Member State report / Art10 / 2018 / D5 / Mediterranean

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 10 Environmental targets (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D5 Eutrophication
Region/subregion Mediterranean
Reported by Member state
Member state
United Kingdom
Member state report
Reporting area(s) MRUs used
  • IT-AS-0001
  • IT-ISCMS-0001
  • IT-WMS-0001
  • MIC-MT-MS-01
  • MAD-SI-MRU-11
  • MAD-SI-MRU-12
  • MAD-HR-MRU_1
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats
  • Coastal (1)
  • Oceanic/beyond shelf (1)
  • Pelagic broad habitats (1)
  • Littoral sediment (2)
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs
  • Nutrients (N, P) (3)
  • Organic carbon (1)
  • Coastal ecosystem (1)
  • Nutrients (N, P) (2)
  • Apex predators (3)
  • Nutrients (N, P) (12)
  • Primary producers (3)
  • Sub-apex demersal predators (3)
  • All chemical characteristics (2)
  • Dissolved oxygen (2)
  • Nutrients (N, P) (2)
  • Transparency (2)
  • Dissolved oxygen (1)
  • Nutrients (N, P) (1)
  • Primary producers (1)
  • Dissolved oxygen (9)
  • Nutrients (N, P) (9)
  • Salinity (9)
  • Temperature (9)
  • Transparency (9)
  • Turbidity (silt/sediment loads) (9)
  • pH (9)
Features Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: No theme
  • All marine ecosystem elements (27)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: Substances, litter and energy
  • All pressures related to inputs of substances, litter and energy (10)
  • Input of litter (solid waste matter, including micro-sized litter) (4)
  • Input of nutrients - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition (8)
  • Input of organic matter - diffuse sources and point sources (4)
  • Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events (8)
  • Input of nutrients - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition (2)
  • Input of nutrients - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition (1)
  • Input of nutrients - diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition (9)
Features Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment: No theme
  • All pressures (2)
Features Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment: Chemical
  • Eutrophication (2)
  • Eutrophication (3)
  • Eutrophication (2)
  • Eutrophication (2)
  • Eutrophication (9)
Features Ecosystem services: Nutrition
  • Wild plants, algae and their outputs (9)
GES components
  • D1 Biodiversity (29)
  • D10 Litter (37)
  • D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise (31)
  • D2 Non-indigenous species (29)
  • D3 Commercial fish and shellfish (29)
  • D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems (29)
  • D5 Eutrophication (51)
  • D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Benthic habitats (29)
  • D7 Hydrographical changes (29)
  • D8 Contaminants (41)
  • D9 Contaminants in seafood (33)
  • D5 Eutrophication (2)
  • D1C2 Population abundance (1.2, 1.2.1) (3)
  • D3C2 Spawning stock biomass (SSB) (3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2) (3)
  • D4C1 Trophic guild species diversity (1.7, 1.7.1) (3)
  • D4C2 Abundance across trophic guilds (1.7, 1.7.1, 4.3, 4.3.1) (3)
  • D5C1 Nutrient concentrations (5.1, 5.1.1) (12)
  • D5C2 Chlorophyll-a concentration (5.2.1) (6)
  • D1C6 Pelagic habitat condition (1.5.2, 1.6, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3) (1)
  • D5C1 Nutrient concentrations (5.1, 5.1.1) (1)
  • D5 Eutrophication (2)
  • D5C1 Nutrient concentrations (5.1, 5.1.1) (2)
  • D5C2 Chlorophyll-a concentration (5.2.1) (2)
  • D5C4 Photic limit (5.2.2) (2)
  • D5C5 Dissolved oxygen concentration (5.3.2) (2)
  • D5C1 Nutrient concentrations (5.1, 5.1.1) (1)
  • D5C2 Chlorophyll-a concentration (5.2.1) (1)
  • D5C5 Dissolved oxygen concentration (5.3.2) (1)
  • D5C6 Opportunistic macroalgae of benthic habitats (5.2.3) (1)
  • D5C7 Macrophyte communities of benthic habitats (5.3.1) (1)
  • D5 Eutrophication (9)
Target Number defined
Target code/description
A.1.9: Ensuring proper surveillance of the marine environment through remote or on-site systems In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: A.L.10. Ensuring regulatory compliance This modified objective will be produced as a new objective, as the code and indicators have changed.
