Member State report / Art11 / 2020 / D1-M / Baltic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 11 Monitoring programmes (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2020-10-15
GES Descriptor D1 Mammals
Region/subregion Baltic

Member state
Monitoring strategy description
The monitoring of marine mammals’ biodiversity currently covers mainly abundance, distribution and other selected biological parameters of the three species of mammals regularly present in the territory (hake, grey seal, porpoise). The monitoring thus mainly covers the status of their populations and habitat claims. The species are also covered and assessed under the Habitats Directive and by conventions in the Baltic Sea area. The aim of the surveys and evaluations (abundances, phenomena, trends) is to show changes in status and the impact of (new) pressures and, in the future, from measures and to distinguish them from natural variations. This also makes it possible to draw conclusions at habitat level. By including the mammalian species in their seasonal habitats, the monitoring programme will allow for an assessment at the level of the species and thus contribute to the assessment of habitats. This also makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the measures and the achievement of the corresponding German environmental objectives. A risk-based approach is not applied.
The monitoring of marine mammals’ biodiversity currently covers mainly abundance, distribution and other selected biological parameters of the three species of mammals regularly present in the territory (hake, grey seal, porpoise). The monitoring thus mainly covers the status of their populations and habitat claims. The species are also covered and assessed under the Habitats Directive and by conventions in the Baltic Sea area. The aim of the surveys and evaluations (abundances, phenomena, trends) is to show changes in status and the impact of (new) pressures and, in the future, from measures and to distinguish them from natural variations. This also makes it possible to draw conclusions at habitat level. By including the mammalian species in their seasonal habitats, the monitoring programme will allow for an assessment at the level of the species and thus contribute to the assessment of habitats. This also makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the measures and the achievement of the corresponding German environmental objectives. A risk-based approach is not applied.
The monitoring of marine mammals’ biodiversity currently covers mainly abundance, distribution and other selected biological parameters of the three species of mammals regularly present in the territory (hake, grey seal, porpoise). The monitoring thus mainly covers the status of their populations and habitat claims. The species are also covered and assessed under the Habitats Directive and by conventions in the Baltic Sea area. The aim of the surveys and evaluations (abundances, phenomena, trends) is to show changes in status and the impact of (new) pressures and, in the future, from measures and to distinguish them from natural variations. This also makes it possible to draw conclusions at habitat level. By including the mammalian species in their seasonal habitats, the monitoring programme will allow for an assessment at the level of the species and thus contribute to the assessment of habitats. This also makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the measures and the achievement of the corresponding German environmental objectives. A risk-based approach is not applied.
The monitoring of marine mammals’ biodiversity currently covers mainly abundance, distribution and other selected biological parameters of the three species of mammals regularly present in the territory (hake, grey seal, porpoise). The monitoring thus mainly covers the status of their populations and habitat claims. The species are also covered and assessed under the Habitats Directive and by conventions in the Baltic Sea area. The aim of the surveys and evaluations (abundances, phenomena, trends) is to show changes in status and the impact of (new) pressures and, in the future, from measures and to distinguish them from natural variations. This also makes it possible to draw conclusions at habitat level. By including the mammalian species in their seasonal habitats, the monitoring programme will allow for an assessment at the level of the species and thus contribute to the assessment of habitats. This also makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the measures and the achievement of the corresponding German environmental objectives. A risk-based approach is not applied.
The monitoring of marine mammals’ biodiversity currently covers mainly abundance, distribution and other selected biological parameters of the three species of mammals regularly present in the territory (hake, grey seal, porpoise). The monitoring thus mainly covers the status of their populations and habitat claims. The species are also covered and assessed under the Habitats Directive and by conventions in the Baltic Sea area. The aim of the surveys and evaluations (abundances, phenomena, trends) is to show changes in status and the impact of (new) pressures and, in the future, from measures and to distinguish them from natural variations. This also makes it possible to draw conclusions at habitat level. By including the mammalian species in their seasonal habitats, the monitoring programme will allow for an assessment at the level of the species and thus contribute to the assessment of habitats. This also makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the measures and the achievement of the corresponding German environmental objectives. A risk-based approach is not applied.
The monitoring of marine mammals’ biodiversity currently covers mainly abundance, distribution and other selected biological parameters of the three species of mammals regularly present in the territory (hake, grey seal, porpoise). The monitoring thus mainly covers the status of their populations and habitat claims. The species are also covered and assessed under the Habitats Directive and by conventions in the Baltic Sea area. The aim of the surveys and evaluations (abundances, phenomena, trends) is to show changes in status and the impact of (new) pressures and, in the future, from measures and to distinguish them from natural variations. This also makes it possible to draw conclusions at habitat level. By including the mammalian species in their seasonal habitats, the monitoring programme will allow for an assessment at the level of the species and thus contribute to the assessment of habitats. This also makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the measures and the achievement of the corresponding German environmental objectives. A risk-based approach is not applied.
The monitoring of marine mammals’ biodiversity currently covers mainly abundance, distribution and other selected biological parameters of the three species of mammals regularly present in the territory (hake, grey seal, porpoise). The monitoring thus mainly covers the status of their populations and habitat claims. The species are also covered and assessed under the Habitats Directive and by conventions in the Baltic Sea area. The aim of the surveys and evaluations (abundances, phenomena, trends) is to show changes in status and the impact of (new) pressures and, in the future, from measures and to distinguish them from natural variations. This also makes it possible to draw conclusions at habitat level. By including the mammalian species in their seasonal habitats, the monitoring programme will allow for an assessment at the level of the species and thus contribute to the assessment of habitats. This also makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the measures and the achievement of the corresponding German environmental objectives. A risk-based approach is not applied.
Formålet med overvågningen af havpattedyr er, at skabe vidensgrundlag for en løbende vurdering af tilstanden, så det kan vurderes om biodiversiteten opretholdes, og om tætheden er på et niveau svarende til det naturlige under de givne fysiske, geografiske og klimatiske forhold i havmiljøet. Overvågningsprogrammet for havpattedyr fokuserer på de tre almindeligt hjemmehørende arter: Spættet sæl, gråsæl og marsvin. I Danmark underinddeles disse havpattedyr i genetisk og forvalt-ningsmæssigt adskilte bestande. Blandt marsvin findes tre bestande: Nordsøbestanden, Bælthavsbestanden og Østersøbestanden. For spættet sæl findes fire bestande fordelt i den vestlige Østersø, Limfjorden, Kattegat og i Vadehavet, og for gråsæl findes der to bestande i hhv. Nordsøregionen og Østersøregionen. Sæler og marsvin befinder sig øverst i de marine fødekæder og har en stor betydning for fødenettets struktur og funktion. Dermed er de gode indikatorer for flere tilstandselementer i havmiljøet, idet begge artsgrupper er sårbare overfor menneskeskabte påvirkninger så som miljøfarlige stoffer, eutrofiering, bifangst og undervandsstøj. Begge sælarter er listet i habitatdirektivets bilag II og V, mens marsvin er listet i bilag II og IV, og dermed skal beskyttes, da arterne er på udpegningsgrundlaget i udvalgte Natura-2000 områder. Derfor er alle tre arter omfattet af habitatdirektivets målsætning om gunstig bevaringsstatus. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
Formålet med overvågningen af havpattedyr er, at skabe vidensgrundlag for en løbende vurdering af tilstanden, så det kan vurderes om biodiversiteten opretholdes, og om tætheden er på et niveau svarende til det naturlige under de givne fysiske, geografiske og klimatiske forhold i havmiljøet. Overvågningsprogrammet for havpattedyr fokuserer på de tre almindeligt hjemmehørende arter: Spættet sæl, gråsæl og marsvin. I Danmark underinddeles disse havpattedyr i genetisk og forvalt-ningsmæssigt adskilte bestande. Blandt marsvin findes tre bestande: Nordsøbestanden, Bælthavsbestanden og Østersøbestanden. For spættet sæl findes fire bestande fordelt i den vestlige Østersø, Limfjorden, Kattegat og i Vadehavet, og for gråsæl findes der to bestande i hhv. Nordsøregionen og Østersøregionen. Sæler og marsvin befinder sig øverst i de marine fødekæder og har en stor betydning for fødenettets struktur og funktion. Dermed er de gode indikatorer for flere tilstandselementer i havmiljøet, idet begge artsgrupper er sårbare overfor menneskeskabte påvirkninger så som miljøfarlige stoffer, eutrofiering, bifangst og undervandsstøj. Begge sælarter er listet i habitatdirektivets bilag II og V, mens marsvin er listet i bilag II og IV, og dermed skal beskyttes, da arterne er på udpegningsgrundlaget i udvalgte Natura-2000 områder. Derfor er alle tre arter omfattet af habitatdirektivets målsætning om gunstig bevaringsstatus. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
Formålet med overvågningen af havpattedyr er, at skabe vidensgrundlag for en løbende vurdering af tilstanden, så det kan vurderes om biodiversiteten opretholdes, og om tætheden er på et niveau svarende til det naturlige under de givne fysiske, geografiske og klimatiske forhold i havmiljøet. Overvågningsprogrammet for havpattedyr fokuserer på de tre almindeligt hjemmehørende arter: Spættet sæl, gråsæl og marsvin. I Danmark underinddeles disse havpattedyr i genetisk og forvalt-ningsmæssigt adskilte bestande. Blandt marsvin findes tre bestande: Nordsøbestanden, Bælthavsbestanden og Østersøbestanden. For spættet sæl findes fire bestande fordelt i den vestlige Østersø, Limfjorden, Kattegat og i Vadehavet, og for gråsæl findes der to bestande i hhv. Nordsøregionen og Østersøregionen. Sæler og marsvin befinder sig øverst i de marine fødekæder og har en stor betydning for fødenettets struktur og funktion. Dermed er de gode indikatorer for flere tilstandselementer i havmiljøet, idet begge artsgrupper er sårbare overfor menneskeskabte påvirkninger så som miljøfarlige stoffer, eutrofiering, bifangst og undervandsstøj. Begge sælarter er listet i habitatdirektivets bilag II og V, mens marsvin er listet i bilag II og IV, og dermed skal beskyttes, da arterne er på udpegningsgrundlaget i udvalgte Natura-2000 områder. Derfor er alle tre arter omfattet af habitatdirektivets målsætning om gunstig bevaringsstatus. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
Formålet med overvågningen af havpattedyr er, at skabe vidensgrundlag for en løbende vurdering af tilstanden, så det kan vurderes om biodiversiteten opretholdes, og om tætheden er på et niveau svarende til det naturlige under de givne fysiske, geografiske og klimatiske forhold i havmiljøet. Overvågningsprogrammet for havpattedyr fokuserer på de tre almindeligt hjemmehørende arter: Spættet sæl, gråsæl og marsvin. I Danmark underinddeles disse havpattedyr i genetisk og forvalt-ningsmæssigt adskilte bestande. Blandt marsvin findes tre bestande: Nordsøbestanden, Bælthavsbestanden og Østersøbestanden. For spættet sæl findes fire bestande fordelt i den vestlige Østersø, Limfjorden, Kattegat og i Vadehavet, og for gråsæl findes der to bestande i hhv. Nordsøregionen og Østersøregionen. Sæler og marsvin befinder sig øverst i de marine fødekæder og har en stor betydning for fødenettets struktur og funktion. Dermed er de gode indikatorer for flere tilstandselementer i havmiljøet, idet begge artsgrupper er sårbare overfor menneskeskabte påvirkninger så som miljøfarlige stoffer, eutrofiering, bifangst og undervandsstøj. Begge sælarter er listet i habitatdirektivets bilag II og V, mens marsvin er listet i bilag II og IV, og dermed skal beskyttes, da arterne er på udpegningsgrundlaget i udvalgte Natura-2000 områder. Derfor er alle tre arter omfattet af habitatdirektivets målsætning om gunstig bevaringsstatus. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
Formålet med overvågningen af havpattedyr er, at skabe vidensgrundlag for en løbende vurdering af tilstanden, så det kan vurderes om biodiversiteten opretholdes, og om tætheden er på et niveau svarende til det naturlige under de givne fysiske, geografiske og klimatiske forhold i havmiljøet. Overvågningsprogrammet for havpattedyr fokuserer på de tre almindeligt hjemmehørende arter: Spættet sæl, gråsæl og marsvin. I Danmark underinddeles disse havpattedyr i genetisk og forvalt-ningsmæssigt adskilte bestande. Blandt marsvin findes tre bestande: Nordsøbestanden, Bælthavsbestanden og Østersøbestanden. For spættet sæl findes fire bestande fordelt i den vestlige Østersø, Limfjorden, Kattegat og i Vadehavet, og for gråsæl findes der to bestande i hhv. Nordsøregionen og Østersøregionen. Sæler og marsvin befinder sig øverst i de marine fødekæder og har en stor betydning for fødenettets struktur og funktion. Dermed er de gode indikatorer for flere tilstandselementer i havmiljøet, idet begge artsgrupper er sårbare overfor menneskeskabte påvirkninger så som miljøfarlige stoffer, eutrofiering, bifangst og undervandsstøj. Begge sælarter er listet i habitatdirektivets bilag II og V, mens marsvin er listet i bilag II og IV, og dermed skal beskyttes, da arterne er på udpegningsgrundlaget i udvalgte Natura-2000 områder. Derfor er alle tre arter omfattet af habitatdirektivets målsætning om gunstig bevaringsstatus. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
Formålet med overvågningen af havpattedyr er, at skabe vidensgrundlag for en løbende vurdering af tilstanden, så det kan vurderes om biodiversiteten opretholdes, og om tætheden er på et niveau svarende til det naturlige under de givne fysiske, geografiske og klimatiske forhold i havmiljøet. Overvågningsprogrammet for havpattedyr fokuserer på de tre almindeligt hjemmehørende arter: Spættet sæl, gråsæl og marsvin. I Danmark underinddeles disse havpattedyr i genetisk og forvalt-ningsmæssigt adskilte bestande. Blandt marsvin findes tre bestande: Nordsøbestanden, Bælthavsbestanden og Østersøbestanden. For spættet sæl findes fire bestande fordelt i den vestlige Østersø, Limfjorden, Kattegat og i Vadehavet, og for gråsæl findes der to bestande i hhv. Nordsøregionen og Østersøregionen. Sæler og marsvin befinder sig øverst i de marine fødekæder og har en stor betydning for fødenettets struktur og funktion. Dermed er de gode indikatorer for flere tilstandselementer i havmiljøet, idet begge artsgrupper er sårbare overfor menneskeskabte påvirkninger så som miljøfarlige stoffer, eutrofiering, bifangst og undervandsstøj. Begge sælarter er listet i habitatdirektivets bilag II og V, mens marsvin er listet i bilag II og IV, og dermed skal beskyttes, da arterne er på udpegningsgrundlaget i udvalgte Natura-2000 områder. Derfor er alle tre arter omfattet af habitatdirektivets målsætning om gunstig bevaringsstatus. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
Formålet med overvågningen af havpattedyr er, at skabe vidensgrundlag for en løbende vurdering af tilstanden, så det kan vurderes om biodiversiteten opretholdes, og om tætheden er på et niveau svarende til det naturlige under de givne fysiske, geografiske og klimatiske forhold i havmiljøet. Overvågningsprogrammet for havpattedyr fokuserer på de tre almindeligt hjemmehørende arter: Spættet sæl, gråsæl og marsvin. I Danmark underinddeles disse havpattedyr i genetisk og forvalt-ningsmæssigt adskilte bestande. Blandt marsvin findes tre bestande: Nordsøbestanden, Bælthavsbestanden og Østersøbestanden. For spættet sæl findes fire bestande fordelt i den vestlige Østersø, Limfjorden, Kattegat og i Vadehavet, og for gråsæl findes der to bestande i hhv. Nordsøregionen og Østersøregionen. Sæler og marsvin befinder sig øverst i de marine fødekæder og har en stor betydning for fødenettets struktur og funktion. Dermed er de gode indikatorer for flere tilstandselementer i havmiljøet, idet begge artsgrupper er sårbare overfor menneskeskabte påvirkninger så som miljøfarlige stoffer, eutrofiering, bifangst og undervandsstøj. Begge sælarter er listet i habitatdirektivets bilag II og V, mens marsvin er listet i bilag II og IV, og dermed skal beskyttes, da arterne er på udpegningsgrundlaget i udvalgte Natura-2000 områder. Derfor er alle tre arter omfattet af habitatdirektivets målsætning om gunstig bevaringsstatus. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
Formålet med overvågningen af havpattedyr er, at skabe vidensgrundlag for en løbende vurdering af tilstanden, så det kan vurderes om biodiversiteten opretholdes, og om tætheden er på et niveau svarende til det naturlige under de givne fysiske, geografiske og klimatiske forhold i havmiljøet. Overvågningsprogrammet for havpattedyr fokuserer på de tre almindeligt hjemmehørende arter: Spættet sæl, gråsæl og marsvin. I Danmark underinddeles disse havpattedyr i genetisk og forvalt-ningsmæssigt adskilte bestande. Blandt marsvin findes tre bestande: Nordsøbestanden, Bælthavsbestanden og Østersøbestanden. For spættet sæl findes fire bestande fordelt i den vestlige Østersø, Limfjorden, Kattegat og i Vadehavet, og for gråsæl findes der to bestande i hhv. Nordsøregionen og Østersøregionen. Sæler og marsvin befinder sig øverst i de marine fødekæder og har en stor betydning for fødenettets struktur og funktion. Dermed er de gode indikatorer for flere tilstandselementer i havmiljøet, idet begge artsgrupper er sårbare overfor menneskeskabte påvirkninger så som miljøfarlige stoffer, eutrofiering, bifangst og undervandsstøj. Begge sælarter er listet i habitatdirektivets bilag II og V, mens marsvin er listet i bilag II og IV, og dermed skal beskyttes, da arterne er på udpegningsgrundlaget i udvalgte Natura-2000 områder. Derfor er alle tre arter omfattet af habitatdirektivets målsætning om gunstig bevaringsstatus. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
Formålet med overvågningen af havpattedyr er, at skabe vidensgrundlag for en løbende vurdering af tilstanden, så det kan vurderes om biodiversiteten opretholdes, og om tætheden er på et niveau svarende til det naturlige under de givne fysiske, geografiske og klimatiske forhold i havmiljøet. Overvågningsprogrammet for havpattedyr fokuserer på de tre almindeligt hjemmehørende arter: Spættet sæl, gråsæl og marsvin. I Danmark underinddeles disse havpattedyr i genetisk og forvalt-ningsmæssigt adskilte bestande. Blandt marsvin findes tre bestande: Nordsøbestanden, Bælthavsbestanden og Østersøbestanden. For spættet sæl findes fire bestande fordelt i den vestlige Østersø, Limfjorden, Kattegat og i Vadehavet, og for gråsæl findes der to bestande i hhv. Nordsøregionen og Østersøregionen. Sæler og marsvin befinder sig øverst i de marine fødekæder og har en stor betydning for fødenettets struktur og funktion. Dermed er de gode indikatorer for flere tilstandselementer i havmiljøet, idet begge artsgrupper er sårbare overfor menneskeskabte påvirkninger så som miljøfarlige stoffer, eutrofiering, bifangst og undervandsstøj. Begge sælarter er listet i habitatdirektivets bilag II og V, mens marsvin er listet i bilag II og IV, og dermed skal beskyttes, da arterne er på udpegningsgrundlaget i udvalgte Natura-2000 områder. Derfor er alle tre arter omfattet af habitatdirektivets målsætning om gunstig bevaringsstatus. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
Formålet med overvågningen af havpattedyr er, at skabe vidensgrundlag for en løbende vurdering af tilstanden, så det kan vurderes om biodiversiteten opretholdes, og om tætheden er på et niveau svarende til det naturlige under de givne fysiske, geografiske og klimatiske forhold i havmiljøet. Overvågningsprogrammet for havpattedyr fokuserer på de tre almindeligt hjemmehørende arter: Spættet sæl, gråsæl og marsvin. I Danmark underinddeles disse havpattedyr i genetisk og forvalt-ningsmæssigt adskilte bestande. Blandt marsvin findes tre bestande: Nordsøbestanden, Bælthavsbestanden og Østersøbestanden. For spættet sæl findes fire bestande fordelt i den vestlige Østersø, Limfjorden, Kattegat og i Vadehavet, og for gråsæl findes der to bestande i hhv. Nordsøregionen og Østersøregionen. Sæler og marsvin befinder sig øverst i de marine fødekæder og har en stor betydning for fødenettets struktur og funktion. Dermed er de gode indikatorer for flere tilstandselementer i havmiljøet, idet begge artsgrupper er sårbare overfor menneskeskabte påvirkninger så som miljøfarlige stoffer, eutrofiering, bifangst og undervandsstøj. Begge sælarter er listet i habitatdirektivets bilag II og V, mens marsvin er listet i bilag II og IV, og dermed skal beskyttes, da arterne er på udpegningsgrundlaget i udvalgte Natura-2000 områder. Derfor er alle tre arter omfattet af habitatdirektivets målsætning om gunstig bevaringsstatus. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
Formålet med overvågningen af havpattedyr er, at skabe vidensgrundlag for en løbende vurdering af tilstanden, så det kan vurderes om biodiversiteten opretholdes, og om tætheden er på et niveau svarende til det naturlige under de givne fysiske, geografiske og klimatiske forhold i havmiljøet. Overvågningsprogrammet for havpattedyr fokuserer på de tre almindeligt hjemmehørende arter: Spættet sæl, gråsæl og marsvin. I Danmark underinddeles disse havpattedyr i genetisk og forvalt-ningsmæssigt adskilte bestande. Blandt marsvin findes tre bestande: Nordsøbestanden, Bælthavsbestanden og Østersøbestanden. For spættet sæl findes fire bestande fordelt i den vestlige Østersø, Limfjorden, Kattegat og i Vadehavet, og for gråsæl findes der to bestande i hhv. Nordsøregionen og Østersøregionen. Sæler og marsvin befinder sig øverst i de marine fødekæder og har en stor betydning for fødenettets struktur og funktion. Dermed er de gode indikatorer for flere tilstandselementer i havmiljøet, idet begge artsgrupper er sårbare overfor menneskeskabte påvirkninger så som miljøfarlige stoffer, eutrofiering, bifangst og undervandsstøj. Begge sælarter er listet i habitatdirektivets bilag II og V, mens marsvin er listet i bilag II og IV, og dermed skal beskyttes, da arterne er på udpegningsgrundlaget i udvalgte Natura-2000 områder. Derfor er alle tre arter omfattet af habitatdirektivets målsætning om gunstig bevaringsstatus. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
The aim of the strategy "SD1.2 – Biological diversity – marine mammals" is to monitor abundance, distribution and population trends of grey seals and ringed seals, as well as grey seal’s breeding success. The strategy is divided into two programmes, one for monitoring of seal abundance and distribution, and the other, for monitoring of the breeding success of grey seals. Data are gathered to assess directly the population status and trends of seal populations, indirectly the impact of pressure levels in the marine environment. The status assessment is made for the whole Estonian marine area for grey seals as a part of the Baltic Sea assessment unit and for ringed seals as a part of the southern assessment unit, covering the Gulf of Riga, including Väinameri, and the Gulf of Finland. The monitoring programmes are regionally coordinated via HELCOM and the HELCOM guidelines are followed.
The aim of the strategy "SD1.2 – Biological diversity – marine mammals" is to monitor abundance, distribution and population trends of grey seals and ringed seals, as well as grey seal’s breeding success. The strategy is divided into two programmes, one for monitoring of seal abundance and distribution, and the other, for monitoring of the breeding success of grey seals. Data are gathered to assess directly the population status and trends of seal populations, indirectly the impact of pressure levels in the marine environment. The status assessment is made for the whole Estonian marine area for grey seals as a part of the Baltic Sea assessment unit and for ringed seals as a part of the southern assessment unit, covering the Gulf of Riga, including Väinameri, and the Gulf of Finland. The monitoring programmes are regionally coordinated via HELCOM and the HELCOM guidelines are followed.
The aim of the strategy "SD1.2 – Biological diversity – marine mammals" is to monitor abundance, distribution and population trends of grey seals and ringed seals, as well as grey seal’s breeding success. The strategy is divided into two programmes, one for monitoring of seal abundance and distribution, and the other, for monitoring of the breeding success of grey seals. Data are gathered to assess directly the population status and trends of seal populations, indirectly the impact of pressure levels in the marine environment. The status assessment is made for the whole Estonian marine area for grey seals as a part of the Baltic Sea assessment unit and for ringed seals as a part of the southern assessment unit, covering the Gulf of Riga, including Väinameri, and the Gulf of Finland. The monitoring programmes are regionally coordinated via HELCOM and the HELCOM guidelines are followed.
The aim of the strategy "SD1.2 – Biological diversity – marine mammals" is to monitor abundance, distribution and population trends of grey seals and ringed seals, as well as grey seal’s breeding success. The strategy is divided into two programmes, one for monitoring of seal abundance and distribution, and the other, for monitoring of the breeding success of grey seals. Data are gathered to assess directly the population status and trends of seal populations, indirectly the impact of pressure levels in the marine environment. The status assessment is made for the whole Estonian marine area for grey seals as a part of the Baltic Sea assessment unit and for ringed seals as a part of the southern assessment unit, covering the Gulf of Riga, including Väinameri, and the Gulf of Finland. The monitoring programmes are regionally coordinated via HELCOM and the HELCOM guidelines are followed.
The third sub-programme will provide information on the distribution and abundance of the porpoise. The programme provides data for descriptors 1 (criteria D1C1, D1C2 and D1C3), 4 (criteria D4C1, D4C2 and D4C3) and 8 (criteria D8C2). Information on the death of seals in fishing gear is also provided.
The third sub-programme will provide information on the distribution and abundance of the porpoise. The programme provides data for descriptors 1 (criteria D1C1, D1C2 and D1C3), 4 (criteria D4C1, D4C2 and D4C3) and 8 (criteria D8C2). Information on the death of seals in fishing gear is also provided.
The third sub-programme will provide information on the distribution and abundance of the porpoise. The programme provides data for descriptors 1 (criteria D1C1, D1C2 and D1C3), 4 (criteria D4C1, D4C2 and D4C3) and 8 (criteria D8C2). Information on the death of seals in fishing gear is also provided.
The third sub-programme will provide information on the distribution and abundance of the porpoise. The programme provides data for descriptors 1 (criteria D1C1, D1C2 and D1C3), 4 (criteria D4C1, D4C2 and D4C3) and 8 (criteria D8C2). Information on the death of seals in fishing gear is also provided.
Sistemingas nuolatinis jūrinių žinduolių monitoringas (ruonių, jūros kiaulių) Lietuvos jūrinėje teritorijoje nevykdomas, nes nėra nuolatinių ruonių gulyklų vietų, o jūros kiaulės Lietuvos jūriniuose vandenyje pasirodo retai. Tačiau duomenys apie jūros žinduolius yra renkami, jie fragmentiniai, susiję su žinduolių pasirodymo dažnumu ar vykdomomis iniciatyvomis, projektais. SAMBAH (Static Acoustic Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Harbour Porpoise) projekto metu (2011-2013 m.) nustatyta, kad Lietuvos jūriniame rajone epizodiškai registruojami jūros kiaulių signalai. Paskaičiuota, kad žiemos sezonu Lietuvos jūriniuose vandenyse gali būti aptinkama 1-2% centrinės Baltijos jūros kiaulių populiacijos. Lietuva svarsto dalyvauti HELCOM inicijuotame SAMBAH II projekte, kurio metu bus įvertinta centrinės Baltijos jūros kiaulės populiacija ir pasiūlytos priemonės populiacijos išsaugojimui. Duomenis apie rastus gyvus ar kritusius ruonius Lietuvos pajūryje surenka nevyriausybinės organizacijos, informacija kiekvieną mėnesį perduodama atitinkamoms savivaldybėms. Duomenis apie Lietuvos jūros rajone sutiktus ruonius registruoja žvejai savo žvejybos žurnaluose. Tačiau iki šiol nėra pilnai renkami ruonių ir paukščių priegaudos duomenys, skirti žvejybos poveikiui jūros ekosistemoms įvertinti, sprendžiami klausimai dėl gyvūnų priegaudos registravimo duomenų bazės. HELCOM jūros rajono būklę siūlo vertinti pagal keturis žinduolių rodiklius: 1) Ruonių populiacijos gausumo trendas (Population trends and abundance of seals). Lietuvai šis rodiklis nepritaikomas, nes pagal metodiką monitoringas vykdomas ruonių gulyklose, kurių Lietuvos jūros vandenyse nėra. 2) Baltijos ruonių pasiskirstymas (Distribution of Baltic seals). Gali būti taikomas tik iš dalies, remiantis Lietuvos priekrantėje paleidžiamų pilkųjų ruonių, pažymėtų palydoviniais arba GSM siųstuvais, stebėjimų duomenimis. 3) Ruonių įmitimo būklė ir 4) Ruonių reprodukcijos būklė būtų tinkami Lietuvos dalies jūros rajono būklės vertinimui, tiriant Lietuvos priekrantėje rastus negyvus ruonius. Priemonių jūros rajono būklei gerinti programos rengimo etape bus inicijuota duomenų rinkimo strategija būklės vertinimui pagal HELCOM rodiklius: Ruonių įmitimo būklė ir Ruonių reprodukcijos būklė.
