Member State report / Art9 / 2018 / D5 / Baltic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D5 Eutrophication
Region/subregion Baltic
Reported by Member state
Member state
Member state report
Marine reporting units MRUs used
  • BAL-LV-AAA-001
  • BAL-LV-AAA-002
  • BAL-LV-AAA-005
  • BAL-LV-AAA-007
  • BAL-LV-AAA-008
  • BAL-LV-AAA-009
  • BAL-LV-AAA-010
  • BAL-LV-AAA-011
  • BAL-LV-AAA-012
  • BAL-LT-AA-01
  • BAL-LT-AA-02
  • BAL-LT-AA-03
  • BAL-LT-MS-01
  • L2-SEA-007-POL
  • L2-SEA-008-POL
  • L2-SEA-009-POL
  • L4-POL-001
  • L4-POL-002
  • L4-POL-003
  • L4-POL-004
  • L4-POL-005
  • L4-POL-006
  • L4-POL-007
  • L4-POL-008
  • L4-POL-009
  • L4-POL-010
  • L4-POL-011
  • L4-POL-012
  • L4-POL-013
  • L4-POL-014
  • L4-POL-015
  • L4-POL-016
  • L4-POL-017
  • L4-POL-018
  • L4-POL-019
  • DK-TOTAL-CW-part-BAL
  • BAL-SE-RG-Ostersjon
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats Benthic habitats
  • D5C7 (9)
  • D5C8 (17)
  • D5 (6)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats Littoral rock and biogenic reef
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats Other benthic habitats
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats Pelagic broad habitats
  • D5C2 (17)
  • D5C3 (3)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Nutrients (N, P)
  • D5C1 (23)
  • D5 (7)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Dissolved oxygen
  • D5C5 (19)
  • D5 (2)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Transparency
  • D5C4 (20)
  • D5 (7)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Primary producers
  • D5C2 (17)
  • D5C3 (3)
  • D5 (7)
Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Physical Physical disturbance to seabed
  • D5C7 (2)
Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Chemical Eutrophication
  • D5C1 (20)
  • D5C2 (20)
  • D5C4 (20)
  • D5C5 (3)
  • D5C6 (16)
  • D5C7 (16)
  • D5C8 (16)
  • D5C1 (4)
  • D5C2 (3)
  • D5C4 (2)
  • D5C7 (2)
  • D5 (22)
  • D5C1 (22)
  • D5C2 (22)
  • D5C3 (3)
  • D5C4 (22)
  • D5C5 (22)
  • D5C6 (6)
  • D5C7 (6)
  • D5C8 (22)
  • D5 (14)
  • D5 (2)
  • D5C1 (1)
  • D5C2 (1)
  • D5C3 (1)
  • D5C4 (1)
  • D5C5 (1)
  • D5C7 (1)
  • D5C8 (1)
GES description D5 Eutrophication
D5C1 Nutrient concentration

D5C2 Concentration of chlorophyll a
D5C3 Bloom of nuisance algae

D5C4 Water transparency (photic limit)

D5C5 Concentration of dissolved oxygen

D5C8 Macrofauna community
Human-induced eutrophication is minimised, especially adverse effects thereof, such as losses in biodiversity, ecosystem degradation, harmful algae blooms and oxygen deficiency in bottom waters.
Good environmental status (GES) in relation to eutrophication is achieved when "the good environmental status is achieved in accordance with the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and when the eutrophication status is at least good in accordance with the integrated HELCOM eutrophication assessment".

For the assessment of good environmental status of coastal waters < 1 nautical mile related to D5, the following criteria are used in Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848: D5C1, D5C2, D5C4, D5C5, D5C6, D5C7, D5C8. For the assessment of good environmental status of the open Baltic Sea > 1 nm, the following criteria will be taken into account in Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848: D5C1, D5C2, D5C4 and D5C5. Criterion D5C3 has been taken into account in some coastal waters as part of the assessment of the biological quality element phytoplankton (biovolume of cyanobacteria). Secondary criterion D5C8 is under development.

