MSFD reporting data explorer
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) has several reporting obligations through which the EU Member States have to inform the European Commission on the implementation of different Articles of the Directive. The data presented here were submitted by Countries via the Central Data Repository of the Eionet portal or via Reportnet 3 , the new e-reporting platform for reporting environmental and climate data to the EEA. The data were quality controlled and imported into a central database hosted by the European Environment Agency and later reused for analysis and assessment purposes. This MSFD data explorer offers a series of interfaces to explore and filter all the data reported under the different MSFD Articles reported by Member States from 2012 up to the present date. The data is also available for download.
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) has several reporting obligations through which the EU Member States have to inform the European Commission on the implementation of different Articles of the Directive. The data presented here were submitted by Countries via the Central Data Repository of the Eionet portal or via Reportnet 3 , the new e-reporting platform for reporting environmental and climate data to the EEA. The data were quality controlled and imported into a central database hosted by the European Environment Agency and later reused for analysis and assessment purposes. This MSFD data explorer offers a series of interfaces to explore and filter all the data reported under the different MSFD Articles reported by Member States from 2012 up to the present date. The data is also available for download.