Member State report / Art9 / 2018 / D4 / Baltic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 9 Determination of GES (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2018-10-15
GES Descriptor D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems
Region/subregion Baltic
Reported by Member state
Member state
Member state report
Marine reporting units MRUs used
  • BAL-LT-AA-01
  • BAL-LT-AA-02
  • BAL-LT-AA-03
  • BAL-POL-FAO27-3D25
  • BAL-POL-FAO27-3D26
  • BAL-POL-MS-001
  • L2-SEA-007-POL
  • L2-SEA-008-POL
  • L2-SEA-009-POL
  • L4-POL-001
  • L4-POL-002
  • L4-POL-003
  • L4-POL-004
  • L4-POL-005
  • L4-POL-006
  • L4-POL-007
  • L4-POL-008
  • L4-POL-009
  • L4-POL-010
  • L4-POL-011
  • L4-POL-012
  • L4-POL-013
  • L4-POL-014
  • L4-POL-015
  • L4-POL-016
  • L4-POL-017
  • L4-POL-018
  • L4-POL-019
  • DK-TOTAL-part-BAL
  • BAL-SE-RG-Ostersjon
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species All birds
  • D4/D1 (1)
  • D4C1 (1)
  • D4C2 (1)
  • D4C3 (1)
  • D4C4 (1)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Benthic-feeding birds
  • D4C2 (12)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Grazing birds
  • D4C2 (12)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Pelagic-feeding birds
  • D4C2 (12)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Surface-feeding birds
  • D4C2 (12)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Wading birds
  • D4C2 (6)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species All fish
  • D4/D1 (1)
  • D4C1 (1)
  • D4C2 (1)
  • D4C3 (1)
  • D4C4 (1)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Coastal fish
  • D4C2 (6)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species All mammals
  • D4/D1 (1)
  • D4C1 (1)
  • D4C2 (1)
  • D4C3 (1)
  • D4C4 (1)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Species Seals
  • D4C2 (12)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats Benthic habitats
  • D4C3 (22)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Habitats Pelagic habitats
  • D4/D1 (1)
  • D4C1 (1)
  • D4C2 (1)
  • D4C3 (1)
  • D4C4 (1)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Coastal ecosystem
  • D4C1 (1)
  • D4C2 (1)
  • D4C3 (1)
  • D4C1 (1)
  • D4C2 (2)
  • D4C3 (4)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Shelf ecosystem
  • D4C2 (2)
  • D4C3 (4)
  • D4/D1 (4)
  • D4C1 (22)
  • D4C2 (3)
  • D4C3 (5)
  • D4C4 (3)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Ecosystems, including food webs
  • D4C1 (1)
  • D4C2 (1)
  • D4C3 (1)
  • D4C4 (1)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Deposit-feeders
  • D4C1 (21)
  • D4C2 (22)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Filter-feeders
  • D4C1 (21)
  • D4C2 (22)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Planktivores
  • D4C2 (12)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Sub-apex demersal predators
  • D4C2 (10)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Primary producers
  • D4C1 (15)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: Ecosystems, including food webs Secondary producers
  • D4C1 (5)
  • D4C2 (5)
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems: No theme All marine ecosystem elements
  • D4/D1 (1)
GES description D4 Food webs/D1 Ecosystems
All elements of the marine food webs, to the extent that they are known, occur at normal abundance and diversity and levels capable of ensuring the long-term abundance of the species and the retention of their full reproductive capacity.
The good environmental status for D1 is defined, inter alia, by: "... the coastal waters are in good ecological status under the WFD and the chemical status of the entire seaside area is good ... those for the marine area of ​​the Baltic Sea the relevant habitat types of Annex I (LRT 11xx) of the Habitats Directive are in a favorable state of conservation ... the species of Annex II of the Habitats Directive relevant to the marine area of ​​the Baltic Sea and those of the marine species of the Baltic Sea The objectives of individual species- or species-group-specific conventions (eg ASCOBANS, Jastarnia Plan) have been achieved by the quality of their feeding habitat The following criteria are used to assess the good environmental status of D1 / D4 food webs Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848: D4C1, D4C2, D4C3, D4C4. Until the development of specific assessment methods for the criteria, the abovementioned definition of the good state of the environment is verified and supplemented by detailed results from the biodiversity assessment in the HELCOM State of the Baltic Sea report, even if they do not fully address the criteria. Explanation: Germany is taking over In this round of reporting, there is no update of the general description of the good environmental status of 2012 at descriptor level. During the reporting period, Germany cooperated with the Baltic Sea states in the framework of the EU MSRL-CIS process and in HELCOM in order to develop methodological standards (indicators, assessment procedures). Specific concretisations of criteria and indicators that contribute to a quantitative assessment of good environmental status are reported in the reporting scheme Art. 8_GES. For the evaluation of the criteria of Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848, under Art. 8_GES, where relevant, the assessments are included according to other EU directives, as far as possible taken into account the regionally agreed regional evaluations and supplemented on a case-by-case basis by national evaluations.
All known elements of marine food webs are present and occur with normal density and diversity as well as at levels which ensure a stable species density and maintain the full reproductive ability of the species.
GES description D4C1 Trophic guild species diversity (1.7, 1.7.1)
Cyanobacterial blooms and biomass below HELCOM index thresholds: 0.90 in the Gulf of Finland; 0.77 in the Northern Baltic; and 0.58 in the Bothnian Sea. The status of food webs is assessed descriptively for the Finnish marine area using data from all indicators.

Number of Chlorophyll of phytoplankton. The threshold values for chlorophyll levels in water management are underestimated: In the internal coastal waters of the Gulf of Finland, 3,5 µg L-1, 2,5 µg L-1 in the outer archipelago of the Gulf of Finland, 3,0 µg L-1 in the south-west archipelago, 2,5 µg L-1 in the south-west archipelago, 2,3 µg L-1 in inner coastal waters in the Bothnian Sea, 2,7 µg L-1 in the outer archipelago area of Bothnian Sea 2,1 µg L-1, 3,3 µg L-1 in the outer archipelago and 2,2 µg L-1 in coastal waters in the Bothnian archipelago, 3,3 µg L-1 in the outer archipelago and 2,2 µg L-1 in the outer coastal waters of the Bothnian Bay.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The average size and total biomass of the zooplankton community is both indicative and high in the feed. The thresholds for average size and total biomass in the HELCOM indicator are 8,6/125 in the Gulf of Finland, 5,1/220 in Northern Baltic Sea, 10,3/55 in the Åland Islands, 8,4/23,7 for the Bothnian Sea and 23,7/161 for the Bothnian Sea.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The plant plankton community is characterised by species which, as assessed by the phytoplankton indicator, are not predominant in terms of the species that have a healthy nutritional network and eutrophication. To evaluate by sea basin.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The regional species abundance index of the high seas exceeds 3,91 in the Gulf of Finland, 3,0 in Northern Baltic Sea, 2,3 in the Bothnian Sea and 1,37 in the Bothnian Sea.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The value of BQI in the high seas benthic communities (< 60m in depth) is in the Gulf of Finland 0,93, Northern Baltic 4,0, 4,0 in the Åland Sea, 4,0 in Bothnian Sea, 1,5 in the Kvarken Sea and 1,5 in the Bothnian Sea.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The water management thresholds (ELS) for coastal benthic communities in the BBI Index are 0.52 / 0.51 (0-10 m /> 10 m) in the Gulf of Finland and 0.56 / 0.56 (0-10 m /> in the outer Gulf of Finland). 10 m), In the southwestern inner archipelago 0.53 / 0.57 (0-10 m /> 10 m), In the southwestern intermediate archipelago 0.56 / 0.53 (0-10 m /> 10 m), In the southwestern outer archipelago 0.55 / 0.54 (0-10 m /> 10 m), 0.56 / 0.57 (0-10 m /> 10 m) in the inland coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea, 0.53 / 0.55 (0-10 m) in the outer coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea /> 10 m), Inner Kvarken Archipelago 0.57 / 0.58 (0-10 m /> 10 m), Outer Kvarken Archipelago 0.56 / 0.59 (0-10 m /> 10 m), Inland Gulf Coast 0 , 57 / 0.55 (0-10 m /> 10 m) and 0.56 / 0.55 (0-10 m /> 10 m) in the outer Gulf of Bothnia. The status of the food webs is assessed descriptively for the Finnish marine area using data from all indicators.
GES is determined via fish community trophic index. GES is achieved if the index value is >0,6.
Anthropogenic pressures do not adversely affect the diversity (species composition and relative abundance of species) of the trophic guild. The condition is assessed according to the indicator “Seasonal change of dominant phytoplankton groups”.
The diversity (species composition and their relative abundance) of the trophic guild is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures. Threshold values established on national and regional level (HELCOM).
The diversity (species composition and their relative density) of the individual trophic levels is not negatively affected by man-made pressures.
D4C1 Den trofiska gruppens mångfald (artsammansättning och arternas relativa abundans) är inte negativt påverkad till följd av mänskliga belastningar.
God miljöstatus: Metod för sammanvägning för kvantitativ bedömning per kriterium saknas.

D4C1 The diversity of the trophic guild (species composition and their relative abundance) is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures.
GES:Definition of GES at criteria level is not yet available.
GES description D4C2 Abundance across trophic guilds (1.7, 1.7.1, 4.3, 4.3.1)
COD: MSY Btrigger (not specified in 2018) recommended by ICES.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

Herring: MSY Btrigger, recommended by ICES (in 2018 in the Gulf of Bothnia 283 180 t and in other marine regions of 600 000 t).
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

Over 75% of breeding seabird species do not reduce their population size by > 30% of the 1991-2000 mean. The abundance is determined for each marine area separately. The status of food webs is assessed descriptively for the Finnish marine area using data from all indicators.

Over 75% of wintering seabird species do not reduce their population size by > 30% of the 1991-2000 mean. The abundance is determined for each marine area separately. The status of food webs is assessed descriptively for the Finnish marine area using data from all indicators.

Sprat: MSY Btrigger (2 018 570 000 t) recommended by ICES.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The abundance of fragile fish will be reduced in all sea basins.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The average size and total biomass of the zooplankton community is both indicative and high in the feed. The thresholds for the average size and total biomass are 8,6/125 in the Gulf of Finland, 5,1/220 in Northern Baltic Sea, 10,3/55 in the Åland Islands, 8,4/23,7 for the Bothnian Sea and 23,7/161 for the Bothnian Sea.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The combined abundance of perch and zander is increasing in the Gulf of Finland, the Aland Sea, the Bothnian Bay and the Quark.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The grey seal has a population size of at least 10,000 individuals in the Baltic Sea, and in addition, the population growth rate is> 7% or, when reaching environmental carrying capacity, the population size does not fall> 10% on a 10-year average. The abundance is determined for each marine area separately. The status of food webs is assessed descriptively for the Finnish marine area using data from all indicators.

The population size of the Baltic ringed seal shall be at least 10 000 individuals in each of its three sub-units and, in addition, at the growth stage of the population, the rate of growth shall be > 7 % or, when reaching the environmental carrying capacity, the population size shall not fall > 10 % on a 10-year average. The abundance shall be determined for each sea basin separately. The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The regional species abundance index of the high seas exceeds 3,91 in the Gulf of Finland, 3,0 in Northern Baltic Sea, 2,3 in the Bothnian Sea and 1,37 in the Bothnian Sea.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The value of BQI in the high seas benthic communities (< 60m in depth) is in the Gulf of Finland 0,93, Northern Baltic 4,0, 4,0 in the Åland Sea, 4,0 in Bothnian Sea, 1,5 in the Kvarken Sea and 1,5 in the Bothnian Sea.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The water management thresholds (ELS) for coastal benthic communities in the BBI Index are 0.52 / 0.51 (0-10 m /> 10 m) in the Gulf of Finland and 0.56 / 0.56 (0-10 m /> in the outer Gulf of Finland). 10 m), In the southwestern inner archipelago 0.53 / 0.57 (0-10 m /> 10 m), In the southwestern intermediate archipelago 0.56 / 0.53 (0-10 m /> 10 m), In the southwestern outer archipelago 0.55 / 0.54 (0-10 m /> 10 m), 0.56 / 0.57 (0-10 m /> 10 m) in the inland coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea, 0.53 / 0.55 (0-10 m) in the outer coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea /> 10 m), Inner Kvarken Archipelago 0.57 / 0.58 (0-10 m /> 10 m), Outer Kvarken Archipelago 0.56 / 0.59 (0-10 m /> 10 m), Inland Gulf Coast 0 , 57 / 0.55 (0-10 m /> 10 m) and 0.56 / 0.55 (0-10 m /> 10 m) in the outer Gulf of Bothnia. The status of the food webs is assessed descriptively for the Finnish marine area using data from all indicators.
GES is determined via abundance of coastal Fish key functional groups: abundance of cyprinids in monitoring catches and abundance of piscivores in monitoring catches. GES is achieved if both of the indicator values are >0,6.

In addition, GES is determined via balance of lower guilds. GES threshold value is two times of the long term standard deviation. If the indicator value differs more than two times the long term standard deviation the GES is not achieved. GES = > 0,3 ja < 0,7.
Anthropogenic pressures do not adversely affect the overall abundance balance in all trophic guilds. The indicator “Abundance of meso-predatory fish” is used to assess the condition.

Anthropogenic pressures do not adversely affect the overall abundance balance in all trophic guilds. The indicator “Fish Community Abundance Index (Predator Abundance)” is used to assess the status (also used for criterion D1C3).
The balance of total abundance between the trophic guilds is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures. Threshold values established on national and regional level (HELCOM).
The balance between the trophic levels is not adversely affected by man-made pressures.
D4C2 Balansen i total abundans mellan de trofiska grupperna är inte negativt påverkad till följd av mänskliga belastningar.
God miljöstatus: Se under D4C1

D4C2 The balance of total abundance between the trophic guilds is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures.
GES:See under D4C1
GES description D4C3 Trophic guild size distribution (4.2, 4.2.1)
The regional species abundance index of the high seas exceeds 3,91 in the Gulf of Finland, 3,0 in Northern Baltic Sea, 2,3 in the Bothnian Sea and 1,37 in the Bothnian Sea.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The value of BQI in the high seas benthic communities (< 60m in depth) is in the Gulf of Finland 0,93, Northern Baltic 4,0, 4,0 in the Åland Sea, 4,0 in Bothnian Sea, 1,5 in the Kvarken Sea and 1,5 in the Bothnian Sea.
The condition of the food webs is used to describe in a descriptive way the Finnish sea area using the data of all the indicators.

The water management thresholds (ELS) for coastal benthic communities in the BBI Index are 0.52 / 0.51 (0-10 m /> 10 m) in the Gulf of Finland and 0.56 / 0.56 (0-10 m /> in the outer Gulf of Finland). 10 m), In the southwestern inner archipelago 0.53 / 0.57 (0-10 m /> 10 m), In the southwestern intermediate archipelago 0.56 / 0.53 (0-10 m /> 10 m), In the southwestern outer archipelago 0.55 / 0.54 (0-10 m /> 10 m), 0.56 / 0.57 (0-10 m /> 10 m) in the inland coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea, 0.53 / 0.55 (0-10 m) in the outer coastal waters of the Bothnian Sea /> 10 m), Inner Kvarken Archipelago 0.57 / 0.58 (0-10 m /> 10 m), Outer Kvarken Archipelago 0.56 / 0.59 (0-10 m /> 10 m), Inland Gulf Coast 0 , 57 / 0.55 (0-10 m /> 10 m) and 0.56 / 0.55 (0-10 m /> 10 m) in the outer Gulf of Bothnia. The status of the food webs is assessed descriptively for the Finnish marine area using data from all indicators.
GES is determined via mean maximum length across all fish species found in monitoring catches (MMLI). GES is achieved if indicator value is >0,6.

In addition, GES is determined via abundance index of large (TL>250 mm) perch (Perca fluviatilis) in monitoring catches. GES is achieved if index value is >0,6.
Anthropogenic pressures do not adversely affect the size distribution of individuals across the trophic guild. The indicator "Fish Community Size Index" (also used for criterion D1C3) is used to assess the status.

Anthropogenic pressures do not adversely affect the size distribution of individuals across the trophic guild. The indicator "Zooplankton average size and total abundance" is used to assess the status.
The size distribution of individuals across the trophic guild is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures. Threshold values established on national and regional level (HELCOM).
The size distribution of individuals across the trophic levels is not negatively affected by man-made pressures.
D4C3 Individernas storleksfördelning inom den trofiska gruppen är inte negativt påverkad till följd av mänskliga belastningar.
God miljöstatus:Se under D4C1
D4C3 The size distribution of individuals across the trophic guild is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures.
GES:See under D4C1
GES description D4C4 Trophic guild productivity (4.1, 4.1.1)
Productivity of the trophic guild is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures. Threshold values established on national and regional level (HELCOM).
The productivity of individual trophic levels is not adversely affected by man-made pressures.
D4C4 Produktiviteten inom den trofiska gruppen är inte negativt påverkad till följd av mänskliga belastningar
God mljöstatus:Se under D4C1
D4C4:Productivity of the trophic guild is not adversely affected due to anthropogenic pressures.
GES:See under D4C1
Determination date
  • 2018-07 (D4C3, D4C2, D4C1)
  • 2018-07 (D4C3, D4C2, D4C1)
  • 2013-04 (D4C3, D4C2)
  • 2020-02 (D4C3, D4C2, D4C1)
  • 2018-09 (D4C2, D4C1, D4/D1, D4C4, D4C3)
  • 2018-10 (D4/D1)
  • 2019-04 (D4C2, D4C1, D4/D1, D4C4, D4C3)
  • 2018-12 (D4C3, D4C4, D4C2, D4C1)
Update type
  • Modified from reported determination (D4C3, D4C2, D4C1)
  • New determination (D4C3, D4C2, D4C1)
  • New determination (D4C3, D4C2, D4C1)
  • Same as last reported determination (D4C3, D4C2)
  • New determination (D4C2, D4C1, D4/D1, D4C4, D4C3)
  • Same as last reported determination (D4/D1)
  • New determination (D4C2, D4C1, D4/D1, D4C4, D4C3)
  • Modified from reported determination (D4C3, D4C4, D4C2, D4C1)
Justification for non-use of criterion
D4C4: Criteria D3C4 has not been used for determination of GES because there is not enough data. D3C4 is secondary and therefore not mandatory criteria.
Justification for delay in setting EU/regional requirements
D4/D1: None
D4/D1: During the reporting period, regional cooperation focused on the development of methodological standards to assess the various aspects of stress and resilience on the basis of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU. The indicators vary in their level of maturity and require further development or testing. Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 gives, for the first time, an explicit obligation on the part of the EU Member States to agree on evaluation elements, thresholds and integration rules in the framework of the EU MSFD CIS process and through regional or subregional cooperation. Germany is actively working with the countries bordering the Baltic Sea in the framework of the ongoing work programmes of the EU MSFD and the HELCOM bodies to establish where a coordinated definition is still missing.
D4/D1: At present, it is not possible to assess whether the food network as a whole will be in good environmental condition by 2020. However, the balance of marine food is expected to improve as the environmental targets for pressure factors and condition under the other descriptors are achieved.

D4C1: Overall, the species diversity for neither phytoplankton nor zooplankton can be stated as being in good environmental condition, as the data base is currently too flimsy to be able to assess this.

D4C2: Despite assessments of individual sub-elements of the food network, it is currently not possible to assess whether the food network as a whole is in good environmental condition by 2020. Going forward, work therefore remains in the regional conventions with the development of relevant indicators and the setting of relevant thresholds. For this, it must be ensured that there is sufficiently good data.

D4C3: There is still insufficient technical basis and agreement on the methods for setting threshold values for D4. Reference is sometimes made to the assessments for the individual species groups under descriptor 1.

D4C4: There is still insufficient technical basis and agreement on the methods for setting threshold values for D4. Reference is sometimes made to the assessments for the individual species groups under descriptor 1.
D4C1: Under this criterion, we have used proxies from other descriptors (D1) for the assessement. Both coastal and offshore part of the basins are covered. The reason for using proxies is that the concept of trophic guilds is new, and it has not been possible to establish indicators following the trophic guilds yet. More research and development of indicators is needed.
We do not have a definition of GES at criteria level yet.
The assessments under article 8 are thus semi-quantitative and descriptive for the different species groups and habitats.

D4C2: Under this criterion, we have only one fish-indicator for coastal fish and only for The Baltic Sea. The reason is that the concept of trophic guilds is new, and it has not yet been possible to establish indicators following the trophic guilds. More research and development of indicators is needed.
We do not have a definition of GES at criteria level yet.
The assessments under article 8 are mostly qualitative.

D4C3: Under this criterion, we have used proxies from other descriptors (D1) for the assessement. In the North Sea only coastal parts of basins are covered and in The Baltic Sea only the offshore parts. The reason for using proxies is that the concept of trophic guilds is new, and it has not been possible to establish indicators following the trophic guilds yet. More research and development of indicators is needed.
We do not have a definition of GES at criteria level yet.
The assessments under article 8 are thus semi-quantitative and descriptive for the different species groups and habitats.

D4C4: Under this criterion, we have used proxies from other descriptors (D1) for the assessement. Both coastal and offshore part of the basins are covered. The reason for using proxies is that the concept of trophic guilds is new, and it has not been possible to establish indicators following the trophic guilds yet. More research and development of indicators is needed.
We do not have a definition of GES at criteria level yet.
The assessments under article 8 are thus semi-quantitative and descriptive only for Mammals.