Explanation: Germany does not update the general description of good environmental status (GES) from 2012 at descriptor level in this reporting exercise. During the reporting period, Germany has worked with the countries bordering the Baltic Sea in the framework of the EU's CIS process and HELCOM to develop methodological standards (indicators, evaluation procedures). Specific aspects of criteria and indicators that contribute to a quantitative assessment of good environmental status are reported in the reporting scheme Art. 8_GES. For the assessment of the criteria set out in Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848, the relevant assessments under other EU directives shall be taken into account under Article 8_GES, and, as far as possible, the regional assessments that have been coordinated so far and will be, on a case-by-case basis, supplemented by national assessments.
At present, regionally coordinated thresholds for several criteria have been set under HELCOM's Baltic Sea indicators, including for the Belt Sea and the Kattegat.

In relation to eutrophication in coastal waters (within 1 nautical mile from the baseline), good environmental status corresponding to good ecological status is determined based on a number of quality elements according to the Water Framework Directive.
GES description D5C1 Nutrient concentrations (5.1, 5.1.1)
The threshold values in the open sea dissolved organic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorus (DIP) levels set in HELCOM are under-implemented: In the Gulf of Finland, 53,2 µg DIN L-1 and 18,3 µg for DIP L-1, 40,6 µg DIN L-1 and 7,7 µg for DIP L-1, 37,8 µg DIN L-1 and 6,5 µg for DIP L-1, 39,2 µg DIN L-1 and 5,9 µg for DIP L-1, 51,8 µg DIN L-1 and 3,1 µg for DIP L-1 and 72,9 µg for DIP L-1 and 2,2 µg for DIP L-1 in the Bothnian Sea. These relate to the centre value of the Christmas to February 1-10 m in surface water.
The eutrophication status is defined by the HELCOMin HEATT tool, which first assesses the weighted average indicators by group of indicators. The overall assessment of the eutrophication situation is determined by the group of the most vulnerable indicators.

The thresholds for the concentrations of the high seas nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) laid down in HELCOM in the Gulf of Finland are reduced by 298 µg N L-1 and 17,0 µg P L-1 in the Gulf of Finland, 227 µg N L-1 and 11,8 µg P L-1 in North Sea, 219 µg N L-1 and 8,7 µg P L-1 in the Åland Sea, 220 µg N L-1 and 7,4 µg P L-1 in the Bothnian Sea, 242 µg N L-1 and 7,4 µg P L-1 and 237 µg P L-1 in the Bothnian Sea and 5,6 µg P L-1 in the Bothnian Sea. These relate to the annual mean concentration of between 1 and 10 m in surface water.
The eutrophication status is defined by the HELCOMin HEATT tool, which first assesses the weighted average indicators by group of indicators. The overall assessment of the eutrophication situation is determined by the group of the most vulnerable indicators.

Thresholds for total phosphorus (P) and total nitrogen (N) concentrations in coastal waters set for water management are below: 24 P and 350 N µg L-1 in the Gulf of Finland, 20 P and 325 N µg L-1 in the Gulf of Finland and 23 P in the southwestern archipelago L-1, 20 P and 310 N µg L-1 in the southwestern archipelago, 18 P and 290 N µg L-1 in the southwestern archipelago, 20 P and 315 N µg L-1 in the inland coastal waters and 14 P and 275 N µg in the outer coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea L-1, 17 P and 325 N µg in the Inner Kvarken Archipelago, 13 P and 280 N µg in the outer Kvarken Archipelago, 14 P and 340 N µg in the inner Gulf of Bothnia and 11 P and 315 N µg in the outer Gulf of Bothnia L-1. These apply from July 1st to September 7th. average concentration in 1 m surface water. The eutrophication status is determined by the HELCOM HEAT tool, which first estimates the weighted average of the indicators by indicator group. The overall estimate of the eutrophication status is determined by the indicator group in the weakest state.The eutrophication status is defined by the HELCOMin HEATT tool, which first assesses the weighted average indicators by group of indicators. The overall assessment of the eutrophication situation is determined by the group of the most vulnerable indicators.
GES is determined via summer concentration of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in seawater; winter-time concentration of inorganic nitrogen (NO3+NO2–N) (DIN) and phosphates (PO4-P) (DIP) in seawater.

GES is achieved if indicator values are below threshold values in the assessment units:
EE1-2: 26,8 μmol/l;
EE3-6: 22,8 μmol/l;
EE7: 18,3 μmol/l;
EE8-9: 21μmol/l;
EE10-11: 18,3 μmol/l;
EE12: 23,7 μmol/l;
EE13: 29,2 μmol/l;
EE14-16: 21 μmol/l;
GOF: 21,3 μmol/l;
GOR: 28,0 μmol/l;
NBP: 16,2 μmol/l;
EGB: 16,5 μmol/l.

EE1-2: 0,84 μmol/l;
EE3-6: 0,72 μmol/l;
EE7: 0,42 μmol/l;
EE8-9: 0,3μmol/l;
EE10-11: 0,42 μmol/l;
EE12: 0,5 μmol/l;
EE13: 0,67 μmol/l;
EE14-16: 0,3 μmol/l;
GOF: 0,55 μmol/l;
GOR: 0,7 μmol/l;
NBP: 0,38 μmol/l;
EGB: 0,45 μmol/l.

EE1-2: 5,2 μmol/l;
EE3-6: 3,8 μmol/l;
EE7: 5,1 μmol/l;
EE8-9: 6,3 μmol/l;
EE10-11: 5,1 μmol/l;
EE12: 7,4 μmol/l;
EE13: 15,5 μmol/l;
EE14-16: 6,3 μmol/l;
GOF: 3,8 μmol/l;
GOR: 5,2 μmol/l;
NBP: 2,9 μmol/l;
EGB: 2,6 μmol/l.

EE1-2: 0,6 μmol/l;
EE3-6: 0,59 μmol/l;
EE7: 0,3 μmol/l;
EE8-9: 0,37 μmol/l;
EE10-11: 0,3 μmol/l;
EE12: 0,43 μmol/l;
EE13: 0,52 μmol/l;
EE14-16: 0,37 μmol/l;
GOF: 0,59 μmol/l;
GOR: 0,41 μmol/l;
NBP: 0,25 μmol/l;
EGB: 0,29 μmol/l.
Concentrations of nutrients are below the levels that indicate a negative effect of eutrophication. In addition to the GES indicators, target indicators are also used to assess the criterion: 1) Nitrogen inflow into the Baltic Sea, 2) Phosphorus inflow into the Baltic Sea.

Concentrations of nutrients are below the levels that indicate a negative effect of eutrophication. The condition is assessed according to the WFD indicators: 1) Average total nitrogen concentration in summer, 2) Average total phosphorus concentration in summer.

Concentrations of nutrients are below the levels that indicate a negative effect of eutrophication. The condition is assessed according to the indicators: 1) Concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in winter. 2) Concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphorus compounds in winter. 3) Average annual total nitrogen concentration. 4) Average annual concentration of total phosphorus.
Nutrient concentrations are not at levels that indicate adverse eutrophication effects. The threshold values are as follows: (a) in coastal waters, the values set in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC; (b) beyond coastal waters, values consistent with those for coastal waters under Directive 2000/60/EC. Values were established through regional or subregional cooperation (HELCOM).
D5C1 Halter av näringsämnen ligger inte på nivåer som tyder på negativa övergödningseffekter.
God miljöstatus: När alla tillämpliga tröskelvärden klaras inom respektive bedömningsområde. Ingen integrering till deskriptorsnivå har inkluderats i föreskrifterna.
D5C1 Nutrient concentrations are not at levels that indicate adverse eutrophication effects.
GES:When all applicable threshold values are achived in each assessment area. No method for integration to descriptor level is yet included in the national regulation.
GES description D5C2 Chlorophyll-a concentration (5.2.1)
Thresholds for chlorophyll concentrations in coastal waters below: 3.5 µg L-1 in the Gulf of Finland, 2.5 µg L-1 in the outer Gulf of Finland, 3.0 µg L-1 in the Southwestern Inland Archipelago, 2.5 µg L-1 in the Southwestern Archipelago 2.3 µg L-1 in the outer archipelago, 2.7 µg L-1 in the inland coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea, 2.1 µg L-1 in the outer coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea, 3.3 µg L-1 in the Kvarken Archipelago, 2.2 µg L-1 in the outer Kvarken Archipelago , 3.3 µg L-1 in the inland coastal waters of the Bothnian Bay and 2.2 µg L-1 in the outer coastal waters of the Bothnian Bay. The eutrophication status is determined by the HELCOM HEAT tool, which first estimates the weighted average of indicators by indicator group. The overall estimate of the eutrophication status is determined by the indicator group in the weakest state.