B.3.1: Develop studies to quantify the impact of atmospheric deposition on productivity in the Estrecho and Alboran RBD. In the second cycle, this objective has been joined by others to form the following second cycle target: B.E.16.Promote that scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy into the marine environment address the knowledge gaps identified in the Initial Assessment and the successive phases of Marine Strategies. This objective will be brought forward as a new one.
B.L.17: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through studies, initiatives and scientific projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment. * Criteria for evaluating and monitoring the results of scientific projects/studies. * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies.
C.E.16: Encourage scientific studies and projects to address knowledge gaps identified in the initial assessment of the impact of human activities on marine and coastal ecosystems. * No. of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with these subjects. * Knowledge-based studies and scientific projects. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
B.E.16: Encourage scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, in response to knowledge gaps identified in the Initial Assessment and in the successive phases of Marine Strategies. ? Awareness building on impacts arising from the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, which are addressed by scientific studies and projects. OBJECTIVE 2012: B.3.1, B.3.2, B.3.3 AND B.3.4
C.E.8: Promote, through the Maritime Spatial Plan of the Strait and Alboran area, or other development tools, that human activities take place in a sustainable manner and do not jeopardise the achievement of the Good Environmental Status. * Number of human activities covered by the management plan OBJECTIVE 2012: C1.5
B.L.16: Encourage scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, in response to knowledge gaps identified in the Initial Assessment and in the successive phases of Marine Strategies. ? Awareness building on impacts arising from the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, which are addressed by scientific studies and projects. OBJECTIVE 2012: B.3.1, B.3.2, B.3.3 AND B.3.4
B.E.18: To improve the coordination and standardisation at national level of programmes for monitoring the introduction of substances, waste and energy to the marine environment. • Development of methodologies/common protocols/guidelines. • No of meetings for updating the monitoring programmes. • Development of common access database for the different operators of monitoring programmes.
B.1.3: Do not exceed the phosphate base values more frequently than statistically expected due to hydrological variability across the RBD. In the second cycle, this objective has been changed to: B.E.1. Identify and address the causes (sources of diffuse nutrient pollution or effluent discharge) that cause nitrate levels and phosphate and chlorophyll a exceed the base values more frequently than statistically expected due to hydrological variability across the Estrecho and Alborán RBD. This objective will be reported as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
B.E.4: Reduce the input of nutrients, pollutants and waste from waste water. Urban waste: • Percentage of residents equivalent with point of discharge to coastal waters or estuaries, meeting the requirements of Royal Decree-Law 11/95 and RD 509/1996 (Directive 91/271/EEC) • Percentage of agglomerations discharging directly into coastal and transitional waters satisfying the requirements of RDL 11/95 and RD 509/1996 (Directive 91/271/EEC) Industrial discharges: • Percentage of sewage treatment plants not complying with discharge authorisations according to the Verdes des Verdes OBJECTIVES 2012: B.1.1.
C.L.15: Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information for both administrations and institutions related to the sea, and for the general public. • Existence of platforms for access and exchange of information on the marine environment which facilitate the management of public administrations • Means of access and quality of marine environment information available to citizens • Number of metadata available OBJECTIVE C.3.1
B.1.3: Do not exceed the nitrate and phosphate base values more frequently than statistically expected due to hydrological variability throughout the RBD. In the second cycle, this objective has been changed to: B.L.1. Identify and address the causes (sources of diffuse nutrient pollution or effluent discharge) that cause nitrate levels and phosphate and chlorophyll a exceed the base values more frequently than statistically expected due to hydrological variability across the whole RBD Baleari. This objective will be reported as new, as the code and indicators have changed
B.E.17: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through studies, initiatives and scientific projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment. * Criteria for evaluating and monitoring the results of scientific projects/studies. * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies.