1. The monitoring is based on administrative data gathering utilizing bycatch information provided by fisherman. 2. The monitoring program addresses seal population that is inhabiting Latvian waters. As traditional monitoring relies on data obtained during winter when seals are forming colonies either on islands or ice and there are no suitable areas for these colonies in Latvian territory the population estimates relies on data acquired by Estonian side. The data are supplemented by by-catch information obtained in another sub-program.
1. The monitoring is based on administrative data gathering utilizing bycatch information provided by fisherman. 2. The monitoring program addresses seal population that is inhabiting Latvian waters. As traditional monitoring relies on data obtained during winter when seals are forming colonies either on islands or ice and there are no suitable areas for these colonies in Latvian territory the population estimates relies on data acquired by Estonian side. The data are supplemented by by-catch information obtained in another sub-program.
The goal of the Strategy is to provide information for the assessments of the status of marine waters with regard to the populations of species of mammals in compliance with Commission Directive (EU) 2017/845 of 17 May 2017 and criteria laid down in Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 of 17 May 2017.Strategy takes into consideration regional cooperation by monitoring all mammal species occurring in Polish Marine Areas according to established HELCOM monitoring guidelines. The strategy consists of 3 monitoring programmes established for Harbour porpoise, Grey seal and Harbour seal. The strategy also reflects the human activities, pressures and impacts by monitoring by-catch. Information gathered within the strategy will not only provide information on the status of marine waters but also help to identify measures to be implemented and assess progress of those already implemented to achieve good environmental status of marine waters, in accordance with the initial assessment of the status of marine waters and the set of characteristics for the good environmental status of marine waters.
The goal of the Strategy is to provide information for the assessments of the status of marine waters with regard to the populations of species of mammals in compliance with Commission Directive (EU) 2017/845 of 17 May 2017 and criteria laid down in Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 of 17 May 2017.Strategy takes into consideration regional cooperation by monitoring all mammal species occurring in Polish Marine Areas according to established HELCOM monitoring guidelines. The strategy consists of 3 monitoring programmes established for Harbour porpoise, Grey seal and Harbour seal. The strategy also reflects the human activities, pressures and impacts by monitoring by-catch. Information gathered within the strategy will not only provide information on the status of marine waters but also help to identify measures to be implemented and assess progress of those already implemented to achieve good environmental status of marine waters, in accordance with the initial assessment of the status of marine waters and the set of characteristics for the good environmental status of marine waters.
The goal of the Strategy is to provide information for the assessments of the status of marine waters with regard to the populations of species of mammals in compliance with Commission Directive (EU) 2017/845 of 17 May 2017 and criteria laid down in Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 of 17 May 2017.Strategy takes into consideration regional cooperation by monitoring all mammal species occurring in Polish Marine Areas according to established HELCOM monitoring guidelines. The strategy consists of 3 monitoring programmes established for Harbour porpoise, Grey seal and Harbour seal. The strategy also reflects the human activities, pressures and impacts by monitoring by-catch. Information gathered within the strategy will not only provide information on the status of marine waters but also help to identify measures to be implemented and assess progress of those already implemented to achieve good environmental status of marine waters, in accordance with the initial assessment of the status of marine waters and the set of characteristics for the good environmental status of marine waters.
The goal of the Strategy is to provide information for the assessments of the status of marine waters with regard to the populations of species of mammals in compliance with Commission Directive (EU) 2017/845 of 17 May 2017 and criteria laid down in Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 of 17 May 2017.Strategy takes into consideration regional cooperation by monitoring all mammal species occurring in Polish Marine Areas according to established HELCOM monitoring guidelines. The strategy consists of 3 monitoring programmes established for Harbour porpoise, Grey seal and Harbour seal. The strategy also reflects the human activities, pressures and impacts by monitoring by-catch. Information gathered within the strategy will not only provide information on the status of marine waters but also help to identify measures to be implemented and assess progress of those already implemented to achieve good environmental status of marine waters, in accordance with the initial assessment of the status of marine waters and the set of characteristics for the good environmental status of marine waters.
Marine mammals are found high up in the marine food web and are affected both directly and indirectly by human activities. Monitoring of seals (gray seals, harbor seals and ringed seals) and porpoises provides a basis for assessing environmental conditions, based on population size and growth rate, as well as trends in population distribution and health status. These parameters can be affected by a variety of human activities. Hazardous substances can be enriched in the food chain and lead to lower growth rates and reduced population sizes. Underwater noise and other physical disturbance can have both direct effects at the individual level and diffuse effects at the population level. Top predators can also be affected by changes down the food chain that have effects on, for example, different fish species that make up the seals' prey, so-called bottom-up effect as a result of overfishing or other antrophogenic pressures. The monitoring of by-catch and hunting provides a basis for assessing direct impact, while other human activities and pressures that may affect marine mammals and therefore are concidered when assessing mammals, such as underwater noise, fishing activities and hazardous substances, are included in other monitoring strategies. Except for E.2, there are no targets in place specifically linked to marine mammals, however, the targets for hazardous substances, eutrophication, marine litter and fishing activities are indirectly relevant to acheive good status also for mammals. The related measures may cause positive changes in the marine mammals populations, but just as for the targets the linkage between the human activities and pressures and how they may impact the populations are not always crystal clear.
Marine mammals are found high up in the marine food web and are affected both directly and indirectly by human activities. Monitoring of seals (gray seals, harbor seals and ringed seals) and porpoises provides a basis for assessing environmental conditions, based on population size and growth rate, as well as trends in population distribution and health status. These parameters can be affected by a variety of human activities. Hazardous substances can be enriched in the food chain and lead to lower growth rates and reduced population sizes. Underwater noise and other physical disturbance can have both direct effects at the individual level and diffuse effects at the population level. Top predators can also be affected by changes down the food chain that have effects on, for example, different fish species that make up the seals' prey, so-called bottom-up effect as a result of overfishing or other antrophogenic pressures. The monitoring of by-catch and hunting provides a basis for assessing direct impact, while other human activities and pressures that may affect marine mammals and therefore are concidered when assessing mammals, such as underwater noise, fishing activities and hazardous substances, are included in other monitoring strategies. Except for E.2, there are no targets in place specifically linked to marine mammals, however, the targets for hazardous substances, eutrophication, marine litter and fishing activities are indirectly relevant to acheive good status also for mammals. The related measures may cause positive changes in the marine mammals populations, but just as for the targets the linkage between the human activities and pressures and how they may impact the populations are not always crystal clear.
Marine mammals are found high up in the marine food web and are affected both directly and indirectly by human activities. Monitoring of seals (gray seals, harbor seals and ringed seals) and porpoises provides a basis for assessing environmental conditions, based on population size and growth rate, as well as trends in population distribution and health status. These parameters can be affected by a variety of human activities. Hazardous substances can be enriched in the food chain and lead to lower growth rates and reduced population sizes. Underwater noise and other physical disturbance can have both direct effects at the individual level and diffuse effects at the population level. Top predators can also be affected by changes down the food chain that have effects on, for example, different fish species that make up the seals' prey, so-called bottom-up effect as a result of overfishing or other antrophogenic pressures. The monitoring of by-catch and hunting provides a basis for assessing direct impact, while other human activities and pressures that may affect marine mammals and therefore are concidered when assessing mammals, such as underwater noise, fishing activities and hazardous substances, are included in other monitoring strategies. Except for E.2, there are no targets in place specifically linked to marine mammals, however, the targets for hazardous substances, eutrophication, marine litter and fishing activities are indirectly relevant to acheive good status also for mammals. The related measures may cause positive changes in the marine mammals populations, but just as for the targets the linkage between the human activities and pressures and how they may impact the populations are not always crystal clear.
Marine mammals are found high up in the marine food web and are affected both directly and indirectly by human activities. Monitoring of seals (gray seals, harbor seals and ringed seals) and porpoises provides a basis for assessing environmental conditions, based on population size and growth rate, as well as trends in population distribution and health status. These parameters can be affected by a variety of human activities. Hazardous substances can be enriched in the food chain and lead to lower growth rates and reduced population sizes. Underwater noise and other physical disturbance can have both direct effects at the individual level and diffuse effects at the population level. Top predators can also be affected by changes down the food chain that have effects on, for example, different fish species that make up the seals' prey, so-called bottom-up effect as a result of overfishing or other antrophogenic pressures. The monitoring of by-catch and hunting provides a basis for assessing direct impact, while other human activities and pressures that may affect marine mammals and therefore are concidered when assessing mammals, such as underwater noise, fishing activities and hazardous substances, are included in other monitoring strategies. Except for E.2, there are no targets in place specifically linked to marine mammals, however, the targets for hazardous substances, eutrophication, marine litter and fishing activities are indirectly relevant to acheive good status also for mammals. The related measures may cause positive changes in the marine mammals populations, but just as for the targets the linkage between the human activities and pressures and how they may impact the populations are not always crystal clear.
Marine mammals are found high up in the marine food web and are affected both directly and indirectly by human activities. Monitoring of seals (gray seals, harbor seals and ringed seals) and porpoises provides a basis for assessing environmental conditions, based on population size and growth rate, as well as trends in population distribution and health status. These parameters can be affected by a variety of human activities. Hazardous substances can be enriched in the food chain and lead to lower growth rates and reduced population sizes. Underwater noise and other physical disturbance can have both direct effects at the individual level and diffuse effects at the population level. Top predators can also be affected by changes down the food chain that have effects on, for example, different fish species that make up the seals' prey, so-called bottom-up effect as a result of overfishing or other antrophogenic pressures. The monitoring of by-catch and hunting provides a basis for assessing direct impact, while other human activities and pressures that may affect marine mammals and therefore are concidered when assessing mammals, such as underwater noise, fishing activities and hazardous substances, are included in other monitoring strategies. Except for E.2, there are no targets in place specifically linked to marine mammals, however, the targets for hazardous substances, eutrophication, marine litter and fishing activities are indirectly relevant to acheive good status also for mammals. The related measures may cause positive changes in the marine mammals populations, but just as for the targets the linkage between the human activities and pressures and how they may impact the populations are not always crystal clear.
Coverage of GES criteria
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Gaps and plans
Some of the German environmental objectives and the GES criteria of Decision EU 2017/848 require a precise idea of target states that are not yet specified in more detail. National coordination of these gaps is facilitated by progress in regional conventions (HELCOM). As the environmental objectives are still to be specified and quantified, further adjustments to monitoring will be necessary.
Some of the German environmental objectives and the GES criteria of Decision EU 2017/848 require a precise idea of target states that are not yet specified in more detail. National coordination of these gaps is facilitated by progress in regional conventions (HELCOM). As the environmental objectives are still to be specified and quantified, further adjustments to monitoring will be necessary.
Some of the German environmental objectives and the GES criteria of Decision EU 2017/848 require a precise idea of target states that are not yet specified in more detail. National coordination of these gaps is facilitated by progress in regional conventions (HELCOM). As the environmental objectives are still to be specified and quantified, further adjustments to monitoring will be necessary.
Some of the German environmental objectives and the GES criteria of Decision EU 2017/848 require a precise idea of target states that are not yet specified in more detail. National coordination of these gaps is facilitated by progress in regional conventions (HELCOM). As the environmental objectives are still to be specified and quantified, further adjustments to monitoring will be necessary.
Some of the German environmental objectives and the GES criteria of Decision EU 2017/848 require a precise idea of target states that are not yet specified in more detail. National coordination of these gaps is facilitated by progress in regional conventions (HELCOM). As the environmental objectives are still to be specified and quantified, further adjustments to monitoring will be necessary.
Some of the German environmental objectives and the GES criteria of Decision EU 2017/848 require a precise idea of target states that are not yet specified in more detail. National coordination of these gaps is facilitated by progress in regional conventions (HELCOM). As the environmental objectives are still to be specified and quantified, further adjustments to monitoring will be necessary.
Some of the German environmental objectives and the GES criteria of Decision EU 2017/848 require a precise idea of target states that are not yet specified in more detail. National coordination of these gaps is facilitated by progress in regional conventions (HELCOM). As the environmental objectives are still to be specified and quantified, further adjustments to monitoring will be necessary.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
One of the shortcomings of the monitoring is the insufficiency of the monitoring system and gathering information on occurred seals by-catches and entangled or trapped within fishing gears. This could give a comprehensive and reliable overview of the incidental by-catch mortality. Project-based monitoring is mostly held nowadays. Since human activity pressure has a large extend on the status of the seals' population, the improvement of such a data collection system should be done. The protected areas monitoring programme needs to be developed and include birds, mammals, fish, benthos, and habitats, as well as pelagic communities' components. In addition to seals, the harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) also live in the Baltic Sea, but they have occurred in the Estonian sea only as occasional visitors. As the Estonian sea area is not a distribution area for porpoises, there is no regular monitoring of harbour porpoises established and no measures or targets are applied under the Marine Strategy and their status was not assessed. The possibility of participation in relevant international (especially HELCOM) porpoise studies or projects is under the consideration though. There are also some issues considering chiropterans (their flight areas and corridors) arisen during the marine spatial planning process, including wind farms development plans. However bats are not directly regulated under the marine strategy, there are plans to discuss and work out an appropriate regional bat monitoring programme in cooperation with HELCOM Contracting Parties and experts.
One of the shortcomings of the monitoring is the insufficiency of the monitoring system and gathering information on occurred seals by-catches and entangled or trapped within fishing gears. This could give a comprehensive and reliable overview of the incidental by-catch mortality. Project-based monitoring is mostly held nowadays. Since human activity pressure has a large extend on the status of the seals' population, the improvement of such a data collection system should be done. The protected areas monitoring programme needs to be developed and include birds, mammals, fish, benthos, and habitats, as well as pelagic communities' components. In addition to seals, the harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) also live in the Baltic Sea, but they have occurred in the Estonian sea only as occasional visitors. As the Estonian sea area is not a distribution area for porpoises, there is no regular monitoring of harbour porpoises established and no measures or targets are applied under the Marine Strategy and their status was not assessed. The possibility of participation in relevant international (especially HELCOM) porpoise studies or projects is under the consideration though. There are also some issues considering chiropterans (their flight areas and corridors) arisen during the marine spatial planning process, including wind farms development plans. However bats are not directly regulated under the marine strategy, there are plans to discuss and work out an appropriate regional bat monitoring programme in cooperation with HELCOM Contracting Parties and experts.
One of the shortcomings of the monitoring is the insufficiency of the monitoring system and gathering information on occurred seals by-catches and entangled or trapped within fishing gears. This could give a comprehensive and reliable overview of the incidental by-catch mortality. Project-based monitoring is mostly held nowadays. Since human activity pressure has a large extend on the status of the seals' population, the improvement of such a data collection system should be done. The protected areas monitoring programme needs to be developed and include birds, mammals, fish, benthos, and habitats, as well as pelagic communities' components. In addition to seals, the harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) also live in the Baltic Sea, but they have occurred in the Estonian sea only as occasional visitors. As the Estonian sea area is not a distribution area for porpoises, there is no regular monitoring of harbour porpoises established and no measures or targets are applied under the Marine Strategy and their status was not assessed. The possibility of participation in relevant international (especially HELCOM) porpoise studies or projects is under the consideration though. There are also some issues considering chiropterans (their flight areas and corridors) arisen during the marine spatial planning process, including wind farms development plans. However bats are not directly regulated under the marine strategy, there are plans to discuss and work out an appropriate regional bat monitoring programme in cooperation with HELCOM Contracting Parties and experts.
One of the shortcomings of the monitoring is the insufficiency of the monitoring system and gathering information on occurred seals by-catches and entangled or trapped within fishing gears. This could give a comprehensive and reliable overview of the incidental by-catch mortality. Project-based monitoring is mostly held nowadays. Since human activity pressure has a large extend on the status of the seals' population, the improvement of such a data collection system should be done. The protected areas monitoring programme needs to be developed and include birds, mammals, fish, benthos, and habitats, as well as pelagic communities' components. In addition to seals, the harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) also live in the Baltic Sea, but they have occurred in the Estonian sea only as occasional visitors. As the Estonian sea area is not a distribution area for porpoises, there is no regular monitoring of harbour porpoises established and no measures or targets are applied under the Marine Strategy and their status was not assessed. The possibility of participation in relevant international (especially HELCOM) porpoise studies or projects is under the consideration though. There are also some issues considering chiropterans (their flight areas and corridors) arisen during the marine spatial planning process, including wind farms development plans. However bats are not directly regulated under the marine strategy, there are plans to discuss and work out an appropriate regional bat monitoring programme in cooperation with HELCOM Contracting Parties and experts.
No gaps.
No gaps.
No gaps.
No gaps.
1) Iš HELCOM siūlomų rodiklių jūros žinduoliams keli (Ruonių įmitimo būklė ir Ruonių reprodukcijos būklė) galėtų būti pritaikomi Lietuvos jūros rajono būklei vertinti. Priemonių jūros rajono būklei gerinti programos rengimo metu bus inicijuota duomenų rinkimo strategija būklės vertinimui pagal HELCOM rodiklius: Ruonių įmitimo būklė ir Ruonių reprodukcijos būklė. 2) Nėra pakankamai duomenų, skirtų žvejybos poveikiui jūros ekosistemoms (priegaudai) įvertinti. Įsigaliojus Komisijos įgyvendinimo sprendimui (ES) 2016/1251 nuo 2017 m. visi paukščių ir žinduolių priegaudos atvejai turi būti registruojami vykdant 2017-2019 m. daugiametę Sajungos duomenų rinkimo, tvarkymo ir naudojimo žvejybos ir akvakultūros sektoriuose programą. Atsakinga Žemės ūkio ministerija Šiuo metu sprendžiami klausimai dėl gyvūnų priegaudos registravimo duomenų bazės. Siekiant įvertinti paukščių ir žinduolių priegaudos Lietuvos jūriniuose vandenyse mastą, ateinančius metus (2021 m.) bus vykdoma studija, kurios metu bus atliktas statomųjų tinklų poveikio jūros paukščiams ir žinduoliams masto įvertinimas ir parengti pasiūlymai dėl žvejybos reguliavimo priemonių, leidžiančių šio poveikio išvengti arba jį sumažinti. Surinkti priegaudos duomenys iš Baltijos jūros priekrantės ir atviros jūros bus naudojami atnaujinant geros jūros aplinkos būklės savybes ir peržiūrint tikslus. 3) Lietuvos jūrų muziejus vykdo projektą, kurio metu bus pastatytas Baltijos jūros gyvūnų reabilitacijos centras (2020 m. pradėtos statybos). Reabilitacijos centro paskirtis – paliktų ruonių jauniklių, sužalotų Baltijos jūros ruonių ir paukščių gydymas, slaugymas, išmokymas gyventi laisvėje.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
The monitoring is sufficient enough to assess D1C2, and partly D1C4. The current monitoring of seals focus on monitoring already known population sites, and only partly covers areas outside the known range. The monitoring of harbour porpoises have recently been improved, so the time series is not yet long enough to provide a baseline. However, the assessment of abundance will be improved in 2024 compared to 2018. By improving monitoring of different human activities and pressures the aim is to use these data together with data on mobile species to be able to assess D1C5. Specific plans of improvements: Grey seals and harbor seals – In addition to visual observations from airplanes we started using cameras during 2020 in several locations to improve the abundance calculations. We are also expanding the areal coverage of monitoring to improve the assessment of D1C4. Ringed seal – We are developing an alternative method to monitor the numbers of seals and also the genetic structure within the population in the Bothnian bay, based on individual seals genetics (close-kin mark-recapture). Harbour porpoise – In 2019 we expanded the areal coverage of monitoring with more click detectors and an additional aerial survey in Kattegat and Skagerrak during 2020 together with Denmark. Health status - There is ongoing work in Sweden to improve and adjust the monitoring of health status of seals and to include also harbour porpoises (D1C3). The aim is to be able to distinguish health issues caused by different pressures. This is done in close collaboration with other Baltic countries in the expert group HELCOM MAMA. Bycatch – Monitoring is being improved thanks to a number of ongoing projects in the Baltic Sea, the Sound, Kattegat and Skagerrak. These projects are complementing the regular monitoring of commersial fisheries discards, where bycaught mammals are noted by human observers onboard, but where numbers are to low to enable a confident assessment of D1C1. Cameras onboard are now being tested as a complement to the observers.
The monitoring is sufficient enough to assess D1C2, and partly D1C4. The current monitoring of seals focus on monitoring already known population sites, and only partly covers areas outside the known range. The monitoring of harbour porpoises have recently been improved, so the time series is not yet long enough to provide a baseline. However, the assessment of abundance will be improved in 2024 compared to 2018. By improving monitoring of different human activities and pressures the aim is to use these data together with data on mobile species to be able to assess D1C5. Specific plans of improvements: Grey seals and harbor seals – In addition to visual observations from airplanes we started using cameras during 2020 in several locations to improve the abundance calculations. We are also expanding the areal coverage of monitoring to improve the assessment of D1C4. Ringed seal – We are developing an alternative method to monitor the numbers of seals and also the genetic structure within the population in the Bothnian bay, based on individual seals genetics (close-kin mark-recapture). Harbour porpoise – In 2019 we expanded the areal coverage of monitoring with more click detectors and an additional aerial survey in Kattegat and Skagerrak during 2020 together with Denmark. Health status - There is ongoing work in Sweden to improve and adjust the monitoring of health status of seals and to include also harbour porpoises (D1C3). The aim is to be able to distinguish health issues caused by different pressures. This is done in close collaboration with other Baltic countries in the expert group HELCOM MAMA. Bycatch – Monitoring is being improved thanks to a number of ongoing projects in the Baltic Sea, the Sound, Kattegat and Skagerrak. These projects are complementing the regular monitoring of commersial fisheries discards, where bycaught mammals are noted by human observers onboard, but where numbers are to low to enable a confident assessment of D1C1. Cameras onboard are now being tested as a complement to the observers.
The monitoring is sufficient enough to assess D1C2, and partly D1C4. The current monitoring of seals focus on monitoring already known population sites, and only partly covers areas outside the known range. The monitoring of harbour porpoises have recently been improved, so the time series is not yet long enough to provide a baseline. However, the assessment of abundance will be improved in 2024 compared to 2018. By improving monitoring of different human activities and pressures the aim is to use these data together with data on mobile species to be able to assess D1C5. Specific plans of improvements: Grey seals and harbor seals – In addition to visual observations from airplanes we started using cameras during 2020 in several locations to improve the abundance calculations. We are also expanding the areal coverage of monitoring to improve the assessment of D1C4. Ringed seal – We are developing an alternative method to monitor the numbers of seals and also the genetic structure within the population in the Bothnian bay, based on individual seals genetics (close-kin mark-recapture). Harbour porpoise – In 2019 we expanded the areal coverage of monitoring with more click detectors and an additional aerial survey in Kattegat and Skagerrak during 2020 together with Denmark. Health status - There is ongoing work in Sweden to improve and adjust the monitoring of health status of seals and to include also harbour porpoises (D1C3). The aim is to be able to distinguish health issues caused by different pressures. This is done in close collaboration with other Baltic countries in the expert group HELCOM MAMA. Bycatch – Monitoring is being improved thanks to a number of ongoing projects in the Baltic Sea, the Sound, Kattegat and Skagerrak. These projects are complementing the regular monitoring of commersial fisheries discards, where bycaught mammals are noted by human observers onboard, but where numbers are to low to enable a confident assessment of D1C1. Cameras onboard are now being tested as a complement to the observers.
The monitoring is sufficient enough to assess D1C2, and partly D1C4. The current monitoring of seals focus on monitoring already known population sites, and only partly covers areas outside the known range. The monitoring of harbour porpoises have recently been improved, so the time series is not yet long enough to provide a baseline. However, the assessment of abundance will be improved in 2024 compared to 2018. By improving monitoring of different human activities and pressures the aim is to use these data together with data on mobile species to be able to assess D1C5. Specific plans of improvements: Grey seals and harbor seals – In addition to visual observations from airplanes we started using cameras during 2020 in several locations to improve the abundance calculations. We are also expanding the areal coverage of monitoring to improve the assessment of D1C4. Ringed seal – We are developing an alternative method to monitor the numbers of seals and also the genetic structure within the population in the Bothnian bay, based on individual seals genetics (close-kin mark-recapture). Harbour porpoise – In 2019 we expanded the areal coverage of monitoring with more click detectors and an additional aerial survey in Kattegat and Skagerrak during 2020 together with Denmark. Health status - There is ongoing work in Sweden to improve and adjust the monitoring of health status of seals and to include also harbour porpoises (D1C3). The aim is to be able to distinguish health issues caused by different pressures. This is done in close collaboration with other Baltic countries in the expert group HELCOM MAMA. Bycatch – Monitoring is being improved thanks to a number of ongoing projects in the Baltic Sea, the Sound, Kattegat and Skagerrak. These projects are complementing the regular monitoring of commersial fisheries discards, where bycaught mammals are noted by human observers onboard, but where numbers are to low to enable a confident assessment of D1C1. Cameras onboard are now being tested as a complement to the observers.
The monitoring is sufficient enough to assess D1C2, and partly D1C4. The current monitoring of seals focus on monitoring already known population sites, and only partly covers areas outside the known range. The monitoring of harbour porpoises have recently been improved, so the time series is not yet long enough to provide a baseline. However, the assessment of abundance will be improved in 2024 compared to 2018. By improving monitoring of different human activities and pressures the aim is to use these data together with data on mobile species to be able to assess D1C5. Specific plans of improvements: Grey seals and harbor seals – In addition to visual observations from airplanes we started using cameras during 2020 in several locations to improve the abundance calculations. We are also expanding the areal coverage of monitoring to improve the assessment of D1C4. Ringed seal – We are developing an alternative method to monitor the numbers of seals and also the genetic structure within the population in the Bothnian bay, based on individual seals genetics (close-kin mark-recapture). Harbour porpoise – In 2019 we expanded the areal coverage of monitoring with more click detectors and an additional aerial survey in Kattegat and Skagerrak during 2020 together with Denmark. Health status - There is ongoing work in Sweden to improve and adjust the monitoring of health status of seals and to include also harbour porpoises (D1C3). The aim is to be able to distinguish health issues caused by different pressures. This is done in close collaboration with other Baltic countries in the expert group HELCOM MAMA. Bycatch – Monitoring is being improved thanks to a number of ongoing projects in the Baltic Sea, the Sound, Kattegat and Skagerrak. These projects are complementing the regular monitoring of commersial fisheries discards, where bycaught mammals are noted by human observers onboard, but where numbers are to low to enable a confident assessment of D1C1. Cameras onboard are now being tested as a complement to the observers.