Thresholds for chlorophyll levels of phytoplankton in HELCOM offshore are below: 2.00 µg L-1 in the Gulf of Finland, 1.65 µg L-1 in the North Sea, 1.5 µg L-1 in the Åland Sea, 1.5 µg L-1 in the Bothnian Sea µg L-1 and 2.00 µg L-1 in the Gulf of Bothnia. The eutrophication status is determined by the HELCOM HEAT tool, which first estimates the weighted average of indicators by indicator group. The overall estimate of the eutrophication status is determined by the indicator group in the weakest state.
GES is determined via summer chlorophyll a concentration in seawater and summer phytoplankton wet weight biomass.

GES is achieved if indicator values are below threshold values in the assessment units:

EE1-2: 3,7 mg/m3;
EE3-6: 2,7 mg/m3;
EE7: 1,6 mg/m3;
EE8-9: 2,4 mg/m3;
EE10-11: 1,6 mg/m3;
EE12: 3 mg/m3;
EE13: 4,5 mg/m3;
EE14-16: 2,4 mg/m3;
GOF: 2 mg/m3;
GOR: 2,7 mg/m3;
NBP: 1,7 mg/m3;
EGB: 1,9 mg/m3.

Phytoplankton biomass:
EE1-2: 0,67 mg/l;
EE3-6: 0,42 mg/l;
EE7: 0,44 mg/l;
EE8-9: 0,15 mg/l;
EE10-11: 0,44 mg/l;
EE12: 0,33 mg/l;
EE13: no threshold value set;
EE14-16: 0,15 mg/l;
GOF: 0,42 mg/l;
GOR: 0,33 mg/l;
NBP: 0,44 mg/l;
EGB: 0,44 mg/l.
Chlorophyll a concentrations are below levels indicating adverse effects of nutrient growth. The condition is assessed according to the WFD indicator - the average summer concentration of cholorophyll "a".

Chlorophyll a concentrations are below levels indicating adverse effects of nutrient growth. The condition is assessed according to the indicators: 1) Summer average concentration of cholorophyll “a”. 2) Average annual concentration of cholorophyll "a".
Chlorophyll a concentrations are not at levels that indicate adverse effects of nutrient enrichment. The threshold values are as follows: (a) in coastal waters, the values set in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC; (b) beyond coastal waters, values consistent with those for coastal waters under Directive 2000/60/EC. Values were established through regional or subregional cooperation (HELCOM).
D5C2 Klorofyll a-halterna ligger inte på nivåer som tyder på negativa effekter av näringsberikning
God miljöstatus: Se D5C1.

D5C2 Chlorophyll a concentrations are not at levels that indicate adverse effects of nutrient enrichment.
GES:See D5C1
GES description D5C3 Harmful algal blooms (5.2.4)
The scale and biomass of cyanobacteria fall below the HELCOM agreed threshold values: 0.90 in the Gulf of Finland; North Baltic Sea 0.77; and 0,58 to the Bothnian Sea.
The eutrophication status is defined by the HELCOM HEAT tool, which first assesses the weighted average indicators by group of indicators. The overall assessment of the eutrophication situation is determined by the group of the most vulnerable indicators.
The number, spatial extent and duration of harmful algal bloom events are not at levels that indicate adverse effects of nutrient enrichment. The threshold values were established through regional or subregional cooperation (HELCOM).
D5C3 The number, spatial extent and duration of harmful algal bloom events are not at levels that indicate adverse effects of nutrient enrichment. GES:See D5C1
GES description D5C4 Photic limit (5.2.2)
Offshore visual thresholds laid down in HELCOM are exceeded: 5.5 m in the Gulf of Finland, 7.1 m in the Northern Baltic Sea, 6.9 m in the Åland Sea, 6.8 m in the Kvarken and 5.8 m in the Bothnian Bay. tool, which first estimates the weighted average of the indicators by indicator group. The overall estimate of the eutrophication status is determined by the indicator group in the weakest state.

The visual depth thresholds set for coastal water management are exceeded in: Inland Gulf Coast 3.5 m, Gulf Outermost 4.4 m, Southwestern Inner Archipelago 3.6m, Southwestern Inner Archipelago 4.6m, Southwestern Inland Archipelago 5 m 3 m, 4.1 m in the outer coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea, 2.3 m in the Inner Kvarken Archipelago, 3.7 m in the Inner Kvarken Archipelago, and 3.3 m in the outer coastal waters of the Bothnian Bay. The eutrophication status is determined by first, the weighted average of the indicators by indicator group. The overall estimate of the eutrophication status is determined by the indicator group in the weakest state.
Estonia has determined GES under criteria D5C4 via summer-time Secchi depth transparency.
GES is achieved if the summer-time Secchi depth transparency is above the threshold values in the assessment units:

Summer-time Secchi depth transparency:
EE1-2: 3,6 m;
EE3-6: 4,5 m;
EE7: 6,5 m;
EE8-9: 4,9 m;
EE10-11: 6,5 m;
EE12: 4,2 m;
EE13: 3,2 m;
EE14-16: 4,9 m;
GOF: 5,5 m;
GOR: 5 m;
NBP: 7,1 m;
EGB: 7,6 m.
The photic limit (transparency) of the water column has not decreased to a level indicating a negative effect of nutrient growth due to the increased amount of suspended algae. The indicator used is the average transparency of summer water.

The photic limit (transparency) of the water column is not reduced, due to increases in suspended algae, to a level that indicates adverse effects of nutrient enrichment.
The status is assessed on the basis of the following indicators: Average summer and average annual water transparency.
The photic limit (transparency) of the water column is not reduced, due to increases in suspended algae, to a level that indicates adverse effects of nutrient enrichment. The threshold values are as follows: (a) in coastal waters, the values set in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC; (b) beyond coastal waters, values consistent with those for coastal waters under Directive 2000/60/EC. Values were established through regional or subregional cooperation (HELCOM).
D5C4 Vattnets siktdjup har inte, på grund av näringsberikning, minskats till nivåer som tyder på negativa effekter på bentiska livsmiljöer eller andra övergödningseffekter.
God miljöstatus:Se D5C1

D5C4 The photic limit of the water column is not reduced, due to nutrient enrichment, to levels that indicate adverse effects on benthic habitats or other eutophication effects.
GES:See D5C1
GES description D5C5 Dissolved oxygen concentration (5.3.2)
The concentrations of dissolved oxygen in water bodies in coastal waters do not fall below 4 mg L-1 (monthly mean).
The eutrophication status is defined by HELCOM in HEAT tool, which first assesses the weighted average indicators by group of indicators. The overall assessment of the eutrophication situation is determined by the group of the most vulnerable indicators.

The oxygen shortfall in the Baltic Sea must not exceed the values of the oxygen bond index, which is 8,66 in the Gulf of Finland, 8,66 in Northern Baltic Sea, 2,02 in the Åland Islands, 2,02 in the Bothnian Sea and 0,81 in the Bothnian Sea.
The eutrophication status is defined by HELCOM in HEAT tool, which first assesses the weighted average indicators by group of indicators. The overall assessment of the eutrophication situation is determined by the group of the most vulnerable indicators.
GES under criteria D5C5 is determined via indicator 'oxygen debt' and 'presence of hypoxia in nearbottom layer of coastal waterbodies'.

Oxygen debt is open sea indicator. In Gulf of Riga there is no halocline, therefore it is not applicable for Gulf of Riga.

GES is achieved if the indicator 'oxygen debt' values are below threshold values in the assessment units:

Oxygen debt:
GOF: 8,66 mg/l;
GOR: no threshold value;
NBP: 8,66 mg/l;
EGB: 8,66 mg/l.

For indicator 'presence of hypoxia in nearbottom layer of coastal waterbodies' GES is achieved if no hypoxic events have been occurred in nearbottom layer of coastal waterbodies in the assessment period.