C.L.7: Ensure proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the Levantino-Balearic area which carry out work related to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and to exploit synergies. * Number of initiatives, projects and coordination meetings * Thematic areas in which coordination initiatives are taken OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.4
B.L.1: . Identify and address the causes (sources of diffuse nutrient contamination or effluent discharge) that cause nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll levels to exceed the baseline values more frequently than statistically expected due to hydrological variability across the RBD. ? No/percentage of identified nutrient sources for which regulatory or reduction actions are carried out. ? Chlorophyll a levels ? Nitrate and phosphate levels OBJECTIVES 2012: B.1.3
B.E.1: Identify the causes (sources of diffuse nutrient pollution or effluent discharge) that may cause phosphate levels to exceed the base values more frequently than statistically expected due to hydrological variability across the Demarcación Estrecho and Alborán ? No/percentage of identified nutrient sources for which regulatory or reduction actions are carried out ? Phosphate levels OBJECTIVES 2012: B.1.3
C.1.4: Ensure proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the Levantino-Balearic area which carry out work related to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and to exploit synergies. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.L.7. Achieve proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the South Atlantic basin that carry out work related to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and exploit synergies. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
A.E.10: Ensuring regulatory compliance * Estimation of surveillance in hours * Infringements identified vs sanctions imposed * Human resources available for monitoring and equipment available. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.9
C.1.3: To ensure social participation in the marine strategy of the Levantino-Balearic area through dissemination, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and involvement of stakeholders in the marine environment. In the second cycle, this objective has remained the same, with the exception of the code: C.L.6. Ensure social participation in the Marine Strategy of the South Atlantic Basin through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. This objective will be gained as a new objective, given that the code and indicators have changed.
C.1.4: Ensure proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the demarcation of the Strait and Alboran Sea, which carry out work related to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and exploit synergies. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.E.7. Achieve proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the South Atlantic basin that carry out work related to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and exploit synergies. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
B.1.4: Do not exceed the base values for chlorophyll a more frequently than statistically expected due to hydrological variability throughout the RBD. In the second cycle, this objective has been changed to: B.L.1. Identify and address the causes (sources of diffuse nutrient pollution or effluent discharge) that cause nitrate levels and phosphate and chlorophyll a exceed the base values more frequently than statistically expected due to hydrological variability across the whole RBD Baleari. This objective will be reported as new, as the code and indicators have changed
B.1.1: Reduce the volume of direct or indirect discharges without appropriate treatment (industrial discharges, waste water, discharges from rivers, run-off, etc.) into the marine environment, as well as improve the efficiency of sewage treatment stations and sewerage networks to minimise the supply of litter, pollutants and nutrients to the marine environment. In the second cycle, this objection has been divided into 4: B.L.3.Reducing the input of nutrients, pollutants and litter from river discharges. B.L.4.Reducing the input of nutrients, pollutants and litter from waste water. B.L.5.Reducing the input of nutrients, contaminants and litter from rainy events. B.L.6. Reducing the input of nutrients and contaminants from agricultural activities: Surplus and returns from irrigation and livestock farming, among others. These objectives will be presented as new objectives.
C.L.17: Improving knowledge on the effects of climate change on marine and coastal ecosystems, with a view to mainstreaming climate change variable into all phases of Marine Strategies * Number of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with this issue * Number of monitoring indicators addressing climate change aspects * Percentage of climate change strategies in Marine Strategies OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
C.E.6: Ensuring social participation in the marine strategy of the Strait and Alboran area through initiatives for dissemination, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and involvement of stakeholders in the marine environment. * Number of initiatives for social participation and evaluation of their results OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.3
B.L.18: To improve the coordination and standardisation at national level of programmes for monitoring the introduction of substances, waste and energy to the marine environment. • Development of methodologies/common protocols/guidelines. • No of meetings for updating the monitoring programmes. • Development of common access database for the different operators of monitoring programmes.
C.L.16: Encourage scientific studies and projects to address knowledge gaps identified in the initial assessment of the impact of human activities on marine and coastal ecosystems. * No. of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with these subjects. * Knowledge-based studies and scientific projects. OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
C.L.8: Promote, through the Maritime Spatial Plan of the Levantino-Balearic Area and/or other development tools, that human activities be developed in a sustainable manner and do not jeopardise the achievement of the Good Environmental Status. * Number of human activities covered by the management plan OBJECTIVE 2012: C1.5
C.E.17: Improving knowledge on the effects of climate change on marine and coastal ecosystems, with a view to mainstreaming climate change variable into all phases of Marine Strategies * Number of studies and scientific projects promoted by public administrations dealing with this issue * Number of monitoring indicators addressing climate change aspects * Percentage of climate change strategies in Marine Strategies OBJECTIVE 2012: C.3.5
B.3.1: Develop studies to quantify the impact of atmospheric deposition on productivity in the East-Balearic RBD. In the second cycle, this objective has been joined by others to form the following second cycle target: B.L.16.Promote that scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy into the marine environment address the knowledge gaps identified in the initial evaluation and in the successive phases of the Marine Strategies. This objective will be carried over as a new one.
B.E.3: .Reduce the contribution of nutrients, pollutants and litter from river discharges. ? Deloads of pollutants and nutrients from rivers (volume and pollution load) OBJECTIVES 2012: B.1.1
B.L.4: Reduce the input of nutrients, pollutants and waste from waste water. Urban waste: • Percentage of residents equivalent with point of discharge to coastal waters or estuaries, meeting the requirements of Royal Decree-Law 11/95 and RD 509/1996 (Directive 91/271/EEC) • Percentage of agglomerations discharging directly into coastal and transitional waters satisfying the requirements of RDL 11/95 and RD 509/1996 (Directive 91/271/EEC) Industrial discharges: • Percentage of sewage treatment plants not complying with discharge authorisations according to the Verdes des Verdes OBJECTIVES 2012: B.1.1.
B.E.5: Reducing the inputs of nutrients, pollutants and waste from rain episodes. • Percentage of storm water overflows that are in place with measures put in place to limit the presence of solid and floating reservoirs in storm water overflows or to reduce pollution in storm water overflows. OBJECTIVE 2012: B.1.1
C.3.1: Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.E.15. Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information for both administrations and institutions related to the sea, and for the general public. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
B.1.4: Achieve or maintain good or very good status in coastal waters based on the WFD assessment criteria for nutrients, and in the rest of the RBD do not exceed the baseline values calculated in the initial assessment of the Marine Strategy of the Estrecho and Alboran RBD, more frequently than statistically expected due to hydrological variability.
00: Achieve or maintain the values and characteristics defined as GES for all descriptors of good environmental status in the Levantino-Balearic demarcation.
A.L.10: Ensuring regulatory compliance * Estimation of surveillance in hours * Infringements identified vs sanctions imposed * Human resources available for monitoring and equipment available. OBJECTIVE 2012: A.1.9
B.1.1: Reduce the volume of direct or indirect discharges without appropriate treatment (industrial discharges, waste water, discharges from rivers, run-off, etc.) into the marine environment, as well as improve the efficiency of sewage treatment stations and sewerage networks to minimise the supply of litter, pollutants and nutrients to the marine environment. In the second cycle, this target has been split into 4: B.E.3.Reducing the input of nutrients, pollutants and litter from river discharges. B.E.4.Reducing the input of nutrients, pollutants and litter from waste water. B.E.5.Reducing the input of nutrients, contaminants and litter from rainy events. B.E.6. Reducing the input of nutrients and contaminants from agricultural activities: Surplus and returns from irrigation and livestock farming, among others. These objectives will be presented as new ones.
C.E.18: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impact of human activities on habitats, species, populations and communities * Criteria for evaluation and monitoring of the results of scientific projects/studies (based on the references in documents) * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies
C.L.18: Integrate into decision-making and management of the marine environment results and knowledge acquired through scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impact of human activities on habitats, species, populations and communities * Criteria for evaluation and monitoring of the results of scientific projects/studies (based on the references in documents) * Objectives and management measures for which the design has taken into account the results of scientific projects/studies
C.1.3: Ensuring social participation in the Marine Strategy of the demarcation of the Strait and Alboran Sea, through dissemination, awareness raising, voluntary environmental education and involvement of stakeholders in the marine environment. In the second cycle, this objective has remained the same, with the exception of the code: C.E.6. Ensure social participation in the Marine Strategy of the South Atlantic Basin through outreach, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and stakeholder involvement in the marine environment. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.E.15: Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information for both administrations and institutions related to the sea, and for the general public. • Existence of platforms for access and exchange of information on the marine environment which facilitate the management of public administrations • Means of access and quality of marine environment information available to citizens • Number of metadata available OBJECTIVE C.3.1
B.L.6: Reducing the contribution of nutrients and pollutants from agriculture: Excess and return on irrigation and livestock use, among others. ? No. of stations that are at risk of the monitoring network for nitrates from agricultural sources in the water bodies of the upstream water category, in transitional waters, in coastal waters and in aquifers or groundwater bodies bordering the coast. OBJECTIVE 2012: B.1.1
B.E.6: Reducing the contribution of nutrients and pollutants from agriculture: Excess and return on irrigation and livestock use, among others. ? No. of stations that are at risk of the monitoring network for nitrates from agricultural sources in the water bodies of the upstream water category, in transitional waters, in coastal waters and in aquifers or groundwater bodies bordering the coast. OBJECTIVE 2012: B.1.1
C.L.6: To ensure social participation in the marine strategy of the Levantino-Balearic area through dissemination, awareness-raising, voluntary environmental education and involvement of stakeholders in the marine environment. * Number of initiatives for social participation and evaluation of their results OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.3
B.L.3: .Reduce the contribution of nutrients, pollutants and litter from river discharges. ? Deloads of pollutants and nutrients from rivers (volume and pollution load) OBJECTIVES 2012: B.1.1
B.L.5: Reducing the inputs of nutrients, pollutants and waste from rain episodes. • Percentage of storm water overflows that are in place with measures put in place to limit the presence of solid and floating reservoirs in storm water overflows or to reduce pollution in storm water overflows. OBJECTIVE 2012: B.1.1
00: Achieve or maintain the values and characteristics defined as GES for all descriptors of good environmental status at the boundary of the Strait and Alboran Sea.
B.L.14: Encourage scientific studies, initiatives and projects on the impacts of the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment to address the knowledge gaps identified in the Initial Assessment and in the successive phases of Marine Strategies. * Awareness building on impacts arising from the introduction of substances, litter and energy in the marine environment, which are addressed by scientific studies and projects. OBJECTIVES 2012: B.3.1, B.3.2, B.3.3, B.3.4.
A.1.9: Ensure adequate surveillance of the marine environment through remote or on-site systems. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: A.E.10 Ensuring regulatory compliance. This modified objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
C.E.7: Ensuring proper coordination of public administrations, institutions and sectors in the Strait and Alboran area who carry out work related to the marine environment, in such a way as to avoid duplication and to exploit synergies. * Number of initiatives, projects and coordination meetings * Thematic areas in which coordination initiatives are taken OBJECTIVE 2012: C.1.4
C.3.1: Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information. In the second cycle, this objective has been amended to: C.L.15. Improving access to available marine information, in particular with regard to the descriptors of good environmental status, pressures and impacts, and socio-economic aspects, as well as ensuring the quality of this information for both administrations and institutions related to the sea, and for the general public. This objective will be produced as a new one, as the code and indicators have changed.