Related targets
  • UZO2
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  • UZO6.5
  • UZO2
  • UZO2.1
  • UZO2.2
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  • UZO3
  • UZO3.1
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  • UZO4
  • UZO4.3
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  • UZO4.6
  • UZO5
  • UZO5.1
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  • UZO6.1
  • UZO6.2
  • UZO6.3
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  • UZO6.5
  • UZO2
  • UZO2.1
  • UZO2.2
  • UZO2.3
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  • UZO2.5
  • UZO3
  • UZO3.1
  • UZO3.2
  • UZO3.4
  • UZO4
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  • UZO5
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  • UZO5.3
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  • UZO6.1
  • UZO6.2
  • UZO6.3
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  • UZO6.5
  • UZO2
  • UZO2.1
  • UZO2.2
  • UZO2.3
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  • UZO2.5
  • UZO3
  • UZO3.1
  • UZO3.2
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  • UZO4
  • UZO4.3
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  • UZO4.6
  • UZO5
  • UZO5.1
  • UZO5.2
  • UZO5.3
  • UZO6
  • UZO6.1
  • UZO6.2
  • UZO6.3
  • UZO6.4
  • UZO6.5
  • UZO2
  • UZO2.1
  • UZO2.2
  • UZO2.3
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  • UZO3
  • UZO3.1
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  • UZO4
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  • UZO5
  • UZO5.1
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  • UZO5.3
  • UZO6
  • UZO6.1
  • UZO6.2
  • UZO6.3
  • UZO6.4
  • UZO6.5
  • UZO2
  • UZO2.1
  • UZO2.2
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  • UZO3
  • UZO3.1
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  • UZO4
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  • UZO5
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  • UZO5.2
  • UZO5.3
  • UZO6
  • UZO6.1
  • UZO6.2
  • UZO6.3
  • UZO6.4
  • UZO6.5
  • UZO2
  • UZO2.1
  • UZO2.2
  • UZO2.3
  • UZO2.4
  • UZO2.5
  • UZO3
  • UZO3.1
  • UZO3.2
  • UZO3.4
  • UZO4
  • UZO4.3
  • UZO4.5
  • UZO4.6
  • UZO5
  • UZO5.1
  • UZO5.2
  • UZO5.3
  • UZO6
  • UZO6.1
  • UZO6.2
  • UZO6.3
  • UZO6.4
  • UZO6.5
  • BALEE-T30
  • BALEE-T31
  • BALEE-T33
  • Target 16
  • Target 19
  • Target 23
  • Target 26
  • BALEE-T30
  • BALEE-T31
  • BALEE-T33
  • Target 16
  • Target 19
  • Target 23
  • Target 26
  • BALEE-T30
  • BALEE-T31
  • BALEE-T33
  • Target 16
  • Target 19
  • Target 23
  • Target 26
  • BALEE-T30
  • BALEE-T31
  • BALEE-T33
  • Target 16
  • Target 19
  • Target 23
  • Target 26
  • LUVAyleinen
  • TIETO1
  • LUVAyleinen
  • TIETO1
  • LUVAyleinen
  • TIETO1
  • LUVAyleinen
  • TIETO1
  • 1
  • JVM1
  • JVM1
  • PL_Target_D1
  • PL_Target_D1C1
  • PL_Target_D1C2
  • PL_Target_D1C2_seals
  • PL_Target_D1C3
  • PL_Target_D1C3_seals
  • PL_Target_D1C4
  • PL_Target_D1C4_seals
  • PL_Target_D1C5
  • PL_Target_D1
  • PL_Target_D1C1
  • PL_Target_D1C2
  • PL_Target_D1C2_seals
  • PL_Target_D1C3
  • PL_Target_D1C3_seals
  • PL_Target_D1C4
  • PL_Target_D1C4_seals
  • PL_Target_D1C5
  • PL_Target_D1
  • PL_Target_D1C1
  • PL_Target_D1C2
  • PL_Target_D1C2_seals
  • PL_Target_D1C3
  • PL_Target_D1C3_seals
  • PL_Target_D1C4
  • PL_Target_D1C4_seals
  • PL_Target_D1C5
  • PL_Target_D1
  • PL_Target_D1C1
  • PL_Target_D1C2
  • PL_Target_D1C2_seals
  • PL_Target_D1C3
  • PL_Target_D1C3_seals
  • PL_Target_D1C4
  • PL_Target_D1C4_seals
  • PL_Target_D1C5
  • ANSSE-A.1_Tillförsel_näringsämnen
  • ANSSE-B.2_Tillförsel_farliga_ämnen_effekt
  • ANSSE-E.1_Skräp
  • ANSSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • BALSE-A.1_Tillförsel_näringsämnen
  • BALSE-B.2_Tillförsel_farliga_ämnen_effekt
  • BALSE-E.1_Skräp
  • BALSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • ANSSE-A.1_Tillförsel_näringsämnen
  • ANSSE-B.2_Tillförsel_farliga_ämnen_effekt
  • ANSSE-E.1_Skräp
  • ANSSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • BALSE-A.1_Tillförsel_näringsämnen
  • BALSE-B.2_Tillförsel_farliga_ämnen_effekt
  • BALSE-E.1_Skräp
  • BALSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • ANSSE-A.1_Tillförsel_näringsämnen
  • ANSSE-B.2_Tillförsel_farliga_ämnen_effekt
  • ANSSE-E.1_Skräp
  • ANSSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • BALSE-A.1_Tillförsel_näringsämnen
  • BALSE-B.2_Tillförsel_farliga_ämnen_effekt
  • BALSE-E.1_Skräp
  • BALSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • ANSSE-A.1_Tillförsel_näringsämnen
  • ANSSE-B.2_Tillförsel_farliga_ämnen_effekt
  • ANSSE-E.1_Skräp
  • ANSSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • BALSE-A.1_Tillförsel_näringsämnen
  • BALSE-B.2_Tillförsel_farliga_ämnen_effekt
  • BALSE-E.1_Skräp
  • BALSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • ANSSE-A.1_Tillförsel_näringsämnen
  • ANSSE-B.2_Tillförsel_farliga_ämnen_effekt
  • ANSSE-E.1_Skräp
  • ANSSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • BALSE-A.1_Tillförsel_näringsämnen
  • BALSE-B.2_Tillförsel_farliga_ämnen_effekt
  • BALSE-E.1_Skräp
  • BALSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
Coverage of targets
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Related measures
  • BALDE-M004-WFD - 'Bau und Erweiterung Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen / Weitergehende Abwasserbehandlung : Ausbau kommunaler Kläranlagen zur Reduzierung sonstiger Stoffeinträge'
  • BALDE-M008-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Anschluss bisher nicht angeschlossener Gebiete an bestehende Kläranlagen'
  • BALDE-M009-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch kommunale Abwassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M010-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Neubau und Anpassung von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M011-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Optimierung der Betriebsweise von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M012-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch Misch- und Niederschlagswassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M016-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung punktueller Stoffeinträge aus dem Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M017-WFD - 'Wärmelastpläne : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen durch Wärmeeinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M018-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge aus anderen Punktquellen'
  • BALDE-M024-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Belastungen infolge Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M026-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Stoffeinträge von befestigten Flächen'
  • BALDE-M032-WFD - 'Reduzierung der Pestizidbelastung aus der Landwirtschaft : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Einträge von Pflanzenschutzmitteln aus der Landwirtschaft'
  • BALDE-M035-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von unfallbedingten Einträgen'
  • BALDE-M036-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen aus anderen diffusen Quellen'
  • BALDE-M064-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von nutzungsbedingten Abflussspitzen'
  • BALDE-M068-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Talsperren, Rückhaltebecken, Speichern und Fischteichen im Hauptschluss'
  • BALDE-M069-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung/Verbesserung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Staustufen/Flusssperren, Abstürzen, Durchlässen und sonstigen wasserbaulichen Anlagen gemäß DIN 4048 bzw. 19700 Teil 13'
  • BALDE-M070-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung durch Initiieren / Zulassen einer eigendynamischen Gewässerentwicklung'
  • BALDE-M071-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im vorhandenen Profil'
  • BALDE-M072-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Gewässer durch Laufveränderung, Ufer- oder Sohlgestaltung'
  • BALDE-M073-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Uferbereich'
  • BALDE-M074-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Auenentwicklung und zur Verbesserung von Habitaten'
  • BALDE-M075-WFD - 'Anschluss von Seitengewässern, Altarmen (Quervernetzung)'
  • BALDE-M076-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Technische und betriebliche Maßnahmen vorrangig zum Fischschutz an wasserbaulichen Anlagen'
  • BALDE-M077-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Geschiebehaushaltes bzw. Sedimentmanagement'
  • BALDE-M101-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verringerung ungesteuerter diffuser stofflicher Belastungen, z.B. durch Entnahme von Sedimenten, mit ggf. anschließender Behandlung, Verwertung und Entsorgung : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung stofflicher Belastungen aus Sedimenten'
  • BALDE-M405-UZ2-01 - 'Kriterien und Anreizsysteme für umweltfreundliche Schiffe'
  • BALDE-M406-UZ2-02 - 'Vorgaben zur Einleitung und Entsorgung von Waschwässern aus Abgasreinigungsanlagen von Schiffen'
  • BALDE-M407-UZ2-03 - 'Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Meeresverschmutzungen – Verbesserung der maritimen Notfallvorsorge und des Notfallmanagements'
  • BALDE-M408-UZ2-04 - 'Umgang mit Munitionsaltlasten im Meer'
  • BALDE-M409-UZ3-01 - 'Aufnahme von für das Ökosystem wertbestimmenden Arten und Biotoptypen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen'
  • BALDE-M410-UZ3-02 - 'Maßnahmen zum Schutz von wandernden Arten im marinen Bereich'
  • BALDE-M411-UZ4-01 - 'Weitere Verankerung des Themas „nachhaltige ökosystemgerechte Fischerei“ im öffentlichen Bewusstsein'
  • BALDE-M412-UZ4-02 - 'Fischereimaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M415-UZ4-05 - 'Umweltgerechtes Management von marinen Sand- und Kiesressourcen für den Küstenschutz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Ostsee)'
  • BALDE-M416-UZ5-01 - 'Verankerung des Themas Meeresmüll in Lehrzielen, Lehrplänen und -material'
  • BALDE-M417-UZ5-02 - 'Modifikation / Substitution von Produkten unter Berücksichtigung einer ökobilanzierten Gesamtbetrachtung'
  • BALDE-M418-UZ5-03 - 'Vermeidung des Einsatzes von primären Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M419-UZ5-04 - 'Reduktion der Einträge von Kunststoffmüll, z.B. Plastikverpackungen, in die Meeresumwelt'
  • BALDE-M420-UZ5-05 - 'Müllbezogene Maßnahmen zu Fischereinetzen und -geräten'
  • BALDE-M421-UZ5-06 - 'Etablierung des "Fishing-for-Litter"-Konzepts'
  • BALDE-M422-UZ5-07 - 'Reduzierung bereits vorhandenen Mülls im Meer'
  • BALDE-M423-UZ5-08 - 'Reduzierung des Plastikaufkommens durch kommunale Vorgaben'
  • BALDE-M424-UZ5-09 - 'Reduzierung der Emission und des Eintrags von Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M425-UZ6-01 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von biologischen Grenzwerten für die Wirkung von Unterwasserlärm auf relevante Arten'
  • BALDE-M426-UZ6-02 - 'Aufbau eines Registers für relevante Schallquellen und Schockwellen und Etablierung standardisierter verbindlicher Berichtspflichten'
  • BALDE-M427-UZ6-03 - 'Lärmkartierung der deutschen Meeresgebiete'
  • BALDE-M428-UZ6-04 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung von Lärmminderungsmaßnahmen für die Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M429-UZ6-05 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von Schwellenwerten für Wärmeeinträge'
  • BALDE-M430-UZ6-06 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung umweltverträglicher Beleuchtung von Offshore-Installationen und begleitende Maßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M501-WFD - 'Erstellung von Konzeptionen / Studien / Gutachten'
  • BALDE-M502-WFD - 'Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben : Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben'
  • BALDE-M503-WFD - 'Informations- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M505-WFD - 'Einrichtung bzw. Anpassung von Förderprogrammen'
  • BALDE-M508-WFD - 'Vertiefende Untersuchungen und Kontrollen'
  • BALDE-M903-other - 'Laufender Prozess der Stoffpriorisierung durch die EU-Kommission'
  • BALDE-M904-other - 'Verbot von TBT und anderen meeresumweltgefährdenden Stoffen'
  • BALDE-M905-other - 'Einstellen des Quecksilber-verfahrens in der Chlor-Alkali Industrie (bis 2010) und Redukti-on von Quecksilber-Einleitungen und -Emissionen aus Chlor-Alkali-Produktion'
  • BALDE-M906-other - 'Maßnahmen im Zuge der Umsetzung der Industrieemissionsrichtlinie'
  • BALDE-M907-other - 'Umsetzung der Genfer Luftreinhaltekonvention (Göteborg- und Aarhus-Protokolle)'
  • BALDE-M908-other - 'Umsetzung des MARPOL-Übereinkommens (Anlagen I, II, III, V und VI)'
  • BALDE-M909-other - 'PSSA Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M910-other - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische'
  • BALDE-M914-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete in der AWZ der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M915-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete im Küstengewässer der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M916-other - 'Arten- und Biotopschutz'
  • BALDE-M917-other - 'Fischereiliche Regelungen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen und Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M918-other - 'Freiwillige Vereinbarungen zum Schutz von Arten und Lebensräumen'
  • BALDE-M919-other - 'Fischereimanagementmaßnahmen in Natura-2000-Gebieten in der AWZ'
  • BALDE-M922-other - 'Positionspapier des Geschäftsbereichs des Bundesumweltministeriums zur kumulativen Bewertung des Seetaucherhabitatverlusts durch Offshore-Windparks in der deutschen AWZ der Nord- und Ostsee als Grundlage für eine Übereinkunft des BfN mit dem BSH; Einführung eines neuen fachlich begründeten Bewertungsverfahrens.'
  • BALDE-M923-other - 'Genehmigungsverfahren für Vorhaben'
  • BALDE-M924-other - 'Maritime Raumordnungspläne des Bundes (AWZ) und der Länder (Küstengewässer)'
  • BALDE-M926-other - 'Umsetzung der  neuen Gemeinsame Fischereipolitik (GFP)'
  • BALDE-M927-other - 'Umsetzung der Regelungen in den Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M928-other - 'Regelungen nach BNatSchG und LNatSchG, insb. FFH-Verträglichkeitsprüfung, Arten- und Biotopschutz sowie Regelungen zur Vermeidung und Kompensation von Eingriffen'
  • BALDE-M929-other - 'Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement'
  • BALDE-M930-other - 'Abfallwirtschaft (Pfandsysteme und Verwertungsquoten für Verpackungen, Deponieverbot für Kunststoffe, Abfallvermeidung)'
  • BALDE-M931-other - 'Verbot der Einbringung von Abfällen in die Hohe See'
  • BALDE-M932-other - 'Vorgaben für Hafenauffangeinrichtungen, Mülltagebücher und Müllbehandlungspläne'
  • BALDE-M933-other - 'Schiffsabfallregelungen: Hafenstaatkontrolle, Sondergebiete nach MARPOL Anlage V'
  • BALDE-M004-WFD - 'Bau und Erweiterung Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen / Weitergehende Abwasserbehandlung : Ausbau kommunaler Kläranlagen zur Reduzierung sonstiger Stoffeinträge'
  • BALDE-M008-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Anschluss bisher nicht angeschlossener Gebiete an bestehende Kläranlagen'
  • BALDE-M009-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch kommunale Abwassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M010-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Neubau und Anpassung von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M011-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Optimierung der Betriebsweise von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M012-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch Misch- und Niederschlagswassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M016-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung punktueller Stoffeinträge aus dem Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M017-WFD - 'Wärmelastpläne : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen durch Wärmeeinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M018-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge aus anderen Punktquellen'
  • BALDE-M024-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Belastungen infolge Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M026-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Stoffeinträge von befestigten Flächen'
  • BALDE-M032-WFD - 'Reduzierung der Pestizidbelastung aus der Landwirtschaft : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Einträge von Pflanzenschutzmitteln aus der Landwirtschaft'
  • BALDE-M035-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von unfallbedingten Einträgen'
  • BALDE-M036-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen aus anderen diffusen Quellen'
  • BALDE-M064-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von nutzungsbedingten Abflussspitzen'
  • BALDE-M068-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Talsperren, Rückhaltebecken, Speichern und Fischteichen im Hauptschluss'
  • BALDE-M069-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung/Verbesserung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Staustufen/Flusssperren, Abstürzen, Durchlässen und sonstigen wasserbaulichen Anlagen gemäß DIN 4048 bzw. 19700 Teil 13'
  • BALDE-M070-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung durch Initiieren / Zulassen einer eigendynamischen Gewässerentwicklung'
  • BALDE-M071-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im vorhandenen Profil'
  • BALDE-M072-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Gewässer durch Laufveränderung, Ufer- oder Sohlgestaltung'
  • BALDE-M073-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Uferbereich'
  • BALDE-M074-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Auenentwicklung und zur Verbesserung von Habitaten'
  • BALDE-M075-WFD - 'Anschluss von Seitengewässern, Altarmen (Quervernetzung)'
  • BALDE-M076-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Technische und betriebliche Maßnahmen vorrangig zum Fischschutz an wasserbaulichen Anlagen'
  • BALDE-M077-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Geschiebehaushaltes bzw. Sedimentmanagement'
  • BALDE-M101-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verringerung ungesteuerter diffuser stofflicher Belastungen, z.B. durch Entnahme von Sedimenten, mit ggf. anschließender Behandlung, Verwertung und Entsorgung : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung stofflicher Belastungen aus Sedimenten'
  • BALDE-M405-UZ2-01 - 'Kriterien und Anreizsysteme für umweltfreundliche Schiffe'
  • BALDE-M406-UZ2-02 - 'Vorgaben zur Einleitung und Entsorgung von Waschwässern aus Abgasreinigungsanlagen von Schiffen'
  • BALDE-M407-UZ2-03 - 'Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Meeresverschmutzungen – Verbesserung der maritimen Notfallvorsorge und des Notfallmanagements'
  • BALDE-M408-UZ2-04 - 'Umgang mit Munitionsaltlasten im Meer'
  • BALDE-M409-UZ3-01 - 'Aufnahme von für das Ökosystem wertbestimmenden Arten und Biotoptypen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen'
  • BALDE-M410-UZ3-02 - 'Maßnahmen zum Schutz von wandernden Arten im marinen Bereich'
  • BALDE-M411-UZ4-01 - 'Weitere Verankerung des Themas „nachhaltige ökosystemgerechte Fischerei“ im öffentlichen Bewusstsein'
  • BALDE-M412-UZ4-02 - 'Fischereimaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M415-UZ4-05 - 'Umweltgerechtes Management von marinen Sand- und Kiesressourcen für den Küstenschutz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Ostsee)'
  • BALDE-M416-UZ5-01 - 'Verankerung des Themas Meeresmüll in Lehrzielen, Lehrplänen und -material'
  • BALDE-M417-UZ5-02 - 'Modifikation / Substitution von Produkten unter Berücksichtigung einer ökobilanzierten Gesamtbetrachtung'
  • BALDE-M418-UZ5-03 - 'Vermeidung des Einsatzes von primären Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M419-UZ5-04 - 'Reduktion der Einträge von Kunststoffmüll, z.B. Plastikverpackungen, in die Meeresumwelt'
  • BALDE-M420-UZ5-05 - 'Müllbezogene Maßnahmen zu Fischereinetzen und -geräten'
  • BALDE-M421-UZ5-06 - 'Etablierung des "Fishing-for-Litter"-Konzepts'
  • BALDE-M422-UZ5-07 - 'Reduzierung bereits vorhandenen Mülls im Meer'
  • BALDE-M423-UZ5-08 - 'Reduzierung des Plastikaufkommens durch kommunale Vorgaben'
  • BALDE-M424-UZ5-09 - 'Reduzierung der Emission und des Eintrags von Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M425-UZ6-01 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von biologischen Grenzwerten für die Wirkung von Unterwasserlärm auf relevante Arten'
  • BALDE-M426-UZ6-02 - 'Aufbau eines Registers für relevante Schallquellen und Schockwellen und Etablierung standardisierter verbindlicher Berichtspflichten'
  • BALDE-M427-UZ6-03 - 'Lärmkartierung der deutschen Meeresgebiete'
  • BALDE-M428-UZ6-04 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung von Lärmminderungsmaßnahmen für die Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M429-UZ6-05 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von Schwellenwerten für Wärmeeinträge'
  • BALDE-M430-UZ6-06 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung umweltverträglicher Beleuchtung von Offshore-Installationen und begleitende Maßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M501-WFD - 'Erstellung von Konzeptionen / Studien / Gutachten'
  • BALDE-M502-WFD - 'Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben : Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben'
  • BALDE-M503-WFD - 'Informations- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M505-WFD - 'Einrichtung bzw. Anpassung von Förderprogrammen'
  • BALDE-M508-WFD - 'Vertiefende Untersuchungen und Kontrollen'
  • BALDE-M903-other - 'Laufender Prozess der Stoffpriorisierung durch die EU-Kommission'
  • BALDE-M904-other - 'Verbot von TBT und anderen meeresumweltgefährdenden Stoffen'
  • BALDE-M905-other - 'Einstellen des Quecksilber-verfahrens in der Chlor-Alkali Industrie (bis 2010) und Redukti-on von Quecksilber-Einleitungen und -Emissionen aus Chlor-Alkali-Produktion'
  • BALDE-M906-other - 'Maßnahmen im Zuge der Umsetzung der Industrieemissionsrichtlinie'
  • BALDE-M907-other - 'Umsetzung der Genfer Luftreinhaltekonvention (Göteborg- und Aarhus-Protokolle)'
  • BALDE-M908-other - 'Umsetzung des MARPOL-Übereinkommens (Anlagen I, II, III, V und VI)'
  • BALDE-M909-other - 'PSSA Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M910-other - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische'
  • BALDE-M914-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete in der AWZ der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M915-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete im Küstengewässer der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M916-other - 'Arten- und Biotopschutz'
  • BALDE-M917-other - 'Fischereiliche Regelungen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen und Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M918-other - 'Freiwillige Vereinbarungen zum Schutz von Arten und Lebensräumen'
  • BALDE-M919-other - 'Fischereimanagementmaßnahmen in Natura-2000-Gebieten in der AWZ'
  • BALDE-M922-other - 'Positionspapier des Geschäftsbereichs des Bundesumweltministeriums zur kumulativen Bewertung des Seetaucherhabitatverlusts durch Offshore-Windparks in der deutschen AWZ der Nord- und Ostsee als Grundlage für eine Übereinkunft des BfN mit dem BSH; Einführung eines neuen fachlich begründeten Bewertungsverfahrens.'
  • BALDE-M923-other - 'Genehmigungsverfahren für Vorhaben'
  • BALDE-M924-other - 'Maritime Raumordnungspläne des Bundes (AWZ) und der Länder (Küstengewässer)'
  • BALDE-M926-other - 'Umsetzung der  neuen Gemeinsame Fischereipolitik (GFP)'
  • BALDE-M927-other - 'Umsetzung der Regelungen in den Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M928-other - 'Regelungen nach BNatSchG und LNatSchG, insb. FFH-Verträglichkeitsprüfung, Arten- und Biotopschutz sowie Regelungen zur Vermeidung und Kompensation von Eingriffen'
  • BALDE-M929-other - 'Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement'
  • BALDE-M930-other - 'Abfallwirtschaft (Pfandsysteme und Verwertungsquoten für Verpackungen, Deponieverbot für Kunststoffe, Abfallvermeidung)'
  • BALDE-M931-other - 'Verbot der Einbringung von Abfällen in die Hohe See'
  • BALDE-M932-other - 'Vorgaben für Hafenauffangeinrichtungen, Mülltagebücher und Müllbehandlungspläne'
  • BALDE-M933-other - 'Schiffsabfallregelungen: Hafenstaatkontrolle, Sondergebiete nach MARPOL Anlage V'
  • BALDE-M004-WFD - 'Bau und Erweiterung Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen / Weitergehende Abwasserbehandlung : Ausbau kommunaler Kläranlagen zur Reduzierung sonstiger Stoffeinträge'
  • BALDE-M008-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Anschluss bisher nicht angeschlossener Gebiete an bestehende Kläranlagen'
  • BALDE-M009-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch kommunale Abwassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M010-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Neubau und Anpassung von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M011-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Optimierung der Betriebsweise von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M012-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch Misch- und Niederschlagswassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M016-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung punktueller Stoffeinträge aus dem Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M017-WFD - 'Wärmelastpläne : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen durch Wärmeeinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M018-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge aus anderen Punktquellen'
  • BALDE-M024-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Belastungen infolge Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M026-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Stoffeinträge von befestigten Flächen'
  • BALDE-M032-WFD - 'Reduzierung der Pestizidbelastung aus der Landwirtschaft : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Einträge von Pflanzenschutzmitteln aus der Landwirtschaft'
  • BALDE-M035-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von unfallbedingten Einträgen'
  • BALDE-M036-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen aus anderen diffusen Quellen'
  • BALDE-M064-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von nutzungsbedingten Abflussspitzen'
  • BALDE-M068-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Talsperren, Rückhaltebecken, Speichern und Fischteichen im Hauptschluss'
  • BALDE-M069-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung/Verbesserung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Staustufen/Flusssperren, Abstürzen, Durchlässen und sonstigen wasserbaulichen Anlagen gemäß DIN 4048 bzw. 19700 Teil 13'
  • BALDE-M070-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung durch Initiieren / Zulassen einer eigendynamischen Gewässerentwicklung'
  • BALDE-M071-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im vorhandenen Profil'
  • BALDE-M072-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Gewässer durch Laufveränderung, Ufer- oder Sohlgestaltung'
  • BALDE-M073-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Uferbereich'
  • BALDE-M074-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Auenentwicklung und zur Verbesserung von Habitaten'
  • BALDE-M075-WFD - 'Anschluss von Seitengewässern, Altarmen (Quervernetzung)'
  • BALDE-M076-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Technische und betriebliche Maßnahmen vorrangig zum Fischschutz an wasserbaulichen Anlagen'
  • BALDE-M077-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Geschiebehaushaltes bzw. Sedimentmanagement'
  • BALDE-M101-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verringerung ungesteuerter diffuser stofflicher Belastungen, z.B. durch Entnahme von Sedimenten, mit ggf. anschließender Behandlung, Verwertung und Entsorgung : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung stofflicher Belastungen aus Sedimenten'
  • BALDE-M405-UZ2-01 - 'Kriterien und Anreizsysteme für umweltfreundliche Schiffe'
  • BALDE-M406-UZ2-02 - 'Vorgaben zur Einleitung und Entsorgung von Waschwässern aus Abgasreinigungsanlagen von Schiffen'
  • BALDE-M407-UZ2-03 - 'Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Meeresverschmutzungen – Verbesserung der maritimen Notfallvorsorge und des Notfallmanagements'
  • BALDE-M408-UZ2-04 - 'Umgang mit Munitionsaltlasten im Meer'
  • BALDE-M409-UZ3-01 - 'Aufnahme von für das Ökosystem wertbestimmenden Arten und Biotoptypen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen'
  • BALDE-M410-UZ3-02 - 'Maßnahmen zum Schutz von wandernden Arten im marinen Bereich'
  • BALDE-M411-UZ4-01 - 'Weitere Verankerung des Themas „nachhaltige ökosystemgerechte Fischerei“ im öffentlichen Bewusstsein'
  • BALDE-M412-UZ4-02 - 'Fischereimaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M415-UZ4-05 - 'Umweltgerechtes Management von marinen Sand- und Kiesressourcen für den Küstenschutz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Ostsee)'
  • BALDE-M416-UZ5-01 - 'Verankerung des Themas Meeresmüll in Lehrzielen, Lehrplänen und -material'
  • BALDE-M417-UZ5-02 - 'Modifikation / Substitution von Produkten unter Berücksichtigung einer ökobilanzierten Gesamtbetrachtung'
  • BALDE-M418-UZ5-03 - 'Vermeidung des Einsatzes von primären Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M419-UZ5-04 - 'Reduktion der Einträge von Kunststoffmüll, z.B. Plastikverpackungen, in die Meeresumwelt'
  • BALDE-M420-UZ5-05 - 'Müllbezogene Maßnahmen zu Fischereinetzen und -geräten'
  • BALDE-M421-UZ5-06 - 'Etablierung des "Fishing-for-Litter"-Konzepts'
  • BALDE-M422-UZ5-07 - 'Reduzierung bereits vorhandenen Mülls im Meer'
  • BALDE-M423-UZ5-08 - 'Reduzierung des Plastikaufkommens durch kommunale Vorgaben'
  • BALDE-M424-UZ5-09 - 'Reduzierung der Emission und des Eintrags von Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M425-UZ6-01 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von biologischen Grenzwerten für die Wirkung von Unterwasserlärm auf relevante Arten'
  • BALDE-M426-UZ6-02 - 'Aufbau eines Registers für relevante Schallquellen und Schockwellen und Etablierung standardisierter verbindlicher Berichtspflichten'
  • BALDE-M427-UZ6-03 - 'Lärmkartierung der deutschen Meeresgebiete'
  • BALDE-M428-UZ6-04 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung von Lärmminderungsmaßnahmen für die Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M429-UZ6-05 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von Schwellenwerten für Wärmeeinträge'
  • BALDE-M430-UZ6-06 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung umweltverträglicher Beleuchtung von Offshore-Installationen und begleitende Maßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M501-WFD - 'Erstellung von Konzeptionen / Studien / Gutachten'
  • BALDE-M502-WFD - 'Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben : Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben'
  • BALDE-M503-WFD - 'Informations- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M505-WFD - 'Einrichtung bzw. Anpassung von Förderprogrammen'
  • BALDE-M508-WFD - 'Vertiefende Untersuchungen und Kontrollen'
  • BALDE-M903-other - 'Laufender Prozess der Stoffpriorisierung durch die EU-Kommission'
  • BALDE-M904-other - 'Verbot von TBT und anderen meeresumweltgefährdenden Stoffen'
  • BALDE-M905-other - 'Einstellen des Quecksilber-verfahrens in der Chlor-Alkali Industrie (bis 2010) und Redukti-on von Quecksilber-Einleitungen und -Emissionen aus Chlor-Alkali-Produktion'
  • BALDE-M906-other - 'Maßnahmen im Zuge der Umsetzung der Industrieemissionsrichtlinie'
  • BALDE-M907-other - 'Umsetzung der Genfer Luftreinhaltekonvention (Göteborg- und Aarhus-Protokolle)'
  • BALDE-M908-other - 'Umsetzung des MARPOL-Übereinkommens (Anlagen I, II, III, V und VI)'
  • BALDE-M909-other - 'PSSA Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M910-other - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische'
  • BALDE-M914-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete in der AWZ der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M915-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete im Küstengewässer der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M916-other - 'Arten- und Biotopschutz'
  • BALDE-M917-other - 'Fischereiliche Regelungen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen und Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M918-other - 'Freiwillige Vereinbarungen zum Schutz von Arten und Lebensräumen'
  • BALDE-M919-other - 'Fischereimanagementmaßnahmen in Natura-2000-Gebieten in der AWZ'
  • BALDE-M922-other - 'Positionspapier des Geschäftsbereichs des Bundesumweltministeriums zur kumulativen Bewertung des Seetaucherhabitatverlusts durch Offshore-Windparks in der deutschen AWZ der Nord- und Ostsee als Grundlage für eine Übereinkunft des BfN mit dem BSH; Einführung eines neuen fachlich begründeten Bewertungsverfahrens.'
  • BALDE-M923-other - 'Genehmigungsverfahren für Vorhaben'
  • BALDE-M924-other - 'Maritime Raumordnungspläne des Bundes (AWZ) und der Länder (Küstengewässer)'
  • BALDE-M926-other - 'Umsetzung der  neuen Gemeinsame Fischereipolitik (GFP)'
  • BALDE-M927-other - 'Umsetzung der Regelungen in den Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M928-other - 'Regelungen nach BNatSchG und LNatSchG, insb. FFH-Verträglichkeitsprüfung, Arten- und Biotopschutz sowie Regelungen zur Vermeidung und Kompensation von Eingriffen'
  • BALDE-M929-other - 'Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement'
  • BALDE-M930-other - 'Abfallwirtschaft (Pfandsysteme und Verwertungsquoten für Verpackungen, Deponieverbot für Kunststoffe, Abfallvermeidung)'
  • BALDE-M931-other - 'Verbot der Einbringung von Abfällen in die Hohe See'
  • BALDE-M932-other - 'Vorgaben für Hafenauffangeinrichtungen, Mülltagebücher und Müllbehandlungspläne'
  • BALDE-M933-other - 'Schiffsabfallregelungen: Hafenstaatkontrolle, Sondergebiete nach MARPOL Anlage V'
  • BALDE-M004-WFD - 'Bau und Erweiterung Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen / Weitergehende Abwasserbehandlung : Ausbau kommunaler Kläranlagen zur Reduzierung sonstiger Stoffeinträge'
  • BALDE-M008-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Anschluss bisher nicht angeschlossener Gebiete an bestehende Kläranlagen'
  • BALDE-M009-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch kommunale Abwassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M010-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Neubau und Anpassung von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M011-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Optimierung der Betriebsweise von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M012-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch Misch- und Niederschlagswassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M016-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung punktueller Stoffeinträge aus dem Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M017-WFD - 'Wärmelastpläne : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen durch Wärmeeinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M018-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge aus anderen Punktquellen'
  • BALDE-M024-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Belastungen infolge Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M026-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Stoffeinträge von befestigten Flächen'
  • BALDE-M032-WFD - 'Reduzierung der Pestizidbelastung aus der Landwirtschaft : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Einträge von Pflanzenschutzmitteln aus der Landwirtschaft'
  • BALDE-M035-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von unfallbedingten Einträgen'
  • BALDE-M036-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen aus anderen diffusen Quellen'
  • BALDE-M064-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von nutzungsbedingten Abflussspitzen'
  • BALDE-M068-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Talsperren, Rückhaltebecken, Speichern und Fischteichen im Hauptschluss'
  • BALDE-M069-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung/Verbesserung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Staustufen/Flusssperren, Abstürzen, Durchlässen und sonstigen wasserbaulichen Anlagen gemäß DIN 4048 bzw. 19700 Teil 13'
  • BALDE-M070-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung durch Initiieren / Zulassen einer eigendynamischen Gewässerentwicklung'
  • BALDE-M071-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im vorhandenen Profil'
  • BALDE-M072-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Gewässer durch Laufveränderung, Ufer- oder Sohlgestaltung'
  • BALDE-M073-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Uferbereich'
  • BALDE-M074-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Auenentwicklung und zur Verbesserung von Habitaten'
  • BALDE-M075-WFD - 'Anschluss von Seitengewässern, Altarmen (Quervernetzung)'
  • BALDE-M076-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Technische und betriebliche Maßnahmen vorrangig zum Fischschutz an wasserbaulichen Anlagen'
  • BALDE-M077-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Geschiebehaushaltes bzw. Sedimentmanagement'
  • BALDE-M101-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verringerung ungesteuerter diffuser stofflicher Belastungen, z.B. durch Entnahme von Sedimenten, mit ggf. anschließender Behandlung, Verwertung und Entsorgung : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung stofflicher Belastungen aus Sedimenten'
  • BALDE-M405-UZ2-01 - 'Kriterien und Anreizsysteme für umweltfreundliche Schiffe'
  • BALDE-M406-UZ2-02 - 'Vorgaben zur Einleitung und Entsorgung von Waschwässern aus Abgasreinigungsanlagen von Schiffen'
  • BALDE-M407-UZ2-03 - 'Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Meeresverschmutzungen – Verbesserung der maritimen Notfallvorsorge und des Notfallmanagements'
  • BALDE-M408-UZ2-04 - 'Umgang mit Munitionsaltlasten im Meer'
  • BALDE-M409-UZ3-01 - 'Aufnahme von für das Ökosystem wertbestimmenden Arten und Biotoptypen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen'
  • BALDE-M410-UZ3-02 - 'Maßnahmen zum Schutz von wandernden Arten im marinen Bereich'
  • BALDE-M411-UZ4-01 - 'Weitere Verankerung des Themas „nachhaltige ökosystemgerechte Fischerei“ im öffentlichen Bewusstsein'
  • BALDE-M412-UZ4-02 - 'Fischereimaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M415-UZ4-05 - 'Umweltgerechtes Management von marinen Sand- und Kiesressourcen für den Küstenschutz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Ostsee)'
  • BALDE-M416-UZ5-01 - 'Verankerung des Themas Meeresmüll in Lehrzielen, Lehrplänen und -material'
  • BALDE-M417-UZ5-02 - 'Modifikation / Substitution von Produkten unter Berücksichtigung einer ökobilanzierten Gesamtbetrachtung'
  • BALDE-M418-UZ5-03 - 'Vermeidung des Einsatzes von primären Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M419-UZ5-04 - 'Reduktion der Einträge von Kunststoffmüll, z.B. Plastikverpackungen, in die Meeresumwelt'
  • BALDE-M420-UZ5-05 - 'Müllbezogene Maßnahmen zu Fischereinetzen und -geräten'
  • BALDE-M421-UZ5-06 - 'Etablierung des "Fishing-for-Litter"-Konzepts'
  • BALDE-M422-UZ5-07 - 'Reduzierung bereits vorhandenen Mülls im Meer'
  • BALDE-M423-UZ5-08 - 'Reduzierung des Plastikaufkommens durch kommunale Vorgaben'
  • BALDE-M424-UZ5-09 - 'Reduzierung der Emission und des Eintrags von Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M425-UZ6-01 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von biologischen Grenzwerten für die Wirkung von Unterwasserlärm auf relevante Arten'
  • BALDE-M426-UZ6-02 - 'Aufbau eines Registers für relevante Schallquellen und Schockwellen und Etablierung standardisierter verbindlicher Berichtspflichten'
  • BALDE-M427-UZ6-03 - 'Lärmkartierung der deutschen Meeresgebiete'
  • BALDE-M428-UZ6-04 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung von Lärmminderungsmaßnahmen für die Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M429-UZ6-05 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von Schwellenwerten für Wärmeeinträge'
  • BALDE-M430-UZ6-06 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung umweltverträglicher Beleuchtung von Offshore-Installationen und begleitende Maßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M501-WFD - 'Erstellung von Konzeptionen / Studien / Gutachten'
  • BALDE-M502-WFD - 'Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben : Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben'
  • BALDE-M503-WFD - 'Informations- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M505-WFD - 'Einrichtung bzw. Anpassung von Förderprogrammen'
  • BALDE-M508-WFD - 'Vertiefende Untersuchungen und Kontrollen'
  • BALDE-M903-other - 'Laufender Prozess der Stoffpriorisierung durch die EU-Kommission'
  • BALDE-M904-other - 'Verbot von TBT und anderen meeresumweltgefährdenden Stoffen'
  • BALDE-M905-other - 'Einstellen des Quecksilber-verfahrens in der Chlor-Alkali Industrie (bis 2010) und Redukti-on von Quecksilber-Einleitungen und -Emissionen aus Chlor-Alkali-Produktion'
  • BALDE-M906-other - 'Maßnahmen im Zuge der Umsetzung der Industrieemissionsrichtlinie'
  • BALDE-M907-other - 'Umsetzung der Genfer Luftreinhaltekonvention (Göteborg- und Aarhus-Protokolle)'
  • BALDE-M908-other - 'Umsetzung des MARPOL-Übereinkommens (Anlagen I, II, III, V und VI)'
  • BALDE-M909-other - 'PSSA Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M910-other - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische'
  • BALDE-M914-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete in der AWZ der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M915-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete im Küstengewässer der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M916-other - 'Arten- und Biotopschutz'
  • BALDE-M917-other - 'Fischereiliche Regelungen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen und Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M918-other - 'Freiwillige Vereinbarungen zum Schutz von Arten und Lebensräumen'
  • BALDE-M919-other - 'Fischereimanagementmaßnahmen in Natura-2000-Gebieten in der AWZ'
  • BALDE-M922-other - 'Positionspapier des Geschäftsbereichs des Bundesumweltministeriums zur kumulativen Bewertung des Seetaucherhabitatverlusts durch Offshore-Windparks in der deutschen AWZ der Nord- und Ostsee als Grundlage für eine Übereinkunft des BfN mit dem BSH; Einführung eines neuen fachlich begründeten Bewertungsverfahrens.'
  • BALDE-M923-other - 'Genehmigungsverfahren für Vorhaben'
  • BALDE-M924-other - 'Maritime Raumordnungspläne des Bundes (AWZ) und der Länder (Küstengewässer)'
  • BALDE-M926-other - 'Umsetzung der  neuen Gemeinsame Fischereipolitik (GFP)'
  • BALDE-M927-other - 'Umsetzung der Regelungen in den Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M928-other - 'Regelungen nach BNatSchG und LNatSchG, insb. FFH-Verträglichkeitsprüfung, Arten- und Biotopschutz sowie Regelungen zur Vermeidung und Kompensation von Eingriffen'
  • BALDE-M929-other - 'Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement'
  • BALDE-M930-other - 'Abfallwirtschaft (Pfandsysteme und Verwertungsquoten für Verpackungen, Deponieverbot für Kunststoffe, Abfallvermeidung)'
  • BALDE-M931-other - 'Verbot der Einbringung von Abfällen in die Hohe See'
  • BALDE-M932-other - 'Vorgaben für Hafenauffangeinrichtungen, Mülltagebücher und Müllbehandlungspläne'
  • BALDE-M933-other - 'Schiffsabfallregelungen: Hafenstaatkontrolle, Sondergebiete nach MARPOL Anlage V'
  • BALDE-M004-WFD - 'Bau und Erweiterung Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen / Weitergehende Abwasserbehandlung : Ausbau kommunaler Kläranlagen zur Reduzierung sonstiger Stoffeinträge'
  • BALDE-M008-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Anschluss bisher nicht angeschlossener Gebiete an bestehende Kläranlagen'
  • BALDE-M009-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch kommunale Abwassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M010-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Neubau und Anpassung von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M011-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Optimierung der Betriebsweise von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M012-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch Misch- und Niederschlagswassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M016-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung punktueller Stoffeinträge aus dem Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M017-WFD - 'Wärmelastpläne : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen durch Wärmeeinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M018-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge aus anderen Punktquellen'
  • BALDE-M024-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Belastungen infolge Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M026-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Stoffeinträge von befestigten Flächen'
  • BALDE-M032-WFD - 'Reduzierung der Pestizidbelastung aus der Landwirtschaft : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Einträge von Pflanzenschutzmitteln aus der Landwirtschaft'
  • BALDE-M035-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von unfallbedingten Einträgen'
  • BALDE-M036-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen aus anderen diffusen Quellen'
  • BALDE-M064-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von nutzungsbedingten Abflussspitzen'
  • BALDE-M068-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Talsperren, Rückhaltebecken, Speichern und Fischteichen im Hauptschluss'
  • BALDE-M069-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung/Verbesserung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Staustufen/Flusssperren, Abstürzen, Durchlässen und sonstigen wasserbaulichen Anlagen gemäß DIN 4048 bzw. 19700 Teil 13'
  • BALDE-M070-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung durch Initiieren / Zulassen einer eigendynamischen Gewässerentwicklung'
  • BALDE-M071-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im vorhandenen Profil'
  • BALDE-M072-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Gewässer durch Laufveränderung, Ufer- oder Sohlgestaltung'
  • BALDE-M073-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Uferbereich'
  • BALDE-M074-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Auenentwicklung und zur Verbesserung von Habitaten'
  • BALDE-M075-WFD - 'Anschluss von Seitengewässern, Altarmen (Quervernetzung)'
  • BALDE-M076-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Technische und betriebliche Maßnahmen vorrangig zum Fischschutz an wasserbaulichen Anlagen'
  • BALDE-M077-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Geschiebehaushaltes bzw. Sedimentmanagement'
  • BALDE-M101-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verringerung ungesteuerter diffuser stofflicher Belastungen, z.B. durch Entnahme von Sedimenten, mit ggf. anschließender Behandlung, Verwertung und Entsorgung : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung stofflicher Belastungen aus Sedimenten'
  • BALDE-M405-UZ2-01 - 'Kriterien und Anreizsysteme für umweltfreundliche Schiffe'
  • BALDE-M406-UZ2-02 - 'Vorgaben zur Einleitung und Entsorgung von Waschwässern aus Abgasreinigungsanlagen von Schiffen'
  • BALDE-M407-UZ2-03 - 'Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Meeresverschmutzungen – Verbesserung der maritimen Notfallvorsorge und des Notfallmanagements'
  • BALDE-M408-UZ2-04 - 'Umgang mit Munitionsaltlasten im Meer'
  • BALDE-M409-UZ3-01 - 'Aufnahme von für das Ökosystem wertbestimmenden Arten und Biotoptypen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen'
  • BALDE-M410-UZ3-02 - 'Maßnahmen zum Schutz von wandernden Arten im marinen Bereich'
  • BALDE-M411-UZ4-01 - 'Weitere Verankerung des Themas „nachhaltige ökosystemgerechte Fischerei“ im öffentlichen Bewusstsein'
  • BALDE-M412-UZ4-02 - 'Fischereimaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M415-UZ4-05 - 'Umweltgerechtes Management von marinen Sand- und Kiesressourcen für den Küstenschutz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Ostsee)'
  • BALDE-M416-UZ5-01 - 'Verankerung des Themas Meeresmüll in Lehrzielen, Lehrplänen und -material'
  • BALDE-M417-UZ5-02 - 'Modifikation / Substitution von Produkten unter Berücksichtigung einer ökobilanzierten Gesamtbetrachtung'
  • BALDE-M418-UZ5-03 - 'Vermeidung des Einsatzes von primären Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M419-UZ5-04 - 'Reduktion der Einträge von Kunststoffmüll, z.B. Plastikverpackungen, in die Meeresumwelt'
  • BALDE-M420-UZ5-05 - 'Müllbezogene Maßnahmen zu Fischereinetzen und -geräten'
  • BALDE-M421-UZ5-06 - 'Etablierung des "Fishing-for-Litter"-Konzepts'
  • BALDE-M422-UZ5-07 - 'Reduzierung bereits vorhandenen Mülls im Meer'
  • BALDE-M423-UZ5-08 - 'Reduzierung des Plastikaufkommens durch kommunale Vorgaben'
  • BALDE-M424-UZ5-09 - 'Reduzierung der Emission und des Eintrags von Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M425-UZ6-01 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von biologischen Grenzwerten für die Wirkung von Unterwasserlärm auf relevante Arten'
  • BALDE-M426-UZ6-02 - 'Aufbau eines Registers für relevante Schallquellen und Schockwellen und Etablierung standardisierter verbindlicher Berichtspflichten'
  • BALDE-M427-UZ6-03 - 'Lärmkartierung der deutschen Meeresgebiete'
  • BALDE-M428-UZ6-04 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung von Lärmminderungsmaßnahmen für die Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M429-UZ6-05 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von Schwellenwerten für Wärmeeinträge'
  • BALDE-M430-UZ6-06 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung umweltverträglicher Beleuchtung von Offshore-Installationen und begleitende Maßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M501-WFD - 'Erstellung von Konzeptionen / Studien / Gutachten'
  • BALDE-M502-WFD - 'Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben : Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben'
  • BALDE-M503-WFD - 'Informations- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M505-WFD - 'Einrichtung bzw. Anpassung von Förderprogrammen'
  • BALDE-M508-WFD - 'Vertiefende Untersuchungen und Kontrollen'
  • BALDE-M903-other - 'Laufender Prozess der Stoffpriorisierung durch die EU-Kommission'
  • BALDE-M904-other - 'Verbot von TBT und anderen meeresumweltgefährdenden Stoffen'
  • BALDE-M905-other - 'Einstellen des Quecksilber-verfahrens in der Chlor-Alkali Industrie (bis 2010) und Redukti-on von Quecksilber-Einleitungen und -Emissionen aus Chlor-Alkali-Produktion'
  • BALDE-M906-other - 'Maßnahmen im Zuge der Umsetzung der Industrieemissionsrichtlinie'
  • BALDE-M907-other - 'Umsetzung der Genfer Luftreinhaltekonvention (Göteborg- und Aarhus-Protokolle)'
  • BALDE-M908-other - 'Umsetzung des MARPOL-Übereinkommens (Anlagen I, II, III, V und VI)'
  • BALDE-M909-other - 'PSSA Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M910-other - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische'
  • BALDE-M914-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete in der AWZ der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M915-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete im Küstengewässer der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M916-other - 'Arten- und Biotopschutz'
  • BALDE-M917-other - 'Fischereiliche Regelungen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen und Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M918-other - 'Freiwillige Vereinbarungen zum Schutz von Arten und Lebensräumen'
  • BALDE-M919-other - 'Fischereimanagementmaßnahmen in Natura-2000-Gebieten in der AWZ'
  • BALDE-M922-other - 'Positionspapier des Geschäftsbereichs des Bundesumweltministeriums zur kumulativen Bewertung des Seetaucherhabitatverlusts durch Offshore-Windparks in der deutschen AWZ der Nord- und Ostsee als Grundlage für eine Übereinkunft des BfN mit dem BSH; Einführung eines neuen fachlich begründeten Bewertungsverfahrens.'
  • BALDE-M923-other - 'Genehmigungsverfahren für Vorhaben'
  • BALDE-M924-other - 'Maritime Raumordnungspläne des Bundes (AWZ) und der Länder (Küstengewässer)'
  • BALDE-M926-other - 'Umsetzung der  neuen Gemeinsame Fischereipolitik (GFP)'
  • BALDE-M927-other - 'Umsetzung der Regelungen in den Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M928-other - 'Regelungen nach BNatSchG und LNatSchG, insb. FFH-Verträglichkeitsprüfung, Arten- und Biotopschutz sowie Regelungen zur Vermeidung und Kompensation von Eingriffen'
  • BALDE-M929-other - 'Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement'
  • BALDE-M930-other - 'Abfallwirtschaft (Pfandsysteme und Verwertungsquoten für Verpackungen, Deponieverbot für Kunststoffe, Abfallvermeidung)'
  • BALDE-M931-other - 'Verbot der Einbringung von Abfällen in die Hohe See'
  • BALDE-M932-other - 'Vorgaben für Hafenauffangeinrichtungen, Mülltagebücher und Müllbehandlungspläne'
  • BALDE-M933-other - 'Schiffsabfallregelungen: Hafenstaatkontrolle, Sondergebiete nach MARPOL Anlage V'
  • BALDE-M004-WFD - 'Bau und Erweiterung Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen / Weitergehende Abwasserbehandlung : Ausbau kommunaler Kläranlagen zur Reduzierung sonstiger Stoffeinträge'
  • BALDE-M008-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Anschluss bisher nicht angeschlossener Gebiete an bestehende Kläranlagen'
  • BALDE-M009-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch kommunale Abwassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M010-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Neubau und Anpassung von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M011-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Optimierung der Betriebsweise von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M012-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch Misch- und Niederschlagswassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M016-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung punktueller Stoffeinträge aus dem Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M017-WFD - 'Wärmelastpläne : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen durch Wärmeeinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M018-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge aus anderen Punktquellen'
  • BALDE-M024-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Belastungen infolge Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M026-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Stoffeinträge von befestigten Flächen'
  • BALDE-M032-WFD - 'Reduzierung der Pestizidbelastung aus der Landwirtschaft : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Einträge von Pflanzenschutzmitteln aus der Landwirtschaft'
  • BALDE-M035-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von unfallbedingten Einträgen'
  • BALDE-M036-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen aus anderen diffusen Quellen'
  • BALDE-M064-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von nutzungsbedingten Abflussspitzen'
  • BALDE-M068-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Talsperren, Rückhaltebecken, Speichern und Fischteichen im Hauptschluss'
  • BALDE-M069-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung/Verbesserung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Staustufen/Flusssperren, Abstürzen, Durchlässen und sonstigen wasserbaulichen Anlagen gemäß DIN 4048 bzw. 19700 Teil 13'
  • BALDE-M070-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung durch Initiieren / Zulassen einer eigendynamischen Gewässerentwicklung'
  • BALDE-M071-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im vorhandenen Profil'
  • BALDE-M072-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Gewässer durch Laufveränderung, Ufer- oder Sohlgestaltung'
  • BALDE-M073-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Uferbereich'
  • BALDE-M074-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Auenentwicklung und zur Verbesserung von Habitaten'
  • BALDE-M075-WFD - 'Anschluss von Seitengewässern, Altarmen (Quervernetzung)'
  • BALDE-M076-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Technische und betriebliche Maßnahmen vorrangig zum Fischschutz an wasserbaulichen Anlagen'
  • BALDE-M077-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Geschiebehaushaltes bzw. Sedimentmanagement'
  • BALDE-M101-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verringerung ungesteuerter diffuser stofflicher Belastungen, z.B. durch Entnahme von Sedimenten, mit ggf. anschließender Behandlung, Verwertung und Entsorgung : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung stofflicher Belastungen aus Sedimenten'
  • BALDE-M405-UZ2-01 - 'Kriterien und Anreizsysteme für umweltfreundliche Schiffe'
  • BALDE-M406-UZ2-02 - 'Vorgaben zur Einleitung und Entsorgung von Waschwässern aus Abgasreinigungsanlagen von Schiffen'
  • BALDE-M407-UZ2-03 - 'Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Meeresverschmutzungen – Verbesserung der maritimen Notfallvorsorge und des Notfallmanagements'
  • BALDE-M408-UZ2-04 - 'Umgang mit Munitionsaltlasten im Meer'
  • BALDE-M409-UZ3-01 - 'Aufnahme von für das Ökosystem wertbestimmenden Arten und Biotoptypen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen'
  • BALDE-M410-UZ3-02 - 'Maßnahmen zum Schutz von wandernden Arten im marinen Bereich'
  • BALDE-M411-UZ4-01 - 'Weitere Verankerung des Themas „nachhaltige ökosystemgerechte Fischerei“ im öffentlichen Bewusstsein'
  • BALDE-M412-UZ4-02 - 'Fischereimaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M415-UZ4-05 - 'Umweltgerechtes Management von marinen Sand- und Kiesressourcen für den Küstenschutz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Ostsee)'
  • BALDE-M416-UZ5-01 - 'Verankerung des Themas Meeresmüll in Lehrzielen, Lehrplänen und -material'
  • BALDE-M417-UZ5-02 - 'Modifikation / Substitution von Produkten unter Berücksichtigung einer ökobilanzierten Gesamtbetrachtung'
  • BALDE-M418-UZ5-03 - 'Vermeidung des Einsatzes von primären Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M419-UZ5-04 - 'Reduktion der Einträge von Kunststoffmüll, z.B. Plastikverpackungen, in die Meeresumwelt'
  • BALDE-M420-UZ5-05 - 'Müllbezogene Maßnahmen zu Fischereinetzen und -geräten'
  • BALDE-M421-UZ5-06 - 'Etablierung des "Fishing-for-Litter"-Konzepts'
  • BALDE-M422-UZ5-07 - 'Reduzierung bereits vorhandenen Mülls im Meer'
  • BALDE-M423-UZ5-08 - 'Reduzierung des Plastikaufkommens durch kommunale Vorgaben'
  • BALDE-M424-UZ5-09 - 'Reduzierung der Emission und des Eintrags von Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M425-UZ6-01 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von biologischen Grenzwerten für die Wirkung von Unterwasserlärm auf relevante Arten'
  • BALDE-M426-UZ6-02 - 'Aufbau eines Registers für relevante Schallquellen und Schockwellen und Etablierung standardisierter verbindlicher Berichtspflichten'
  • BALDE-M427-UZ6-03 - 'Lärmkartierung der deutschen Meeresgebiete'
  • BALDE-M428-UZ6-04 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung von Lärmminderungsmaßnahmen für die Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M429-UZ6-05 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von Schwellenwerten für Wärmeeinträge'
  • BALDE-M430-UZ6-06 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung umweltverträglicher Beleuchtung von Offshore-Installationen und begleitende Maßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M501-WFD - 'Erstellung von Konzeptionen / Studien / Gutachten'
  • BALDE-M502-WFD - 'Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben : Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben'
  • BALDE-M503-WFD - 'Informations- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M505-WFD - 'Einrichtung bzw. Anpassung von Förderprogrammen'
  • BALDE-M508-WFD - 'Vertiefende Untersuchungen und Kontrollen'
  • BALDE-M903-other - 'Laufender Prozess der Stoffpriorisierung durch die EU-Kommission'
  • BALDE-M904-other - 'Verbot von TBT und anderen meeresumweltgefährdenden Stoffen'
  • BALDE-M905-other - 'Einstellen des Quecksilber-verfahrens in der Chlor-Alkali Industrie (bis 2010) und Redukti-on von Quecksilber-Einleitungen und -Emissionen aus Chlor-Alkali-Produktion'
  • BALDE-M906-other - 'Maßnahmen im Zuge der Umsetzung der Industrieemissionsrichtlinie'
  • BALDE-M907-other - 'Umsetzung der Genfer Luftreinhaltekonvention (Göteborg- und Aarhus-Protokolle)'
  • BALDE-M908-other - 'Umsetzung des MARPOL-Übereinkommens (Anlagen I, II, III, V und VI)'
  • BALDE-M909-other - 'PSSA Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M910-other - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische'
  • BALDE-M914-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete in der AWZ der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M915-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete im Küstengewässer der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M916-other - 'Arten- und Biotopschutz'
  • BALDE-M917-other - 'Fischereiliche Regelungen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen und Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M918-other - 'Freiwillige Vereinbarungen zum Schutz von Arten und Lebensräumen'
  • BALDE-M919-other - 'Fischereimanagementmaßnahmen in Natura-2000-Gebieten in der AWZ'
  • BALDE-M922-other - 'Positionspapier des Geschäftsbereichs des Bundesumweltministeriums zur kumulativen Bewertung des Seetaucherhabitatverlusts durch Offshore-Windparks in der deutschen AWZ der Nord- und Ostsee als Grundlage für eine Übereinkunft des BfN mit dem BSH; Einführung eines neuen fachlich begründeten Bewertungsverfahrens.'
  • BALDE-M923-other - 'Genehmigungsverfahren für Vorhaben'
  • BALDE-M924-other - 'Maritime Raumordnungspläne des Bundes (AWZ) und der Länder (Küstengewässer)'
  • BALDE-M926-other - 'Umsetzung der  neuen Gemeinsame Fischereipolitik (GFP)'
  • BALDE-M927-other - 'Umsetzung der Regelungen in den Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M928-other - 'Regelungen nach BNatSchG und LNatSchG, insb. FFH-Verträglichkeitsprüfung, Arten- und Biotopschutz sowie Regelungen zur Vermeidung und Kompensation von Eingriffen'
  • BALDE-M929-other - 'Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement'
  • BALDE-M930-other - 'Abfallwirtschaft (Pfandsysteme und Verwertungsquoten für Verpackungen, Deponieverbot für Kunststoffe, Abfallvermeidung)'
  • BALDE-M931-other - 'Verbot der Einbringung von Abfällen in die Hohe See'
  • BALDE-M932-other - 'Vorgaben für Hafenauffangeinrichtungen, Mülltagebücher und Müllbehandlungspläne'
  • BALDE-M933-other - 'Schiffsabfallregelungen: Hafenstaatkontrolle, Sondergebiete nach MARPOL Anlage V'
  • BALDE-M004-WFD - 'Bau und Erweiterung Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen / Weitergehende Abwasserbehandlung : Ausbau kommunaler Kläranlagen zur Reduzierung sonstiger Stoffeinträge'
  • BALDE-M008-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Anschluss bisher nicht angeschlossener Gebiete an bestehende Kläranlagen'
  • BALDE-M009-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch kommunale Abwassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M010-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Neubau und Anpassung von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M011-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Optimierung der Betriebsweise von Anlagen zur Ableitung, Behandlung und zum Rückhalt von Misch- und Niederschlagswasser'
  • BALDE-M012-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Sonstige Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge durch Misch- und Niederschlagswassereinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M016-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung punktueller Stoffeinträge aus dem Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M017-WFD - 'Wärmelastpläne : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen durch Wärmeeinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M018-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Stoffeinträge aus anderen Punktquellen'
  • BALDE-M024-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Bergbau : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Belastungen infolge Bergbau'
  • BALDE-M026-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung diffuser Stoffeinträge von befestigten Flächen'
  • BALDE-M032-WFD - 'Reduzierung der Pestizidbelastung aus der Landwirtschaft : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Einträge von Pflanzenschutzmitteln aus der Landwirtschaft'
  • BALDE-M035-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zum Schutz vor den nachteiligen Auswirkungen durch Verschmutzung aus besiedelten Gebieten, Transport und Bau von Infrastruktur : Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von unfallbedingten Einträgen'
  • BALDE-M036-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Einstellung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer gefährlicher Stoffe oder der Reduzierung von Emissionen, Einleitungen und Verlusten prioritärer Stoffe : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen aus anderen diffusen Quellen'
  • BALDE-M064-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von nutzungsbedingten Abflussspitzen'
  • BALDE-M068-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Talsperren, Rückhaltebecken, Speichern und Fischteichen im Hauptschluss'
  • BALDE-M069-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung/Verbesserung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Staustufen/Flusssperren, Abstürzen, Durchlässen und sonstigen wasserbaulichen Anlagen gemäß DIN 4048 bzw. 19700 Teil 13'
  • BALDE-M070-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung durch Initiieren / Zulassen einer eigendynamischen Gewässerentwicklung'
  • BALDE-M071-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im vorhandenen Profil'
  • BALDE-M072-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Gewässer durch Laufveränderung, Ufer- oder Sohlgestaltung'
  • BALDE-M073-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Uferbereich'
  • BALDE-M074-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Auenentwicklung und zur Verbesserung von Habitaten'
  • BALDE-M075-WFD - 'Anschluss von Seitengewässern, Altarmen (Quervernetzung)'
  • BALDE-M076-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Technische und betriebliche Maßnahmen vorrangig zum Fischschutz an wasserbaulichen Anlagen'
  • BALDE-M077-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Geschiebehaushaltes bzw. Sedimentmanagement'
  • BALDE-M101-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verringerung ungesteuerter diffuser stofflicher Belastungen, z.B. durch Entnahme von Sedimenten, mit ggf. anschließender Behandlung, Verwertung und Entsorgung : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung stofflicher Belastungen aus Sedimenten'
  • BALDE-M405-UZ2-01 - 'Kriterien und Anreizsysteme für umweltfreundliche Schiffe'
  • BALDE-M406-UZ2-02 - 'Vorgaben zur Einleitung und Entsorgung von Waschwässern aus Abgasreinigungsanlagen von Schiffen'
  • BALDE-M407-UZ2-03 - 'Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Meeresverschmutzungen – Verbesserung der maritimen Notfallvorsorge und des Notfallmanagements'
  • BALDE-M408-UZ2-04 - 'Umgang mit Munitionsaltlasten im Meer'
  • BALDE-M409-UZ3-01 - 'Aufnahme von für das Ökosystem wertbestimmenden Arten und Biotoptypen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen'
  • BALDE-M410-UZ3-02 - 'Maßnahmen zum Schutz von wandernden Arten im marinen Bereich'
  • BALDE-M411-UZ4-01 - 'Weitere Verankerung des Themas „nachhaltige ökosystemgerechte Fischerei“ im öffentlichen Bewusstsein'
  • BALDE-M412-UZ4-02 - 'Fischereimaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M415-UZ4-05 - 'Umweltgerechtes Management von marinen Sand- und Kiesressourcen für den Küstenschutz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Ostsee)'
  • BALDE-M416-UZ5-01 - 'Verankerung des Themas Meeresmüll in Lehrzielen, Lehrplänen und -material'
  • BALDE-M417-UZ5-02 - 'Modifikation / Substitution von Produkten unter Berücksichtigung einer ökobilanzierten Gesamtbetrachtung'
  • BALDE-M418-UZ5-03 - 'Vermeidung des Einsatzes von primären Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M419-UZ5-04 - 'Reduktion der Einträge von Kunststoffmüll, z.B. Plastikverpackungen, in die Meeresumwelt'
  • BALDE-M420-UZ5-05 - 'Müllbezogene Maßnahmen zu Fischereinetzen und -geräten'
  • BALDE-M421-UZ5-06 - 'Etablierung des "Fishing-for-Litter"-Konzepts'
  • BALDE-M422-UZ5-07 - 'Reduzierung bereits vorhandenen Mülls im Meer'
  • BALDE-M423-UZ5-08 - 'Reduzierung des Plastikaufkommens durch kommunale Vorgaben'
  • BALDE-M424-UZ5-09 - 'Reduzierung der Emission und des Eintrags von Mikroplastikpartikeln'
  • BALDE-M425-UZ6-01 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von biologischen Grenzwerten für die Wirkung von Unterwasserlärm auf relevante Arten'
  • BALDE-M426-UZ6-02 - 'Aufbau eines Registers für relevante Schallquellen und Schockwellen und Etablierung standardisierter verbindlicher Berichtspflichten'
  • BALDE-M427-UZ6-03 - 'Lärmkartierung der deutschen Meeresgebiete'
  • BALDE-M428-UZ6-04 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung von Lärmminderungsmaßnahmen für die Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M429-UZ6-05 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von Schwellenwerten für Wärmeeinträge'
  • BALDE-M430-UZ6-06 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung umweltverträglicher Beleuchtung von Offshore-Installationen und begleitende Maßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M501-WFD - 'Erstellung von Konzeptionen / Studien / Gutachten'
  • BALDE-M502-WFD - 'Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben : Durchführung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Demonstrationsvorhaben'
  • BALDE-M503-WFD - 'Informations- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M505-WFD - 'Einrichtung bzw. Anpassung von Förderprogrammen'
  • BALDE-M508-WFD - 'Vertiefende Untersuchungen und Kontrollen'
  • BALDE-M903-other - 'Laufender Prozess der Stoffpriorisierung durch die EU-Kommission'
  • BALDE-M904-other - 'Verbot von TBT und anderen meeresumweltgefährdenden Stoffen'
  • BALDE-M905-other - 'Einstellen des Quecksilber-verfahrens in der Chlor-Alkali Industrie (bis 2010) und Redukti-on von Quecksilber-Einleitungen und -Emissionen aus Chlor-Alkali-Produktion'
  • BALDE-M906-other - 'Maßnahmen im Zuge der Umsetzung der Industrieemissionsrichtlinie'
  • BALDE-M907-other - 'Umsetzung der Genfer Luftreinhaltekonvention (Göteborg- und Aarhus-Protokolle)'
  • BALDE-M908-other - 'Umsetzung des MARPOL-Übereinkommens (Anlagen I, II, III, V und VI)'
  • BALDE-M909-other - 'PSSA Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M910-other - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische'
  • BALDE-M914-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete in der AWZ der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M915-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete im Küstengewässer der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M916-other - 'Arten- und Biotopschutz'
  • BALDE-M917-other - 'Fischereiliche Regelungen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen und Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M918-other - 'Freiwillige Vereinbarungen zum Schutz von Arten und Lebensräumen'
  • BALDE-M919-other - 'Fischereimanagementmaßnahmen in Natura-2000-Gebieten in der AWZ'
  • BALDE-M922-other - 'Positionspapier des Geschäftsbereichs des Bundesumweltministeriums zur kumulativen Bewertung des Seetaucherhabitatverlusts durch Offshore-Windparks in der deutschen AWZ der Nord- und Ostsee als Grundlage für eine Übereinkunft des BfN mit dem BSH; Einführung eines neuen fachlich begründeten Bewertungsverfahrens.'
  • BALDE-M923-other - 'Genehmigungsverfahren für Vorhaben'
  • BALDE-M924-other - 'Maritime Raumordnungspläne des Bundes (AWZ) und der Länder (Küstengewässer)'
  • BALDE-M926-other - 'Umsetzung der  neuen Gemeinsame Fischereipolitik (GFP)'
  • BALDE-M927-other - 'Umsetzung der Regelungen in den Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M928-other - 'Regelungen nach BNatSchG und LNatSchG, insb. FFH-Verträglichkeitsprüfung, Arten- und Biotopschutz sowie Regelungen zur Vermeidung und Kompensation von Eingriffen'
  • BALDE-M929-other - 'Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement'
  • BALDE-M930-other - 'Abfallwirtschaft (Pfandsysteme und Verwertungsquoten für Verpackungen, Deponieverbot für Kunststoffe, Abfallvermeidung)'
  • BALDE-M931-other - 'Verbot der Einbringung von Abfällen in die Hohe See'
  • BALDE-M932-other - 'Vorgaben für Hafenauffangeinrichtungen, Mülltagebücher und Müllbehandlungspläne'
  • BALDE-M933-other - 'Schiffsabfallregelungen: Hafenstaatkontrolle, Sondergebiete nach MARPOL Anlage V'
  • BALEE-M001 - 'Developing a network of MPA in the Estonian EEZ'
  • BALEE-M008 - 'Application of electronic reporting system for fishing gears to better control fishing and avoid abandoning of fishing gear'
  • BALEE-M010 - 'Management of direct discharges of storm water to minimise the load of nutrients, contaminants and litter'
  • BALEE-M011 - 'Enhancing the capability of marine pollution control to respond to emergencies and environmental pollution at sea'
  • BALEE-M012 - 'Managing environmental risks accompanying bunkering at sea'
  • BALEE-M014 - 'Environmental awareness raising about marine litter and preventing plastic packages entering the sea'
  • BALEE-M015 - 'Addressing the topic of marine litter in the National Waste Management Plan and in the waste management plans of local authorities in the coastal area'
  • Not specified - 'Establishing maritime spatial plans and implementing the HELCOM Recommendation 28E/9'
  • Not specified - 'Estonian Environmental Strategy 2030'
  • Not specified - 'Implementation of the national Ringed Seal Protection Action Plan.'
  • Not specified - 'Increasing response capacities to oil spills and biota rehabilitation capacity (Water Act)'
  • Not specified - 'The development of a network of protected areas in the coastal and territorial sea of the Baltic Sea'
  • BALEE-M001 - 'Developing a network of MPA in the Estonian EEZ'
  • BALEE-M008 - 'Application of electronic reporting system for fishing gears to better control fishing and avoid abandoning of fishing gear'
  • BALEE-M010 - 'Management of direct discharges of storm water to minimise the load of nutrients, contaminants and litter'
  • BALEE-M011 - 'Enhancing the capability of marine pollution control to respond to emergencies and environmental pollution at sea'
  • BALEE-M012 - 'Managing environmental risks accompanying bunkering at sea'
  • BALEE-M014 - 'Environmental awareness raising about marine litter and preventing plastic packages entering the sea'
  • BALEE-M015 - 'Addressing the topic of marine litter in the National Waste Management Plan and in the waste management plans of local authorities in the coastal area'
  • Not specified - 'Establishing maritime spatial plans and implementing the HELCOM Recommendation 28E/9'
  • Not specified - 'Estonian Environmental Strategy 2030'
  • Not specified - 'Implementation of the national Ringed Seal Protection Action Plan.'
  • Not specified - 'Increasing response capacities to oil spills and biota rehabilitation capacity (Water Act)'
  • Not specified - 'The development of a network of protected areas in the coastal and territorial sea of the Baltic Sea'
  • BALEE-M001 - 'Developing a network of MPA in the Estonian EEZ'
  • BALEE-M008 - 'Application of electronic reporting system for fishing gears to better control fishing and avoid abandoning of fishing gear'
  • BALEE-M010 - 'Management of direct discharges of storm water to minimise the load of nutrients, contaminants and litter'
  • BALEE-M011 - 'Enhancing the capability of marine pollution control to respond to emergencies and environmental pollution at sea'
  • BALEE-M012 - 'Managing environmental risks accompanying bunkering at sea'
  • BALEE-M014 - 'Environmental awareness raising about marine litter and preventing plastic packages entering the sea'
  • BALEE-M015 - 'Addressing the topic of marine litter in the National Waste Management Plan and in the waste management plans of local authorities in the coastal area'
  • Not specified - 'Establishing maritime spatial plans and implementing the HELCOM Recommendation 28E/9'
  • Not specified - 'Estonian Environmental Strategy 2030'
  • Not specified - 'Implementation of the national Ringed Seal Protection Action Plan.'
  • Not specified - 'Increasing response capacities to oil spills and biota rehabilitation capacity (Water Act)'
  • Not specified - 'The development of a network of protected areas in the coastal and territorial sea of the Baltic Sea'
  • BALEE-M001 - 'Developing a network of MPA in the Estonian EEZ'
  • BALEE-M008 - 'Application of electronic reporting system for fishing gears to better control fishing and avoid abandoning of fishing gear'
  • BALEE-M010 - 'Management of direct discharges of storm water to minimise the load of nutrients, contaminants and litter'
  • BALEE-M011 - 'Enhancing the capability of marine pollution control to respond to emergencies and environmental pollution at sea'
  • BALEE-M012 - 'Managing environmental risks accompanying bunkering at sea'
  • BALEE-M014 - 'Environmental awareness raising about marine litter and preventing plastic packages entering the sea'
  • BALEE-M015 - 'Addressing the topic of marine litter in the National Waste Management Plan and in the waste management plans of local authorities in the coastal area'
  • Not specified - 'Establishing maritime spatial plans and implementing the HELCOM Recommendation 28E/9'
  • Not specified - 'Estonian Environmental Strategy 2030'
  • Not specified - 'Implementation of the national Ringed Seal Protection Action Plan.'
  • Not specified - 'Increasing response capacities to oil spills and biota rehabilitation capacity (Water Act)'
  • Not specified - 'The development of a network of protected areas in the coastal and territorial sea of the Baltic Sea'
  • BALFI-M026-HABIT - 'HABIT2 - Action plans for endangered species and habitats'
  • BALFI-M028-HABIT - 'HABIT4 - Draft and implement measures related to conservation of the Baltic Ringed Seal'
  • BALFI-M029-INFO - 'INFO1-Communication related to the objectives and measures for marine resource management'
  • BALFI-M026-HABIT - 'HABIT2 - Action plans for endangered species and habitats'
  • BALFI-M028-HABIT - 'HABIT4 - Draft and implement measures related to conservation of the Baltic Ringed Seal'
  • BALFI-M029-INFO - 'INFO1-Communication related to the objectives and measures for marine resource management'
  • BALFI-M026-HABIT - 'HABIT2 - Action plans for endangered species and habitats'
  • BALFI-M028-HABIT - 'HABIT4 - Draft and implement measures related to conservation of the Baltic Ringed Seal'
  • BALFI-M029-INFO - 'INFO1-Communication related to the objectives and measures for marine resource management'
  • BALFI-M026-HABIT - 'HABIT2 - Action plans for endangered species and habitats'
  • BALFI-M028-HABIT - 'HABIT4 - Draft and implement measures related to conservation of the Baltic Ringed Seal'
  • BALFI-M029-INFO - 'INFO1-Communication related to the objectives and measures for marine resource management'
  • BALPL-M002 - 'KTM20_2_Increase availability of data on by-catch of protected marine species of birds and mammals'
  • BALPL-M005 - 'KTM20_4 Setting limits for the use of certain fishing gears in the spatial development plan of marine areas and the testing and use of alternative fishing gear and equipment designed to reduce the incidental catch of protected species (birds and mammals)'
  • BALPL-M006 - 'KTM38_2 Establishing areas excluded from development in spatial development plan for marine areas'
  • BALPL-M002 - 'KTM20_2_Increase availability of data on by-catch of protected marine species of birds and mammals'
  • BALPL-M005 - 'KTM20_4 Setting limits for the use of certain fishing gears in the spatial development plan of marine areas and the testing and use of alternative fishing gear and equipment designed to reduce the incidental catch of protected species (birds and mammals)'
  • BALPL-M006 - 'KTM38_2 Establishing areas excluded from development in spatial development plan for marine areas'
  • BALPL-M002 - 'KTM20_2_Increase availability of data on by-catch of protected marine species of birds and mammals'
  • BALPL-M005 - 'KTM20_4 Setting limits for the use of certain fishing gears in the spatial development plan of marine areas and the testing and use of alternative fishing gear and equipment designed to reduce the incidental catch of protected species (birds and mammals)'
  • BALPL-M006 - 'KTM38_2 Establishing areas excluded from development in spatial development plan for marine areas'
  • BALPL-M002 - 'KTM20_2_Increase availability of data on by-catch of protected marine species of birds and mammals'
  • BALPL-M005 - 'KTM20_4 Setting limits for the use of certain fishing gears in the spatial development plan of marine areas and the testing and use of alternative fishing gear and equipment designed to reduce the incidental catch of protected species (birds and mammals)'
  • BALPL-M006 - 'KTM38_2 Establishing areas excluded from development in spatial development plan for marine areas'
  • ANSSE-M019 - 'ÅPH 19 - Promote efficient and sustainable collection and receipt of lost fishing gear and prevent loss of new gear'
  • ANSSE-M022 - 'ÅPH 22 - Conducting strategic work through the inclusion of marine debris in relevant waste management plans and programmes'
  • ANSSE-M023 - 'ÅPH 23 - The revision of the municipal waste management plans needs to identify and illustrate how waste management can help to reduce the occurrence of marine litter and set up goals for such work'
  • ANSSE-M034 - 'National environmental targets'
  • ANSSE-M037 - 'Species Protection Ordinance 2007: 845'
  • BALSE-M022 - 'ÅPH 22 - Conducting strategic work through the inclusion of marine debris in relevant waste management plans and programmes'
  • BALSE-M023 - 'ÅPH 23 - The revision of the municipal waste management plans needs to identify and illustrate how waste management can help to reduce the occurrence of marine litter and set up goals for such work'
  • BALSE-M024 - 'ÅPH 24 - developing a comprehensive framework for national action programmes for threatened species and habitats in the marine environment, and coordinating such efforts nationally'
  • BALSE-M037 - 'Species Protection Ordinance 2007: 845'
  • ANSSE-M019 - 'ÅPH 19 - Promote efficient and sustainable collection and receipt of lost fishing gear and prevent loss of new gear'
  • ANSSE-M022 - 'ÅPH 22 - Conducting strategic work through the inclusion of marine debris in relevant waste management plans and programmes'
  • ANSSE-M023 - 'ÅPH 23 - The revision of the municipal waste management plans needs to identify and illustrate how waste management can help to reduce the occurrence of marine litter and set up goals for such work'
  • ANSSE-M034 - 'National environmental targets'
  • ANSSE-M037 - 'Species Protection Ordinance 2007: 845'
  • BALSE-M022 - 'ÅPH 22 - Conducting strategic work through the inclusion of marine debris in relevant waste management plans and programmes'
  • BALSE-M023 - 'ÅPH 23 - The revision of the municipal waste management plans needs to identify and illustrate how waste management can help to reduce the occurrence of marine litter and set up goals for such work'
  • BALSE-M024 - 'ÅPH 24 - developing a comprehensive framework for national action programmes for threatened species and habitats in the marine environment, and coordinating such efforts nationally'
  • BALSE-M037 - 'Species Protection Ordinance 2007: 845'
  • ANSSE-M019 - 'ÅPH 19 - Promote efficient and sustainable collection and receipt of lost fishing gear and prevent loss of new gear'
  • ANSSE-M022 - 'ÅPH 22 - Conducting strategic work through the inclusion of marine debris in relevant waste management plans and programmes'
  • ANSSE-M023 - 'ÅPH 23 - The revision of the municipal waste management plans needs to identify and illustrate how waste management can help to reduce the occurrence of marine litter and set up goals for such work'
  • ANSSE-M034 - 'National environmental targets'
  • ANSSE-M037 - 'Species Protection Ordinance 2007: 845'
  • BALSE-M022 - 'ÅPH 22 - Conducting strategic work through the inclusion of marine debris in relevant waste management plans and programmes'
  • BALSE-M023 - 'ÅPH 23 - The revision of the municipal waste management plans needs to identify and illustrate how waste management can help to reduce the occurrence of marine litter and set up goals for such work'
  • BALSE-M024 - 'ÅPH 24 - developing a comprehensive framework for national action programmes for threatened species and habitats in the marine environment, and coordinating such efforts nationally'
  • BALSE-M037 - 'Species Protection Ordinance 2007: 845'
  • ANSSE-M019 - 'ÅPH 19 - Promote efficient and sustainable collection and receipt of lost fishing gear and prevent loss of new gear'
  • ANSSE-M022 - 'ÅPH 22 - Conducting strategic work through the inclusion of marine debris in relevant waste management plans and programmes'
  • ANSSE-M023 - 'ÅPH 23 - The revision of the municipal waste management plans needs to identify and illustrate how waste management can help to reduce the occurrence of marine litter and set up goals for such work'
  • ANSSE-M034 - 'National environmental targets'
  • ANSSE-M037 - 'Species Protection Ordinance 2007: 845'
  • BALSE-M022 - 'ÅPH 22 - Conducting strategic work through the inclusion of marine debris in relevant waste management plans and programmes'
  • BALSE-M023 - 'ÅPH 23 - The revision of the municipal waste management plans needs to identify and illustrate how waste management can help to reduce the occurrence of marine litter and set up goals for such work'
  • BALSE-M024 - 'ÅPH 24 - developing a comprehensive framework for national action programmes for threatened species and habitats in the marine environment, and coordinating such efforts nationally'
  • BALSE-M037 - 'Species Protection Ordinance 2007: 845'
  • ANSSE-M019 - 'ÅPH 19 - Promote efficient and sustainable collection and receipt of lost fishing gear and prevent loss of new gear'
  • ANSSE-M022 - 'ÅPH 22 - Conducting strategic work through the inclusion of marine debris in relevant waste management plans and programmes'
  • ANSSE-M023 - 'ÅPH 23 - The revision of the municipal waste management plans needs to identify and illustrate how waste management can help to reduce the occurrence of marine litter and set up goals for such work'
  • ANSSE-M034 - 'National environmental targets'
  • ANSSE-M037 - 'Species Protection Ordinance 2007: 845'
  • BALSE-M022 - 'ÅPH 22 - Conducting strategic work through the inclusion of marine debris in relevant waste management plans and programmes'
  • BALSE-M023 - 'ÅPH 23 - The revision of the municipal waste management plans needs to identify and illustrate how waste management can help to reduce the occurrence of marine litter and set up goals for such work'
  • BALSE-M024 - 'ÅPH 24 - developing a comprehensive framework for national action programmes for threatened species and habitats in the marine environment, and coordinating such efforts nationally'
  • BALSE-M037 - 'Species Protection Ordinance 2007: 845'
Coverage of measures
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring was in place in 2014
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Related monitoring programmes
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_056_MP_131
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_056_MP_131
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_056_MP_131
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_056_MP_131
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_056_MP_131
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_056_MP_131
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_055_MP_190
  • BALDE_MPr_056_MP_131
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_184
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_189
  • BALDE_MPr_058_MP_190
  • DK-D01.2-01
  • DK-D01.2-02
  • DK-D01.2-03
  • DK-D01.2-04
  • DK-D01.2-05
  • DK-D01.2-06
  • DK-D01.2-07
  • DK-D01.2-08
  • DK-D01.2-09
  • DK-D01.2-10
  • DK-D01.2-11
  • DK-D01.2-01
  • DK-D01.2-02
  • DK-D01.2-03
  • DK-D01.2-04
  • DK-D01.2-05
  • DK-D01.2-06
  • DK-D01.2-07
  • DK-D01.2-08
  • DK-D01.2-09
  • DK-D01.2-10
  • DK-D01.2-11
  • DK-D01.2-01
  • DK-D01.2-02
  • DK-D01.2-03
  • DK-D01.2-04
  • DK-D01.2-05
  • DK-D01.2-06
  • DK-D01.2-07
  • DK-D01.2-08
  • DK-D01.2-09
  • DK-D01.2-10
  • DK-D01.2-11
  • DK-D01.2-01
  • DK-D01.2-02
  • DK-D01.2-03
  • DK-D01.2-04
  • DK-D01.2-05
  • DK-D01.2-06
  • DK-D01.2-07
  • DK-D01.2-08
  • DK-D01.2-09
  • DK-D01.2-10
  • DK-D01.2-11
  • DK-D01.2-01
  • DK-D01.2-02
  • DK-D01.2-03
  • DK-D01.2-04
  • DK-D01.2-05
  • DK-D01.2-06
  • DK-D01.2-07
  • DK-D01.2-08
  • DK-D01.2-09
  • DK-D01.2-10
  • DK-D01.2-11
  • DK-D01.2-01
  • DK-D01.2-02
  • DK-D01.2-03
  • DK-D01.2-04
  • DK-D01.2-05
  • DK-D01.2-06
  • DK-D01.2-07
  • DK-D01.2-08
  • DK-D01.2-09
  • DK-D01.2-10
  • DK-D01.2-11
  • DK-D01.2-01
  • DK-D01.2-02
  • DK-D01.2-03
  • DK-D01.2-04
  • DK-D01.2-05
  • DK-D01.2-06
  • DK-D01.2-07
  • DK-D01.2-08
  • DK-D01.2-09
  • DK-D01.2-10
  • DK-D01.2-11
  • DK-D01.2-01
  • DK-D01.2-02
  • DK-D01.2-03
  • DK-D01.2-04
  • DK-D01.2-05
  • DK-D01.2-06
  • DK-D01.2-07
  • DK-D01.2-08
  • DK-D01.2-09
  • DK-D01.2-10
  • DK-D01.2-11
  • DK-D01.2-01
  • DK-D01.2-02
  • DK-D01.2-03
  • DK-D01.2-04
  • DK-D01.2-05
  • DK-D01.2-06
  • DK-D01.2-07
  • DK-D01.2-08
  • DK-D01.2-09
  • DK-D01.2-10
  • DK-D01.2-11
  • DK-D01.2-01
  • DK-D01.2-02
  • DK-D01.2-03
  • DK-D01.2-04
  • DK-D01.2-05
  • DK-D01.2-06
  • DK-D01.2-07
  • DK-D01.2-08
  • DK-D01.2-09
  • DK-D01.2-10
  • DK-D01.2-11
  • DK-D01.2-01
  • DK-D01.2-02
  • DK-D01.2-03
  • DK-D01.2-04
  • DK-D01.2-05
  • DK-D01.2-06
  • DK-D01.2-07
  • DK-D01.2-08
  • DK-D01.2-09
  • DK-D01.2-10
  • DK-D01.2-11
  • BALEE-D00-40_MarineAndCoastalActivities
  • BALEE-D0104-5_SealsAbundance
  • BALEE-D0104-6_SealsReproduction
  • BALEE-D07-27_Ice
  • BALEE-D00-40_MarineAndCoastalActivities
  • BALEE-D0104-5_SealsAbundance
  • BALEE-D0104-6_SealsReproduction
  • BALEE-D07-27_Ice
  • BALEE-D00-40_MarineAndCoastalActivities
  • BALEE-D0104-5_SealsAbundance
  • BALEE-D0104-6_SealsReproduction
  • BALEE-D07-27_Ice
  • BALEE-D00-40_MarineAndCoastalActivities
  • BALEE-D0104-5_SealsAbundance
  • BALEE-D0104-6_SealsReproduction
  • BALEE-D07-27_Ice
  • 04
  • 06mam-1
  • 06mam-2
  • 06mam-3
  • BALFI-d01
  • BALFI-d03-2
  • 04
  • 06mam-1
  • 06mam-2
  • 06mam-3
  • BALFI-d01
  • BALFI-d03-2
  • 04
  • 06mam-1
  • 06mam-2
  • 06mam-3
  • BALFI-d01
  • BALFI-d03-2
  • 04
  • 06mam-1
  • 06mam-2
  • 06mam-3
  • BALFI-d01
  • BALFI-d03-2
  • BALLT-D014_FisheryByCatch
  • LV- (D1C1)
  • LV- (D1C2)
  • LV- (D1C1)
  • LV- (D1C2)
  • PL-D01-01
  • PL-D1.2-01
  • PL-D1.2-02
  • PL-D1.2-03
  • PL-D01-01
  • PL-D1.2-01
  • PL-D1.2-02
  • PL-D1.2-03
  • PL-D01-01
  • PL-D1.2-01
  • PL-D1.2-02
  • PL-D1.2-03
  • PL-D01-01
  • PL-D1.2-01
  • PL-D1.2-02
  • PL-D1.2-03
  • SE-D1-hunting
  • SE-D1D3-bycatch
  • SE-D1D4-harbourporpoise
  • SE-D1D4-seals
  • SE-D1D4D8-mammalhealth
  • SE-D1-hunting
  • SE-D1D3-bycatch
  • SE-D1D4-harbourporpoise
  • SE-D1D4-seals
  • SE-D1D4D8-mammalhealth
  • SE-D1-hunting
  • SE-D1D3-bycatch
  • SE-D1D4-harbourporpoise
  • SE-D1D4-seals
  • SE-D1D4D8-mammalhealth
  • SE-D1-hunting
  • SE-D1D3-bycatch
  • SE-D1D4-harbourporpoise
  • SE-D1D4-seals
  • SE-D1D4D8-mammalhealth
  • SE-D1-hunting
  • SE-D1D3-bycatch
  • SE-D1D4-harbourporpoise
  • SE-D1D4-seals
  • SE-D1D4D8-mammalhealth
Programme code
LV- (D1C1)
LV- (D1C2)
Programme name
Mobile Arten (Meeressäuger) - Abundanz und/oder Biomasse: Abundanz, Reproduktion und Verbreitung marine Säuger (Ostsee) - Flugerfassung
Mobile Arten (Meeressäuger) - Abundanz und/oder Biomasse: Abundanz, Reproduktion und Verbreitung marine Säuger (Ostsee) - Akustik
Mobile Arten (Meeressäuger) - Abundanz und/oder Biomasse: Abundanz, Reproduktion und Verbreitung marine Säuger (Ostsee) - Liegeplätze
Mobile Arten (Meeressäuger) - Gesundheitszustand: Gesundheitszustand marine Säuger (Ostsee)
Mobile Arten (Meeressäuger) - Bestandsmerkmale: Abundanz, Reproduktion und Verbreitung marine Säuger (Ostsee) - Flugerfassung
Mobile Arten (Meeressäuger) - Bestandsmerkmale: Abundanz, Reproduktion und Verbreitung marine Säuger (Ostsee) - Akustik
Mobile Arten (Meeressäuger) - Bestandsmerkmale: Abundanz, Reproduktion und Verbreitung marine Säuger (Ostsee) - Liegeplätze
Mobile species - state of habitats - seals
Mobile species - abundance - seals
Mobile species - population characteristics - seals
Mobile species - Nutritional status - seals
Mobile species - state of habitats - porpoise
Mobile species - abundance - porpoise
Mobile species - population characteristics - porpoise
Mobile species - Nutritional status - porpoise
Mobile species - mortality/injury rates from fisheries (targeted and/or incidental)- CCTV projektet
Mobile species - mortality/injury rates from fisheries (targeted and/or incidental) - Fiskerikontrollen
Mobile species - mortality/injury rates from fisheries (targeted and/or incidental) - Observatørture
Marine and coastal activities
Seals – abundance
Seals – breeding success
Ice cover
Seal adundance
Seal state of health
Abundance and distribution of harbour porpoises
Commercial fisheries catch statistics
Mobile species mortality/injury rates from fisheries (targeted and/or incidental)
Mobile species distribution, abundance and/or biomass (mammals)
Mobile species – mortality/injury rates from incidental by-catch from fisheries
Mobile species – Harbour porpoise - distribution, density
Mobile species – Grey seal - distribution, abundance, reproduction
Mobile species – Harbour seal - distribution, abundance, reproduction
Hunting of birds and seals
Harbour porpoise
Marine mammals health status
Update type
Modified from 2014
Same programme as in 2014
Modified from 2014
Same programme as in 2014
Modified from 2014
Same programme as in 2014
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
New programme
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
New programme
New programme
New programme
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
Same programme as in 2014
Same programme as in 2014
Same programme as in 2014
Same programme as in 2014
Same programme as in 2014
New programme
Same programme as in 2014
Same programme as in 2014
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
Old programme codes
  • BALDE_Sub_055
  • BALDE_Sub_055
  • BALDE_Sub_055
  • BALDE_Sub_056
  • BALDE_Sub_058
  • BALDE_Sub_058
  • BALDE_Sub_058
  • ANSDK-D01-17_habitats_mammals_seals
  • BALDK-D01-17_habitats_mammals_seals
  • ANSDK-D01-03_abundance_mammals_seals
  • BALDK-D01-03_abundance_mammals_seals
  • ANSDK-D01-10_population_mammals_seals
  • BALDK-D01-10_population_mammals_seals
  • ANSDK-D01-18_habitats_mammals_porpoise
  • BALDK-D01-18_habitats_mammals_porpoise
  • ANSDK-D01-04_abundance_mammals_porpoise
  • BALDK-D01-04_abundance_mammals_porpoise
  • ANSDK-D01-11_population_mammals_porpoise
  • BALDK-D01-11_population_mammals_porpoise
  • ANSDK-D03-05_mortal_fisheries_porpoise
  • ANSDK-D03-06_mortal_fisheries_seals
  • BALDK-D03-05_mortal_fisheries_porpoise
  • BALDK-D03-06_mortal_fisheries_seals
  • BALEE-D00-39_CoastalOffshoreActivities
  • ANSSE-mammals-D14-Tumlare
  • BALSE-mammals-D14-Tumlare
  • ANSSE-mammals-D14-Sal
  • BALSE-mammals-D14-Sal
  • ANSSE-HAZ-D814-Salhalsa
  • BALSE-HAZ-D814-Salhalsa
Programme description
The monitoring programme consists of the following measurement programme (s) (
The monitoring programme consists of the following measurement programme (s) (
The monitoring programme consists of the following measurement programme (s) (
The monitoring programme consists of the following measurement programme (s) (
The monitoring programme consists of the following measurement programme (s) (
The monitoring programme consists of the following measurement programme (s) (
The monitoring programme consists of the following measurement programme (s) (
Spættet sæl har været overvåget siden 1979 og gråsæl siden 2011. Det forudsættes, at omfanget af det nuværende NOVANA 2017-21 program i al væsentlighed bibeholdes. Det angår dels aktiviteter målrettet havstrategidirektivet, men også aktiviteter der oprindelig baserer sig på behov relateret til habitatdirektivet. Programændringer for gråsæl: : Under det nuværende program overvåges områderne i Kattegat ikke i yngle- og fældeperioderne for nordsøpopulationen, som de fleste gråsæler i Kattegat stammer fra. Derfor vil områderne i Kattegat fremover blive overvåget ved to optællinger i populationens yngleperiode og en i fældeperioden. Programændringer for spættet sæl: I 2021 gennemføres et pilotprojekt for kortlægning af spættet sæl i Det sydfynske Øhav og sydlige Lillebælt. Tilføjelsen af dette område skyldes, at der historisk har været flere hvilepladser i disse områder, og at der i de senere år er kommet meldinger om større forekomster her. Data fra overvågningen bliver afrapporteret årligt under det nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA) og under MSFD, senest i 1. del af Havstrategi II (basisanalysen) fra 2019.
Spættet sæl har været overvåget siden 1979 og gråsæl siden 2011. Det forudsættes, at omfanget af det nuværende NOVANA 2017-21 program i væsentlighed bibeholdes. Det angår dels aktiviteter målrettet havstrategidirektivet, men også aktiviteter der oprindelig baserer sig på behov relateret til habitatdirektivet. Programændringer for gråsæl: : Under det nuværende program overvåges områderne i Kattegat ikke i yngle- og fældeperioderne for nordsøpopulationen, som de fleste gråsæler i Kattegat stammer fra. Derfor vil områderne i Kattegat fremover blive overvåget ved to optællinger i populationens yngleperiode og en i fældeperioden. Programændringer for spættet sæl: I 2021 gennemføres et pilotprojekt for kortlægning af spættet sæl i Det sydfynske Øhav og sydlige Lillebælt. Tilføjelsen af dette område skyldes, at der historisk har været flere hvilepladser i disse områder, og at der i de senere år er kommet meldinger om større forekomster her. Data fra overvågningen bliver afrapporteret årligt under det nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA) og under MSFD senest i 1. del af Havstrategi II (basisanalysen) fra 2019.
I de danske farvande findes der fire populationer af spættet sæl og to af gråsæl. Nogle populationer overskrider landegrænser. Populationen af spættet sæl i Vadehavet er dermed delt med Tyskland og Holland, og populationen af gråsæl i Nordsøen er delt med de øvrige Nordsølande. Spættet sæl har været overvåget siden 1979 og gråsæl siden 2011. Det forudsættes, at omfanget af det nuværende NOVANA 2017-21 program i væsentlighed bibeholdes. Det angår dels aktiviteter målrettet havstrategidirektivet, men også aktiviteter der oprindelig baserer sig på behov relateret til habitatdirektivet. Programændringer for gråsæl: : Under det nuværende program overvåges områderne i Kattegat ikke i yngle- og fældeperioderne for nordsøpopulationen, som de fleste gråsæler i Kattegat stammer fra. Derfor vil områderne i Kattegat fremover blive overvåget ved to optællinger i populationens yngleperiode og en i fældeperioden. Programændringer for spættet sæl: I 2021 gennemføres et pilotprojekt for kortlægning af spættet sæl i Det sydfynske Øhav og sydlige Lillebælt. Tilføjelsen af dette område skyldes, at der historisk har været flere hvilepladser i disse områder, og at der i de senere år er kommet meldinger om større forekomster her. Data fra overvågningen bliver afrapporteret årligt under det nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA) og under MSFD senest i 1. del af Havstrategi II (basisanalysen) fra 2019.
Spæklagets tykkelse hos bl.a. sæler har siden 2015 været en del af det nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA). Der indsamles løbende levende og døde sæler til måling af spæklagstykkelse fra bifangede, regulerede og levende fangede dyr. Målingerne foretages for, at analysere bestandenes ernæringsmæssige tilstand, og supplere indikatorerne populations trend og reproduktiv status (pregnancy rate). Overvågningsprogrammet for 2021-2026 udvides for, at kunne indsamle flere sæler til måling af spæklagstykkelse, pga. mangel på data ift. at kunne identificere trends og udvikle tærskelværdier. Der er i 2020 ekstraordinært bevilget yderligere midler til måling af spæklagstykkelse, da det har været muligt at indsamle flere dyr end sædvanligt. Data fra overvågningen bliver afrapporteret årligt under det nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA). Der er endnu ikke indsamlet data nok for spæklagstykkelse per art, alder, køn og område til at etablere grænser for GES, og dermed er vurdering af opnåelse af målsætningen pt. ikke mulig.
Marsvin findes i alle de danske farvande, og har været overvåget siden 2011. Det nuværende nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA 2017-21) omfatter dels aktiviteter målrettet havstrategidirektivet, men omfatter især aktiviteter der oprindelig baserer sig på behov relateret til habitatdirektivet. Således bliver der i 5 Natura-2000 områder i Skagerak og Nordsøen udført flytællinger af antal voksne og unger en gang årligt. 6 Natura-2000 områder i de indre danske bliver i en periode på et år i hvert område, overvåget vha. akustiske lyttestationer for estimering af bestandstæthed og årstidsvariation. En gang i perioden udføres, i samarbejde med Tyskland og Sverige, flytælling af den samlede bestand i Kattegat og Bælthavet. Det forudsættes, at omfanget af det nuværende NOVANA program hovedsageligt bibeholdes. I det nye overvågningsprogram (2021-26) videreføres det tidligere SAMBAH-projekt ved at udlægge lyttebøjer omkring Bornholm to gange i perioden på et øget antal stationer (i alt 13). Det skyldes at Østersøbestanden fortsat vurderes at være i kritisk tilstand. Data fra overvågningen bliver afrapporteret årligt under det nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA) og under MSFD, senest i 1. del af Havstrategi II (basisanalysen) fra 2019.
Marsvin findes i alle danske farvande, og har været overvåget siden 2011. Der findes tre populationer af marsvin i Danmark: Nordsø-, Bælthavs- og Østersøbestanden. Undersøgelser for abundance bør ske på populationsniveau for, at imødekomme marsvins bevægelser mellem områder og over landegrænser. Det nuværende nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA 2017-21) omfatter dels aktiviteter målrettet havstrategidirektivet, men omfatter især aktiviteter der oprindelig baserer sig på behov relateret til habitatdirektivet. En gang i perioden udføres, i samarbejde med Tyskland og Sverige, flytælling af den samlede bestand i Kattegat og Bælthavet (MiniSCANS). I 5 Natura-2000 områder i Skagerak og Nordsøen bliver der udført flytællinger af antal voksne og unger en gang årligt. 6 Natura-2000 områder i de indre danske bliver i en periode på et år i hvert område, overvåget vha. akustiske lyttestationer for estimering af bestandstæthed og årstidsvariation. Det forudsættes, at omfanget af det nuværende NOVANA program hovedsageligt bibeholdes. I det nye overvågningsprogram (2021-26) videreføres det tidligere SAMBAH-projekt ved, at udlægge lyttebøjer omkring Bornholm to gange i perioden på et øget antal stationer (i alt 13). Det skyldes at Østersøbestanden fortsat vurderes, at være i kritisk tilstand. Data fra overvågningen bliver afrapporteret årligt under det nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA) og under MSFD, senest i 1. del af Havstrategi II (basisanalysen) fra 2019.
Marsvin findes i alle danske farvande, og har været overvåget siden 2011. Der findes tre populationer af marsvin i Danmark: Nordsø-, Bælthavs- og Østersøbestanden. Undersøgelser for populationernes karakteristika bør ske på populationsniveau for, at imødekomme marsvins bevægelser mellem områder og over landegrænser. Det nuværende nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA 2017-21) omfatter dels aktiviteter målrettet havstrategidirektivet, men omfatter især aktiviteter der oprindelig baserer sig på behov relateret til habitatdirektivet. En gang i perioden udføres, i samarbejde med Tyskland og Sverige, flytælling af den samlede bestand i Kattegat og Bælthavet (MiniSCANS). I 5 Natura-2000 områder i Skagerak og Nordsøen bliver der udført flytællinger af antal voksne og unger en gang årligt. 6 Natura-2000 områder i de indre danske bliver i en periode på et år i hvert område, overvåget vha. akustiske lyttestationer for estimering af bestandstæthed og årstidsvariation. Det forudsættes, at omfanget af det nuværende NOVANA program hovedsageligt bibeholdes. I det nye overvågningsprogram (2021-26) videreføres det tidligere SAMBAH-projekt ved, at udlægge lyttebøjer omkring Bornholm to gange i perioden på et øget antal stationer (i alt 13). Det skyldes at Østersøbestanden fortsat vurderes, at være i kritisk tilstand. Data fra overvågningen bliver afrapporteret årligt under det nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA) og under MSFD, senest i 1. del af Havstrategi II (basisanalysen) fra 2019.
Spæklagets tykkelse hos bl.a. marsvin har siden 2015 været en del af det nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA). Der indsamles løbende levende og døde marsvin til måling af spæklagstykkelse fra bifangede og strandede dyr. Målingerne foretages for, at analysere bestandenes ernæringsmæssige tilstand, og supplere indikatorerne populations trend og reproduktiv status (pregnancy rate). Overvågningsprogrammet for 2021-2026 udvides for, at kunne indsamle flere marsvin til måling af spæklagstykkelse, pga. mangel på data ift. at kunne identificere trends og udvikle tærskelværdier. Der er i 2020 ekstraordinært bevilget yderligere midler til måling af spæklagstykkelse, da det har været muligt at indsamle flere dyr end sædvanligt. Data fra overvågningen bliver afrapporteret årligt under det nationale overvågningsprogram (NOVANA). Der er endnu ikke indsamlet data nok for spæklagstykkelse per art, alder, køn og område til at etablere grænser for GES, og dermed er vurdering af opnåelse af målsætningen pt. ikke mulig.
CCTV projektet DTU Aqua har siden 2018, for kontoret for Fiskeri i Miljø- og Fødevareministeriets departement, gennemført projektarbejde med CCTV (Closed-Circuit TeleVision system) kameraovervågning installeret om bord på fiskefartøjer i det danske garnfiskeri. Projektets formål er at indsamle data på bifangst af havpattedyr og havfugle. Der er dog ikke tale om en systematisk overvågning, da kun visse flådesegmenter er dækket og de involverede fiskere deltager på projekt basis imod kvotekompensation.
Fiskerikontrol Fiskeristyrelsen indsamler oplysninger om bifangst af fugle, fra fiskernes logbøger, som led i den risikobaserede fiskerikontrol.
Observatørture DTU Aqua foretager årligt omkring 200 observatørture, hvor observatører registrerer fangstsammensætningen på kommercielle fiskefartøjer. Derudover registreres bifangst af havpattedyr, fugle, fisk, der ikke udnyttes erhvervsmæssigt og marint affald indsamles og registreres.
The aim of the monitoring programme is to collect data on human activities that directly or indirectly impact the marine environment. The monitored human activities are those listed in the MSFD Annex III Table 2b (2017/845/EC) and relevant for point (c) of Article 8(1), and Articles 10 and 13. The following activities are covered: Coastal defence and flood protection; Offshore structures (other than for oil/gas/renewables); Restructuring of seabed morphology, including dredging and depositing of materials; Extraction of minerals; Extraction of oil and gas, including infrastructure; Extraction of water; Renewable energy generation (wind, wave and tidal power), including infrastructure; Transmission of electricity and communications (cables); Fish harvesting (professional, recreational); Fish and shellfish processing; Marine plant harvesting; Hunting and collecting for other purposes; Aquaculture — marine, including infrastructure; Transport infrastructure; Transport — shipping; Waste treatment and disposal; Tourism and leisure infrastructure; Tourism and leisure activities; Military operations and Research, survey and educational activities. Data are gathered at least once during a six-year assessment period, but in some cases also annually. The system of such data collection activities is still under development. The programme corresponds to the following monitoring programmes in the indicative list: Activities extracting living resources (fisheries including recreational, marine plant harvesting, hunting and collecting); Activities extracting non-living resources (sand, gravel, dredging); Activities producing food (aquaculture); Activities with permanent infrastructures (e.g. renewable energy, oil & gas, ports) or structural changes (e.g. coastal defences); Sea-based mobile activities (shipping, boating); Coastal human activities (e.g. tourism, recreational sports, ecotourism). The programme is the further development of the programme presented in 2014. The code of the programme also changed.
The aim of the programme is to monitor the abundance of grey and ringed seals at the haulouts on land or ice, in order to produce estimates of abundance and abundance trends as well as the distributions and distribution trends of these species during their moulting and pupping seasons. It provides data for the status assessments under GES criteria D1C2 (population abundance) and D1C4 (distributional range and pattern). Monitoring is conducted yearly at the designated sites. The program is regionally coordinated by HELCOM and the HELCOM monitoring guidelines are followed. Data are yearly reported to the national environmental monitoring database KESE (by 1 November), but for ringed seals, data are publicly available only in a generalised form due to protection requirements. The programme corresponds to the following monitoring programmes in the indicative list: Mobile species – distribution, abundance and/or biomass; Mobile species – population characteristics.
The aim of the programme is to monitor the breeding success of grey seals. Visual counting of pups (including dead specimen) is conducted on their breeding sites on land (islands) several times during the breeding period from 15 February to 31 March every year. The number of pups and their death rate is estimated. Monitoring provides data for the status assessments under the GES criterion D1C2 (population abundance) and D1C4 (distributional range and pattern). The program data collection is regionally coordinated by HELCOM. Data are yearly reported to the national environmental monitoring database KESE (by 1 November). The programme corresponds to the following monitoring programmes in the indicative list: Mobile species – distribution, abundance and/or biomass; Mobile species – health status; Mobile species – population characteristics.
The aim of the programme is to monitor characteristics of the ice cover. Data are collected by visual observations and remote sensing. Both, coastal water bodies and off-shore sub-basins of the Baltic Sea (HELCOM sub-divisions) are monitored. Monitoring is conducted continuously during winter. The program is regionally coordinated (joint data collection) via Baltic Sea Ice Services and a common product is produced. The data are delivered daily. The programme corresponds to the following monitoring programmes in the indicative list: Ice cover.
Monitoring of the population dynamics, natural and actual range and status of grey seal and ringed seal. Abundance monitoring is conducted from aircraft. Seal bycatch data is collected from fishermen, which describes human pressure on seal mortality.
Each year, the sub-programme monitors the age and sex structure, reproductive efficiency and health status of seal populations, in particular the nutritional status. Samples are collected from seals caught/recovered by-catches by hunters and fishermen. Most of the samples come from hunted seals.
The sub-programme monitors the presence of porpoise in Finnish territorial waters by acoustic methods in the North Baltic and Åland Seas, where the species is regularly present. This information is complemented by public perceptions. In addition, data are collected on the number of porpoises killed in traps, which illustrates the human impact on porpoise mortality. The objective is to collect data on the Baltic porpoise population as part of international cooperation to preserve the harbour porpoise population classified as critically endangered in the main basin.
The sub-programme monitors catches by commercial fishermen and by-catches of birds and mammals. Monitoring shall be based on periodic catch reports from commercial fishermen to the authorities.
Šiuo metu nėra pakankamai duomenų, skirtų žvejybos poveikiui jūros ekosistemoms (priegaudai) įvertinti. Išsamius jūros paukščių priegaudos tyrimus 2001-2002 m. yra atlikęs Ekologijos institutas (dabar Gamtos tyrimų centras,, nuo 2015 iki 2019 metų duomenis apie paukščių priegaudą iš dalies priekrantės žvejų renka Lietuvos ornitotogų draugija ( Įsigaliojus Komisijos įgyvendinimo sprendimui (ES) 2016/1251 nuo 2017 m. visi paukščių ir žinduolių priegaudos atvejai turi būti registruojami vykdant 2017-2019 m. daugiametę Sąjungos duomenų rinkimo, tvarkymo ir naudojimo žvejybos ir akvakultūros sektoriuose programą. Atsakinga Žemės ūkio ministerija. Tačiau šiuo metu dar sprendžiami klausimai dėl gyvūnų priegaudos registravimo duomenų bazės. Siekiant įvertinti paukščių ir žinduolių priegaudos Lietuvos jūriniuose vandenyse mastą, ateinančius metus (2021 m.) bus vykdoma studija, kurios metu bus atliktas statomųjų tinklų poveikio jūros paukščiams ir žinduoliams masto įvertinimas ir parengti pasiūlymai dėl žvejybos reguliavimo priemonių, leidžiančių šio poveikio išvengti arba jį sumažinti. Surinkti priegaudos duomenys iš Baltijos jūros priekrantės ir atviros jūros bus naudojami atnaujinant geros jūros aplinkos būklės savybes ir peržiūrint tikslus.
The purpose of the monitoring is to assess the ecological status of the Baltic Sea, including one of the environmental status components biodiversity by observing mortality of mammals (seals and cetaceans) caused by human activities fishery. Animals drowned in fishing gears are accounted. Monitoring is carried out within the framework of the HELCOM monitoring programme, in cooperation with the other Member States. The programme supports the assessment of temporal trends, spatial distribution and state classification. HELCOM monitoring of this programme is partly coordinated. Monitoring programme "Fish, Fisheries and Shellfish"; sub-programme "Fisheries by-catch". The HELCOM core indicator Number of drowned mammals and waterbirds in fishing gears is linked to the sub-programme. Assessment of results is carried out by the expert groups in the ICES Human Activities, Pressures and Impacts Steering Group and ICES WGBYC (Working Group on Bycatch of Protected Species). The requirements for the marine waters of Latvia and the relationship of the specified environmental objectives with the qualitative characteristics characterizing the state of the marine environment are included in Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Latvia No. 1071 of 23 November 2010, Requirements for the Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, the Determination of Good Environmental State of the Sea and Development of Marine Environmental Goals. By-catch is regulated in the Republic of Latvia Cabinet Regulation No. 296 Adopted 2 May 2007 Regulations Regarding Commercial Fishing in Territorial Waters and Economic Zone Waters. Corresponding EU regulations: Council Regulation (EC) No 812/2004 of 26.4.2004 laying down measures concerning incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries.
The purpose of the monitoring is to assess the ecological status of the Baltic Sea, including one of the environmental status components biodiversity by observing abundance and spatial distribution of three seal species native to the Baltic Sea (grey seal, harbour seal and ringed seal) as well as changes in the composition, number of individuals and distribution of seal species occurring in the marine territories of Latvia. Corresponding HELCOM monitoring programme "Mammals" and sub-programme "Seal abundance" with indicators Population trends and abundance of seals and 'Distribution of Baltic seals'. Coordination: partially. Cooperation in HELCOM Expert Group on Marine Mammals (EG MAMA). The requirements for the marine waters of Latvia and the relationship of the specified environmental objectives with the qualitative characteristics characterizing the state of the marine environment are included in Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Latvia No. 1071 of 23 November 2010, Requirements for the Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, the Determination of Good Environmental State of the Sea and Development of Marine Environmental Goals. Corresponding legislative act of the Republic of Latvia: Law On the Conservation of Species and Biotopes (adopted 16.03.2000).
The monitoring of incidental catches of cetaceans results from the implementation of EU regulations - the Regulation (EU) 2019/1241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on the conservation of fisheries resources and the protection of marine ecosystems through technical measures, amending Council Regulations (EC) No 1967/2006, (EC) No 1224/2009 and Regulations (EU) No 1380/2013, (EU) 2016/1139, (EU) 2018/973, (EU) 2019/472 and (EU) 2019/1022 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 894/97, (EC) No 850/98, (EC) No 2549/2000, (EC) No 254/2002, (EC) No 812/2004 and (EC) No 2187/2005, hereinafter reffered to as “Regulation 2019/1241”. Until 2019, the monitoring of by-catch was carried out from the fishing vessels in Polish Marine Areas in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 812/2004 of 26.4.2004 laying down measures concerning incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries and amending Regulation (EC) No 88/98 (OJ L 150, 30.04.2004, p.12 as amended), hereinafter reffered to as “Regulation 812/2004”. Monitoring of incidental catches has been carried out in Poland since 2006. The work will be carried out by the MIR-PIB under the National Programme for Collection of Fisheries Data (NPCFD). This programme will consist a continuation of the Monitoring Programme of Incidental Catches of Cetaceans performed since 2015 as part of the National Programme for Collection of Fisheries Data. By 2019, incidental catches of birds, fish and cetaceans based on data from NPCFD were reported to ICES by the Minister competent for fisheries. Regulation (EU) 2019/1241 unlike Regulation (EU) 812/2004, does not specify the form and procedure of reporting on incidental catches to the European Commission. Reporting obligation will lie with scientific institutes and will take place under the so-called ICES Data calls in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2017/1004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 on the establishment of a Union framework for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector and support for scientific advice regarding the common fisheries policy and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 199/2008 (OJ L 157, 20.6.2017, p. 1) that specifies the acces to multiannual progamms data. According to the abovementioned regulation since 2020 the entity authorized to report on accidental catches should be the entity conducting fisheries monitoring programmes within
Harbour porpoise will be monitored at three locations including two monitored in 2016-2018, i.e. Pomeranian Bay and Ławica Stilo and at one new location - Gulf of Gdańsk. In the case of Pomeranian Bay location all five monitoring stations will be deployed in the same locations as in the pilot research and SAMBAH project. In the case of Ławica Stilo location 4 monitoring stations will be identical to the ones from the pilot monitoring and SAMBAH project. The locations of the 5th station will be subject to the approval of Maritime Office. In the case of the Gulf of Gdańsk location, four stations will be equivalent of those designated within the SAMBAH project, while one station (station code: CPOD15) will be designated in the Puck Bay region, taking into account the specificities of this area (fisheries, shipping, tourism) and in agreement with maritime administration. In order to maintain regional coherence, the timeline for harbour porpoise monitoring should be compliant with the recommendations of the expert group on marine mammals HELCOM EXPERT GROUP ON MARINE MAMMALS – HELCOM EG MAMA (former name of the group - HELCOM SEAL), which are currently in the consultation stage. According to the recommendations of the HELCOM MAMA group the monitoring will be performed in accordance with one of two proposed methodologies. One methodology recommends to conduct monitoring for at least 24 months over the six-year period covered by the assessment, but not earlier than 3 years after the end of the previous monitoring. The second methodology recommends to conduct monitoring twice over a six-year period, each of research should last 12 months. The monitoring was planned in accordance with the initial recommendation of this group, i.e. 1 year of measurements every 3 years (HELCOM 2018). Currently the SAMBAH II project is in the planning stage, the project will cover the entire Baltic Sea area. At the time of development of the current update of the monitoring programme the starting date of research is not known. It is subject to the submission of an application to LIFE funding instrument for the 2021-2027 funding period for the funding of SAMABAH II project. The monitoring planned under SAMBAH II will include the area covered by the SAMBAH project and will be extended to research of areas deeper than 80 m. Within the SAMBAH II project, it is also planned to identify juveniles. To this end, within the implementation of one of the tasks of SAMBAH II, a model will be adapt
Monitoring of grey seal in Polish Marine Areas will be carried out each year, during which performed observations will allow to detect potential reproduction of this species and determine the abundance of the population from Vistula Mouth - Przekop (the only confirmed haul-out site on the Polish coast, determined at the time of the development of current update of the monitoring programme of marine waters). In the case of determination and confirmation of a new haul-out site during the current monitoring programme of marine waters it will be included in the monitoring. Monitoring of grey seal will be carried out in accordance with the recommendations contained in the document of the HELCOM MAMA expert group "Guidelines to the monitoring of seals" (HELCOM 2018) and the latest edition of the guideline for the monitoring of grey seal, posted on the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection website in a subpage dedicated to monitoring of marine species and habitat ( In the case of aircraft surveys, the methodology contained in the above documents will be used.
Monitoring of harbour seal is carried out in parallel with the monitoring of grey seal, i.e. the collection of information on the occurrence of harbour seal takes place during the monitoring of grey seal. In addition, in each monitoring year, one observation flight will be performed in August, i.e. during the harbour seal moulting period. The monitoring of harbour seal will include species identification of the other two seal species that may occur on the Polish coast, i.e. grey seal (constantly present) and ringed seal (occasionally occurring). Monitoring of harbour seal will be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the HELCOM MAMA expert group contained in the document "Guidelines to the monitoring of seals" (HELCOM 2018) and the latest edition of the guideline for the monitoring of harbour seal, posted on the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection website in a subpage dedicated to monitoring of marine species and habitat ( The research will be carried out in accordance with the conditions described in the permits of relevant offices.
In Sweden, hunting for seals and certain species of seabirds is regulated by the Hunting Act, the Hunting Ordinance and various supplementary regulations as well as other legally binding documents. The hunt can be carried out either as predator control, license hunting or general hunting. The different types of hunting have partly different purposes and conditions linked to the conduct of the hunt. The main purpose of the predator control is to limit the damage that wildlife causes to human activities and interests and in some cases the damage that a species causes to other animals and plants. In license hunting, the kills and thus the development of the game stock in question must be adapted to the availability of game and with regard to public and private interests. The hunt must also have a clear purpose, e.g. to prevent the damage caused by wildlife. In the case of general hunting, the hunting right holder has the opportunity to hunt an unlimited number of animals of the permitted type during the permitted hunting period, however, the hunting must be adapted to the availability of game. Predator control and license hunting is conducted following a decision by an authority. General hunting seasons are regulated in the Hunting Ordinance. The Hunting Ordinance also contains provisions that certain species may be hunted on the hunters own initiative to prevent the damage caused by wildlife. Historically, intensive hunting has been a contributing factor to some species being endangered, but today hunting is regulated so that it does not cause a negative impact on the viability of stocks. Hunting, however, is one of several human activities that must be monitored in order to be able to follow the development of different populations of birds and seals.
In the regular sampling carried out on board commercial fishing vessels in accordance with EU data collection regulations ((EU) 2017/1004, (EU) 2016/1251), as well as the regulation on the conservation of fishery resources and the protection of marine ecosystems (EU ) 2019/1241, information regarding by-catch is obtained. All fish species, commercial shellfish, mammals and birds are noted. Sampling takes place mainly on vessels fishing with various bottom trawls. Data collection carried out according to the EU data collection regulations is coordinated internationally between Member States in regional data collection coordination groups. Sweden participates in two such groups RCG Baltic and RCG North Sea and Eastern Arctic (to which the Skagerrak and Kattegat belong). Furthermore, a lot of international coordination and development work is done within ICES´s various expert groups (for by-catches mainly WGBYC). Sweden participates actively in these groups. Pilot studies were carried out in 2017-2019 with the aim of conducting by-catch sampling in 2020 in fisheries that use passive gear (nets and hooks). The purpose is to increase knowledge about by-catches in these fisheries, to test whether it is possible to estimate by-catches by having observers on board fishing boats, and if this is an effective method. Sampling of nets in the Sound and in the Kattegat will be included in the regular sampling from 2020. However, no ongoing monitoring of passive gear is currently planned in the Baltic Proper as previous pilots observed fewer by-catches there. So based on risk, monitoring in the Sound and Kattegatt are therefore prioritized. The Skagerrak could possibly be added after the pilot study there is completed in 2021. The pilot studies have shown that it also works to monitor the fish with passive gear with the help of observers (the challenge is that the vessels are small). However, the question remains whether this is the most effective way of estimating the total amount of by-catches in the fisheries. The problem is that observers can only cover a small part of the total fishing effort and that by-catches of many species (such as harbour porpoises and various birds) are relatively uncommon. This means that there will be few observations and thus uncertainty in the estimates of the total amount of by-catches. In 2020, therefore, a new pilot project was initiated where surveillance with the help of cameras is tested and compared with surveillance with the help
There are three populations of Harbour porpoise in Swedish waters: the North Sea, the Belt Sea (western Baltic Sea) and the Baltic Sea population, that are monitored using different methods. The aim of the monitoring is to follow up population trends in abundance and distribution in international and Swedish waters as these can be affected by e.g. hazardous substances, bycatch, ship traffic and food availability. The large scale airial monitoring is coordinated within OSPAR or trilateral (SE, DK, DE) surveys of the North Sea and the Belt Sea poulations. Static acoustic monitoring of the Baltic Sea and the Belt Sea poulations are performed offshore and in N2000 areas is partially coordinated with neighbouring states. The monitoring of abundance and distribution is performed in combination with studies of disease and health through surveys of stranded and bycatched individuals. Harbour porpoise monitoring in the Baltic Sea started 2016. SE has been part of several internationally coordinated surveys in the North Sea (SCANS 1994, SCANS II 2005, SCANS III 2016) and Baltic Sea (SAMBAH 2011-2013)
In Sweden, there are three species of seals - grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) and ringed seal (Pusa hispida). Each species have a custumized national monitoring programme for estimating the poulation abundance. The aim of monitoring the abundance and distribution of seals is to detect long-term effects of human activities affecting seals as a result of hunting, bycatch, hazardous substances and changes in the food web. Grey seal monitoring started in 1989 Harbour seal monitoring started in 1988 Ringed seal monitoring started in 1995
Marine mammals are top predators in the food chain, which increases the probability of detecting changes in ecosystems and high levels of hazardous substances. Substances found in low levels in fish can be enriched and detected in high levels in seals and porpoises, which makes them suitable as indicator organisms for early detection of changes in the environment. The primary aim of the monitoring is to study the long-term effects of hazardous substances and other human activities affecting the marine environment by documenting population development for grey seals, harbor seals, ringed seals and harbor porpoises in combination with studies of cause of death, health, diseases and chemical analyzes. Marine mammals (bycatch, hunted or found dead for unknown reasons) are collected and investigated each year. Monitoring of Baltic seal healths started in 1975 and was expanded with ongoing health and disease monitoring of marine mammals in 2020. During 2020-2021, the monitoring of the effects of hazardous substances will be evaluated in order to be able to optimize the monitoring programmes both in terms of coverage and costs and to provide a better basis for state assessment and determining the causes of the effects. Comment: D8C2 was not in the list for the feature Adverse effects on species and habitats, but this criteria is relevant for this programme.
Monitoring purpose
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures at source
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures at source
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures at source
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Environmental state and impacts
Other policies and conventions
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP)
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP)
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP)
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP)
  • Habitats Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • Habitats Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP)
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • Bathing Water Directive
  • Birds Directive
  • Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Minamata Convention on Mercury
  • Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation
  • National Emission Ceilings Directive
  • Nitrates Directive
  • Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutions (POPs)
  • Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation
  • Habitats Directive
  • Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn Convention)
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn Convention)
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn Convention)
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Birds Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation
  • Water Framework Directive
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
Regional cooperation - coordinating body
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
Regional cooperation - countries involved
  • DE
  • NL
  • SE
  • DE
  • NL
  • SE
  • DE
  • NL
  • SE
  • DE
  • NL
  • SE
  • DE
  • SE
  • DE
  • SE
  • DE
  • SE
  • DE
  • NL
  • SE
  • DE
  • DK
  • EE
  • LT
  • LV
  • PL
  • SE
  • SE
  • DE
  • DK
  • PL
  • SE
Regional cooperation - implementation level
Coordinated data collection
Agreed data collection methods
Agreed data collection methods
Agreed data collection methods
Agreed data collection methods
Agreed data collection methods
Agreed data collection methods
Agreed data collection methods
Agreed data collection methods
Agreed data collection methods
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Joint data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Agreed data collection methods
Agreed data collection methods
Agreed data collection methods
Coordinated data collection
Common monitoring strategy
Common monitoring strategy
Common monitoring strategy
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Monitoring details
MP_184 — · Periodic ship and airborne census along transects Der Observer flights at low altitude (183 m) · Digital detection flights at higher altitude (> 400 m)
MP_189 Cetacean porpoise detector
MP_184 — · Periodic ship and airborne census along transects Der Observer flights at low altitude (183 m) · Digital detection flights at higher altitude (> 400 m)
MP_189 Cetacean porpoise detector
Data til vurdering af kriterie D1C5 (arternes habitats udstrækning og tilstand) er hentet fra overvågning ifm. kriterie D1C2 (populationstæthed) og D1C4 (udbredelsesområde).
Se Monitoring methods.
Se Monitoring methods
The counting is performed using aerial observations. All monitoring areas are inspected 2-3 times. The moulting period counting of seals takes place during regionally agreed period from 23 May to 5 June. The aerial counting of ringed seals takes place between 12 and 25 April. The early spring flight surveys can be conducted in cold winters and ice cover occurrence, otherwise visual observations from boat or seashore are done (warmer winters with no ice cover).
Grey seal pups are surveyed during land visits to breeding sites, 4 times during the breeding period (15 February - 31 March). The monitoring is conducted in accordance with HELCOM recommendations (HELCOM, 2018. Guidelines for monitoring Seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area). The detailed methodology is described by Jüssi and Jüssi in 2008 (Hüljeste aruanne,
Ice monitoring is carried out as a part of national meteorological and hydrological monitoring (Estonian Environment Agency). Ice maps are produced in cooperation with Baltic Sea countries. TalTech Marine Systems Institute performs remote monitoring of ice on a project basis in cooperation with other Baltic Sea countries.
Acoustic monitoring and sightings by citizens. Citizen sightings were coherently collected since 2001, pilot monitoring was started in 2011-2013 and the national monitoring started in 2016.
Fishermens’ reporting to authorities.
By-catch data are derived from the reports in the form of fishing logbooks and obtained by on-board observers on fishing vessels. For the by-catch of small toothed cetaceans in pelagic trawls in the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga the required number of fishing days for which monitoring is carried out is calculated as a percentage of the total number of fishing days of the previous year in the fishing form concerned. Every year, experts of Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR participate as observers in industrial fishing trips for pelagic and benthic trawling to collect biological samples of pelagic and benthic fish and information about by-catches. The vessel on which BIOR expert takes part is selected by drawing lots with the participation of two BIOR experts at random. The planned number of industrial trips with pelagic and bottom trawls is indicated in the data collection programme. For the coastal fishing collecting of information about by-catch is made by fishermen according to the BIOR guidelines and then data are submitted to BIOR. Once in a year data from BIOR are submitted to Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Latvia. Every year BIOR experts participate as observers in separate coastal industrial fishing trips. For by-catch of seals, an individual survey of fishermen is carried out to assess the size of their by-catches, with a view to identifying by-catches by seasons, used gears and areas. The survey is conducted at least once every three years. Currently no methods have been developed and validated in Latvia for the assessment of by-catches of birds.
Monitoring of the abundance and distribution of seals in Latvian waters has not been carried out since the methodological issues, i.e. monitoring should be carried out during the winter period when seals are in waters under Estonian jurisdiction, makes it impossible to obtain representative data and results. Accordingly, regional cooperation is employed. The complexity of the assessment is determined by the fact that there is no place for seal colonies in Latvian waters and they arrive only for a feeding. Additional data on the dynamics of the number of seals from neighbouring countries can be obtained and an analysis of these data should be carried out in relation to national data, such as seals accidentally caught and weighed by fishermen. Stranded seals are animals which are supposedly by-caught during the fishing and drowned in fishing gears. This information is therefore important for assessment of the trends and amount of by-catches of these animals. Therefore, it is recommended for municipalities of Latvian coastal districts to keep records of seals which have been washed ashore (date of stranding, seal species, as well as a photograph of the stranded seal) and to provide the information collected annually to the Nature Protection Board.
The catching of species listed in Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Habitats Directive) and Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds (Birds Directive) is prohibited. Whereas species to be monitored under incidental by-catch are listed in table 1D of the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1251 of 12 July 2016 adopting a multiannual Union programme for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors for the period 2017-2019 and Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/910 of 13 March 2019 establishing the multiannual Union programme for the collection and management of biological, environmental, technical and socioeconomic data in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors (OJ L 145, 4.6.2019, p. 27) prolonging the Commision Decision of 2016 and beeing in force for the period 2020-2021. The minimum conservation reference sizes for the Baltic Sea fish species are set out in Annex VIII to the Regulation 2019/1241. In accordance with Annex XIII to the Regulation 2019/1241, defined mitigation measures minimizing incidental catches of protected species will be continued as for the repealed Regulation 812/2004. Other mitigation measures not listed in Annex XIII to the current Regulation shall be agreed at the regional level as a part of the regionalization process established on the basis of Common Fisheries Policy. Part A of the Annex applies to cetaceans, while part B to birds. In accordance with Regulation 2019/1241 monitoring of cetacean by-catch shall be established for fishing vessels with an overall length of 15 m or more fishing with bottom-set gillnets (GNS) and pelagic trawls (OTM). Observations on board of fishing vessels will be carried out by appropriately trained MIR-PIB staff that is familiar with the methodology for monitoring of incidental catches of cetaceans. Observations of catches from midwater pair trawls, bottom trawls and hooks are not obligatory according to Regulation 2019/1241 but are included in the Multiannual Programme for Collection of Fisheries Data (DCF Poland).
24 months of continuous monitoring every 6 years (since the beginning of previous monitoring) or 12 months of continuous monitoring twice in the 6-year period. In addition, the occurrence of young individuals will be included in the monitoring in future in line with the SAMBAH II project, which will estimate not only the density but also the number of individuals.
Aerial observations during the breeding season (February-March) and during the moulting period (May-June), in the identified haul-out sites of this species will be carried out using unmanned aircraft equipped with a high-resolution video camera or camera, allowing for determination of the species composition of the group and number of individuals resting on sandbanks and surrounding waters. The flight should take place at a distance (about 150 m from each of the islands or sandbanks) at a ceiling of about 100 – 150 m from the resting place. It is recommended to avoid direct flights over the occupied haul-out sites in order to prevent disturbance of animals. Photos should be taken while hovering. The number of flights is determined by the current conditions and the research permits obtained, but it is recommended to perform no more than two flights during one day of monitoring. During the flights, individuals of the other two seal species occurring on the Polish coast will be identified and counted, i.e. rare harbour seal and occasionally occurring ringed seal.
Aerial observations during moulting season (August) will be performed along the entire Polish coast, including the flight over Ryf Mew, over the sandbanks in the Vistula River mouth in the Mewia Łacha Reserve and over the jetties of the Vistula river mouth. Observations and photographic documentation will be performed from the deck of an aircraft, that will fly over the entire location (Polish coast with the abovementioned Ryf Mew, sandbanks and jetties of the Vistula river mouth) during one day. Flight standards will be consistent with the flight guideline and the decisions and permits issued by the competent institutions and offices. Ground observations will be performed at sites where no permit for monitoring and observations from the aircraft is obtained. Both during the flights and ground observations, all observed individuals of seals will be recorded. Individuals of harbour, grey and ringed seals will be recorded and photographed. The number of juveniles and adults will be recorded. Observations of the habitat status will be made in order to perform the assessment of the species in accordance with the Habitats Directive.
Surface-feeding birds
  • Surface-feeding birds (grouped)
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
Pelagic-feeding birds
  • Pelagic-feeding birds (grouped)
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
Benthic-feeding birds
  • Benthic-feeding birds (grouped)
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
Small toothed cetaceans
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C2
  • D1C4
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Distribution (pattern)
  • Distribution (range)
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C4
  • Distribution (pattern)
  • Presence
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C2
  • D1C3
  • D1C4
  • D1C5
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Age distribution
  • Distribution (spatial)
  • Physical structure of habitat (e.g. sediment characteristics, topographic structure)
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C2
  • D1C4
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Distribution (pattern)
  • Distribution (range)
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C4
  • Distribution (pattern)
  • Presence
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C5
  • Extent
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C2
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C4
  • Coverage (e.g. of a species within a habitat or area)
  • Distribution (pattern)
  • Distribution (range)
  • Distribution (spatial)
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C3
  • Other
  • Blubber thickness
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C2
  • D1C4
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Distribution (range)
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C2
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Other
  • Density
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C2
  • D1C4
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Other
  • Distribution (range)
  • Population growth rate (in %)
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • D1C3
  • Age distribution
  • Fecundity (breeding rate)
  • Length
  • Other
  • Mass Cause of death Blubber thickness Sexual matu
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • Pusa hispida
  • D1C2
  • D1C3
  • D1C4
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Fecundity (breeding rate)
  • Distribution (pattern)
  • Distribution (range)
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • Pusa hispida
  • D1C2
  • D1C3
  • D1C4
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Fecundity (breeding rate)
  • Distribution (pattern)
  • Distribution (range)
  • Presence
  • Age distribution
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • D1C2
  • D1C3
  • D1C4
  • D1C5
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Age distribution
  • Distribution (spatial)
  • Physical structure of habitat (e.g. sediment characteristics, topographic structure)
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • Pusa hispida
  • D1C2
  • D1C3
  • D1C4
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Fecundity (breeding rate)
  • Distribution (pattern)
  • Distribution (range)
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • Pusa hispida
  • D1C2
  • D1C3
  • D1C4
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Fecundity (breeding rate)
  • Distribution (pattern)
  • Distribution (range)
  • Presence
  • Age distribution
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • D1C5
  • Extent
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • D1C2
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Phoca vitulina
  • D1C4
  • Coverage (e.g. of a species within a habitat or area)
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • D1C3
  • Other
  • Blubber thickness
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Blubber thickness
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Blubber thickness
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Blubber thickness
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Pusa hispida
  • D1C2
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • D1C3
  • Breeding success
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Pusa hispida
  • D1C2
  • D1C4
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Distribution (range)
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Pusa hispida
  • D1C3
  • Fecundity (breeding rate)
  • Blubber thickness
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Pusa hispida
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • Pusa hispida
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Pusa hispida
  • D1C1
  • D1C2
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • D1C2
  • D1C3
  • D1C4
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Breeding success
  • Distribution (spatial)
  • Reproduction
  • abundance and biomass
  • Phoca vitulina
  • D1C2
  • D1C3
  • D1C4
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Breeding success
  • Distribution (spatial)
  • Reproduction
  • abundance and biomass
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • Pusa hispida
  • D1C2
  • D1C4
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Other
  • Distribution (range)
  • Population growth rate (in %)
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • Pusa hispida
  • D1C3
  • Age distribution
  • Fecundity (breeding rate)
  • Length
  • Other
  • Mass Blubber thickness Cause of death Presence of
Commercially exploited fish and shellfish
  • Esox spp.
  • Perca fluviatilis
  • Sander lucioperca
  • D3C1
  • D3C2
  • D3C3
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Biomass of Spawning Stock (SSB)
  • Size distribution
  • age
Coastal ecosystems
  • Fish community
  • D4C1
  • D4C2
  • Other
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Abundance of Cyprinidae
  • Apex predators
  • D4C2
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Other
  • Population growth rate (in %)
  • Apex predators
  • D4C1
  • D4C2
  • Other
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Abundance (number of individuals) Distribution (ra
  • Population growth rate (in %)
  • Apex predators
  • D4C4
  • Other
  • Fecundity (breeding rate)
Shelf ecosystems
  • Apex predators
  • D4C2
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Other
  • Population growth rate (in %)
  • Apex predators
  • D4C1
  • D4C2
  • Other
  • Abundance (number of individuals)
  • Abundance (number of individuals) Distribution (ra
  • Population growth rate (in %)
  • Apex predators
  • D4C4
  • Other
  • Fecundity (breeding rate)
Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)
  • Not Applicable
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
Input of nutrients – diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Pollution load (tonnes/year) - N, P, BHT5
Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) – diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Pollution load (tonnes/year) - Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn,
Input of litter (solid waste matter, including micro-sized litter)
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • AMO-WC
  • Amount on coastline
  • Amount on seabed
  • Other
  • Amount in sediments; Litter type and material
Input of anthropogenic sound (impulsive, continuous)
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Level of sound
  • Other
  • Number of disturbance days - Impulsive underwater
Coastal defence and flood protection
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Length of defence structure; Coastline pressure in
Offshore structures (other than for oil/gas/renewables)
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Area of structure; Area pressure index
Extraction of minerals (rock, metal ores, gravel, sand, shell)
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Mining volume; Mining area; Area pressure index
Extraction of oil and gas, including infrastructure
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Pipe length (area); Area pressure index
Extraction of water
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Volume
Renewable energy generation (wind, wave and tidal power), including infrastructure
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Area; Area pressure index
Transmission of electricity and communications (cables)
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Cable length (area); Area pressure index
Fish and shellfish harvesting (professional, recreational)
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Catch; By-catch
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Fishing effort (days)
Marine plant harvesting
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Amount (kg); Area
Hunting and collecting for other purposes
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Number of individuals hunted by species (waterbird
Aquaculture – marine, including infrastructure
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Production (tonnes); Area; Nutrient load
Transport infrastructure
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Area; Volume (goods and passengers); Number of loa
Transport – shipping
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Number of ships (incl. number of ships complying w
Waste treatment and disposal
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Areas of dumping sites and volume of dumped materi
Tourism and leisure infrastructure
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Number of marinas per coastline; Length of beach
Tourism and leisure activities
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Number of vacationists; Number of visits; People's
Military operations (subject to Article 2(2))
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Number of explosions; Number of trainings; Trainin
Research, survey and educational activities
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Volume of costs on marine researches; Number of re
Restructuring of seabed morphology, including dredging and depositing of materials
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Soil volume; Extent; Area pressure index
Physical and hydrological characteristics
  • Ice
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Extent; Thickness; Concentration; Ice type
Adverse effects on species or habitats
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Pusa hispida
  • NotRelevan
  • Blubber thickness
  • Halichoerus grypus
  • Phoca vitulina
  • Phocoena phocoena
  • Pusa hispida
  • NotRelevan
  • Blubber thickness
  • Fecundity (breeding rate)
  • Other
  • Cause of death Presence of parasites Claw lesion
Species affected by incidental by-catch
  • Not Applicable
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Not Applicable
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
  • Not Applicable
  • D1C1
  • Mortality (weight/volume; number of individuals)
Spatial scope
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Territorial waters
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Territorial waters
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Transitional waters (WFD)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Transitional waters (WFD)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Transitional waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Terrestrial part of MS
  • Beyond MS Marine Waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Beyond MS Marine Waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
Marine reporting units
  • DK-TOTAL-WO_coast
  • DK-TOTAL-WO_coast
  • DK-TOTAL-WO_coast
  • ANS-DK-L2.2.1
  • ANS-DK-L2.2.7
  • BAL-DK-SEA_001
  • BAL-DK-SEA_002
  • BAL-DK-SEA_003
  • BAL-DK-SEA_05
  • BAL-DK-SEA_06
  • BAL-DK-SEA_07
  • BAL-DK-SEA_09
  • ANS-DK-L2.2.1
  • ANS-DK-L2.2.5
  • ANS-DK-L2.2.7
  • ANS-DK-TOTAL-WO_coast
  • BAL-DK-SEA_001
  • BAL-DK-SEA_002
  • BAL-DK-SEA_003
  • BAL-DK-SEA_004
  • BAL-DK-SEA_005
  • BAL-DK-SEA_006
  • BAL-DK-SEA_007
  • BAL-DK-SEA_05
  • BAL-DK-SEA_06
  • BAL-DK-SEA_07
  • BAL-DK-SEA_09
  • BAL-DK-TOTAL-WO_coast
  • DK-TOTAL-WO_coast
  • DK-TOTAL-part-ANS
  • DK-TOTAL-part-BAL
  • ANS-DK-L2.2.1
  • ANS-DK-L2.2.5
  • ANS-DK-L2.2.7
  • ANS-DK-TOTAL-WO_coast
  • BAL-DK-SEA_001
  • BAL-DK-SEA_002
  • BAL-DK-SEA_003
  • BAL-DK-SEA_004
  • BAL-DK-SEA_005
  • BAL-DK-SEA_006
  • BAL-DK-SEA_007
  • BAL-DK-SEA_05
  • BAL-DK-SEA_06
  • BAL-DK-SEA_07
  • BAL-DK-SEA_09
  • BAL-DK-TOTAL-WO_coast
  • DK-TOTAL-WO_coast
  • DK-TOTAL-part-ANS
  • DK-TOTAL-part-BAL
  • BAL-FI
  • BAL-FI
  • BAL-FI
  • BAL-LT-AA-01
  • BAL-LT-AA-02
  • BAL-LV-AAA-007
  • BAL-LV-AAA-009
  • BAL-LV-AAA-007
  • BAL-LV-AAA-009
  • BAL-POL-MS-001
  • BAL-POL-MS-001
  • BAL-POL-MS-001
  • BAL-POL-MS-001
  • ANS-SE-AA-B_Kattegatt
  • ANS-SE-AA-B_Oresund
  • ANS-SE-AA-B_Skagerrak
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Alands_hav
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Arkonahavet_och_S_Oresund
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Bornholmshavet_och_Hanobukten
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Bottenhavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Bottenviken
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_N_Gotlandshavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_N_Kvarken
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_O_Gotlandshavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_V_Gotlandshavet
  • ANS-SE-AA-B_Kattegatt
  • ANS-SE-AA-B_Oresund
  • ANS-SE-AA-BG_Vasterhavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-BG_Egentliga_Ostersjon
  • ANS-SE-AA-BG_Vasterhavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-BG_Bottniska_Viken
  • BAL-SE-AA-BG_Egentliga_Ostersjon
  • ANS-SE-AA-B_Kattegatt
  • ANS-SE-AA-B_Oresund
  • ANS-SE-AA-B_Skagerrak
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Alands_hav
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Arkonahavet_och_S_Oresund
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Bornholmshavet_och_Hanobukten
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Bottenhavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Bottenviken
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_N_Gotlandshavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_N_Kvarken
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_O_Gotlandshavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_V_Gotlandshavet
Temporal scope (start date - end date)
Monitoring frequency
As needed
As needed
Monitoring type
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote surveillance
  • Administrative data collection
  • Remote surveillance
  • Administrative data collection
  • In-situ sampling land/beach
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote surveillance
  • Administrative data collection
  • Remote surveillance
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Other
  • Remote surveillance
  • Visual observation
  • Remote surveillance
  • Visual observation
  • Remote surveillance
  • Visual observation
  • Other
  • Remote surveillance
  • Administrative data collection
  • Remote surveillance
  • In-situ sampling land/beach
  • Administrative data collection
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Visual observation
  • Visual observation
  • Numerical modelling
  • Remote satellite imagery
  • Visual observation
  • Remote flight imagery
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • Other
  • Administrative data collection
  • Visual observation
  • Administrative data collection
  • Other
  • Administrative data collection
  • Administrative data collection
  • Visual observation
  • Remote surveillance
  • In-situ sampling land/beach
  • Remote flight imagery
  • In-situ sampling land/beach
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Administrative data collection
  • Other
  • Visual observation
  • Remote surveillance
  • Visual observation
  • Remote flight imagery
  • Visual observation
  • In-situ sampling coastal
Monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Seal Abundance and Distribution (M3) (Agreement 2016-11)
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM guideline for Seal Abundance Monitoring
  • OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Seal Abundance and Distribution (M3) (Agreement 2016-11)
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Seal Abundance and Distribution (M3) (Agreement 2016-11)
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Seal Abundance and Distribution (M3) (Agreement 2016-11)
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Seal Abundance and Distribution (M3) (Agreement 2016-11)
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for Monitoring and Assessment of loud, low and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in the OSPAR Maritime Region
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring reproductive status of seals in the HELCOM area
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring reproductive status of seals in the HELCOM area
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring reproductive status of seals in the HELCOM area
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common indicator: Abundance at the relevant temporal scale of cetacean species regularly present (M4) – Interim version (Agreement 2018-09)
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
  • HELCOM guideline for Seal Abundance Monitoring
  • OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Seal Abundance and Distribution (M3) (Agreement 2016-11)
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring reproductive status of seals in the HELCOM area
  • Other monitoring method
Monitoring method other
|| MP_184 ||
|| MP_189 || Netzwerk akustischer Detektionsgeräte (C-PODs, Cetacean POrpoise Detector), Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Harbour Porpoises
|| MP_190 || Herrmann, C. (2012): Robbenmonitoring in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern; Natur und Naturschutz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 41: 40-50
|| MP_131 || Totfundmonitoring der Küstenländer
|| MP_184 ||
|| MP_189 || Netzwerk akustischer Detektionsgeräte (C-PODs, Cetacean POrpoise Detector), Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Harbour Porpoises
|| MP_190 || Herrmann, C. (2012): Robbenmonitoring in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern; Natur und Naturschutz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 41: 40-50
The national monitoring program (NOVANA) is described (in Danish) at:
The national monitoring program (NOVANA) is described (in Danish) at:
The national monitoring program (NOVANA) is described (in Danish) at:
The national monitoring program (NOVANA) is described (in Danish) at:
The national monitoring program (NOVANA) is described (in Danish) at:
The national monitoring program (NOVANA) is described (in Danish) at:
The national monitoring program (NOVANA) is described (in Danish) at:
The national monitoring program (NOVANA) is described (in Danish) at:
Link to particular guideline/protocols is not available, but can be accessed on request to DTU Aqua.
Er beskrevet på Fiskeristyrelsens hjemmeside.
Link to particular guideline/protocols is not available, but can be accessed on request to DTU Aqua.
There is no separate monitoring for the programme, the administrative data collection is performed and based on information from databases, maps, plans, environmental permits and their reporting and controls, etc. Estonian maritime spatial plan. The frequency of monitoring depends on activity: from annually to once per the 6-year period.
The detailed methodology is described by Jüssi and Jüssi in 2008 (Hüljeste aruanne,
The main characteristics of ice cover are measured using satellite observations or/and in combination - satellite images and visual observations.
HELCOM:n asiantuntijaryhmä kehittää parhaillaan koko Itämeren kattavaa indikaattoria ”Abundance and distribution of harbour porpoises”. Tämän indikaattorin kynnysarvoja hyvälle tilalle tai mahdollisia alaindikaattoreita ei ole vielä määritelty, mutta kansalliset merenhoidon hyvän tilan määritelmät ovat: • Pyöriäisen levinneisyysalueen reunat ulottuvat Suomen merialueille, pl. Perämeri, ja se havaitaan vuosittain kullakin merialueella (Suomenlahti, Pohjois-Itämeri, Selkämeri, Merenkurkku, Saaristomeri ja Ahvenanmeri). • Pyöriäisen populaation tulisi kasvaa Itämeren pääaltaalla kohti elinvoimaista populaatiokokoa.
Monitoring -
Informaciją apie priegaudą turi pildyti žvejai savo žurnaluose.
Currently methods for monitoring of by-catch are still in development and not standardized across the (HELCOM) regione. For fisheries data collection: Latvian National Fisheries and Aquaculture Data Collection Programme (DCF) as well as Manual for the Baltic International Trawl Surveys (BITS)
Monitoring under National Programme for Collection of Fisheries Data (NPCFD). Method according to Sambah project based on C-POD passive acoustic detection.
The collection of huntingstatistics is largely based on feedback from the hunters themselves. For example, decisions on predator control and license hunting often require reporting to the decision-making authority as soon as possible after animals have been shot in connection with the hunt. The compilation of statistics in the database ”Viltdata” is largely based on the hunters voluntarily reporting killed animals to the database.
Catches and by-catches are monitored with the help of observers who accompany the fishing vessels during commercial fishing. The regular sampling is divided into area, fisheries and quarters. This means that observations are made every quarter from different types of bottom trawls (shrimp trawl, crayfish trawl with grate, trawl without grate). Usually, in the order of 0.5-2% (different for different types of fisheries) of commercial fishing trips are observed. The fishing trips observed are selected at random. Observations of by-catch within the framework of the pilot studies are carried out in the same manner. The observers examine the entire process during which the fishing gear is hauled so that also by-catches that do not follow on board but fall out of the nets can be registered. Furthermore, the observers examine the entire sorting of the catch. The observers then measure and weigh the catch and take samples for biological analysis. Remote surveillance using cameras onboard is being tested during 2020, and may supplement the monitoring in the future.
Monitoring of Harbour porpoises in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, is performed with two major methods - line transect through aircraft monitoring and a static acoustic methods. The monitoring methods used will be described in 2020. Aircraft are used to count the number of porpoises along predetermined transects. The method is suitable for high densities. With acoustic methods, Harbour porpoise sounds are recorded either by stationary click detectors that are placed in specific places during a specific period to collect sound, or by hydrophones that are towed after a ship. Within SCANS and SCANS II projects, line taxation was mainly used by aircraft and boat, while SCANS III was only carried out with flight inventory in Swedish waters. Acoustic methods were used to complement the visual observations during SCANS and SCANS-II. The SAMBAH project used static acoustic methods with click detectors (C-POD) to monitor the distribution and occurrence of Harbour porpoises in the Baltic Sea.
All three seal species are monitored using either helicopter (grey seal) or fixed wing aircrafts (Harbour seal and Ringed seal) in combination with surveylance camera and visual observation. Al three monitoring methods will be described in 2020.
" Selected harbour porpoises are examined at the laboratories of the Swedish Veterinary Institute in collaboration with the staff of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. During inspection before autopsy, the following biological data are noted: Sex, external dimensions, weight, any damage to the body, During autopsy the following biological data are noted: Nutrient condition / blubber thickness, sexual maturity, pregnancy, external damage, including any damage from human activities (eg fishing nets), organ damage, including microscopic examination and X-ray if necessary, infectious substances, parasites and other diseases, stomach contents, age "
Quality control
MP_184 Value-proof method currently under development
MP_189 Value-proof method currently under development
MP_190 unknown
MP_131 Methodological standards TWSC
MP_184 Value-proof method currently under development
MP_189 Value-proof method currently under development
MP_190 unknown
I Danmark kvalitetssikres størstedelen af de danske overvågningsdata i den nationale database (VanDa) ved tre kvalitetssikringsniveauer: 1. Elektronisk kontrol – den automatiske kontrol alle indtastninger undergår, når der registreres data i VanDa 2. Faglig kontrol – automatisk/manuel vurdering af data og data serier i VanDa. 3. Fagdatacenter kontrol – manuel vurdering af data og dataserier udført af fagdatacentret. Hvis data ikke indrapporteres til den nationale database kvalitetssikres data af konsulenten, der udfører overvågningsopgaven, samt MFVM efter metoderne beskrevet i nationale tekniske anvisninger eller internationale guidelines.
I Danmark kvalitetssikres størstedelen af de danske overvågningsdata i den nationale database (VanDa) ved tre kvalitetssikringsniveauer: 1. Elektronisk kontrol – den automatiske kontrol alle indtastninger undergår, når der registreres data i VanDa 2. Faglig kontrol – automatisk/manuel vurdering af data og data serier i VanDa. 3. Fagdatacenter kontrol – manuel vurdering af data og dataserier udført af fagdatacentret. Hvis data ikke indrapporteres til den nationale database kvalitetssikres data af konsulenten, der udfører overvågningsopgaven, samt MFVM efter metoderne beskrevet i nationale tekniske anvisninger eller internationale guidelines.
I Danmark kvalitetssikres størstedelen af de danske overvågningsdata i den nationale database (VanDa) ved tre kvalitetssikringsniveauer: 1. Elektronisk kontrol – den automatiske kontrol alle indtastninger undergår, når der registreres data i VanDa 2. Faglig kontrol – automatisk/manuel vurdering af data og data serier i VanDa. 3. Fagdatacenter kontrol – manuel vurdering af data og dataserier udført af fagdatacentret. Hvis data ikke indrapporteres til den nationale database kvalitetssikres data af konsulenten, der udfører overvågningsopgaven, samt MFVM efter metoderne beskrevet i nationale tekniske anvisninger eller internationale guidelines.
I Danmark kvalitetssikres størstedelen af de danske overvågningsdata i den nationale database (VanDa) ved tre kvalitetssikringsniveauer: 1. Elektronisk kontrol – den automatiske kontrol alle indtastninger undergår, når der registreres data i VanDa 2. Faglig kontrol – automatisk/manuel vurdering af data og data serier i VanDa. 3. Fagdatacenter kontrol – manuel vurdering af data og dataserier udført af fagdatacentret. Hvis data ikke indrapporteres til den nationale database kvalitetssikres data af konsulenten, der udfører overvågningsopgaven, samt MFVM efter metoderne beskrevet i nationale tekniske anvisninger eller internationale guidelines.
I Danmark kvalitetssikres størstedelen af de danske overvågningsdata i den nationale database (VanDa) ved tre kvalitetssikringsniveauer: 1. Elektronisk kontrol – den automatiske kontrol alle indtastninger undergår, når der registreres data i VanDa 2. Faglig kontrol – automatisk/manuel vurdering af data og data serier i VanDa. 3. Fagdatacenter kontrol – manuel vurdering af data og dataserier udført af fagdatacentret. Hvis data ikke indrapporteres til den nationale database kvalitetssikres data af konsulenten, der udfører overvågningsopgaven, samt MFVM efter metoderne beskrevet i nationale tekniske anvisninger eller internationale guidelines.
I Danmark kvalitetssikres størstedelen af de danske overvågningsdata i den nationale database (VanDa) ved tre kvalitetssikringsniveauer: 1. Elektronisk kontrol – den automatiske kontrol alle indtastninger undergår, når der registreres data i VanDa 2. Faglig kontrol – automatisk/manuel vurdering af data og data serier i VanDa. 3. Fagdatacenter kontrol – manuel vurdering af data og dataserier udført af fagdatacentret. Hvis data ikke indrapporteres til den nationale database kvalitetssikres data af konsulenten, der udfører overvågningsopgaven, samt MFVM efter metoderne beskrevet i nationale tekniske anvisninger eller internationale guidelines.
I Danmark kvalitetssikres størstedelen af de danske overvågningsdata i den nationale database (VanDa) ved tre kvalitetssikringsniveauer: 1. Elektronisk kontrol – den automatiske kontrol alle indtastninger undergår, når der registreres data i VanDa 2. Faglig kontrol – automatisk/manuel vurdering af data og data serier i VanDa. 3. Fagdatacenter kontrol – manuel vurdering af data og dataserier udført af fagdatacentret. Hvis data ikke indrapporteres til den nationale database kvalitetssikres data af konsulenten, der udfører overvågningsopgaven, samt MFVM efter metoderne beskrevet i nationale tekniske anvisninger eller internationale guidelines.
I Danmark kvalitetssikres størstedelen af de danske overvågningsdata i den nationale database (VanDa) ved tre kvalitetssikringsniveauer: 1. Elektronisk kontrol – den automatiske kontrol alle indtastninger undergår, når der registreres data i VanDa 2. Faglig kontrol – automatisk/manuel vurdering af data og data serier i VanDa. 3. Fagdatacenter kontrol – manuel vurdering af data og dataserier udført af fagdatacentret. Hvis data ikke indrapporteres til den nationale database kvalitetssikres data af konsulenten, der udfører overvågningsopgaven, samt MFVM efter metoderne beskrevet i nationale tekniske anvisninger eller internationale guidelines.
DTU Aqua deltager i internationale arbejdsgrupper omkring kvalitetssikring og ensretning af metoder for indsamling af fiskeriafhængige data. DTU Aqua har ansvar for en fornøden grad af kvalitetssikring, deres projekter. Alt data indsamlet bliver indtastet og gemt i DTU Aquas databaser.
Fiskerikontrollen varetager kvalitetssikring af indrapporterede bifangster.
DTU Aqua deltager i internationale arbejdsgrupper omkring kvalitetssikring og ensretning af de standard moniteringstogter som der gennemføres. Det er altid personale fra DTU Aqua der deltager på togterne og kvalitetssikre data. Alt data indsamlet på togterne bliver indtastet og gemt i DTU Aquas databaser.
Data quality control systems of relevant data sources.
Regional, HELCOM expert group MAMA.
Regional, HELCOM expert group MAMA.
WMO and CMEMS quality assurance system (Cal/Val).
The calculation methods should remain constant. When factors affecting the visibility of seals can be taken into account, the overall population estimates are also reliable. The same methodology is used in all Baltic Sea countries. The stock assessment of the regime is only reliable at the level of the Baltic Sea as a whole. With a more detailed structure, the stock distribution cannot be carried out outside the hair exchange period. Elephant stock assessments and sub-stock allocation are reliable. There are four distinct core areas of occurrence in the Baltic Sea: The Bothnian Sea, the Archipelago Sea, the North Sea of the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Riga.
The methodology has been partly harmonised at HELCOM EG MAMA meetings.
The acoustic monitoring method used has been proven to be reliable and widely used in other parts of the world and the results are comparable to those carried out in other Baltic Sea countries. All acoustic observations are manually verified. Visual elements shall be interviewed and the reliability of the findings assessed by the expert group before entering them into the databases.
Quality control -
Informaciją apie priegaudą turi pildyti žvejai savo žurnaluose.
Description of QA/QC procedures - no
QA/QC procedures no
not relevant
according to Sambah project
according to Helcom
according to Helcom
In order to assess the reliability of the hunting statistics, the responsible authority can check that the statistics do not deviate in any improbable way. Furthermore, the various reporting requirements and the design of the decisions constitute a quality assurance in itself.
Sampling takes place through a random selection of ships/voyages. The observers bring with them a manual for determining the species of birds and also photograph captured birds as much as possible. Data is registered in the national database Fiskdata2 according to the updated manual. Data is examined and checked in several respects. Quality assurance includes control reading routines of entered data against protocols, automatic quality control of data within the database and manual quality control of data (identification of outliers).
As harbour porpoises move over large areas, coordinated monitoring is a prerequisite for obtaining a correct assessment of the population's distribution and abundance. The monitoring of harbour porpoise is therefore coordinated between the countries concerned.
As seals move over large areas, coordinated monitoring is a prerequisite for obtaining a correct assessment of the population's distribution and abundance. The monitoring of seals is therefore coordinated between the countries concerned.
Autopsies or organ examinations are performed by a veterinarian or biologist with experience in the field of veterinary medical pathology and, if necessary, in collaboration with the Swedish National Veterinary Institute (SVA). Laboratory analyzes are performed by Swedac-accredited laboratories.
Data management
The Federal Government/Länder Working Group on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea (BLANO) is currently developing a national data management plan to support, in particular, the reporting and implementation of the MSFD. It takes into account existing target systems, such as the submission of data to ICES (for OSPAR and HELCOM), other EU directives and the provision of services to INSPIRE. To this end, various data management tools, such as a National Marine Catalogue (NMDK) or the coordination of data retention of geospatial, meta and time series data, are foreseen. The data are provided on a decentralised basis or centrally by the Marine Environment Database (MUDAB) by the various federal structures in the coastal Länder, federal and research institutions. However, individual data sets are not yet freely available. INSPIRE-compliant data models/services under development
The Federal Government/Länder Working Group on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea (BLANO) is currently developing a national data management plan to support, in particular, the reporting and implementation of the MSFD. It takes into account existing target systems, such as the submission of data to ICES (for OSPAR and HELCOM), other EU directives and the provision of services to INSPIRE. To this end, various data management tools, such as a National Marine Catalogue (NMDK) or the coordination of data retention of geospatial, meta and time series data, are foreseen. The data are provided on a decentralised basis or centrally by the Marine Environment Database (MUDAB) by the various federal structures in the coastal Länder, federal and research institutions. However, individual data sets are not yet freely available. INSPIRE-compliant data models/services under development
The Federal Government/Länder Working Group on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea (BLANO) is currently developing a national data management plan to support, in particular, the reporting and implementation of the MSFD. It takes into account existing target systems, such as the submission of data to ICES (for OSPAR and HELCOM), other EU directives and the provision of services to INSPIRE. To this end, various data management tools, such as a National Marine Catalogue (NMDK) or the coordination of data retention of geospatial, meta and time series data, are foreseen. The data are provided on a decentralised basis or centrally by the Marine Environment Database (MUDAB) by the various federal structures in the coastal Länder, federal and research institutions. However, individual data sets are not yet freely available. Data kept in MultibaseCS
The Federal Government/Länder Working Group on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea (BLANO) is currently developing a national data management plan to support, in particular, the reporting and implementation of the MSFD. It takes into account existing target systems, such as the submission of data to ICES (for OSPAR and HELCOM), other EU directives and the provision of services to INSPIRE. To this end, various data management tools, such as a National Marine Catalogue (NMDK) or the coordination of data retention of geospatial, meta and time series data, are foreseen. The data are provided on a decentralised basis or centrally by the Marine Environment Database (MUDAB) by the various federal structures in the coastal Länder, federal and research institutions. However, individual data sets are not yet freely available.
The Federal Government/Länder Working Group on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea (BLANO) is currently developing a national data management plan to support, in particular, the reporting and implementation of the MSFD. It takes into account existing target systems, such as the submission of data to ICES (for OSPAR and HELCOM), other EU directives and the provision of services to INSPIRE. To this end, various data management tools, such as a National Marine Catalogue (NMDK) or the coordination of data retention of geospatial, meta and time series data, are foreseen. The data are provided on a decentralised basis or centrally by the Marine Environment Database (MUDAB) by the various federal structures in the coastal Länder, federal and research institutions. However, individual data sets are not yet freely available. INSPIRE-compliant data models/services under development
The Federal Government/Länder Working Group on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea (BLANO) is currently developing a national data management plan to support, in particular, the reporting and implementation of the MSFD. It takes into account existing target systems, such as the submission of data to ICES (for OSPAR and HELCOM), other EU directives and the provision of services to INSPIRE. To this end, various data management tools, such as a National Marine Catalogue (NMDK) or the coordination of data retention of geospatial, meta and time series data, are foreseen. The data are provided on a decentralised basis or centrally by the Marine Environment Database (MUDAB) by the various federal structures in the coastal Länder, federal and research institutions. However, individual data sets are not yet freely available. INSPIRE-compliant data models/services under development
The Federal Government/Länder Working Group on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea (BLANO) is currently developing a national data management plan to support, in particular, the reporting and implementation of the MSFD. It takes into account existing target systems, such as the submission of data to ICES (for OSPAR and HELCOM), other EU directives and the provision of services to INSPIRE. To this end, various data management tools, such as a National Marine Catalogue (NMDK) or the coordination of data retention of geospatial, meta and time series data, are foreseen. The data are provided on a decentralised basis or centrally by the Marine Environment Database (MUDAB) by the various federal structures in the coastal Länder, federal and research institutions. However, individual data sets are not yet freely available. Data kept in MultibaseCS
I Danmark udvikles der lige nu en ny national database, som har til formål at samle og opbevare data fra vandmiljøovervågningen – herunder også overvågningen under havstrategien. Databasen forventes færdigudviklet i første halvår 2021. Efter en kvalitetssikring vil data blive gjort offentligt tilgængelige.
I Danmark udvikles der lige nu en ny national database, som har til formål at samle og opbevare data fra vandmiljøovervågningen – herunder også overvågningen under havstrategien. Databasen forventes færdigudviklet i første halvår 2021. Efter en kvalitetssikring vil data blive gjort offentligt tilgængelige.
I Danmark udvikles der lige nu en ny national database, som har til formål at samle og opbevare data fra vandmiljøovervågningen – herunder også overvågningen under havstrategien. Databasen forventes færdigudviklet i første halvår 2021. Efter en kvalitetssikring vil data blive gjort offentligt tilgængelige.
I Danmark udvikles der lige nu en ny national database, som har til formål at samle og opbevare data fra vandmiljøovervågningen – herunder også overvågningen under havstrategien. Databasen forventes færdigudviklet i første halvår 2021. Efter en kvalitetssikring vil data blive gjort offentligt tilgængelige.
I Danmark udvikles der lige nu en ny national database, som har til formål at samle og opbevare data fra vandmiljøovervågningen – herunder også overvågningen under havstrategien. Databasen forventes færdigudviklet i første halvår 2021. Efter en kvalitetssikring vil data blive gjort offentligt tilgængelige.
I Danmark udvikles der lige nu en ny national database, som har til formål at samle og opbevare data fra vandmiljøovervågningen – herunder også overvågningen under havstrategien. Databasen forventes færdigudviklet i første halvår 2021. Efter en kvalitetssikring vil data blive gjort offentligt tilgængelige.
I Danmark udvikles der lige nu en ny national database, som har til formål at samle og opbevare data fra vandmiljøovervågningen – herunder også overvågningen under havstrategien. Databasen forventes færdigudviklet i første halvår 2021. Efter en kvalitetssikring vil data blive gjort offentligt tilgængelige.
I Danmark udvikles der lige nu en ny national database, som har til formål at samle og opbevare data fra vandmiljøovervågningen – herunder også overvågningen under havstrategien. Databasen forventes færdigudviklet i første halvår 2021. Efter en kvalitetssikring vil data blive gjort offentligt tilgængelige.
The data are compiled from different databases of different institutions. The compilation and collection of data are coordinated by the Marine Environment Department of the Ministry of the Environment.
Data collected during the monitoring are submitted to the national environmental monitoring database KESE. The data concerning ringed seals are publicly available only in a generalised form.
Data collected during the monitoring are submitted to the national environmental monitoring database KESE.
The data are stored at Estonian Environment Agency, TalTech Marine Systems Institute ( and Baltic Sea Ice Services (
Raw data is only available to researchers. The seal material shall be available in the Luke’s comparison database and public viewable and open clustered number data, with an accuracy of 50 km of ICES rectangles. For each rectangle, a multiple of the calculation times the maximum data of the detected halls shall be reported. For elephants (Fael Sea), the original data is in Swedish.
Raw data not in publicly available. Data to indicator:
Acoustic primary data only for researches to use
National database: Summary statisitcs: Kala ja riista__02 Rakenne ja tuotanto__02 Kaupallinen kalastus merella/?tablelist
Informaciją kaupia Lietuvos ornitorogų draugija (, pagal Duomenų rinkimo programą - Žuvininkystės tarnyboje prie Lietuvos Respublikos Žemės ūkio ministerijos (
Data holder is Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR" and ICES. Data are available in BIOR in Integrated Control and Information System of Latvia (LZIKIS) as well as in ICES.
Data holder will be Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia (NCA) and Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR. QA/QC on data no. Data will be available in NCA/BIOR/HELCOM.
Statistics on killed animals in predator control and license hunting are available from the respective responsible authority and can be made available on request. Statistics on license and general hunting can be found in the Swedish Hunters' Association's database ”Viltdata”.
Data access,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Related indicator/name
  • INC
  • MOR
  • MamCetacSmall
  • MamSeals
  • PresEnvBycatch
  • BALSE-1.1A_Bif�ngst_tumlare
  • ANSSE-1.2D_Abund_trend_knubbs�l
  • ANSSE-1.4A_Utbredning_gr�s�l
  • ANSSE-1.4B_Utbredning_knubbs�l
  • BALSE-1.2C_Abund_trend_ gr�s�l
  • BALSE-1.2D_Abund_trend_knubbs�l
  • BALSE-1.2E_Abund_trend_vikares�l
  • BALSE-1.4A_Utbredning_gr�s�l
  • BALSE-1.4B_Utbredning_knubbs�l
  • BALSE-1.4C_Utbredning_vikares�l
  • ANSSE-1.3A_Dr�ktighet_gr�s�l
  • ANSSE-1.3B_Sp�cktjocklek_gr�s�l
  • BALSE-1.3A_Dr�ktighet_gr�s�l
  • BALSE-1.3B_Sp�cktjocklek_gr�s�l
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Geschäftsstelle Meeresschutz,
Miljøstyrelsen Fyn
Miljøstyrelsen Fyn
Miljøstyrelsen Fyn
Miljøstyrelsen Fyn
Miljøstyrelsen Fyn
Miljøstyrelsen Fyn
Miljøstyrelsen Fyn
Miljøstyrelsen Fyn
DTU Aqua Miljøstyrelsen
Fiskeristyrelsen Miljøstyrelsen
DTU Aqua Miljøstyrelsen
Estonian Environment Agency: Piret Kiristaja:, Anastasiia Kovtun-Kante:; Arthur Kivi:
Estonian Environment Agency: Piret Kiristaja:, Anastasiia Kovtun-Kante:; Arthur Kivi:
Estonian Environment Agency: Anastasiia Kovtun-Kante,; Arthur Kivi,
Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR:
Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia (NCA): Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR:
|| MP_184 || --# #--
|| MP_189 || --# #--
|| MP_190 || --# #--
|| MP_131 || --# #--
|| MP_184 || --# #--
|| MP_189 || --# #--
|| MP_190 || --# #--
The monitoring programme is approved by the minister of the environment and available at ( (in Estonian).
The monitoring programme is approved by the minister of the environment and available at ( (in Estonian).
The monitoring programme is approved by the minister of the environment and available at ( (in Estonian).
The monitoring programme is approved by the minister of the environment and available at ( (in Estonian).
Härkönen, T and S. G. Lunneryd 1992. Estimating abundance of ringed seals in the Bothnian Bay. Ambio 21:497-510. Härkönen, T., O. Stenman, M. Jüssi, I. Jüssi, R. Sagitov and M. Verevkin 1998. Population size and distribution of the Baltic ringed seal (Phoca hispida botnica). In: Ringed Seals (Phoca hispida) in the North Atlantic. Edited by C.Lydersen and M.P. Heide-Jørgensen. NAMMCO Scientific Publications, Vol. 1, 167–180.
Boyd, I. L. 1984. Development and regression of the corpus luteum in grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) ovaries and its use in determining fertility rates. – Canadian Journal of Zoology 62: 1095 –1100. Boyd, I. L., Lockyer, C. & Marsh, H. D. 1999. Reproduction in marine mammals. – In: Reynolds, J. E. & Rommel, S. A. (eds.), Biology of marine mammals: 218 –286. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington. HELCOM, 2018a. Reproductive status of marine mammals. HELCOM core indicator report. Online. HELCOM, 2018b. Nutritional status of seals. HELCOM Core Indicator Report. Online. Kauhala, K., Ahola, M. P. & Kunnasranta, M. 2012. Demographic structure and mortality rate of a Baltic grey seal population at different stages of population change, judged on the basis of the hunting bag in Finland. – Annales Zoologici Fennici 49: 287– 305. Kauhala, K. & Kunnasranta, M. 2012. Hallisaaliin määrä ja rakenne Suomen merialueilla. – Suomen Riista 58: 7–15. Kauhala, K., Kunnasranta, M. & Valtonen, M. 2011. Hallien ravinto Suomen merialueilla 2001–2007 – alustava selvitys. – Suomen Riista 57: 73 – 83. Kauhala, K., Ahola, M. P. & Kunnasranta, M. 2014: Decline in the pregnancy rate of Baltic grey seal females during the 2000s. – Annales Zoologici Fennici 51: 313–324. Kauhala, K., Bäcklin, B-M., Harding, K. & Raitaniemi, J. 2017: The effect of prey quality and ice conditions on the nutritional status of Baltic gray seals of different age groups. – Mammal Research 62: 351‒362. Kauhala, K., Korpinen, S., Lehtiniemi, M. & Raitaniemi, J. 2019: Reproductive rate of a top predator, the grey seal, as an indicator of the changes in the Baltic food web. – Ecological Indicators 102: 693–703. Kauhala, K. & Kurkilahti, M. 2019: Delayed effects of pup environment on adult size and reproductive rate of Baltic grey sealsMammal Research
Boyd, I. L. 1984. Development and regression of the corpus luteum in grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) ovaries and its use in determining fertility rates. – Canadian Journal of Zoology 62: 1095 –1100. Boyd, I. L., Lockyer, C. & Marsh, H. D. 1999. Reproduction in marine mammals. – In: Reynolds, J. E. & Rommel, S. A. (eds.), Biology of marine mammals: 218 –286. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington. HELCOM, 2018a. Reproductive status of marine mammals. HELCOM core indicator report. Online. HELCOM, 2018b. Nutritional status of seals. HELCOM Core Indicator Report. Online. Kauhala, K., Ahola, M. P. & Kunnasranta, M. 2012. Demographic structure and mortality rate of a Baltic grey seal population at different stages of population change, judged on the basis of the hunting bag in Finland. – Annales Zoologici Fennici 49: 287– 305. Kauhala, K. & Kunnasranta, M. 2012. Hallisaaliin määrä ja rakenne Suomen merialueilla. – Suomen Riista 58: 7–15. Kauhala, K., Kunnasranta, M. & Valtonen, M. 2011. Hallien ravinto Suomen merialueilla 2001–2007 – alustava selvitys. – Suomen Riista 57: 73 – 83. Kauhala, K., Ahola, M. P. & Kunnasranta, M. 2014: Decline in the pregnancy rate of Baltic grey seal females during the 2000s. – Annales Zoologici Fennici 51: 313–324. Kauhala, K., Bäcklin, B-M., Harding, K. & Raitaniemi, J. 2017: The effect of prey quality and ice conditions on the nutritional status of Baltic gray seals of different age groups. – Mammal Research 62: 351‒362. Kauhala, K., Korpinen, S., Lehtiniemi, M. & Raitaniemi, J. 2019: Reproductive rate of a top predator, the grey seal, as an indicator of the changes in the Baltic food web. – Ecological Indicators 102: 693–703. Kauhala, K. & Kurkilahti, M. 2019: Delayed effects of pup environment on adult size and reproductive rate of Baltic grey sealsMammal Research For fisheries data collection: BIOR guidelines/manuals: Methods for collecting biological samples from fishing vessels by random choice: Guidance for observers to work in the Baltic Sea on Latvian fishing vessels: Guidelines for coastal monitoring:
HELCOM guidelines: