Member State report / Art9 / 2018 / D1-M / Baltic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D1 Mammals
Region/subregion Baltic
Reported by Member state
Member state
Member state report
Marine reporting units MRUs used
  • BAL-FI
  • BAL-LV-AAA-007
  • BAL-LV-AAA-009
  • BAL-POL-MS-001
  • L4-POL-001
  • L4-POL-002
  • L4-POL-003
  • L4-POL-004
  • L4-POL-005
  • L4-POL-006
  • L4-POL-007
  • L4-POL-008
  • L4-POL-009
  • DK-TOTAL-part-BAL
  • BAL-SE-RG-Ostersjon
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species All mammals
  • D1 (1)
  • D1C1 (1)
  • D1C2 (1)
  • D1C4 (1)
  • D1C5 (1)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Small toothed cetaceans
  • D1C1 (5)
  • D1C2 (5)
  • D1C4 (5)
  • D1.2 (1)
  • D1.2 (1)
  • D1C1 (1)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Seals
  • D1C1 (12)
  • D1C2 (6)
  • D1C3 (2)
  • D1C4 (2)
  • D1C5 (11)
  • D1C2 (1)
  • D1C4 (1)
  • D1.2 (2)
  • D1.2 (1)
  • D1C2 (10)
  • D1C3 (10)
  • D1C4 (1)
  • D1.2 (1)
  • D1C2 (1)
  • D1C3 (1)
  • D1C4 (1)
GES description D1 Mammals
D1C2 Species abundance
D1C3 Demographic characteristics
D1C4 opulation distribution
The population of the species is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures, such that its long-term viability is ensured.
Threshold values established on regional level (HELCOM)
The GES for D1 is defined, inter alia, by:
?... the coastal waters in accordance with the Water Framework Directive are in good environmental condition and in good chemical status.
... the habitat types relevant to the marine sector in the Baltic Sea of Good Environmental Status (GES) for D1 are defined, inter alia, by:
?... the coastal waters in accordance with the Water Framework Directive are in good environmental condition and in good chemical status.
... are in a favourable conservation status for the habitat types of Annex I (habitat type 11) to the Habitats Directive relevant to the marine environment in the Baltic Sea.
... the species of Annex II to the Habitats Directive, relevant for the marine sector in the Baltic Sea, as well as species of the Birds Directive relevant for the marine sector in the Baltic Sea, are in favourable conservation status due to the quality of their food habitat.
... the objectives are achieved by single species or group specific conventions (e.g. ASCOBANS, Yaoundé).
... HELCOM?s biodiversity is in good condition.

In order to determine the good environmental status for D1-marine mammals, the following criteria are used as set out in Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848: D1C1, D1C2, D1C3, D1C4, D1C5. Assessment for criterion D1C1 was not possible at present.

Explanation: Germany does not update the general description of good environmental status (GES) from 2012 at descriptor level in this reporting exercise. During the reporting period, Germany has worked with the countries bordering the Baltic Sea in the framework of the EU?s MSC CIS process and in HELCOM to develop methodological standards (indicators, evaluation procedures). Specific aspects of criteria and indicators that contribute to a quantitative assessment of good environmental status are reported in the reporting scheme Art. 8_GES. For the assessment of the criteria set out in Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848, the relevant assessments under other EU directives shall be taken into account under Article 8_GES, taking into account, as far as possible, the regional assessments that have been coordinated so far and, on a case-by-case basis, supplemented by national assessments.
GES description D1C1 Mortality rate from incidental by-catch
Grey seal mortality as a by-catch of fishing does not jeopardize the viability of the population. Marine mammals are assessed by species in such a way that the worst-performing benchmark determines the status of the species.

The mortality of harbour porpoise from fishing is close to zero.
Marine mammals are assessed by species in such a way that the criterion on the condition of the species is determined by the weakest condition.

The mortality of the Baltic ringed seal as by-catch of fishing does not endanger the vitality or the growth rate of the population towards a viable population. The by-catch mortality of the Archipelago Sea and the Gulf of Finland is close to zero.
Marine mammals are assessed by species in such a way that the criterion on the condition of the species is determined by the weakest condition.
Mortality per species from by-catch is below levels that threaten the species in the long term.
D1C1 Mortality per species due to bycatch is at a level that does not threaten the species and its long-term viability. Good environmental status: When the threshold is passed in all assessment areas. D1C1 mortality rate per species from by-catch is at levels that do not threaten the species and its long-term viability. GES: When threshold value is achieved in all assessment areas.
GES description D1C2 Population abundance (1.2, 1.2.1)
Grey seal has a population size of at least 10,000 individuals in the Baltic Sea, and in addition, the population growth rate is >7% or, when reaching environmental carrying capacity, the population size does not fall >10% on a 10-year average. Marine mammals are assessed by species so that the reference criterion giving the weakest status determines the status of the species.

The harbour porpoise population should grow in the main basin of the Baltic towards a viable population size.
Marine mammals are assessed by species in such a way that the criterion on the condition of the species is determined by the weakest condition.

The population size of the Baltic ringed seal shall be at least 10 000 individuals in each of its three sub-units and, in addition, at the growth stage of the population, the rate of growth shall be > 7 % or the population size of the environment shall not fall > 10 % at a mean value of 10 years.
Marine mammals are assessed by species in such a way that the criterion on the condition of the species is determined by the weakest condition.
GES is achieved for abundance of seals (grey and ringed seals) in Baltic Sea if the population is above 10,000 individuals and the population is showing at least 7% increase in annual abundance rate.
Grey seals: no separate GES definition for Estonian marine units.
Ringed seals: no separate GES definition for Estonian marine units.
The population abundance of the species is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures, such that its long-term viability is ensured. Threshold values established nationally.
Good environmental density for population density is considered to correspond to favorable conservation status (favorable reference population) under the Habitats Directive.
D1C2 Populationer av arter av fåglar, däggdjur och fiskar är inte negativt påverkade av belastning från mänsklig verksamhet, och deras långsiktiga överlevnad är säkerställd.
God miljöstatus:
God miljöstatus: När minst 75 % av arterna inom en artgrupp klarar sina artspecifika tröskelvärden.
För varje art bedöms om tröskelvärdet följs. Arterna bedöms inom var och en av de fem artgrupperna (ytfödosök, pelagiskt födosök, bentiskt födosök, betande födosök och vadare).
God miljöstatus: När tröskelvärdena för alla indikatorer för respektive art under alla relevanta kriterier klaras i bedömningsområdet.
Varje art bedöms utifrån det kriterium av D1C2, D1C3 och D1C4 som visar sämst status.
God miljöstatus: Kustfisk uppnår god miljöstatus när minst 90 % av bedömningsområdena uppnår de artspecifika tröskelvärdena. Demersala och pelagiska arter uppnår god miljöstatus när minst 90 % av arterna i respektive artgrupp uppnår sina artspecifika tröskelvärden.
Status bedöms separat för de tre artgrupperna kustfisk, demersal fisk och pelagisk fisk.

D1C2 Populations of birds, mammals and fish is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures, and their long-term viability is ensured

Birds:When at least 75 % of the species within a species group achieve their species specific threshold values.
Seals: GES defined as: When the threshold values for all indicators of each species under relevant criteria are achieved in the assessment area. Each species is assessed on the basis of the criterion of D1C2, D1C3 and D1C4 which show the worst status.
Fish:Coastal fish species achieve GES when at least 90 % of the assessment areas reach the species specific threshold values. Demersal and pelagic species achieve GES when at least 90 % of the species in each species group achieve their threshold values. Status is assessed separately for the three species groups coasta fish, demersal fish and pelagic fish.
GES description D1C3 Population demographic characteristics (1.3, 1.3.1)
> 5-year-old female ringed seal> 90% of pregnancies result in the birth of a chick. Marine mammals are assessed by species so that the reference criterion giving the weakest status determines the status of the species.

About 90% of grey seals' 6-year-old females give birth to a live pup. Marine mammals are assessed by species so that the reference criterion giving the weakest status determines the status of the species.
The population demographic characteristics (e.g. body size or age class structure, sex ratio, fecundity, and survival rates) of the species are indicative of a healthy population which is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures. Threshold values established nationally.
D1C3 The populations of birds, mammals and fish have demographic characteristics (eg size distribution, nutritional status and reproductive ability) that indicate that they are healthy and not adversely affected by human activity. Good environmental status: See D1C2. D1C3 The demographic characteristics (e.g., size structure, nutritional status and reproduction) of birds, mammals and fish indicate healthy populations that are not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures. GES: See under D1C2
GES description D1C4 Population distributional range and pattern (1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3)
The distribution of the Baltic ringed seal covers the entire Finnish sea area, which corresponds to its natural range before the stock shrinks. Marine mammals are assessed by species in such a way that the worst-case benchmark determines the status of the species.

The distribution of the grey seal covers the entire Finnish marine area, which corresponds to its natural range before the decline of the stock. Marine mammals are assessed by species so that the reference criterion giving the weakest status determines the status of the species.

The porpoise distribution range extends to the Finnish sea areas, except the Bothnian Bay, and is observed every year in each sea basin (Gulf of Finland, Northern Baltic, Bothnian Sea, Mvarken, Archipelago Sea and the Sea Islands).
Marine mammals are assessed by species in such a way that the criterion on the condition of the species is determined by the weakest condition.
Grey seals: GES is achieved if the distributional range is covering whole Estonian marine area which is 36260 km2.
Ringed seals: GES is achieved if the distributional range is at least 12050 km2.
GES is achieved if the distribution pattern of seals (grey and ringed seals) are not fragmented in their distributional area.
The species distributional range and, where relevant, pattern is in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditions.
Good environmental status for distribution area is considered to correspond to favorable conservation status (favorable reference range) under the Habitats Directive.
D1C4 Utbredning av arter överensstämmer med rådande geomorfologiska, geografiska och klimatiska villkor.
God miljöstatus: Se under D1C2

D1C4 The species distributional range is in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climatic conditions
GES: See under D1C2
GES description D1C5 Habitat for the species
The blubber thickness of grey seals is 40 mm for hunted individuals and 35 mm for by-catches. Marine mammals are assessed by species so that the reference criterion giving the weakest status determines the status of the species.

The blubber thickness of the Baltic ringed seal will vary according to dietary targets and have been the best in adults for 49 mm and for young people 40 mm. it is currently not possible to determine the threshold.
Marine mammals are assessed by species in such a way that the criterion on the condition of the species is determined by the weakest condition.
Good environmental density for population density is considered to correspond to favorable conservation status (habitat for species) under the Habitats Directive.
Determination date
  • 2018-07 (D1C2, D1C5, D1C4, D1C1, D1C3)
  • 2018-07 (D1C4, D1C2)
  • 2019-02 (D1.2)
  • 2018-09 (D1C4, D1C3, D1.2, D1C2)
  • 2018-10 (D1.2)
  • 2019-04 (D1C2, D1C5, D1C4, D1, D1C1)
  • 2018-12 (D1C4, D1C3, D1C2, D1C1)
Update type
  • Modified from reported determination (D1C2, D1C5, D1C4, D1C1, D1C3)
  • New determination (D1C4, D1C2)
  • New determination (D1.2)
  • New determination (D1C4, D1C3, D1.2, D1C2)
  • Same as last reported determination (D1.2)
  • Modified from reported determination (D1)
  • New determination (D1C4, D1C5, D1C2, D1C1)
  • Modified from reported determination (D1C4, D1C3, D1C2)
  • New determination (D1C1)
Justification for non-use of criterion
D1C1: Criteria D1C1 is not used for determining GES because there is not enough reliable data about mortality rate per bird, seal and fish species from inci­dental by-catch. Criteria not applicable for pelagic habitats.

D1C2: Not mandatory for fish and not applicable for pelagic habitats.

D1C4: Not mandatory for birds and not applicable for pelagic habitats.
Four fish species covered by Annexes II (Cobitis taenia; Cottus gobio; Lampetra fluviatilis) and V (Coregonus lavaretus) of Directive 92/43/EEC are permanently inhabiting Estonian marine waters.
For Cobitis taenia and Cottus gobio the data is fragmented mainly due to lack of monitoring of these species, therefore developing threshold values and assessing GES was not possible.
Lampetra fluviatilis and Coregonus lavaretus are very mobile species, the distributional range is not related to any specific habitat type and there is no data which would enable to assume that the distribution range would be obstructed, therefore assessing distributional range is not applicable for Lampetra fluviatilis and Coregonus lavaretus.
D1C1: The criterion is not used since there are is a lack of data and appropriate monitoring programs to address the criterion.

D1C5: The criterion is not used since there are is a lack of data and appropriate monitoring programs to address the criterion.
D1C5: It is a secondary criterion and therefore not assessed for birds.
Justification for delay in setting EU/regional requirements
D1.2: At the focus of regional cooperation in the reporting period, the development of methodological standards to assess the various aspects of stress and resilience on the basis of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU was developed. The indicators need to be further developed or are still being tested. Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 gives, for the first time, an explicit obligation on the part of the EU Member States to agree on evaluation elements, thresholds and integration rules in the framework of the EU MSC CIS process and through regional or subregional cooperation. Germany is actively working with the countries bordering the Baltic Sea in the framework of the ongoing work programmes of the EU MSFD and the HELCOM bodies to establish where a coordinated definition is still missing.
For harbour porpoise, bevel seal and seal, criteria D1C2, D1C3, D1C4 and D1C5 were assessed under the Habitats Directive. Assessment was not possible for criterion D1C1.
D1C1: No mortality threshold per species has yet been set as a result of incidental by-catch at regional level. Only for porpoises is the by-catch threshold used by Marine Strategy I.

D1C2: Thresholds are set for several of the HELCOM species groups and for certain OSPAR groups. However, for most species, the thresholds must be in accordance with favourable reference population values established by the Member State under Directive 92/43/EEC. As these values do not correspond to those determined regionally, the assessment carried out under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive and Article 12 of the Birds Directive is used where possible.

D1C4: There are no threshold values but only trends for birds. For marine mammals, the state assessment for Article 17 of the Habitats Directive is reproduced.

D1C5: There is currently no regionally coordinated list of the by-catch of fish that is not used for commercial purposes. Thresholds for fish that are not exploited for commercial purposes have not yet been established
D1C1: All Swedish determinations of GES are implemented in a regulation (HVMFS 2012:18) issued from the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. From the update made in 2018 only criteria supported with at least one indicator are included in the regulation.

Quantitative assessments are only available for one population of harbour porpoise in the Baltic Sea. For harbour porpoise in the Swedish parts of the North Sea the estimates of the population size is still too uncertain to use in relation to the proposed assessment values from Ospar, but a qualitative description is included in the assessment. For other groups and species it is still not possible to quantitatively assess the impact from bycatch. It is because basic information is missing to assess bycatch intensity with sufficient reliability. Lists of species to include are not available yet within Helcom or Ospar.

D1C3: All Swedish determinations of GES are implemented in a regulation (HVMFS 2012:18) issued from the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. From the update made in 2018 only criteria supported with at least one indicator are included in the regulation. Furthermore, only indicators underpinned with a regular monitoring programme are included. Quantitative assessment for fish in the Baltic Sea are still not available. The reason is that it has not been possible to establish a threshold value for the length (L90) to the proposed indicator. As an alternative we have included a trend based indicator C.4.2 for size structure under Target C.4. For species assessed under D3 no assessment was made available from ICES, even if data exist.

D1C5: All Swedish determinations of GES are implemented in a regulation (HVMFS 2012:18) issued from the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. From the update made in 2018 only criteria supported with at least one indicator are included in the regulation. Furthermore, only indicators underpinned with a regular monitoring programme are included.

The assessment of D1C5 is dependent on the relevant assessment under habitats directive but thresholds must be modified in order to fit the scope of MSFD, this could not be done so far due to lack of knowledge about the condition of relevant habitats.