Member State report / Art11 / 2020 / D11 / Baltic

Report type Member State report to Commission
MSFD Article Art. 11 Monitoring programmes (and Art. 17 updates)
Report due 2020-10-15
GES Descriptor D11 Energy, incl. underwater noise
Region/subregion Baltic

Member state
Monitoring strategy description
Die Vorgehensweise für die Bewertung der räumlichen Verteilung, Dauer und Intensität (im Sinne der MSRL Anforderungen) beinhaltet für den Indikator D11C1 „Impulsschall (Laute aber zeitliche kurze Schalleinträge)“ die Entwicklung eines Schallregisters (Erfassung von Ereignissen). Für den Indikator D11C2 „Dauerschall (dauerhafter niederfrequenter Schalleintrag)“ ist ein in situ Unterwasserschall-Monitoring mit entsprechenden Modellierungsverfahren (Lärmkarten) gefordert. Zustandsbewertungen können somit belastbar erst nach Abschluss der geplanten Vorgehensweisen durchgeführt werden. Die derzeitige Strategie sieht eine Kombination aus punktuellen Schallmessungen und flächendeckender Modellierung mit dem Produkt Lärmkarte vor. Bislang wurden diese Messungen meist nur im Rahmen von Forschungsprojekten durchgeführt, da viele wichtige und notwendige Aspekte noch erforscht, evaluiert und festgelegt werden müssen. Das mittel- bis langfristige Ziel ist es, die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen in ein kontinuierliches Monitoring zu überführen. In der Ostsee wurden nach Abschluss des BIAS-Projekts (2016) die Ergebnisse von HELCOM aufgegriffen, um diese für die Entwicklung von regionalen Monitoringkonzepten und Indikatorentwicklungen weiter zu nutzen. Derzeit finden entsprechende Abstimmungen hinsichtlich eines gemeinschaftlichen Monitorings der Ostsee-Anrainerstaaten (Messen, Datenspeicherung und Datenaustausch) statt. Im Bereich Impulsschall (D11C1 bzw. Maßnahme UZ6-02) erfolgt die Überwachung des Umweltzustandes anhand der Meldepflicht von Impulsschallereignissen an das im Jahr 2015 gegründete und am ICES geführte Schallregister von OSPAR und HELCOM. Deutschland hat seit 2016 im Rahmen der Umsetzung der Maßnahme UZ6-02 ein nationales Schallregister für Unterwasserschallereignisse aufgebaut und etabliert. Verantwortlich für die Führung des nationalen Schallregisters und für die Erfüllung der Meldepflicht an das europäische Schallregister beim ICES ist das BSH. Seit 2016 meldet das BSH jährlich impulshaltige Schallereignisse aus den deutschen Küstengewässern und der deutschen AWZ. Den technischen Hintergrund für die Führung des Schallregisters bietet das Fachinformationssystem MarinEARS am BSH, welches ebenfalls seit 2016 den operativen Betrieb aufgenommen hat ( MarinEARS bietet eine umfangreiche Datengrundlage für die Analyse und Bewertung des Umweltzustands in Hinblick auf Unterwasserschall an. Zusätzlich sind in MarinEARS auch Information
Die Vorgehensweise für die Bewertung der räumlichen Verteilung, Dauer und Intensität (im Sinne der MSRL Anforderungen) beinhaltet für den Indikator D11C1 „Impulsschall (Laute aber zeitliche kurze Schalleinträge)“ die Entwicklung eines Schallregisters (Erfassung von Ereignissen). Für den Indikator D11C2 „Dauerschall (dauerhafter niederfrequenter Schalleintrag)“ ist ein in situ Unterwasserschall-Monitoring mit entsprechenden Modellierungsverfahren (Lärmkarten) gefordert. Zustandsbewertungen können somit belastbar erst nach Abschluss der geplanten Vorgehensweisen durchgeführt werden. Die derzeitige Strategie sieht eine Kombination aus punktuellen Schallmessungen und flächendeckender Modellierung mit dem Produkt Lärmkarte vor. Bislang wurden diese Messungen meist nur im Rahmen von Forschungsprojekten durchgeführt, da viele wichtige und notwendige Aspekte noch erforscht, evaluiert und festgelegt werden müssen. Das mittel- bis langfristige Ziel ist es, die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen in ein kontinuierliches Monitoring zu überführen. In der Ostsee wurden nach Abschluss des BIAS-Projekts (2016) die Ergebnisse von HELCOM aufgegriffen, um diese für die Entwicklung von regionalen Monitoringkonzepten und Indikatorentwicklungen weiter zu nutzen. Derzeit finden entsprechende Abstimmungen hinsichtlich eines gemeinschaftlichen Monitorings der Ostsee-Anrainerstaaten (Messen, Datenspeicherung und Datenaustausch) statt. Im Bereich Impulsschall (D11C1 bzw. Maßnahme UZ6-02) erfolgt die Überwachung des Umweltzustandes anhand der Meldepflicht von Impulsschallereignissen an das im Jahr 2015 gegründete und am ICES geführte Schallregister von OSPAR und HELCOM. Deutschland hat seit 2016 im Rahmen der Umsetzung der Maßnahme UZ6-02 ein nationales Schallregister für Unterwasserschallereignisse aufgebaut und etabliert. Verantwortlich für die Führung des nationalen Schallregisters und für die Erfüllung der Meldepflicht an das europäische Schallregister beim ICES ist das BSH. Seit 2016 meldet das BSH jährlich impulshaltige Schallereignisse aus den deutschen Küstengewässern und der deutschen AWZ. Den technischen Hintergrund für die Führung des Schallregisters bietet das Fachinformationssystem MarinEARS am BSH, welches ebenfalls seit 2016 den operativen Betrieb aufgenommen hat ( MarinEARS bietet eine umfangreiche Datengrundlage für die Analyse und Bewertung des Umweltzustands in Hinblick auf Unterwasserschall an. Zusätzlich sind in MarinEARS auch Information
Undervandsstøj stammer fra mange forskellige aktiviteter på havet. Nogle lyde er naturlige, såsom bølgesprøjt og dyrenes egne lyde, mens andre er menneskeskabte og kan forårsage direkte eller indirekte skader på havets dyreliv. Der skelnes mellem to støjindikatorer med en tilhørende overvågningsaktivitet: 1) impulsstøj 2) lavfrekvent vedvarende støj. Formålet med overvågningen af undervandsstøj er, at tilvejebringe grundlaget for, at undervandsstøj befinder sig på et niveau, der ikke påvirker havmiljøet negativt. Lavfrekvent undervandsstøj overvåges på nuværende tidspunkt ved seks stationer i områderne Lillebælt, Hjelm, Anholt, Stevns,Horns Rev og Store Rev. Overvågning af impulsstøj sker ikke ved direkte overvågning, men ved indrapportering af aktiviteter der medfører impulsstøj. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
Undervandsstøj stammer fra mange forskellige aktiviteter på havet. Nogle lyde er naturlige, såsom bølgesprøjt og dyrenes egne lyde, mens andre er menneskeskabte og kan forårsage direkte eller indirekte skader på havets dyreliv. Der skelnes mellem to støjindikatorer med en tilhørende overvågningsaktivitet: 1) impulsstøj 2) lavfrekvent vedvarende støj. Formålet med overvågningen af undervandsstøj er, at tilvejebringe grundlaget for, at undervandsstøj befinder sig på et niveau, der ikke påvirker havmiljøet negativt. Lavfrekvent undervandsstøj overvåges på nuværende tidspunkt ved seks stationer i områderne Lillebælt, Hjelm, Anholt, Stevns,Horns Rev og Store Rev. Overvågning af impulsstøj sker ikke ved direkte overvågning, men ved indrapportering af aktiviteter der medfører impulsstøj. Overvågningsprogrammet har til formål at sikre, at miljøtilstanden, som den er defineret i basisanalysen for Danmarks Havstrategi II, løbende kan følges i de danske havområder. Overvågningsprogrammet og basisanalyserne skal sammen danne grundlag for udarbejdelsen af de indsatsprogrammer, der skal sikre opfyldelse af miljømålene. Overvågningen vil endvidere føre til en vurdering af indsatsprogrammets foranstaltninger i forhold til opnåelse eller opretholdelse af god miljøtilstand. Overvågningsprogrammet er således tilrettelagt for at vurdere fremskridt i forhold til GES, miljømål og indsatser.
The aim of the monitoring strategy “SD11 – Underwater noise” is to collect data on the spatial and temporal distribution of anthropogenic impulsive sounds and low-frequency continuous noise. Data on impulsive sounds are gathered by the seismic monitoring and information on human activities causing underwater impulsive noise. Ambient continuous noise is measured by autonomous submersible recorders and the soundscape is modelled using numerical models in co-operation with other HELCOM parties. The monitoring programmes involved are: “Impulsive underwater noise – distribution, frequency and levels” and “Continuous underwater noise - distribution, frequency and levels”. Information on the uses and human activities causing underwater noise is collected in the programme “Marine and coastal activities”.
The aim of the monitoring strategy “SD11 – Underwater noise” is to collect data on the spatial and temporal distribution of anthropogenic impulsive sounds and low-frequency continuous noise. Data on impulsive sounds are gathered by the seismic monitoring and information on human activities causing underwater impulsive noise. Ambient continuous noise is measured by autonomous submersible recorders and the soundscape is modelled using numerical models in co-operation with other HELCOM parties. The monitoring programmes involved are: “Impulsive underwater noise – distribution, frequency and levels” and “Continuous underwater noise - distribution, frequency and levels”. Information on the uses and human activities causing underwater noise is collected in the programme “Marine and coastal activities”.
The aim of the monitoring strategy “SD11 – Underwater noise” is to collect data on the spatial and temporal distribution of anthropogenic impulsive sounds and low-frequency continuous noise. Data on impulsive sounds are gathered by the seismic monitoring and information on human activities causing underwater impulsive noise. Ambient continuous noise is measured by autonomous submersible recorders and the soundscape is modelled using numerical models in co-operation with other HELCOM parties. The monitoring programmes involved are: “Impulsive underwater noise – distribution, frequency and levels” and “Continuous underwater noise - distribution, frequency and levels”. Information on the uses and human activities causing underwater noise is collected in the programme “Marine and coastal activities”.
The programme consists of only one sub-programme to monitor continuous underwater sound pressure levels and anthropogenic underwater impulsive noise.
Baltijos jūros antropogeninio povandeninio nenutrūkstamo triukšmo monitoringas į Valstybinę 2018-2023 m. monitoringo programą įtrauktas 2020 metais. Lietuvos jūriniame rajone jis bus vykdomas nuo 2021 m. (anksčiau tyrimai nepavyko dėl ilgai užsitęsusių viešųjų pirkimų procedūrų). Nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo monitoringas bus vykdomas ne mažiau kaip 2 stotyse teritorinėje jūroje ir Lietuvos išskirtinėje ekonominėje zonoje, įdiegiant nuolatines povandeninio nenutrūkstamo triukšmo stebėjimo stotis. Tyrimų metu bus nustatyti antropogeninio nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo lygiai ir kaitos tendencijos, parengti metodiniai nurodymai nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo lygių nustatymui Lietuvos jūriniame rajone. Duomenys apie povandeninius impulsinius triukšmus registruojami povandeninių impulsinių triukšmų registre (ICES) pagal 2019 m. patvirtintą tvarką. Dėl informacijos konfidencialumo į registrą nėra teikiami žemo dažnio sonarų naudojimo duomenys, registre nėra pateikti mokslinių tyrimų metu naudojamų sonarų ir seisminių įrenginių, naudojančių akustinį signalą, duomenys. Iki šiol surinktų duomenų ir modeliavimo pagrindu buvo įvertinti esami ir potencialūs povandeninio triukšmo šaltiniai, triukšmui jautrios zonos ir kai kurių triukšmo šaltinių (pvz., karinių sprogdinimų) galimas poveikis rūšims. Tačiau kriterijams D11C1 ir D11C2 nenustatytos slenkstinės GAB vertės, nežinomas poveikis rūšims, nenustatytos slenkstinės GAB vertės ir ES lygmeniu.
Baltijos jūros antropogeninio povandeninio nenutrūkstamo triukšmo monitoringas į Valstybinę 2018-2023 m. monitoringo programą įtrauktas 2020 metais. Lietuvos jūriniame rajone jis bus vykdomas nuo 2021 m. (anksčiau tyrimai nepavyko dėl ilgai užsitęsusių viešųjų pirkimų procedūrų). Nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo monitoringas bus vykdomas ne mažiau kaip 2 stotyse teritorinėje jūroje ir Lietuvos išskirtinėje ekonominėje zonoje, įdiegiant nuolatines povandeninio nenutrūkstamo triukšmo stebėjimo stotis. Tyrimų metu bus nustatyti antropogeninio nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo lygiai ir kaitos tendencijos, parengti metodiniai nurodymai nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo lygių nustatymui Lietuvos jūriniame rajone. Duomenys apie povandeninius impulsinius triukšmus registruojami povandeninių impulsinių triukšmų registre (ICES) pagal 2019 m. patvirtintą tvarką. Dėl informacijos konfidencialumo į registrą nėra teikiami žemo dažnio sonarų naudojimo duomenys, registre nėra pateikti mokslinių tyrimų metu naudojamų sonarų ir seisminių įrenginių, naudojančių akustinį signalą, duomenys. Iki šiol surinktų duomenų ir modeliavimo pagrindu buvo įvertinti esami ir potencialūs povandeninio triukšmo šaltiniai, triukšmui jautrios zonos ir kai kurių triukšmo šaltinių (pvz., karinių sprogdinimų) galimas poveikis rūšims. Tačiau kriterijams D11C1 ir D11C2 nenustatytos slenkstinės GAB vertės, nežinomas poveikis rūšims, nenustatytos slenkstinės GAB vertės ir ES lygmeniu.
1. For LV-4.11.1 it is planned to deploy hydrophones in strategic locations 2. For LV-4.11.2. it is planned to deploy 2 hydrophones at strategically chosen locations. The data shall be used to support joint effort at modeling of sound pollution spatial distribution.
1. For LV-4.11.1 it is planned to deploy hydrophones in strategic locations 2. For LV-4.11.2. it is planned to deploy 2 hydrophones at strategically chosen locations. The data shall be used to support joint effort at modeling of sound pollution spatial distribution.
Within the strategy two monitoring programmes for gathering information on both ambient noise and impulsive sounds within Polish Marine Areas are designated. The monitoring aims to provide data for the assessment of both criteria od Descriptor D11 as outlined in the Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 of 17 May 2017. The strategy aims both at assessing status and impact from the human activities resulting in underwater noise. The monitoring is regionally coordinated based on the output from the BIAS project and HELCOM.
Within the strategy two monitoring programmes for gathering information on both ambient noise and impulsive sounds within Polish Marine Areas are designated. The monitoring aims to provide data for the assessment of both criteria od Descriptor D11 as outlined in the Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 of 17 May 2017. The strategy aims both at assessing status and impact from the human activities resulting in underwater noise. The monitoring is regionally coordinated based on the output from the BIAS project and HELCOM.
Within the strategy two monitoring programmes for gathering information on both ambient noise and impulsive sounds within Polish Marine Areas are designated. The monitoring aims to provide data for the assessment of both criteria od Descriptor D11 as outlined in the Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 of 17 May 2017. The strategy aims both at assessing status and impact from the human activities resulting in underwater noise. The monitoring is regionally coordinated based on the output from the BIAS project and HELCOM.
Within the strategy two monitoring programmes for gathering information on both ambient noise and impulsive sounds within Polish Marine Areas are designated. The monitoring aims to provide data for the assessment of both criteria od Descriptor D11 as outlined in the Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 of 17 May 2017. The strategy aims both at assessing status and impact from the human activities resulting in underwater noise. The monitoring is regionally coordinated based on the output from the BIAS project and HELCOM.
"Underwater noise is continuously monitored by making sound recordings with hydrophones to measure the local noise level in a couple of places around the Swedish coast. Furthermore, sound maps of greater sea areas will also be produced using sound scape models and AIS data (automatic identification system) from ships. Such maps give a regional picture of the sound levels in time and space. Impulsive noise is monitored by requesting information nationally on where, when and for how long defined noisy activities have been carried out during a year. Descriptor 11 also includes the supply of other energy, such as heat and electromagnetic radiation, but criteria for this are still subject to further development. Such disturbance is also considered to be less widespread in Sweden, so the monitoring for descriptor 11 focuses on underwater noise. However, the local impact of cooling water discharges at nuclear power plants is included in the monitoring of alien species at nuclear power plants (see the strategy for monitoring alien species, descriptor 2). Monitoring of impulsive noise events currently provides baseline data intended for assessing status and the progress towards GES (target E.1), however there are yet no indicators defined. The same applies for continous noise. However, the production of soundscape maps will facilitate assessment in 2024. There are yet no measures in place directly targeting noise, but one measure will be included in the next article 13 reporting. The lack of threshold values for assessing environmental status based on underwater noise is not directly due to shortcomings in the data, but mainly due to the fact that it is difficult to identify which levels, frequencies and durations of noise that are harmful to animals. Knowledge is needed about how noise-sensitive species adapt to compensate for disturbances in their communication, and based on that, risk levels need to be determined for when noise-sensitive species are affected in different areas. A better coverage of shallow coastal areas are needed because these often are of high biological value, and are affected by different human activities compared to offshore areas where ship noise dominates. Continuous underwater noise is measured in the form of sound pressure. However, sound energy can also be measured as particle movements (vibrations). This is something that fish and invertebrates are mainly sensitive to. Today, there are no standardized measurement sensors or procedure
"Underwater noise is continuously monitored by making sound recordings with hydrophones to measure the local noise level in a couple of places around the Swedish coast. Furthermore, sound maps of greater sea areas will also be produced using sound scape models and AIS data (automatic identification system) from ships. Such maps give a regional picture of the sound levels in time and space. Impulsive noise is monitored by requesting information nationally on where, when and for how long defined noisy activities have been carried out during a year. Descriptor 11 also includes the supply of other energy, such as heat and electromagnetic radiation, but criteria for this are still subject to further development. Such disturbance is also considered to be less widespread in Sweden, so the monitoring for descriptor 11 focuses on underwater noise. However, the local impact of cooling water discharges at nuclear power plants is included in the monitoring of alien species at nuclear power plants (see the strategy for monitoring alien species, descriptor 2). Monitoring of impulsive noise events currently provides baseline data intended for assessing status and the progress towards GES (target E.1), however there are yet no indicators defined. The same applies for continous noise. However, the production of soundscape maps will facilitate assessment in 2024. There are yet no measures in place directly targeting noise, but one measure will be included in the next article 13 reporting. The lack of threshold values for assessing environmental status based on underwater noise is not directly due to shortcomings in the data, but mainly due to the fact that it is difficult to identify which levels, frequencies and durations of noise that are harmful to animals. Knowledge is needed about how noise-sensitive species adapt to compensate for disturbances in their communication, and based on that, risk levels need to be determined for when noise-sensitive species are affected in different areas. A better coverage of shallow coastal areas are needed because these often are of high biological value, and are affected by different human activities compared to offshore areas where ship noise dominates. Continuous underwater noise is measured in the form of sound pressure. However, sound energy can also be measured as particle movements (vibrations). This is something that fish and invertebrates are mainly sensitive to. Today, there are no standardized measurement sensors or procedure
"Underwater noise is continuously monitored by making sound recordings with hydrophones to measure the local noise level in a couple of places around the Swedish coast. Furthermore, sound maps of greater sea areas will also be produced using sound scape models and AIS data (automatic identification system) from ships. Such maps give a regional picture of the sound levels in time and space. Impulsive noise is monitored by requesting information nationally on where, when and for how long defined noisy activities have been carried out during a year. Descriptor 11 also includes the supply of other energy, such as heat and electromagnetic radiation, but criteria for this are still subject to further development. Such disturbance is also considered to be less widespread in Sweden, so the monitoring for descriptor 11 focuses on underwater noise. However, the local impact of cooling water discharges at nuclear power plants is included in the monitoring of alien species at nuclear power plants (see the strategy for monitoring alien species, descriptor 2). Monitoring of impulsive noise events currently provides baseline data intended for assessing status and the progress towards GES (target E.1), however there are yet no indicators defined. The same applies for continous noise. However, the production of soundscape maps will facilitate assessment in 2024. There are yet no measures in place directly targeting noise, but one measure will be included in the next article 13 reporting. The lack of threshold values for assessing environmental status based on underwater noise is not directly due to shortcomings in the data, but mainly due to the fact that it is difficult to identify which levels, frequencies and durations of noise that are harmful to animals. Knowledge is needed about how noise-sensitive species adapt to compensate for disturbances in their communication, and based on that, risk levels need to be determined for when noise-sensitive species are affected in different areas. A better coverage of shallow coastal areas are needed because these often are of high biological value, and are affected by different human activities compared to offshore areas where ship noise dominates. Continuous underwater noise is measured in the form of sound pressure. However, sound energy can also be measured as particle movements (vibrations). This is something that fish and invertebrates are mainly sensitive to. Today, there are no standardized measurement sensors or procedure
Coverage of GES criteria
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring was in place by 2018
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Gaps and plans
Im Bereich Dauerschall (D11C2 bzw. Maßnahme UZ6-03) gibt es derzeit weder vorhandene (Langzeit-) Messprogramme noch gibt es einen einheitlichen Ablauf bzw. abgestimmte Herangehensweisen für die Datenauswertung. Entsprechende Subprogramme befinden sich in der Planung. Entsprechende vergangene und laufende Projekte haben die Zielsetzung, regional abgestimmte Vorgehensweisen zu erarbeiten und entsprechende zukünftige Umsetzungsvorschläge zu liefern. Diese werden unter HELCOM und OSPAR zusammengeführt und weiterentwickelt (spez. Indikatorentwicklung) und die Erkenntnisse an die Mitgliedsstaaten weitergegeben, um für die MSRL Überwachungspflichten genutzt werden zu können. Hierzu ist ein nationales Monitoringprogramm notwendig, welches es noch zu entwickeln gilt. Im Bereich Impulsschall (D11C1 bzw. Maßnahme UZ6-02) gibt es bereits ein etabliertes nationales Schallregister. Allerdings sind das Schallregister sowie die damit einhergehenden Meldepflichten nicht für alle relevante Bereiche des Impulsschalls zwecks belastbarer Bewertung des Umweltzustands genügend entwickelt. Derzeit beinhaltet das nationale Schallregister eine umfängliche und belastbare Datengrundlage in Zusammenhang mit Schallereignissen aus Rammarbeiten für Offshore Konstruktionen. Die Datengrundlage zu Explosionen umfasst derzeit aufgrund nicht abschließend geklärten Meldepflichten nicht alle Schallereignisse. Die Daten zu militärischen Nutzungen werden seit 2018 eingereicht. Im Aufbau befindet sich noch die Meldung und Aufnahme von Ereignissen in Zusammenhang mit Exploration. Die aktuelle Planung sieht vor, dass die Meldepflichten in Abstimmung mit Bund und Länder weiter konkretisiert und geklärt werden. Es ist beabsichtigt bis 2024 feste Meldepflichten für alle Bereiche von impulshaltigen Ereignissen gemäß der Guidance der TG-Noise etabliert und eine belastbare Datengrundlage in MarinEARS verfügbar zu haben.
Im Bereich Dauerschall (D11C2 bzw. Maßnahme UZ6-03) gibt es derzeit weder vorhandene (Langzeit-) Messprogramme noch gibt es einen einheitlichen Ablauf bzw. abgestimmte Herangehensweisen für die Datenauswertung. Entsprechende Subprogramme befinden sich in der Planung. Entsprechende vergangene und laufende Projekte haben die Zielsetzung, regional abgestimmte Vorgehensweisen zu erarbeiten und entsprechende zukünftige Umsetzungsvorschläge zu liefern. Diese werden unter HELCOM und OSPAR zusammengeführt und weiterentwickelt (spez. Indikatorentwicklung) und die Erkenntnisse an die Mitgliedsstaaten weitergegeben, um für die MSRL Überwachungspflichten genutzt werden zu können. Hierzu ist ein nationales Monitoringprogramm notwendig, welches es noch zu entwickeln gilt. Im Bereich Impulsschall (D11C1 bzw. Maßnahme UZ6-02) gibt es bereits ein etabliertes nationales Schallregister. Allerdings sind das Schallregister sowie die damit einhergehenden Meldepflichten nicht für alle relevante Bereiche des Impulsschalls zwecks belastbarer Bewertung des Umweltzustands genügend entwickelt. Derzeit beinhaltet das nationale Schallregister eine umfängliche und belastbare Datengrundlage in Zusammenhang mit Schallereignissen aus Rammarbeiten für Offshore Konstruktionen. Die Datengrundlage zu Explosionen umfasst derzeit aufgrund nicht abschließend geklärten Meldepflichten nicht alle Schallereignisse. Die Daten zu militärischen Nutzungen werden seit 2018 eingereicht. Im Aufbau befindet sich noch die Meldung und Aufnahme von Ereignissen in Zusammenhang mit Exploration. Die aktuelle Planung sieht vor, dass die Meldepflichten in Abstimmung mit Bund und Länder weiter konkretisiert und geklärt werden. Es ist beabsichtigt bis 2024 feste Meldepflichten für alle Bereiche von impulshaltigen Ereignissen gemäß der Guidance der TG-Noise etabliert und eine belastbare Datengrundlage in MarinEARS verfügbar zu haben.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
Overvågningsprogrammet er tilstrækkeligt.
It is necessary to perform random measurements of impulsive sounds to assess the occurrence and level of impulse noise based on human activity data (development work, such as pile driving, etc). The continuous noise is measured only at certain monitoring stations. The modelled soundscape is needed to assess the anthropogenic pressure, therefore more measurement results are needed for validation of the model and enhancing its reliability. Information and knowledge about the effects of underwater noise on different species are insufficient, and thresholds values for related indicators are still being developed both at the EU and regional levels. Databases need to be developed and the results of EIA studies and relevant monitoring have to be made available in public databases.
It is necessary to perform random measurements of impulsive sounds to assess the occurrence and level of impulse noise based on human activity data (development work, such as pile driving, etc). The continuous noise is measured only at certain monitoring stations. The modelled soundscape is needed to assess the anthropogenic pressure, therefore more measurement results are needed for validation of the model and enhancing its reliability. Information and knowledge about the effects of underwater noise on different species are insufficient, and thresholds values for related indicators are still being developed both at the EU and regional levels. Databases need to be developed and the results of EIA studies and relevant monitoring have to be made available in public databases.
It is necessary to perform random measurements of impulsive sounds to assess the occurrence and level of impulse noise based on human activity data (development work, such as pile driving, etc). The continuous noise is measured only at certain monitoring stations. The modelled soundscape is needed to assess the anthropogenic pressure, therefore more measurement results are needed for validation of the model and enhancing its reliability. Information and knowledge about the effects of underwater noise on different species are insufficient, and thresholds values for related indicators are still being developed both at the EU and regional levels. Databases need to be developed and the results of EIA studies and relevant monitoring have to be made available in public databases.
No gaps.
Baltijos jūros antropogeninio povandeninio nenutrūkstamo triukšmo monitoringas į Valstybinę 2018-2023 m. monitoringo programą įtrauktas 2020 metais. Lietuvos jūriniame rajone jis bus vykdomas nuo 2021 m. (anksčiau tyrimai nepavyko dėl ilgai užsitęsusių viešųjų pirkimų procedūrų). Nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo monitoringas bus vykdomas ne mažiau kaip 2 stotyse teritorinėje jūroje ir Lietuvos išskirtinėje ekonominėje zonoje, įdiegiant nuolatines povandeninio nenutrūkstamo triukšmo stebėjimo stotis. Tyrimų metu bus nustatyti antropogeninio nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo lygiai ir kaitos tendencijos, parengti metodiniai nurodymai nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo lygių nustatymui Lietuvos jūriniame rajone. Duomenys apie povandeninius impulsinius triukšmus registruojami povandeninių impulsinių triukšmų registre (ICES) pagal 2019 m. patvirtintą tvarką. Dėl informacijos konfidencialumo į registrą nėra teikiami žemo dažnio sonarų naudojimo duomenys, registre nėra pateikti mokslinių tyrimų metu naudojamų sonarų ir seisminių įrenginių, naudojančių akustinį signalą, duomenys. Iki šiol surinktų duomenų ir modeliavimo pagrindu buvo įvertinti esami ir potencialūs povandeninio triukšmo šaltiniai, triukšmui jautrios zonos ir kai kurių triukšmo šaltinių (pvz., karinių sprogdinimų) galimas poveikis rūšims. Tačiau kriterijams D11C1 ir D11C2 nenustatytos slenkstinės GAB vertės, nežinomas poveikis rūšims, nenustatytos slenkstinės GAB vertės ir ES lygmeniu.
Baltijos jūros antropogeninio povandeninio nenutrūkstamo triukšmo monitoringas į Valstybinę 2018-2023 m. monitoringo programą įtrauktas 2020 metais. Lietuvos jūriniame rajone jis bus vykdomas nuo 2021 m. (anksčiau tyrimai nepavyko dėl ilgai užsitęsusių viešųjų pirkimų procedūrų). Nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo monitoringas bus vykdomas ne mažiau kaip 2 stotyse teritorinėje jūroje ir Lietuvos išskirtinėje ekonominėje zonoje, įdiegiant nuolatines povandeninio nenutrūkstamo triukšmo stebėjimo stotis. Tyrimų metu bus nustatyti antropogeninio nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo lygiai ir kaitos tendencijos, parengti metodiniai nurodymai nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo lygių nustatymui Lietuvos jūriniame rajone. Duomenys apie povandeninius impulsinius triukšmus registruojami povandeninių impulsinių triukšmų registre (ICES) pagal 2019 m. patvirtintą tvarką. Dėl informacijos konfidencialumo į registrą nėra teikiami žemo dažnio sonarų naudojimo duomenys, registre nėra pateikti mokslinių tyrimų metu naudojamų sonarų ir seisminių įrenginių, naudojančių akustinį signalą, duomenys. Iki šiol surinktų duomenų ir modeliavimo pagrindu buvo įvertinti esami ir potencialūs povandeninio triukšmo šaltiniai, triukšmui jautrios zonos ir kai kurių triukšmo šaltinių (pvz., karinių sprogdinimų) galimas poveikis rūšims. Tačiau kriterijams D11C1 ir D11C2 nenustatytos slenkstinės GAB vertės, nežinomas poveikis rūšims, nenustatytos slenkstinės GAB vertės ir ES lygmeniu.
The monitoring programs are not operational yet. It is planned to initiate them by 2024.
The monitoring programs are not operational yet. It is planned to initiate them by 2024.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
"There is a need to expand and streamline the monitoring of both continuous and impulsive underwater noise and work is underway to improve the monitoring. For example, a regional collaboration is underway within the North Sea region (OSPAR region 2) to develop a coordinated monitoring programme for continuous underwater noise within the Joint Monitoring Program for Ambient Noise North Sea (Jomopans) project. The purpose is to develop regional standards for monitoring methods, a coordinated monitoring programme, soundscape maps and a tool for assessing noise impact on various species. This will lead to the countries being able to make assessments of the effect of underwater noise on environmental status and give us the conditions to assess what measures are needed to achieve GES or maintain it. The results are also expected to improve corresponding work with the noise indicator within HELCOM. A prerequisite for the monitoring of impulsive underwater noise is that the actors conducting the relevant activities report their data to SwAM. According to Swedish legislation, national authorities are obliged to contribute documentation for MSFD, but private companies, universities and the military are exempt from this. An unknown amount of data thus falls outside the annual data collection. This is something that requires an in-depth discussion and cooperation between the relevant authorities. In addition, there are no systems to easily obtain data on sea-based activities that require a permit, as this data is stored in various local systems around the country. Piledriving activity is one such activity that is therefore difficult to obtain data on. Due to this, SwAM has initiated work to investigate how information management in the area of sea-based activities can be made more efficient. The work takes place through collaboration with other organizations in the environmental sector. Noise from recreational boats and coastal shipping has so far not been included in the monitoring. Leisure boats generate relatively high-frequency underwater noise, for shorter periods and in a varied geographical distribution. They are also increasingly equipped with sonars with high or very high frequencies. It is being investigated by SwAM how coastal noise from shipping and boating could be added to the monitoring - especially in shallower areas. "
"There is a need to expand and streamline the monitoring of both continuous and impulsive underwater noise and work is underway to improve the monitoring. For example, a regional collaboration is underway within the North Sea region (OSPAR region 2) to develop a coordinated monitoring programme for continuous underwater noise within the Joint Monitoring Program for Ambient Noise North Sea (Jomopans) project. The purpose is to develop regional standards for monitoring methods, a coordinated monitoring programme, soundscape maps and a tool for assessing noise impact on various species. This will lead to the countries being able to make assessments of the effect of underwater noise on environmental status and give us the conditions to assess what measures are needed to achieve GES or maintain it. The results are also expected to improve corresponding work with the noise indicator within HELCOM. A prerequisite for the monitoring of impulsive underwater noise is that the actors conducting the relevant activities report their data to SwAM. According to Swedish legislation, national authorities are obliged to contribute documentation for MSFD, but private companies, universities and the military are exempt from this. An unknown amount of data thus falls outside the annual data collection. This is something that requires an in-depth discussion and cooperation between the relevant authorities. In addition, there are no systems to easily obtain data on sea-based activities that require a permit, as this data is stored in various local systems around the country. Piledriving activity is one such activity that is therefore difficult to obtain data on. Due to this, SwAM has initiated work to investigate how information management in the area of sea-based activities can be made more efficient. The work takes place through collaboration with other organizations in the environmental sector. Noise from recreational boats and coastal shipping has so far not been included in the monitoring. Leisure boats generate relatively high-frequency underwater noise, for shorter periods and in a varied geographical distribution. They are also increasingly equipped with sonars with high or very high frequencies. It is being investigated by SwAM how coastal noise from shipping and boating could be added to the monitoring - especially in shallower areas. "
"There is a need to expand and streamline the monitoring of both continuous and impulsive underwater noise and work is underway to improve the monitoring. For example, a regional collaboration is underway within the North Sea region (OSPAR region 2) to develop a coordinated monitoring programme for continuous underwater noise within the Joint Monitoring Program for Ambient Noise North Sea (Jomopans) project. The purpose is to develop regional standards for monitoring methods, a coordinated monitoring programme, soundscape maps and a tool for assessing noise impact on various species. This will lead to the countries being able to make assessments of the effect of underwater noise on environmental status and give us the conditions to assess what measures are needed to achieve GES or maintain it. The results are also expected to improve corresponding work with the noise indicator within HELCOM. A prerequisite for the monitoring of impulsive underwater noise is that the actors conducting the relevant activities report their data to SwAM. According to Swedish legislation, national authorities are obliged to contribute documentation for MSFD, but private companies, universities and the military are exempt from this. An unknown amount of data thus falls outside the annual data collection. This is something that requires an in-depth discussion and cooperation between the relevant authorities. In addition, there are no systems to easily obtain data on sea-based activities that require a permit, as this data is stored in various local systems around the country. Piledriving activity is one such activity that is therefore difficult to obtain data on. Due to this, SwAM has initiated work to investigate how information management in the area of sea-based activities can be made more efficient. The work takes place through collaboration with other organizations in the environmental sector. Noise from recreational boats and coastal shipping has so far not been included in the monitoring. Leisure boats generate relatively high-frequency underwater noise, for shorter periods and in a varied geographical distribution. They are also increasingly equipped with sonars with high or very high frequencies. It is being investigated by SwAM how coastal noise from shipping and boating could be added to the monitoring - especially in shallower areas. "
Related targets
  • UZO3
  • UZO3.1
  • UZO3.2
  • UZO3.3
  • UZO3.4
  • UZO6
  • UZO6.1
  • UZO6.2
  • UZO6.3
  • UZO3
  • UZO3.1
  • UZO3.2
  • UZO3.3
  • UZO3.4
  • UZO6
  • UZO6.1
  • UZO6.2
  • UZO6.3
  • BALEE-T35
  • BALEE-T36
  • BALEE-T35
  • BALEE-T36
  • BALEE-T35
  • BALEE-T36
  • TIETO2
  • 9
  • 9
  • JVM7
  • JVM7
  • PL_Target_D11
  • PL_Target_D11C1
  • PL_Target_D11C2
  • PL_Target_D11
  • PL_Target_D11C1
  • PL_Target_D11C2
  • PL_Target_D11
  • PL_Target_D11C1
  • PL_Target_D11C2
  • PL_Target_D11
  • PL_Target_D11C1
  • PL_Target_D11C2
  • ANSSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • BALSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • ANSSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • BALSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • ANSSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
  • BALSE-E.2_Impulsivt_ljud_däggdjur
Coverage of targets
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring was in place by 2018
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Related measures
  • BALDE-M017-WFD - 'Wärmelastpläne : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen durch Wärmeeinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M064-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von nutzungsbedingten Abflussspitzen'
  • BALDE-M068-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Talsperren, Rückhaltebecken, Speichern und Fischteichen im Hauptschluss'
  • BALDE-M069-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung/Verbesserung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Staustufen/Flusssperren, Abstürzen, Durchlässen und sonstigen wasserbaulichen Anlagen gemäß DIN 4048 bzw. 19700 Teil 13'
  • BALDE-M070-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung durch Initiieren / Zulassen einer eigendynamischen Gewässerentwicklung'
  • BALDE-M071-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im vorhandenen Profil'
  • BALDE-M072-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Gewässer durch Laufveränderung, Ufer- oder Sohlgestaltung'
  • BALDE-M073-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Uferbereich'
  • BALDE-M074-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Auenentwicklung und zur Verbesserung von Habitaten'
  • BALDE-M075-WFD - 'Anschluss von Seitengewässern, Altarmen (Quervernetzung)'
  • BALDE-M076-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Technische und betriebliche Maßnahmen vorrangig zum Fischschutz an wasserbaulichen Anlagen'
  • BALDE-M077-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Geschiebehaushaltes bzw. Sedimentmanagement'
  • BALDE-M405-UZ2-01 - 'Kriterien und Anreizsysteme für umweltfreundliche Schiffe'
  • BALDE-M409-UZ3-01 - 'Aufnahme von für das Ökosystem wertbestimmenden Arten und Biotoptypen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen'
  • BALDE-M410-UZ3-02 - 'Maßnahmen zum Schutz von wandernden Arten im marinen Bereich'
  • BALDE-M412-UZ4-02 - 'Fischereimaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M425-UZ6-01 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von biologischen Grenzwerten für die Wirkung von Unterwasserlärm auf relevante Arten'
  • BALDE-M426-UZ6-02 - 'Aufbau eines Registers für relevante Schallquellen und Schockwellen und Etablierung standardisierter verbindlicher Berichtspflichten'
  • BALDE-M427-UZ6-03 - 'Lärmkartierung der deutschen Meeresgebiete'
  • BALDE-M428-UZ6-04 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung von Lärmminderungsmaßnahmen für die Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M429-UZ6-05 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von Schwellenwerten für Wärmeeinträge'
  • BALDE-M430-UZ6-06 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung umweltverträglicher Beleuchtung von Offshore-Installationen und begleitende Maßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M501-WFD - 'Erstellung von Konzeptionen / Studien / Gutachten'
  • BALDE-M503-WFD - 'Informations- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M505-WFD - 'Einrichtung bzw. Anpassung von Förderprogrammen'
  • BALDE-M910-other - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische'
  • BALDE-M914-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete in der AWZ der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M915-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete im Küstengewässer der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M916-other - 'Arten- und Biotopschutz'
  • BALDE-M917-other - 'Fischereiliche Regelungen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen und Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M918-other - 'Freiwillige Vereinbarungen zum Schutz von Arten und Lebensräumen'
  • BALDE-M919-other - 'Fischereimanagementmaßnahmen in Natura-2000-Gebieten in der AWZ'
  • BALDE-M920-other - 'Nationaler Aktionsplan Stör / Wiederansieldung des Störs (Acipenser sturio)'
  • BALDE-M922-other - 'Positionspapier des Geschäftsbereichs des Bundesumweltministeriums zur kumulativen Bewertung des Seetaucherhabitatverlusts durch Offshore-Windparks in der deutschen AWZ der Nord- und Ostsee als Grundlage für eine Übereinkunft des BfN mit dem BSH; Einführung eines neuen fachlich begründeten Bewertungsverfahrens.'
  • BALDE-M923-other - 'Genehmigungsverfahren für Vorhaben'
  • BALDE-M924-other - 'Maritime Raumordnungspläne des Bundes (AWZ) und der Länder (Küstengewässer)'
  • BALDE-M017-WFD - 'Wärmelastpläne : Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Belastungen durch Wärmeeinleitungen'
  • BALDE-M064-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung von nutzungsbedingten Abflussspitzen'
  • BALDE-M068-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Talsperren, Rückhaltebecken, Speichern und Fischteichen im Hauptschluss'
  • BALDE-M069-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Maßnahmen zur Herstellung/Verbesserung der linearen Durchgängigkeit an Staustufen/Flusssperren, Abstürzen, Durchlässen und sonstigen wasserbaulichen Anlagen gemäß DIN 4048 bzw. 19700 Teil 13'
  • BALDE-M070-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung durch Initiieren / Zulassen einer eigendynamischen Gewässerentwicklung'
  • BALDE-M071-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im vorhandenen Profil'
  • BALDE-M072-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Gewässer durch Laufveränderung, Ufer- oder Sohlgestaltung'
  • BALDE-M073-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Habitatverbesserung im Uferbereich'
  • BALDE-M074-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Auenentwicklung und zur Verbesserung von Habitaten'
  • BALDE-M075-WFD - 'Anschluss von Seitengewässern, Altarmen (Quervernetzung)'
  • BALDE-M076-WFD - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische : Technische und betriebliche Maßnahmen vorrangig zum Fischschutz an wasserbaulichen Anlagen'
  • BALDE-M077-WFD - 'Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Geschiebehaushaltes bzw. Sedimentmanagement'
  • BALDE-M405-UZ2-01 - 'Kriterien und Anreizsysteme für umweltfreundliche Schiffe'
  • BALDE-M409-UZ3-01 - 'Aufnahme von für das Ökosystem wertbestimmenden Arten und Biotoptypen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen'
  • BALDE-M410-UZ3-02 - 'Maßnahmen zum Schutz von wandernden Arten im marinen Bereich'
  • BALDE-M412-UZ4-02 - 'Fischereimaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M425-UZ6-01 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von biologischen Grenzwerten für die Wirkung von Unterwasserlärm auf relevante Arten'
  • BALDE-M426-UZ6-02 - 'Aufbau eines Registers für relevante Schallquellen und Schockwellen und Etablierung standardisierter verbindlicher Berichtspflichten'
  • BALDE-M427-UZ6-03 - 'Lärmkartierung der deutschen Meeresgebiete'
  • BALDE-M428-UZ6-04 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung von Lärmminderungsmaßnahmen für die Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M429-UZ6-05 - 'Ableitung und Anwendung von Schwellenwerten für Wärmeeinträge'
  • BALDE-M430-UZ6-06 - 'Entwicklung und Anwendung umweltverträglicher Beleuchtung von Offshore-Installationen und begleitende Maßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M501-WFD - 'Erstellung von Konzeptionen / Studien / Gutachten'
  • BALDE-M503-WFD - 'Informations- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen'
  • BALDE-M505-WFD - 'Einrichtung bzw. Anpassung von Förderprogrammen'
  • BALDE-M910-other - 'WRRL-Maßnahmen zur Wiederherstellung der Durchgängigkeit der Gewässer sowie Rückbau von Wanderungshindernissen und Schaffung von funktionsfähigen Auf- und Abstiegshilfen für Wanderfische'
  • BALDE-M914-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete in der AWZ der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M915-other - 'Meeresschutzgebiete im Küstengewässer der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee'
  • BALDE-M916-other - 'Arten- und Biotopschutz'
  • BALDE-M917-other - 'Fischereiliche Regelungen in Schutzgebietsverordnungen und Landesfischereigesetzen'
  • BALDE-M918-other - 'Freiwillige Vereinbarungen zum Schutz von Arten und Lebensräumen'
  • BALDE-M919-other - 'Fischereimanagementmaßnahmen in Natura-2000-Gebieten in der AWZ'
  • BALDE-M920-other - 'Nationaler Aktionsplan Stör / Wiederansieldung des Störs (Acipenser sturio)'
  • BALDE-M922-other - 'Positionspapier des Geschäftsbereichs des Bundesumweltministeriums zur kumulativen Bewertung des Seetaucherhabitatverlusts durch Offshore-Windparks in der deutschen AWZ der Nord- und Ostsee als Grundlage für eine Übereinkunft des BfN mit dem BSH; Einführung eines neuen fachlich begründeten Bewertungsverfahrens.'
  • BALDE-M923-other - 'Genehmigungsverfahren für Vorhaben'
  • BALDE-M924-other - 'Maritime Raumordnungspläne des Bundes (AWZ) und der Länder (Küstengewässer)'
  • BALEE-M016 - 'Developing a registry of impulsive sounds'
  • Not specified - 'Development of marine spatial planning principles in the Baltic sea area (HELCOM recommendation 28E/9)'
  • BALEE-M016 - 'Developing a registry of impulsive sounds'
  • Not specified - 'Development of marine spatial planning principles in the Baltic sea area (HELCOM recommendation 28E/9)'
  • BALEE-M016 - 'Developing a registry of impulsive sounds'
  • Not specified - 'Development of marine spatial planning principles in the Baltic sea area (HELCOM recommendation 28E/9)'
  • BALFI-M014-NOISE - 'NOISE1 - Contribute to decision-making in the International Maritime Organization to reduce the amount of underwater noise caused by ships'
  • BALFI-M015-NOISE - 'NOISE2 - Reduce impulse noise caused by underwater construction work'
  • BALFI-M016-NOISE - 'NOISE3 - Reduce production of underwater noise pollution'
  • BALFI-M029-INFO - 'INFO1-Communication related to the objectives and measures for marine resource management'
  • BALPL-M054 - 'KTM28_4 The implementation of the registry of impulse noise sources'
  • BALPL-M055 - 'KTM38_5 Development of seasonal noise maps'
  • BALPL-M054 - 'KTM28_4 The implementation of the registry of impulse noise sources'
  • BALPL-M055 - 'KTM38_5 Development of seasonal noise maps'
  • BALPL-M054 - 'KTM28_4 The implementation of the registry of impulse noise sources'
  • BALPL-M055 - 'KTM38_5 Development of seasonal noise maps'
  • BALPL-M054 - 'KTM28_4 The implementation of the registry of impulse noise sources'
  • BALPL-M055 - 'KTM38_5 Development of seasonal noise maps'
  • ANSSE-M034 - 'National environmental targets'
  • ANSSE-M034 - 'National environmental targets'
  • ANSSE-M034 - 'National environmental targets'
Coverage of measures
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring was in place by 2018
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring is in place by July 2020
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Adequate monitoring will be in place by 2024
Related monitoring programmes
  • BALDE_MPr_060_MP_117
  • BALDE_MPr_070_MP_116
  • BALDE_MPr_060_MP_117
  • BALDE_MPr_070_MP_116
  • DK-D11-01
  • DK-D11-02
  • DK-D11-01
  • DK-D11-02
  • BALEE-D00-40_MarineAndCoastalActivities
  • BALEE-D11-38_AcuteNoise
  • BALEE-D11-39_DiffuseNoise
  • BALEE-D00-40_MarineAndCoastalActivities
  • BALEE-D11-38_AcuteNoise
  • BALEE-D11-39_DiffuseNoise
  • BALEE-D00-40_MarineAndCoastalActivities
  • BALEE-D11-38_AcuteNoise
  • BALEE-D11-39_DiffuseNoise
  • BALFI-d11-1
  • BALLT-D11_ImpulsiveSounds
  • BALLT-D11_NoiseAmbient
  • BALLT-D11_ImpulsiveSounds
  • BALLT-D11_NoiseAmbient
  • LV-4.11.1. (D11C1)
  • LV-4.11.2. (D11C2)
  • LV-4.11.1. (D11C1)
  • LV-4.11.2. (D11C2)
  • PL-D11-01
  • PL-D11-02
  • PL-D11-01
  • PL-D11-02
  • PL-D11-01
  • PL-D11-02
  • PL-D11-01
  • PL-D11-02
  • SE-D11-contnoise
  • SE-D11-impnoise
  • SE-D11-shipping
  • SE-D11-contnoise
  • SE-D11-impnoise
  • SE-D11-shipping
  • SE-D11-contnoise
  • SE-D11-impnoise
  • SE-D11-shipping
Programme code
LV-4.11.1. (D11C1)
LV-4.11.2. (D11C2)
Programme name
Dauerhafter Unterwasserlärm - Verteilung, Frequenz und Pegel: Hintergrundschall-Messnetz (Ostsee)
Impulsschall - Verteilung, Frequenz und Pegel: Entwicklung des nationalen Schallregisters (Ostsee)
Impulsive underwater noise - distribution, frequency and levels
Continuous underwater noise - distribution, frequency and levels
Marine and coastal activities
Impulsive underwater noise – distribution, frequency and levels
Continuous underwater noise – distribution, frequency and levels
Underwater noise
Impulsive underwater noise distribution, frequency and levels
Continuous low frequency underwater noise distribution, frequency and levels
Anthropogenic impulsive sound
Anthropogenic impulsive sound
Anthropogenic continuous low-frequency sound
Anthropogenic continuous low-frequency sound
Continuous underwater noise
Impulsive underwater noise
Update type
Modified from 2014
Same programme as in 2014
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
Modified from 2014
Same programme as in 2014
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
New programme
Old programme codes
  • BALDE_Sub_060
  • BALDE_Sub_070
  • ANSDK-D11-01_NOISE_acute
  • BALDK-D11-01_noise_acute
  • ANSDK-D11-02_NOISE_diffuse
  • BALDK-D11-02_noise_diffuse
  • BALEE-D00-39_CoastalOffshoreActivities
  • BALEE-D11-37_AcuteNoise
  • BALEE-D11-38_DiffuseNoise
Programme description
Das Monitoring-Programm besteht aus den/dem folgenden Messprogramm/en (=MP): || BALDE_MP_117 || Hintergrundschall-Messnetz (Ostsee) || Im Bereich Dauerschall (D11C2 bzw. Maßnahme UZ6-03) gibt es derzeit keine vorhandenen (Langzeit-) Messprogramme noch gibt es einen einheitlichen Ablauf bzw. abgestimmte Herangehensweisen für die Datenauswertung. Entsprechende Subprogramme befinden sich in der Planung. Entsprechende vergangene und laufende Projekte (s. 1) haben die Zielsetzung, regional abgestimmte Vorgehensweisen zu erarbeiten und entsprechende zukünftige Umsetzungsvorschläge zu liefern. Diese werden unter HELCOM und OSPAR zusammengeführt und weiterentwickelt (spez. Indikatorentwicklung) und die Erkenntnisse an die Mitgliedsstaaten weitergegeben, um für die MSRL Überwachungspflichten genutzt werden zu können. Hierzu ist ein nationales Monitoringprogramm notwendig, welches es noch zu entwickeln gilt, bestehend aus mehreren Stufen: ---- ##Messung von Umgebungsschall ##Bearbeitung der Rohdaten, ##Datenanalyse, ##Modellierung der Schallausbreitung, räumlich und zeitlich, ##Bewertung von Schallbudgets, ##Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse. Jede der hier genannten Stufen beinhaltet unterschiedliche Arbeitspakete, wie Standardisierung von Verfahren, Qualitätssicherung von Daten und Produkten und die Bereitstellung von Informationen. Zwei Stationen wurden vom BSH im Rahmen von Forschungsvorhaben (BIAS und PIMO Projekte) in der Ostsee realisiert. Die Arkona und Fehmarnbelt Stationen wurden auf Grund ihrer logistischen Erreichbarkeit (Nähe zur MARNET Messboje) ausgewählt und decken auf ihren Positionen sowohl die westliche als auch östliche deutsche Ostsee ab. Während sich die Arkona Station in einem eher ruhigen Gebiet mit geringerer Schiffsdichte befindet, misst die Fehmarnbelt Station dicht an einer vielbefahrenen Schifffahrtsroute.
Das Monitoring-Programm besteht aus den/dem folgenden Messprogramm/en (=MP): || BALDE_MP_116 || Entwicklung des nationalen Schallregisters (Ostsee) || Im Bereich Impulsschall (D11C1 bzw. Maßnahme UZ6-02) besteht ein Monitoring-Programm zu Einträgen von impulshaften Schallereignissen, welches aus der jährlichen Meldepflicht von Impulsschallereignissen an das seit 2016 bestehende zentrale Schallregister der OSPAR und HELCOM besteht. National werden berichtsrelevante Ereignisse aus der dt. Nord- und Ostsee im am BSH geführten, nationalen Schallregister, zusammengeführt und in standardisierter Form an das zentrale Schallregister am ICES berichtet. Den technischen Hintergrund für die Führung des Schallregisters bietet das Fachinformationssystem MarinEARS, welches ebenfalls seit 2016 den operativen Betrieb aufgenommen hat ( Die Verpflichtung zur Erhebung und Berichterstattung von Impulsschallereignissen schließt Einträge aus der Anwendung von Sonaren, akustischen Vergrämern und seismischen Quellen, sowie UXO-Sprengungen und Rammschall ein. Ein Ziel des Monitoring Programmes ist es, eine umfassende und vollständige Datenerhebung und Berichterstattung zu gewährleisten und damit eine belastbare Datengrundlage der zeitlichen und räumlichen Verteilung impulshafter Schallereignisse für eine Bewertung des Umweltzustandes und sowie für die Evaluation der Effizienz von Maßnahmen bereit zu stellen. Eine verbindliche, vollständige und standardisierte Berichterstattung existiert bisher für Rammschall in der dt. AWZ. Die Vervollständigung der nationalen Datenerhebung und Berichterstattung zu anderen impulshaften Schallereignissen ist erforderlich und befindet sich national im weiteren Aufbau. Die technische Möglichkeit zur Datenaufnahme und Berichterstattung ist durch das Fachinformationssystem MarinEARS für Ereignisse der Kategorien Rammschall, UXO-Detonationen, militärische Aktivitäten sowie Vergrämung bereits gegeben. Die standardisierte Behandlung von seismischen Einträgen befindet sich im Aufbau. Das Monitoring Programm umfasst zurzeit die Aufnahme und Berichterstattung von impulshaften Schalleinträgen mit folgenden Parametern: ---- ##Datum, ##geographische Position, ##Quelltyp ##Intensitätskategorie ##Einsatz einer technischen Schallminderung ##Art des Schallschutzsystems, ##max. SEL-Wert, (falls vorhanden) ##max. L-Peak, (falls vorhanden) ##Entfernung der Messung zur Quelle, Sowie für Rammschall zusätzlich: ---- ##Hammertyp, ##maximale Ha
Overvågning af impulsstøj sker ikke ved direkte overvågning, men ved indrapportering af aktiviteter der medfører impulsstøj. Indrapporteringen er opdelt i fem hovedkategorier: Pæleramning, eksplosioner, seismik med luftkanoner (airguns), sonar under 10 kHz og øvrig impulsstøj under 10 kHz. De relevante myndigheder, hvorunder de pågældende aktiviteter hører, er ansvarlige for at alle relevante aktiviteter indrapporteres til Miljøstyrelsen, samt at fastsætte retningslinjer for impulsstøj indrapporteringen, ved udførelse af aktiviteterne.forbindelse med tilladelser til aktiviteter, der kræver en miljøkonsekvensvurdering, skal den tilladelsesgivende myndighed stille vilkår om indrapportering af den støjende aktivitet. Den information der skal følge indrapporteringen er beskrevet - og skal følge anbe-falingerne - i den Tekniske Anvisning for impulsstøj.
Lavfrekvent undervandsstøj overvåges på nuværende tidspunkt ved fem strategisk placerede stationer i områderne Lillebælt, Hjelm, Anholt, Stevns, Horns Rev og Store Rev.. Stationen er udstyret med en logger, som kan detektere støj fra såvel lavfrekvent undervandsstøj, som lyde fra forskellige havpattedyr. JOMOPANS Stationen i Horns Rev er etableret i 2019 i forbindelse med Danmarks deltagelses i EU Interreg-projektet JOMOPANS. Formålet med projektet, der løber i perioden 2018-2020, er at udvikle et fælles, koordineret overvågningsprogram for undervandstøj. JOMOPANS-projektet er støttet af EU Interreg Nordsøen og har deltagere fra samtlige Nordsølande. Projektet er sat til at slutte i udgangen af 2020, men det forventes at den endelige afrapportering finder sted i første halvdel af 2021.
The aim of the monitoring programme is to collect data on human activities that directly or indirectly impact the marine environment. The monitored human activities are those listed in the MSFD Annex III Table 2b (2017/845/EC) and relevant for point (c) of Article 8(1), and Articles 10 and 13. The following activities are covered: Coastal defence and flood protection; Offshore structures (other than for oil/gas/renewables); Restructuring of seabed morphology, including dredging and depositing of materials; Extraction of minerals; Extraction of oil and gas, including infrastructure; Extraction of water; Renewable energy generation (wind, wave and tidal power), including infrastructure; Transmission of electricity and communications (cables); Fish harvesting (professional, recreational); Fish and shellfish processing; Marine plant harvesting; Hunting and collecting for other purposes; Aquaculture — marine, including infrastructure; Transport infrastructure; Transport — shipping; Waste treatment and disposal; Tourism and leisure infrastructure; Tourism and leisure activities; Military operations and Research, survey and educational activities. Data are gathered at least once during a six-year assessment period, but in some cases also annually. The system of such data collection activities is still under development. The programme corresponds to the following monitoring programmes in the indicative list: Activities extracting living resources (fisheries including recreational, marine plant harvesting, hunting and collecting); Activities extracting non-living resources (sand, gravel, dredging); Activities producing food (aquaculture); Activities with permanent infrastructures (e.g. renewable energy, oil & gas, ports) or structural changes (e.g. coastal defences); Sea-based mobile activities (shipping, boating); Coastal human activities (e.g. tourism, recreational sports, ecotourism). The programme is the further development of the programme presented in 2014. The code of the programme also changed.
The aim of the programme is to monitor the spatial and temporal distribution and levels of anthropogenic impulsive sound. It is related to GES Descriptor D11, Criterion D11C1 and monitoring strategy „SD11 – Underwater noise“. Data are gathered to assess the duration per calendar year of impulsive sound sources in the ICES squares of the Baltic Sea. Monitoring is conducted yearly by collecting data on impulsive noise events. Data are collated from seismologic monitoring, registers of licenced events such as pile driving, controlled explosions from naval operations and other activities that release energy. The program data collection is regionally coordinated via HELCOM, but data are delivered by each country separately. Data are reported to the ICES impulsive noise event database once at the end of the year. The programme corresponds to the following monitoring programmes in the indicative list: Impulsive underwater noise - distribution, frequency and levels. The programme essentially the same as in 2014, only code has been changed.
The aim of the programme is to monitor the spatial and temporal distribution of anthropogenic low-frequency continuous noise. It is related to GES Descriptor D11, Criterion D11C2 and monitoring strategy „SD11 – Underwater noise“. Ambient sound is measured by autonomous submersible marine recorders. Monitoring is conducted continuously by 2-3 deployments per year in one monitoring station and once per six years in additional monitoring stations. Data are processed and presented as sound pressure level time series that are further statistically analysed and used for the calibration of the sound propagation model. Modelling is aiming in the calculation of the monthly soundscape maps to assess the spatial distribution of the ambient sound. The programme data collection is regionally coordinated via HELCOM (data are delivered by each country separately) and the HELCOM guidelines are followed. Data are reported to the ICES continuous noise database once at the end of the year. The programme corresponds to the following monitoring programmes in the indicative list: Continuous underwater noise - distribution, frequency and levels. The programme and its code have been modified since 2014, one site was added to the programme (continuous measurements in the Gulf of Finland) and project-based measurements.
Monitoring of continuous and impulsive underwater noise distribution, frequency and levels. Underwater noise monitoring is relatively new program. Methods, spatial and temporal scope can still be subject to alternation. The monitoring covers Finnish sea areas
Duomenys apie povandeninius impulsinius triukšmus registruojami povandeninių impulsinių triukšmų registre (ICES) pagal 2019 m. patvirtintą tvarką. Teikiama kariškių informacija apie sprogdinimus jūroje, duomenys apie su uosto veikla susijusius impulsinius povandeninius triukšmus. Dėl informacijos konfidencialumo į registrą nėra teikiami žemo dažnio sonarų naudojimo duomenys, registre nėra pateikti mokslinių tyrimų metu naudojamų sonarų ir seisminių įrenginių, naudojančių akustinį signalą, duomenys. Duomenys naudojami BAL-LT-AA-01 ir BAL-LT-AA-03 rajonų būklės vertinimui pagal D11. Renkamų duomenų pagrindu vertinamas D11 rodiklis: 1) Antropogeninių šaltinių impulsinis garsas. Duomenys teikiami ICES.
Baltijos jūros antropogeninio povandeninio nenutrūkstamo triukšmo monitoringas į Valstybinę 2018-2023 m. monitoringo programą įtrauktas 2020 metais. Lietuvos jūriniame rajone jis bus vykdomas nuo 2021 m. (anksčiau tyrimai nepavyko dėl ilgai užsitęsusių procedūrų finansavimui gauti). Nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo monitoringas bus vykdomas ne mažiau kaip 2 stotyse teritorinėje jūroje ir Lietuvos išskirtinėje ekonominėje zonoje, įdiegiant nuolatines povandeninio nenutrūkstamo triukšmo stebėjimo stotis. Tyrimų metu bus nustatyti antropogeninio nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo lygiai ir kaitos tendencijos, parengti metodiniai nurodymai nenutrūkstamo povandeninio triukšmo lygių nustatymui Lietuvos jūriniame rajone. Duomenys naudojami BAL-LT-AA-01 ir BAL-LT-AA-03 rajonų būklės vertinimui pagal D11. Renkamų duomenų pagrindu vertinamas D11 rodiklis: 1) Antropogeninių šaltinių nenutrūkstamo žemio dažnio garsas.
The purpose of the monitoring is to assess the ecological status of the Baltic Sea including one of the environmental status components pollution with the human-induced impulsive underwater noise and environmental impact of it by observing spatial distribution, level and duration of noise caused by anthropogenic activities in sea. Currently no fully coordinated monitoring of underwater noise exists in the HELCOM region. Monitoring Programme is "Underwater noise", sub-programme "Impulsive noise". The monitoring of this programme is partly coordinated. Missing component is regionally coordinated monitoring guidelines. The programme supports the assessment of temporal trends and spatial distribution. The requirements for the marine waters of Latvia and the relationship of the specified environmental objectives with the qualitative characteristics characterizing the state of the marine environment are included in Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Latvia No. 1071 of 23 November 2010, Requirements for the Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, the Determination of Good Environmental State of the Sea and Development of Marine Environmental Goals.
The purpose of the monitoring is to assess the ecological status of the Baltic Sea including one of the environmental status components pollution with the human-induced continuous underwater noise and environmental impact of it by observing spatial distribution, level and duration of noise caused by anthropogenic activities in sea. In the HELCOM region this monitoring is performed in the frame of programme "Continuous noise", under the sub-programme "Ambient noise". The monitoring of this programme is partly coordinated; missing component(s) lack of an assessment system and thresholds for D10C2. The programme supports the assessment of temporal trends and spatial distribution. The requirements for the marine waters of Latvia and the relationship of the specified environmental objectives with the qualitative characteristics characterizing the state of the marine environment are included in Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Latvia No. 1071 of 23 November 2010, Requirements for the Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, the Determination of Good Environmental State of the Sea and Development of Marine Environmental Goals.
As part of the monitoring of impulsive sounds, event monitoring includes information on the sources of impulsive sound associated with seismic surveys, explosions, pile driving and sonars operating at the monitored frequencies as well as scaring devices. In case of explosions, monitoring is based on information on security and defence activities related with detonating explosives on seven military training grounds (P-9, P-10, P-20, P-21, P-32, P-33, P-34). Thresholds have been set at EU level above which the influence of impulsive sounds is considered harmful and for which sounds should be recorded.
As part of the monitoring of impulsive sounds, event monitoring includes information on the sources of impulsive sound associated with seismic surveys, explosions, pile driving and sonars operating at the monitored frequencies as well as scaring devices. In case of explosions, monitoring is based on information on security and defence activities related with detonating explosives on seven military training grounds (P-9, P-10, P-20, P-21, P-32, P-33, P-34). Thresholds have been set at EU level above which the influence of impulsive sounds is considered harmful and for which sounds should be recorded.
Monitoring of underwater sound in the scope of anthropogenic continuous low-frequency sound is conducted in Polish Marine Areas. In the scope of continuous sound, the distribution of individual measuring devices was designed specifically to obtain continuous sound characteristics in each assessment unit: Bornholm Basin, eastern Gotland Basin, Gdansk Basin and Gdańsk Basin Polish Coastal waters. Recordings of sound pressure level (SPL) of continuous low-frequency sound are performed for 1/3 octave bands of 63, 125 and 2000 Hz, equivalent to 1 μPa, according to guidelines (HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring continuous noise).
Monitoring of underwater sound in the scope of anthropogenic continuous low-frequency sound is conducted in Polish Marine Areas. In the scope of continuous sound, the distribution of individual measuring devices was designed specifically to obtain continuous sound characteristics in each assessment unit: Bornholm Basin, eastern Gotland Basin, Gdansk Basin and Gdańsk Basin Polish Coastal waters. Recordings of sound pressure level (SPL) of continuous low-frequency sound are performed for 1/3 octave bands of 63, 125 and 2000 Hz, equivalent to 1 μPa, according to guidelines (HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring continuous noise).
Continuous underwater noise refers to low-frequency (≤2 kHz) noise that is added to the aquatic environment continuously, primarily from shipping and leisure boats, but also from fixed installations such as offshore wind farms. Underwater noise refers to anthropogenic generated sounds, but when underwater sounds are monitored, natural sounds are also captured, for example from rain and wind. As both natural and anthropogenic sounds occur at the same time, there are challenges in separating these sound sources into measurements to demonstrate the environmental impact of only the anthropogenic sound sources. The fact that sound occurs naturally in the aquatic environment distinguishes sound from many other pollutants as there is no zero level to strive for. By also registering ship traffic, however, the sound image can be related to the extent and spread of ship traffic. Continuous underwater noise can affect marine animals' ability to communicate and can have a stressful impact on animals. The purpose is therefore to monitor changes in continuous underwater noise in time and space in order to be able to assess the impact on animals in the marine environment. Frequency: Hydrophones are monitoring underwater sound for 30 minutes each hour during 6 months. A regional collaboration is underway within the North Sea region (Ospar's region 2) to develop a monitoring programme for sound recordings and sound maps within the project Joint Monitoring Program for Ambient Noise North Sea (Jomopans). To update the soundscape maps that were produced during BIAS, AIS data (see programme shipping) and data on bathymetry, wind, salinity and temerature are needed. But this is not part of the yearly monitoring
Impulsive noise can adversely affect marine life as the high noise level can scare animals away from important areas, disrupt natural behavior and in some cases even physically harm or kill them if the level is high enough. The purpose is therefore to map the extent of noisy activities in time and space in order to get a picture of the accumulated sound environment in the sea and be able to prevent too many loud impulsive sounds from occurring simultaneously in an area. All available data on events causing impulsive sound during each year are collected yearly. SwAM has initiated work to investigate how information management of sea-based activities can be made more efficient. The work takes place in collaboration with other organizations in the environmental sector. The goal is to make information about sea-based activities stored in a consistant manner so that they can be collected more efficient than now. Work is underway within expert groups to be able to take sound mitigation measures into account when assessing noise impact.
Shipping carries about 90 percent of world trade measured in volume and leads to emissions into the air of, for example, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide. The transports also involve a risk that ships will cause water pollution, among other things through accidents, operational discharges, waste generated on board, during bunkering and loading of, for example, oil or through discharges of washing water from scrubbers. The spread of hazardous substances also takes place through the toxic antifouling paints that ships are painted with to prevent biofouling. Shipping is also a source of underwater noise and marine litter, as well as the spread of non-indigenous species, partly with ships' ballast water but also through biofouling on ship hulls. As shipping causes several pressures on the marine environment, it is important to monitor the extent of shipping in time and space, in order to be able to estimate the impact and risks and to be able to introduce measures to reduce its impact. For monitoring pressures linked to shipping, see in particular programmes Non-indigenous species - Input and spread, Continuous underwater noise and Oilspills. Maritime traffic data is shared between different countries through agreements with the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and the Helsinki Convention, Helcom.
Monitoring purpose
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures at source
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures at source
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Effectiveness of measures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures at source
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures at source
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures at source
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Environmental state and impacts
  • Pressures in the marine environment
  • Human activities causing the pressures
  • Pressures at source
  • Human activities causing the pressures
Other policies and conventions
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • Bathing Water Directive
  • Birds Directive
  • Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution
  • Data Collection Framework Multi-Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Minamata Convention on Mercury
  • Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation
  • National Emission Ceilings Directive
  • Nitrates Directive
  • Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutions (POPs)
  • Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive
  • Water Framework Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Birds Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Habitats Directive
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • HELCOM Monitoring programmes
  • Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
  • Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation
  • OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme
  • Water Framework Directive
Regional cooperation - coordinating body
  • Other
Regional cooperation - countries involved
  • DK
  • EE
  • FI
  • LV
  • PL
  • SE
  • DK
  • EE
  • FI
  • LV
  • SE
  • DE
  • DK
  • EE
  • LT
  • LV
  • PL
  • SE
Regional cooperation - implementation level
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Joint data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Coordinated data collection
Monitoring details
|| MP_117 || Punktuelle Datenaufnahme an unterschiedlichen Positionen mit entsprechender Modellierung (Lärmkarten).
|| MP_116 || Rückschauende Meldeverpflichtung für Impulsschallereignisse gemäß regionaler Absprache. Folgende Informationen werden von Deutschland gemeldet: -- #Datum, #geographische Position, #Quelltyp #Intensitätskategorie #Einsatz einer technischen Schallminderung #Art des Schallschutzsystems, #max. SEL-Wert, (falls vorhanden) #max. L-Peak, (falls vorhanden) #Entfernung der Messung zur Quelle, Sowie für Rammschall zusätzlich: -- #Hammertyp, #maximale Hammerenergie in Kilojoule #Dauer der Rammung
På hver station udlægges en autonom optageenhed, der programmeres og serviceres således, at der opnås gennemgående tidsserier. Dataserierne for den lavfrekvente undervandsstøj kommer fra skibstrafik og fordeling af støj bestemmes og angives ved forskellige percentil niveauer.
Ambient sound is measured by autonomous submersible marine recorders - 15-45 minutes/hour with recording frequency 24 kHz. Recordings are processed and sound pressure levels and exceedances of levels (%) that characterise the temporal variability of ambient noise are found. The modelling of the level and distribution of continuous underwater noise is carried out in cooperation with the HELCOM contracting parties once in the 6-year assessment period. Vessel traffic data is used as input and the model is calibrated using underwater noise monitoring data.
Underwater noise measurement and modelling shall be subject to the guidance developed by the EC TSG Noise Expert Group:
At HELCOM level: there is currently a regionally organized registry of impulsive events in the Baltic Sea region. The registry is hosted by ICES and the development of the registry follows the same approach as for the OSPAR region. Such registry makes an account of the number of days with selected activities that create impulsive sounds that can be harmful for marine animals and make it possible to evaluate cumulative impacts of noise. The registry of impulsive events requires information on e.g. position data of the activity, licensing block/area, date of operation, source operation, sound mitigation system. The registry is implemented as a GIS-based tool where sound levels of events (or proxies for sound level, such as air gun array size and hydraulic hammer energy) are stored and a map visualisation is enabled. At national level: anthropogenic activities at sea (e.g. construction) during the implementation of which sound impulses may arise are shall be approved by the responsible supervisory authorities, including providing of adequate monitoring by the operator. The results of the monitoring shall be submitted to the State Environmental Service of the Republic of Latvia (SES) and the results shall be available for the assessment of the environmental state of affected areas.
In one to two places (the Gulf of Riga and the Baltic Sea), hydrophones are placed, recording the intensity of continuous low-frequency sound. The information obtained is used for common (in Baltic Sea scale) sound distribution modelling.
Input of nutrients – diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Pollution load (tonnes/year) - N, P, BHT5
Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) – diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Pollution load (tonnes/year) - Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn,
Input of litter (solid waste matter, including micro-sized litter)
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • AMO-WC
  • Amount on coastline
  • Amount on seabed
  • Other
  • Amount in sediments; Litter type and material
Input of anthropogenic sound (impulsive, continuous)
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C2
  • Underwater sound level
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Level of sound
  • Other
  • Number of disturbance days - Impulsive underwater
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Other
  • Number of disturbance days
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C2
  • Other
  • Sound pressure level
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
  • Other
  • Spatial distribution
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
  • Other
  • Spatial distribution
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
Impulsive sound in water
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
  • Other
  • Quelltyp, Intensitätskategorie, Einsatz einer tech
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
  • Other
  • