In the present dashboard the results on the GES assessments under Article 8 are presented for all the Member States and regions at their different levels. Each tab, presents as table or chart: 1) Overall assessments: conclusion on whether the GES has been achieved or not for each one of the GES Descriptors and features (e.g. species groups, habitat types, ecosystems, etc.). 2) Element assessments: for each one of the GES Descriptors and features, conclusion on whether the different elements assessed (e.g. species, habitats, fish stocks, eutrophication elements, contaminants, etc) are in good status or not. 3) Criteria assessments: for each one of the elements, conclusion on whether the different criteria assessed (as in the Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848) are in good status or not. 4) Parameter assessments: for each one of the elements and criteria used, conclusion on whether the different parameters assessed (e.g. concentration in water, sediment or biota) have achieved the threshold values or not, as well as the trends.
In the present dashboard, the results of the 2018 assessments under Article 8 on the extent of good environmental status (GES) are presented by MSFD Descriptor for each Member State (electronic reporting). Please double-click on a country and navigate across the different tabs.
This ‘Good Environmental Status (GES)’ dashboard presents the data reported on the extent to which GES had been achieved by 2018 for a set of ‘Features’ within each MSFD Annex I descriptor (for example, the Feature ‘eutrophication’ for Descriptor 5, and the Features ‘Grazing birds’ and ‘Wading birds’ for Descriptor 1).
The dashboard displays a table with the information reported by each Member State and assessed geographical area (Marine Reporting Unit-MRU), as requested under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), on whether the Good Environmental Status (GES) has been achieved or not for the different GES Descriptors and features (e.g. species groups, habitats types, ecosystems, etc.). By using the filters, the data can be displayed by marine region/subregion, Country, Descriptor and feature.
The dashboard displays a chart with the overall status of the features reported for each MSFD descriptor, expressed as percentage of reports in each of the Good Environmental Status (GES) categories. Member States reported on varying numbers of features within each descriptor. By using the filter, data can be displayed by marine region/subregion, Country, Descriptor and feature.
The dashboard displays a table with the information reported by each Member State and assessed geographical area (Marine Reporting Unit-MRU), as requested under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), on the status of the elements assessed within each feature (e.g., the species assessed within each species group, the habitats assessed within each habitat type, the different fish populations assessed, the contaminants and adverse effects assessed, etc.). By using the filters, the data can be displayed by marine region/subregion, Country, Descriptor and feature.
The dashboard displays a chart with the information reported by each Member State and assessed geographical area (Marine Reporting Unit-MRU), as requested under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), on the status of the elements assessed within each feature (e.g., the species assessed within each species group, the habitats assessed within each habitat type, the different fish populations assessed, the contaminants and adverse effects assessed, etc.). By using the filters, the data can be displayed by marine region/subregion, Country, Descriptor and feature.
The dashboard displays a table with the information reported by each Member State and assessed geographical area (Marine Reporting Unit-MRU), as requested under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), on the status of the criteria used in the assessment of each element within the different features. By using the filters, the data can be displayed by marine region/subregion, Country, Descriptor and feature.
The dashboard displays a chart with the information reported by each Member State and assessed geographical area (Marine Reporting Unit-MRU), as requested under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), on the status of the criteria used in the assessment of each element within the different features. By using the filters, the data can be displayed by marine region/subregion, Country, Descriptor and feature.
The dashboard displays a table with the information reported by each Member State and assessed geographical area (Marine Reporting Unit-MRU), as requested under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), on the status of the parameters used under each criteria for the elements assessed within the different features. By using the filters, the data can be displayed by marine region/subregion, Country, Descriptor and feature.
The dashboard displays a chart with the information reported by each Member State and assessed geographical area (Marine Reporting Unit-MRU), as requested under Article 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), on the status of the parameters used under each criteria for the elements assessed within the different features. By using the filters, the data can be displayed by marine region/subregion, Country, Descriptor and feature.