bottom shear stress and the duration of the erosion is outside the “- 5%, + 5%” range
Target 31: All developments must comply with the existing regulatory regime (e.g. EIA, SEA, and Habitats Directives) and regulatory assessments must be undertaken in such a way that takes into consideration any potential impacts arising from permanent changes in hydrographical conditions, including cumulative effects, at the most appropriate spatial scales following the guidance prepared to this end.
D7.T1: During the environmental impact assessment phase of major infrastructure projects, changes will be considered significant if at least one of the following criteria is met: (i) A physical loss as defined in criterion D6C1; (ii) They cause a variation in absolute value of more than 10% of the average bottom shear stress relative to the reference situation; (iii) They cause a variation in absolute value of more than 10% of the duration of sedimentation or erosion with respect to the reference situation.
D7.T2: Pending the definition of a common methodology at OSPAR level, the scope of the following zones will be reported as a parameter that undergoes negative consequences of the permanent changes of hydrographic conditions due to the presence or exploitation of an infrastructure: (i) the areas that have undergone a physical loss within the context of criterion D6C1; (ii) the zones identified in criterion D7C1, whose habitat classification would change according to the prediction model for benthic habitats developed for the Celtic Sea and the broad North Sea as part of EMODNet habitat (Populus et al., 2017).
OE_ATL_ope_D7.1: To preserve marine ecosystems, their functionalities and uses by ensuring a sufficient quantitative supply of fresh water in the coastal sector.
D07-OE04: Ensuring an adequate volume of freshwater in the coastal sector throughout the year, including by reducing the levels of water abstraction (groundwater and surface water) at the catchment level
D07-OE01: Avoid significant residual impacts* of turbidity on the habitats and the main fish functional zones of importance most sensitive to this pressure, under the influence of marine works, material extraction, dredging, dumping of dredged material, developments and land-based discharges *notable residual impacts within the meaning of environmental assessment N. B. 1: This objective targets the main fish functional zones of importance (FFZIs) and the following habitats: maerl beds, phanerogam meadows (eelgrass, posidonia, cymodocae), belts of rockweed, kelp and cystose, lithophyllum sidewalks, sabellarid bioconstructions and coralligenous (coastal and deep). N.B. 2: Maps of FFZIswill be produced as part of M004.
OE_ATL_ope_D7.2: Preserve marine ecosystems and their functionality by controlling turbid discharges from maritime (dredging, aggregate extraction, etc.) and land-based (dewatering, dam flushing, etc.) activities.
OE_GMC_gen_D7.2: Limit the risks related to pressures impacting habitats and their functionalities
OE_GMC_gen_D7.1: Preserve the functionality of habitats against permanent changes in hydrographic processes / Ensure upstream- downstream solidarity within catchment areas to guarantee freshwater inflows in the coastal sector
D07-OE02: Avoid any new anthropogenic modification of the hydrographic conditions having a significant residual impact* on the current and sedimentology of the sectors at stake and in priority in the macro-tidal bays, areas of maximum current and sectors of hydraulic dunes * significant residual impacts in the sense of the environmental assessment
OE_MMN_gen_D7.1: Preserve areas with little or no impact through permanent modification of hydrographic processes, especially those hosting habitats with a key functional role / Reduce pressures impacting habitats and their functionalities
D07-OE03: Limiting pressures and barriers to sea-land connectivity in estuaries and coastal lagoons
OE_GMC_gen_D5.1: Preserve areas with little or no impact from eutrophication
D7T1: The spatial extent and distribution of permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions to the seabed and water column, is at a level that ensures that the structure and functions of the ecosystems are safeguarded and that benthic ecosystems, in particular, are not adversely affected
Cycle 1 D7T1: Target: All developments that may give rise to significant permanent changes in the hydrological regime of currents, waves, or sediments must comply with existing regulatory regimes and guidance should be followed to ensure that regulatory assessments are undertaken in a way that ensures the full consideration of any potential impacts, including cumulative effects at the most appropriate spatial scales to ensure that GES is not compromised. Notes: The targets for MSFD Cycle 2 have been aligned with the criteria outlined in the Commission Decision 2017/848. Where targets from MSFD Cycle 1 do not align with the Criteria these have been discontinued and have been reported as ‘Target no longer needed’. There was no Target timescale date specified in MSFD Cycle 1 for this target. The Timescale date 205012 has been entered to allow the Schema be submitted and processed without errors. Under no circumstances should this date be attributed to the now abandoned target.
C.1.4: Ensure proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the Canary Islands, which carry out work relating to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and to exploit synergies. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.C.12. Ensure proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the Canary Islands, which carry out work relating to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and to exploit synergies. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.2.1: Ensure that the area affected by permanent physical alterations caused by human activities is a small proportion of the total area of the Canary Islands area. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.C.15. To promote that human actions do not significantly increase the surface area affected by physical loss of natural marine resources compared to the previous cycle in the Canary Islands area. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
B.S.14: Encourage scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment to address the knowledge gaps identified in the Initial Assessment and in the successive phases of Marine Strategies. * Awareness building on impacts arising from the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, which are addressed by scientific studies and projects. OBJECTIVES 2012: B.3.1, B.3.2, B.3.3, B.3.4.
C.2.1: Ensure that the area affected by permanent physical alterations caused by human activities is a small proportion of the total area of the North Atlantic demarcation. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.N.10.Promote human actions not significantly increase the surface area affected by physical loss of natural seabed resources compared to the previous cycle in Norlántica. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.N.11: Promote that localised and permanent physical alterations caused by human activities do not threaten the durability and functioning of protected habitats and/or habitats of natural interest, nor compromise the achievement or maintenance of GES for these habitats * Percentage of compatibility reports on existing installations * Area of protected habitats and/or habitats of natural interest affected by permanent physical alterations
C.S.7: Ensure proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the South Atlantic demarcation district which carry out work related to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and exploit synergies
C.2.5: 590/5000 Promote that the marine ecosystems dependent on the plumes associated with the mouths of the rivers are taken into account when setting the ecological flows in the elaboration of the hydrological plans. In the second cycle this objective has been maintained, modifying the code to: C.S.14. Promote that the marine ecosystems dependent on the plumes associated with the mouths of the rivers are taken into account when setting the ecological flows in the elaboration of the hydrological plans. This objective will be reported as new, since the code and indicators have changed
C.2.3: Take mitigation measures in coastal stretches where permanent physical alterations caused by human activities have caused a significant impact so that hydrodynamics and hydrodynamics properties are compatible with the conservation of habitats In the second cycle, the wording and the code have been slightly changed. C.S.12. Take measures on coastal stretches where permanent physical alterations caused by human activities have caused a significant impact so as to be compatible with the good environmental status of the seabed and hydrographical conditions. This objective will be gained as a new objective, as the code and indicator has changed.
C.3.1: Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.C.19. Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information for both administrations and institutions related to the sea, and for the general public. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.S.8: To ensure, through the Maritime Spatial Plan of the South Atlantic Marine area and/or other development tools, that human activities are developed in a sustainable manner and do not jeopardise the achievement of the Good Environmental Status. * Number of human activities covered by the management plan OBJECTIVE 2012: C1.5
C.S.10: Promote that human actions do not significantly increase the surface area affected by physical loss of natural marine resources compared to the previous cycle in the South Atlantic area. * Surface affected by permanent physical alterations caused by human activities * Area in the area occupied by coastal defence works * Area covered by the area occupied by works or by installations having as their object other than the defence of the coast OBJECTIVE 2012: C.2.1
C.C.16: To promote that the biological and permanent physical alterations caused by human activities do not threaten the persistence and operation of protected habitats or natural interests and do not jeopardise the achievement or maintenance of the GES for these habitats. * Percentage of compatibility reports on existing installations. * Area of protected habitats of natural interest affected by permanent physical alterations.
C.N.8: Promote, through the Marine Spatial Plan of the North Atlantic Demarcation and/or other development tools, that human activities are developed in a sustainable manner and do not jeopardise the achievement of the Good Environmental Status * Number of human activities covered by the management plan OBJECTIVE 2012: C1.5
C.N.14: Promote that marine ecosystems dependent on feathers associated with river mouths are taken into account when establishing ecological flows in the preparation of management plans. • Percentage of rivers where the last water body upstream of the mouth, or the transitional water body if defined, have ecological flows set for the calculation of which marine ecosystems have been taken into account. OBJECTIVE 2012: C2.5
C.C.17: Measures on stretches of coastline where permanent physical alterations caused by human activities have caused a significant impact so as to be compatible with the good environmental status of the seabed and hydrographical conditions. • No of measures taken in respect of each activity causing significant impact OBJECTIVE 2012: C.2.3
00: Achieve or maintain the values and characteristics defined as GES for all descriptors of GES in South Atlantic region
A.N.10: Ensuring regulatory compliance * Estimation of surveillance in hours * Infringements identified vs sanctions imposed * Human resources available for monitoring and equipment available. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.9
C.1.3: Ensure social participation in the marine strategy of the Canary Islands area by means of dissemination, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and involvement of stakeholders in the marine environment. In the second cycle, this objective has remained the same, with the exception of the code: C.C.11. Ensure social participation in the marine strategy of the Canary Islands area by means of dissemination, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and involvement of stakeholders in the marine environment. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.1.4: This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.C.21: Improving knowledge on the effects of climate change on marine and coastal ecosystems, with a view to mainstreaming climate change variable into all phases of Marine Strategies * Number of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with this issue * Number of monitoring indicators addressing climate change aspects * Percentage of climate change strategies in Marine Strategies OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
A.1.12: Ensuring proper surveillance of the marine environment through remote or on-site systems In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: A.C.13. Ensuring regulatory compliance This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.S.17: Improving knowledge on the effects of climate change on marine and coastal ecosystems, with a view to mainstreaming climate change variable into all phases of Marine Strategies * Number of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with this issue * Number of monitoring indicators addressing climate change aspects * Percentage of climate change strategies in Marine Strategies OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
C.N.7: Achieve adequate coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the North Atlantic region that carry out work related to the marine environment, so as to avoid duplication and take advantage of synergies * Number of initiatives, projects and coordination meetings * Number of themes in which coordination initiatives are adopted OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.4.
A.1.9: Ensuring proper surveillance of the marine environment through remote or on-site systems In the second cycle, this target has been amended to: A.N.10. Ensuring regulatory compliance This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.S.19: OBJECTIVE 2012: C3.9
C.C.22: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impact of human activities on habitats, species, populations and communities * Criteria for evaluation and monitoring of the results of scientific projects/studies (based on the references in documents) * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies
C.2.5: Promote that marine ecosystems dependent on feathers associated with river mouths are taken into account when establishing ecological flows in the preparation of management plans. In the second cycle, this objective has been maintained, changing the code to: C.N.14. Promote that marine ecosystems dependent on feathers associated with river mouths are taken into account when establishing ecological flows in the preparation of management plans. This objective will become new, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.N.12: Take measures on coastal stretches where permanent physical alterations caused by human activities have caused a significant impact so as to be compatible with the good environmental status of the seabed and hydrographical conditions. * No. of measures taken in respect of each activity causing significant impact. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.2.3
C.S.16: Encourage scientific studies and projects to address knowledge gaps identified in the initial assessment of the impact of human activities on marine and coastal ecosystems. * Number of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with these subjects. * Knowledge-based studies and scientific projects. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
C.2.3: Take mitigation measures in coastal stretches where permanent physical alterations caused by human activities have caused a significant impact so that hydrodynamics and hydrodynamics properties are compatible with the conservation of habitats. In the second cycle, the wording and the code have been slightly modified. C.C.17. Take measures on coastal stretches where permanent physical alterations caused by human activities have caused a significant impact so as to be compatible with the good environmental status of the seabed and hydrographical conditions. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicator has changed.
C.S.6: Ensure social participation in the Marine Strategy of the South Atlantic Basin through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. * Number of initiatives for social participation and evaluation of their results OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.3
C.2.3: Take mitigation measures in coastal stretches where permanent physical alterations caused by human activities have caused a significant impact so that hydrodynamics and hydrodynamics properties are compatible with the conservation of habitats In the second cycle, the wording and the code have been slightly changed. C.N..12. Take measures on coastal stretches where permanent physical alterations caused by human activities have caused a significant impact so as to be compatible with the good environmental status of the seabed and hydrographical conditions. This objective will be gained as a new objective, as the code and indicator has changed.
B.C.13: Encourage scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, in response to knowledge gaps identified in the Initial Assessment and in the successive phases of Marine Strategies. * Awareness building on impacts arising from the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, which are addressed by scientific studies and projects. OBJECTIVES 2012: B.3.1, B.3.2, B.3.3, B.3.4
A.S.10: Ensuring regulatory compliance * Estimation of surveillance in hours * Infringements identified vs sanctions imposed * Human resources available for monitoring and equipment available. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.9
A. C.13: Ensuring regulatory compliance. * Surveying of surveillance in hours * Infringements identified vs sanctions imposed * Human resources available for surveillance and available materials. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.12
C.S.15: To improve access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as to ensure the quality of this information, both for maritime administrations and institutions and for the general public. • Existence of platforms for access and exchange of information on the marine environment which facilitate the management of public administrations • Means of access and quality of marine environment information available to citizens • Number of metadata available OBJECTIVE C.3.1
C.2.2: To ensure that biological and permanent physical alterations caused by human activities do not threaten the persistence and operation of biogenic habitats and/or protected habitats and do not jeopardise the achievement or maintenance of GES for these habitats. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.S.11. To promote that the biological and permanent physical alterations caused by human activities do not threaten the persistence and operation of protected habitats or natural interests and do not jeopardise the achievement or maintenance of GES for these habitats. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.3.9: Develop a national monitoring system for river basin and water variability and establish a target system for alerts on the occurrence of climatic abnormalities that may put pressure on the different marine ecosystems. The system should include a register of hydrographical and biological variables as well as mass and extreme events in marine ecosystems such as:Unusual planktonic blocks, appearance of unusual species in a certain zone and time of year, mass of species or process occurring (mortality, reproduction), etc. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.S.19. Encourage the efficient monitoring of the ocean variables to enable the early detection of the occurrence of climatic anomalies which may put pressure on the different marine ecosystems. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
B.C.14: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through studies, initiatives and scientific projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment. * Criteria for evaluating and monitoring the results of scientific projects/studies. * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies.
C.N.10: Promote that human actions do not significantly increase the area affected by physical loss of natural seabed with respect to the previous cycle in the North Atlantic demarcation. - Area affected by permanent physical alterations caused by human activities - Area of the demarcation occupied by coastal defence works - Area of the demarcation occupied by works or installations whose objective is not the defence of the coast OBJECTIVE 2012: C.2.1.
C.S.12: Take measures on coastal stretches where permanent physical alterations caused by human activities have caused a significant impact so as to be compatible with the good environmental status of the seabed and hydrographical conditions. * No. of measures taken in respect of each activity causing significant impact OBJECTIVE 2012: C.2.3
00: Achieve or maintain the values and characteristics defined as GES for all descriptors of the good environmental status in the Canary Islands
C.2.2: To ensure that biological and permanent physical alterations caused by human activities do not threaten the persistence and operation of biogenic habitats and/or protected habitats and do not jeopardise the achievement or maintenance of GES for these habitats. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.C.16. To promote that the biological and permanent physical alterations caused by human activities do not threaten the persistence and operation of protected habitats or natural interests and do not jeopardise the achievement or maintenance of GES for these habitats. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.3.9: Develop a national monitoring system for river basin and water variability and establish a target system for alerts on the occurrence of climatic abnormalities that may put pressure on the different marine ecosystems. The system should include a register of hydrographical and biological variables as well as mass and extreme events in marine ecosystems such as:Unusual planktonic blocks, appearance of unusual species in a certain zone and time of year, mass of species or process occurring (mortality, reproduction), etc. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.N..19. Encourage the efficient monitoring of the ocean variables to enable the early detection of the occurrence of climatic anomalies which may put pressure on the different marine ecosystems. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.N.15: To improve access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as to ensure the quality of this information, both for maritime administrations and institutions and for the general public. • Existence of platforms for access and exchange of information on the marine environment which facilitate the management of public administrations • Means of access and quality of marine environment information available to citizens • Number of metadata available OBJECTIVE C.3.1
C.3.9: Develop a national monitoring system for river basin and water variability and establish a target system for alerts on the occurrence of climatic abnormalities that may put pressure on the different marine ecosystems. The system should include a register of hydrographical and biological variables as well as mass and extreme events in marine ecosystems such as:Unusual planktonic blocks, appearance of unusual species in a certain zone and time of year, mass of species or process occurring (mortality, reproduction), etc. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.C.23. Encourage the efficient monitoring of the ocean variables to enable the early detection of the occurrence of climatic anomalies which may put pressure on the different marine ecosystems. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.S.13: Ensure that environmental impact studies of projects likely to affect the marine environment are carried out in a manner that takes into account the potential impacts resulting from permanent changes in hydrographic conditions, including cumulative effects, on the most appropriate spatial scales, following the guidelines developed for this purpose. • Percentage of environmental impact studies of projects affecting the marine environment that take account of changes in hydrographic conditions. OBJECTIVE 2012: C2.4
C.C.18: Ensure that environmental impact studies of projects likely to affect the marine environment are carried out in a manner that takes into account the potential impacts resulting from permanent changes in hydrographic conditions, including cumulative effects, on the most appropriate spatial scales, following the guidelines developed for this purpose. • Percentage of environmental impact studies of projects affecting the marine environment that take account of changes in hydrographic conditions. OBJECTIVE 2012: C2.4
C.S.11: To promote that the biological and permanent physical alterations caused by human activities do not threaten the persistence and operation of protected habitats or natural interests and do not jeopardise the achievement or maintenance of the GES for these habitats. * Percentage of compatibility reports on existing installations. * Area of protected habitats of natural interest affected by permanent physical alterations.
B.N.14: Encourage scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment to address the knowledge gaps identified in the Initial Assessment and in the successive phases of Marine Strategies. * Awareness building on impacts arising from the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, which are addressed by scientific studies and projects. OBJECTIVES 2012: B.3.1, B.3.2, B.3.3, B.3.4.
C.C.13: To guarantee, through the Maritime Spatial Plan of the Canary Islands area and/or other development tools, that human activities take place in a sustainable manner and do not jeopardise the achievement of the Good Environmental Status. * Number of human activities covered by the management plan OBJECTIVE 2012: C1.5
C.2.4: Ensure that environmental impact studies of projects likely to affect the marine environment are carried out in a manner that takes into account the potential impacts resulting from permanent changes in hydrographic conditions, including cumulative effects, on the most appropriate spatial scales, following the guidelines developed for this purpose; The target and indicator do not change, but the code is, so it will be reported as new: C.S.13. Ensure that environmental impact studies of projects likely to affect the marine environment are carried out in a manner that takes into account the potential impacts resulting from permanent changes in hydrographic conditions, including cumulative effects, on the most appropriate spatial scales, following the guidelines developed for this purpose.
C.S.14: Foster that marine ecosystems dependent on river plumes in estuaries are taken into account when defining ecological flows through basin management plans
C.2.4: 857/5000 Ensure that environmental impact assessments of projects that may affect the marine environment are carried out in a manner that takes into account the potential impacts derived from permanent changes in hydrographic conditions, including cumulative effects, at the most adequatespatial scales, following the guidelines developed for this purpos. The target and indicator do not change, but the code does, so it will be reported as new: CN13. Ensure that environmental impact studies of projects that may affect the marine environment are carried out in a way that takes into account the potential impacts derived from permanent changes in hydrographic conditions, including cumulative effects, at the most spatial scales adequate, following the guidelines developed for this purpose.
C.1.3: Ensure public participation in the marine strategy of the North Atlantic demarcation through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. In the second cycle, this objective has remained the same, with the exception of the code: C.N..6. Ensure public participation in the marine strategy of the North Atlantic demarcation through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
B.N.15: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through studies, initiatives and scientific projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment. * Criteria for evaluating and monitoring the results of scientific projects/studies. * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies.
00: Achieve or maintain values and characteristics defined as GES for all descriptors of GES in North Atlantic region.
C.N.13: Ensure that environmental impact studies of projects likely to affect the marine environment are carried out in a manner that takes into account the potential impacts resulting from permanent changes in hydrographic conditions, including cumulative effects, on the most appropriate spatial scales, following the guidelines developed for this purpose. • Percentage of environmental impact studies of projects affecting the marine environment that take account of changes in hydrographic conditions. OBJECTIVE 2012: C2.4
C.C.20: Encourage scientific studies and projects to address knowledge gaps identified in the initial assessment of the impact of human activities on marine and coastal ecosystems. * No. of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with these subjects. * Knowledge-based studies and scientific projects. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
B.S.15: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through studies, initiatives and scientific projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment. * Criteria for evaluating and monitoring the results of scientific projects/studies. * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies.
C.3.1: Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.S.15. To improve access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as to ensure the quality of this information, both for maritime administrations and institutions and for the general public. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.N.6: Ensure social participation in the marine strategy of the North Atlantic demarcation through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. * Number of initiatives for social participation and evaluation of their results OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.3
C.3.1: Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.N..15. To improve access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as to ensure the quality of this information, both for maritime administrations and institutions and for the general public. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.2.1: Ensure that the area affected by permanent physical alterations caused by human activities is a small proportion of the total area of the South Atlantic area. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.S.10. Foster human actions not to significantly increase the surface affected by physical loss of natural seabed compared to the previous cycle in the South Atlantic area. This target will be reported as a new target, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.C.19: Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information for both administrations and institutions related to the sea, and for the general public. • Existence of platforms for access and exchange of information on the marine environment which facilitate the management of public administrations • Means of access and quality of marine environment information available to citizens • Number of metadata available OBJECTIVE C.3.1
C.C.11: Ensuring social participation in the marine strategy of the Strait and Alboran area through initiatives for dissemination, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and involvement of stakeholders in the marine environment. * Number of initiatives for social participation and evaluation of their results OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.3
C.1.3: Ensure social participation in the Marine Strategy of the South Atlantic Basin through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. In the second cycle, this objective has remained the same, with the exception of the code: C.S.6. Ensure social participation in the Marine Strategy of the South Asian Basin through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.N.16: Encourage scientific studies and projects to address knowledge gaps identified in the initial assessment of the impact of human activities on marine and coastal ecosystems. * No. of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with these subjects. * Knowledge-based studies and scientific projects. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
C.N.19: OBJECTIVE 2012: C3.9
C.N.18: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impact of human activities on habitats, species, populations and communities * Criteria for evaluation and monitoring of the results of scientific projects/studies (based on the references in documents) * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies
C.2.2: To ensure that biological and permanent physical alterations caused by human activities do not threaten the persistence and operation of biogenic habitats and/or protected habitats and do not jeopardise the achievement or maintenance of GES for these habitats. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.N..11. To promote that the biological and permanent physical alterations caused by human activities do not threaten the persistence and operation of protected habitats or natural interests and do not threaten the achievement or maintenance of GES for these habitats. This target will be considered a new target, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.1.4: Achieve proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the South Atlantic basin that carry out work related to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and exploit synergies. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.S.7. Achieve proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the South Atlantic basin that carry out work related to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and exploit synergies. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.C.15: To promote that human actions do not significantly increase the surface area affected by physical loss of natural marine resources compared to the previous cycle in the Canary Islands area. * Surface affected by permanent physical alterations caused by human activities * Area in the area occupied by coastal defence works * Area covered by the area occupied by works or by installations having as their object other than the defence of the coast OBJECTIVE 2012: C.2.1
C.N.17: Improving knowledge on the effects of climate change on marine and coastal ecosystems, with a view to mainstreaming climate change variable into all phases of Marine Strategies * Number of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with this issue * Number of monitoring indicators addressing climate change aspects * Percentage of climate change strategies in Marine Strategies OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
C.C.12: Ensuring proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the Strait and Alboran area who carry out work related to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and to exploit synergies. * Number of initiatives, projects and coordination meetings * Thematic areas in which coordination initiatives are taken OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.4
A.1.9: Ensuring proper surveillance of the marine environment through remote or on-site systems In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: A.S.10. Ensuring regulatory compliance This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.S.18: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impact of human activities on habitats, species, populations and communities * Criteria for evaluation and monitoring of the results of scientific projects/studies (based on the references in documents) * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies
C.C.23: Encourage the efficient monitoring of the ocean variables to enable the early detection of the occurrence of climatic anomalies which may put pressure on the different marine ecosystems. • National system for monitoring river basin variability and hydrodynamics, and system for alerts and recording of mass and extreme events
D7-AZO-M2: Ensure that coastal works have the least possible impact on coastal habitats. Development and application of geoindicators, coastal state indicators, state scientific indicators, geomorphologic indicators (Cardapço et al., 2016). Ensure that all possible mitigation measures are considered when planning new infrastructure to minimise the impact on coastal and marine ecosystems and their services and integrity, as well as cultural and historical assets (Plan Bleu UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre, 2019).
D7-AZO-M1: Optimised monitoring programmes (crisis et al., 2015). Modelling of hydrographical changes to assess the extent of possible affected area and the intensity of changes (González et al., 2015).
Target value No. of parameters/elements with quantitative values
  • Not reported (1 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (2 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (14 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Reported (1 - 100.0%)
  • Not reported (3 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (21 - 72.4%)
  • Reported (8 - 27.6%)
  • Not reported (1 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (32 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (2 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
Target status No. of assessments per category
  • Status not reported (1 - 100.0%)
  • Target not yet achieved (2 - 100.0%)
  • Status not reported (4 - 28.6%)
  • Target achieved (7 - 50.0%)
  • Target not yet achieved (3 - 21.4%)
  • Target achieved (1 - 100.0%)
  • Status not reported (3 - 100.0%)
  • Status not reported (13 - 44.8%)
  • Target not yet achieved (16 - 55.2%)
  • Target achieved (1 - 100.0%)
  • Status not reported (15 - 46.9%)
  • Target achieved (15 - 46.9%)
  • Target not yet achieved (2 - 6.2%)
  • Status not reported (2 - 100.0%)
Assessment period No. of targets per period
2011-2016 (1 - 100.0%)
2019-2024 (2 - 100.0%)
2011-2016 (13 - 92.9%)
2012-2018 (1 - 7.1%)
2012-2018 (1 - 100.0%)
2012-2018 (3 - 100.0%)
2012-2018 (13 - 44.8%)
2015-2021 (16 - 55.2%)
2014-2018 (1 - 100.0%)
2012-2018 (31 - 96.9%)
2012-2108 (1 - 3.1%)
2020-2026 (2 - 100.0%)
Timescale to achieve targets No. of targets per date
2020-12 (1 - 100.0%)
2024-10 (2 - 100.0%)
2020-12 (14 - 100.0%)
2024-07 (1 - 100.0%)
2020-12 (5 - 100.0%)
2018-12 (1 - 3.0%)
2020-12 (12 - 36.4%)
2026-12 (20 - 60.6%)
2025-12 (1 - 50.0%)
2050-12 (1 - 50.0%)
2020-12 (32 - 40.5%)
2024-12 (47 - 59.5%)
2026-12 (2 - 100.0%)
Update date No. of targets per date
2018-12 (1 - 100.0%)
2019-04 (2 - 100.0%)
2018-10 (14 - 100.0%)
2018-07 (1 - 100.0%)
2018-09 (5 - 100.0%)
2019-09 (33 - 100.0%)
2013-04 (1 - 50.0%)
2020-03 (1 - 50.0%)
2012-11 (32 - 40.5%)
2019-07 (47 - 59.5%)
2020-01 (2 - 100.0%)
Update type No. of targets per category
  • Same as 2012 definition (1 - 100.0%)
  • New target (2 - 100.0%)
  • Same as 2012 definition (14 - 100.0%)
  • Same as 2012 definition (1 - 100.0%)
  • Modified from 2012 definition (2 - 40.0%)
  • Target no longer needed (3 - 60.0%)
  • New target (20 - 60.6%)
  • Target no longer needed (13 - 39.4%)
  • Modified from 2012 definition (1 - 50.0%)
  • Target no longer needed (1 - 50.0%)
  • Modified from 2012 definition (29 - 36.7%)
  • New target (47 - 59.5%)
  • Target no longer needed (3 - 3.8%)
  • New target (2 - 100.0%)
Related indicators No. of different indicators reported
Related measures No. of different measures reported