D05-OE03: Do not increase nutrient inputs to areas with little or no impact from eutrophication
D05-OE04: Reduce inputs of atmospheric nitrogen (Nox) at the national level
T 4.1: The status of selected trophic components of ecosystems has improved or remains within a range of precautionary variation which indicates the absence of substantial structural and functional changes in marine ecosystems. The assessment shall be conducted with appropriate metrics and indicators with reference to at least the following trophic guilds: Primary producers (phytoplankton)
T 5.5: For coastal water bodies of macro types I and II (Ministerial Decree 260/2010): Decreasing trend of the geometric mean standard error, calculated on an annual basis for a period of 6 years, of concentration of chlorophyll a “a”, linked to the reduction of anthropogenic nutrient inputs. For coastal water bodies of macro types III (Ministerial Decree 260/2010): No increase in geometric mean Standard error, calculated on an annual basis for a period of 6 years, of the concentration chlorophyll a ‘a’ from anthropogenic inputs of nutrients.
T 5.3: Loads of nutrients from diffuse sources in the marine environment by means of contributions shall be reduced river and run-off phenomena.
T 5.4: For coastal water bodies of macro types I and II (Ministerial Decree 260/2010): Decreasing trend concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and total phosphorus resulting from reduced inputs anthropogenic anthropogenic of nutrients, calculated over a period of 6 years (geometric mean standard error). For coastal water bodies of macro types III (Ministerial Decree 260/2010): No increase in the concentration (geometric mean standard error) of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and total phosphorus, calculated over a period of 6 years from anthropogenic inputs of nutrients.
T 5.1: 100% of the agglomerations with generated load a) greater than 2,000 equivalent inhabitants and having discharge point in inland waters, b) greater than 10,000 equivalent inhabitants and having discharge point in marine waters, is provided by a secondary water treatment system wastewater (This goal complies with the provisions of art.3 and 4 of Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban wastewater treatment).
T 5.2: Urban waste water from agglomerations of more than 10.000 population equivalents discharging into receiving waters identified as sensitive areas are subject to more stringent treatment than in accordance with Article 105 (32) of Legislative Decree No 152/2006, in accordance with the specific conditions laid down in Annex 5, Part III, or it must be demonstrated that the minimum percentage of reduction of the total input load to all urban waste water treatment plants shall be at least 75 % for total phosphorus and at least 75 % for total nitrogen. The Regions shall identify, between discharges from the treatment installations. urban waste water within the relevant catchment areas of sensitive areas
MT_Target_2019_D1C6_D5C1: Input of nutrient and organic matter into coastal waters from major catchment nodes and sea-based sources of nutrient enrichment does not give rise to effects of eutrophication.
D5C2: The water column maintains a situation where there is no excessive phytoplankton flowering, and the composition of the phytoplankton organisation is typical for the anthropogenic relatively unladen environment. The existing good status with regard to the concentrations of chlorophyll a is maintained. The concentration of chlorophyll a in the surface layer of sea water does not exceed the limit value for good status determined by intercalibration at the level of the region of the Mediterranean Sea: 1,5 ?g/L.
D5C5: The dissolved oxygen concentrations at the bottom must be suitable for the survival of demersal fauna. An episode of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) in the bottom layer of the water column should be so limited in time and place that it does not cause the demersal organisms and permanent damage to the seabed. The total lack of oxygen at the bottom (anoxj) must not occur. The existing good status is maintained. The dissolved oxygen concentrations at the bottom may not be below 2 mg/L, which is the pituxial limit.
D5C1: Orthophosphate (PO4) to 4,6 ?g/L.
D5C4: The current good state of transparency is maintained in the light of the specific situation of marine waters, in the competence of R Slovenia. The annual average values of transparency shall not exceed the indicative transparency threshold set at national level: 6.1 m.
D5-2: Achieve good and avoid deterioration of the sediment bottom in relation to the condition of the marine phanerogflowers.
Target 20: a) Distribution and sea bottom coverage with marine algae and seagrass are within the natural cycles. b) Distribution of biocenosis maintained.
D5T1: Maintain existing levels of nutrients in the water column. Encourage the proper use of fertilizers in agriculture to reduce the input of nutrients in natural streams.
Target 19: a) Abundance of opportunistic macroalgae is not increasing. b) Opportunistic macroalgae coverage declines.
D5T3: No occurrence of anoxia and mortality of benthic organisms.
D5T2: Chlorophyll a concentrations are within threshold values for achievement of GES.
Target3: Target 3: The marine environment of Cyprus is considered to be in good environmental status by the year 2020 if human-induced eutrophication is minimised, especially adverse effects thereof, such as losses in biodiversity, ecosystem degradation, harmful algae blooms and oxygen deficiency in bottom waters. Quantitative target, consisting of two sub-targets, which in turn are calculated from 9 indicators (see Assessment method). This target and its indicators correspond to Descriptor 5 and relevant criteria and indicators.
Target value No. of parameters/elements with quantitative values
  • Not reported (18 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (1 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (18 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (1 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (6 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (5 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
  • Not reported (9 - 100.0%)
  • Reported (0 - 0.0%)
Target status No. of assessments per category
  • Status not reported (13 - 72.2%)
  • Target achieved (5 - 27.8%)
  • Target not yet achieved (1 - 100.0%)
  • Target not yet achieved (18 - 100.0%)
  • Status not reported (1 - 100.0%)
  • Status not reported (6 - 100.0%)
  • Status not reported (1 - 20.0%)
  • Target achieved (3 - 60.0%)
  • Target not yet achieved (1 - 20.0%)
  • Target achieved (7 - 77.8%)
  • Target not yet achieved (2 - 22.2%)
Assessment period No. of targets per period
2012-2018 (18 - 100.0%)
2015-2021 (1 - 100.0%)
2012-2017 (18 - 100.0%)
2020-2025 (1 - 100.0%)
2011-2016 (6 - 100.0%)
2013-2018 (5 - 100.0%)
2012-2018 (9 - 100.0%)
Timescale to achieve targets No. of targets per date
2020-12 (18 - 35.3%)
2024-12 (33 - 64.7%)
2026-12 (2 - 100.0%)
2020-12 (18 - 100.0%)
2025-12 (1 - 100.0%)
2020-01 (2 - 20.0%)
2024-12 (8 - 80.0%)
2018-10 (2 - 40.0%)
2024-12 (3 - 60.0%)
2018-12 (9 - 100.0%)
Update date No. of targets per date
2012-11 (18 - 35.3%)
2017-09 (2 - 3.9%)
2019-07 (31 - 60.8%)
2019-09 (2 - 100.0%)
2018-12 (18 - 100.0%)
2019-12 (1 - 100.0%)
2013-04 (2 - 20.0%)
2019-08 (8 - 80.0%)
2019-05 (1 - 20.0%)
2019-06 (4 - 80.0%)
2012-12 (9 - 100.0%)
Update type No. of targets per category
  • Modified from 2012 definition (15 - 29.4%)
  • New target (33 - 64.7%)
  • Target no longer needed (3 - 5.9%)
  • New target (2 - 100.0%)
  • Modified from 2012 definition (3 - 16.7%)
  • Same as 2012 definition (15 - 83.3%)
  • Modified from 2012 definition (1 - 100.0%)
  • Modified from 2012 definition (6 - 60.0%)
  • New target (2 - 20.0%)
  • Target no longer needed (2 - 20.0%)
  • Modified from 2012 definition (2 - 40.0%)
  • Same as 2012 definition (1 - 20.0%)
  • Target no longer needed (2 - 40.0%)
  • Same as 2012 definition (9 - 100.0%)
Related indicators No. of different indicators reported
Related measures No. of different measures reported