In addition to that indicator 'oxygen consumption' is under development.
The concentration of dissolved oxygen is not reduced, due to nutrient enrichment, to levels that indicate adverse effects on benthic habitats (including on associated biota and mobile species) or other eutrophication effects. The threshold values are as follows: (a) in coastal waters, the values set in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC; (b) beyond coastal waters, values consistent with those for coastal waters under Directive 2000/60/EC. Values were established through regional or subregional cooperation (HELCOM).
D5C5 Halten löst syre har inte, på grund av näringsberikning, minskats till nivåer som tyder på negativa effekter på bentiska livsmiljöer eller andra övergödningseffekter.
God miljöstatus:Se D5C1

D5C5 The concentration of dissolved oxygen is not reduced, due to nutrient enrichment, to levels that indicate adverse effects on benthic habitats or other eutrophication effects.
GES:See D5C1
GES description D5C6 Opportunistic macroalgae of benthic habitats (5.2.3)
GES for criteria D5C6 is determined via indicator 'proportion of opportunistic species'.

GES is achieved if indicator values are below threshold values in the assessment units:

Proportion of opportunistic species:
EE1-2: 80 %;
EE3-11: 60 %;
EE12: 50 %;
EE13: 20 %;
EE14-16: 60 %;

Proportion of opportunistic species is coastal sea indicator, therefore not applicable for open sea areas.
The abundance of opportunistic macroalgae is not at levels that indicate adverse effects of nutrient enrichment. The threshold values are as follows: in coastal waters, the values set in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC.
GES description D5C7 Macrophyte communities of benthic habitats (5.3.1)
The lower limit of the bladderwrack zone (5% coverage in 6 m2; ELS values ​​in brackets) is 3.0 / 3.5 m (0.75 / 0.7) (sheltered / open) in the Gulf of Finland, 4.0 / 5 in the outer Gulf of Finland , 0 m (0.73 / 0.77) (sheltered / open), Southwestern Inner Archipelago 3.2 / 4.0 m (0.76 / 0.73) (sheltered / open), Southwestern Archipelago 4.0 / 4 , 5 m (0.73 / 0.75) (sheltered / open), Southwestern Outer Archipelago 5.5 / 6.0 m (0.79 / 0.75) (sheltered / open), Inshore offshore 3.0 / 5.2 m (0.76 / 0.74) (sheltered / open), in the outer coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea (not specified), 3.7 m (0.74) (open) in the inner Kvarken Archipelago, 4.4 m in the outer Kvarken Archipelago (0 , 74) (open). The species does not occur in the Bothnian Bay. The eutrophication status is determined by the HELCOM HEAT tool, which first estimates the weighted average of the indicators by indicator group. The overall estimate of the eutrophication status is determined by the indicator group in the weakest state.
GES for criteria D5C7 is determined via three indicators: 'Depth distribution of phytobenthos', 'depth distribution of Fucus vesiculosus' and 'proportion of perennial species in benthic vegetation'.

GES is achieved if indicator values are above threshold values in the assessment units:

Depth distribution of phytobenthos:
EE1-2: 5 m;
EE3-7: 7,5 m;
EE8-9: no threshold values determined;
EE10-11: 7,5 m;
EE12: 6 m;
EE13: 2,5 m;
EE14-16: no threshold values determined.

Depth distribution of Fucus vesiculosus:
EE1-2: 2,5 m;
EE3-11: 3,5 m;
EE12: 2,5 m;
EE13: no threshold values determined;
EE14-16: 3,5 m.

Proportion of perennial species in benthic vegetation:
EE1-2: 42,5 %;
EE3-6: 77,4 %;
EE7: 45 %;
EE8-9: 35%;
EE10: 45 %;
EE11: 40 %;
EE12: 45 %;
EE13: 30 %;
EE14-16: 35 %.

Depth distribution of phytobenthos, depth distribution of Fucus vesiculosus and proportion of perennial species in benthic vegetation are coastal sea indicators, therefore not applicable for open sea areas.
The species composition and relative abundance or depth distribution of macrophyte communities reach values that indicate that nutrient accumulation does not cause adverse effects, including loss of water transparency. The WFD indicator “Maximum depth of distribution of the red alga (Furcellaria lumbricalis)” (also used for criterion D6C3) is used to assess the condition.
The species composition and relative abundance or depth distribution of macrophyte communities achieve values that indicate there is no adverse effect due to nutrient enrichment including via a decrease in water transparency, as follows: in coastal waters, the values set in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC.
D5C7 Makrofytsamhällenas artsammansättning samt relativa abundans uppnår värden som indikerar att det inte förekommer någon negativ effekt på grund av näringsberikning eller organisk berikning.
God miljöstatus:Se D5C1

D5C7 The species composition and relative abundance of macrophyte communities achieve values that indicate there is no adverse effect due to nutrient enrichment or organic enrichment.
GES:See D5C1
GES description D5C8 Macrofaunal communities of benthic habitats
The value of BQI in the high seas benthic communities (< 60m in depth) is in the Gulf of Finland 0,93, Northern Baltic 4,0, 4,0 in the Åland Sea, 4,0 in Bothnian Sea, 1,5 in the Kvarken Sea and 1,5 in the Bothnian Sea.
The eutrophication status is defined by the HELCOMin HEATT tool, which first assesses the weighted average indicators by group of indicators. The overall assessment of the eutrophication situation is determined by the group of the most vulnerable indicators.

The water management thresholds (ELS) for coastal benthic communities in the BBI Index are 0.52 / 0.51 (0-10 m /> 10 m) in the Gulf of Finland and 0.56 / 0.56 (0-10 m /> in the outer Gulf of Finland). 10 m), In the southwestern inner archipelago 0.53 / 0.57 (0-10 m /> 10 m), In the southwestern intermediate archipelago 0.56 / 0.53 (0-10 m /> 10 m), In the southwestern outer archipelago 0.55 / 0.54 (0-10 m /> 10 m), 0.56 / 0.57 (0-10 m /> 10 m) in the inland coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea, 0.53 / 0.55 (0-10 m) in the outer coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea /> 10 m), Inner Kvarken Archipelago 0.57 / 0.58 (0-10 m /> 10 m), In outer Kvarken Archipelago 0.56 / 0.59 (0-10 m /> 10 m), Inland Gulf Coast 0 , 57 / 0.55 (0-10 m /> 10 m) and 0.56 / 0.55 (0-10 m /> 10 m) in the outer Gulf of Bothnia. The eutrophication status is determined by the HELCOM HEAT tool, which first estimates the weighted average of the indicators by indicator group. The overall estimate of the eutrophication status is determined by the indicator group in the weakest state.The eutrophication status is defined by the HELCOMin HEATT tool, which first assesses the weighted average indicators by group of indicators. The overall assessment of the eutrophication situation is determined by the group of the most vulnerable indicators.
GES for criteria D5C8 is determined via zoobenthos community index.

GES is achieved if indicator values are below threshold values in the assessment units:

EE1-16: 0,5.

Zoobenthos community index is coastal sea indicator, therefore not applicable for open sea areas.

In addition to zoobenthos community index there is Helcom core indicator 'state of the soft-bottom macrofauna community' which can be used to determine GES under criteria D5C8. Currently this is not used because the threshold values for this indicator for Estonian marine assessment units have not been set yet.
The species composition and relative abundance of macrofaunal communities, achieve values that indicate that there is no adverse effect due to nutrient and organic enrichment, as follows: (a) in coastal waters, the values set in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC; (b) beyond coastal waters, values consistent with those for coastal waters under Directive 2000/60/EC. Values were established through regional or subregional cooperation (HELCOM).
D5C8 Makrofaunasamhällenas artsammansättning samt relativa abundans uppnår värden som indikerar att det inte förekommer någon negativ effekt på grund av näringsberikning eller organisk berikning.
God miljöstatus:Se D5C1

D5C8 The species composition and relative abundance of macrofaunal communities, achieve values that indicate that there is no adverse effect due to nutrient ord organic enrichment-
GES:See D5C1
GES description 5.1.2 Nutrient ratios (silica, nitrogen and phosphorus)
GES description 5.2 Direct effects of nutrient enrichment
GES description 5.3 Indirect effects of nutrient enrichment
Determination date
  • 2018-07 (D5C1, D5C5, D5C3, D5C7, D5C2, D5C4, D5C8)
  • 2018-07 (D5C1, D5C8, D5C6, D5C7, D5C2, D5C4, D5C5)
  • 2012-12 (D5)
  • 2013-04 (D5C1, D5C2, D5C7, D5C4)
  • 2018-09 (D5C1, D5C8, D5C6, D5C3, D5C7, D5, D5C2, D5C4, D5C5)
  • 2018-10 (D5)
  • 2019-04 (D5)
  • 2018-12 (D5C1, D5C8, D5C3, D5C7, D5C2, D5C4, D5C5)
Update type
  • Modified from reported determination (D5C1, D5C5, D5C3, D5C7, D5C2, D5C4, D5C8)
  • Modified from reported determination (D5C1)
  • New determination (D5C8, D5C6, D5C7, D5C2, D5C4, D5C5)
  • Modified from reported determination (D5)
  • Same as last reported determination (D5C1, D5C2, D5C7, D5C4)
  • Modified from reported determination (D5C1, D5C8, D5C6, D5C3, D5C7, D5, D5C2, D5C4, D5C5)
  • Same as last reported determination (D5)
  • Modified from reported determination (D5)
  • Modified from reported determination (D5C5, D5C7, D5C2, D5C4, D5C8)
  • New determination (D5C3)
  • Same as last reported determination (D5C1)
Justification for non-use of criterion
D5C3: D5C3 is secondary criteria and therefore not mandatory.
Currently three indicators have been regionally developed for assessing criteria D5C3.

HELCOM has developed Cyanobacterial bloom index, which is in pre-core indicator status. This has not been used in Estonian assessment due to lack of data and that the assessment methodology is not approved.

Under the project MARMONI cyanobacterial surface accumulation index (the CSA-index) has been developed. This has not been used in Estonian assessment due to lack of data and that the assessment methodology is not approved.

In addition, in the frames of HELCOM EUTRO OPER project, Chlorophyll-a, spring bloom intensity concentrations are determined as an indicator, however the threshold value is in development phase. This indicator has not been used in Estonian assessment due to lack of data and that the assessment methodology is not approved.
D5C3: To assess the status according to the criteria, the indicator “Blooms of harmful algae (e.g. blue-green algae) in the water column” and GES values were proposed, and the state of the marine environment was assessed. However, data are still needed for the further development and use of the indicator.

D5C5: Oxygen conditions in the seabed bottom layer have been assessed and the amount of data is insufficient to establish trends and thresholds.
D5: In the Kieler Bucht, criterion D5C3 is not applied, as blue algal blooms only rarely occur in these areas. Where relevant in coastal water bodies, the biovolume of cyanobacteria feeds into the WFD assessment of the biological quality component phytoplankton. In the open Baltic Sea > 1 nm, criteria D5C6 and D5C7 do not apply, since there are only occasional macrophyte stocks due to depth.
Justification for delay in setting EU/regional requirements
D5C3: To assess the status according to the criteria, the indicator “Blooms of harmful algae (e.g. blue-green algae) in the water column” and GES values were proposed, and the state of the marine environment was assessed. However, data are still needed for the further development and use of the indicator.

D5C5: Oxygen conditions in the seabed bottom layer have been assessed and the amount of data is insufficient to establish trends and thresholds.
D5: During the reporting period, regional cooperation focused on the development of methodological standards to assess the various aspects of stress and resilience on the basis of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU. The indicators vary in their level of maturity and require further development or testing. Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 gives, for the first time, an explicit obligation on the part of the EU Member States to agree on evaluation elements, thresholds and integration rules in the framework of the EU MSFD CIS process and through regional or subregional cooperation. Germany is actively working with the countries bordering the Baltic Sea in the framework of the ongoing work programmes of the EU MSFD and the HELCOM bodies to establish where a coordinated definition is still missing.
D5: Good environmental status for the individual criteria is set by threshold values ​​set in the regional sea conventions OSPAR and HELCOM. Currently, regionally-coordinated thresholds are set for several criteria under the HELCOM indicators for the Baltic Sea basins including the Belt Sea and the Kattegat. In OSPAR, which includes the Danish sea areas in the North Sea including the Skagerrak, threshold values ​​have not yet been set. In relation to eutrophication in coastal waters (within 1 nautical mile from the baseline), good ecological status is determined based on a number of quality elements according to the Water Framework Directive.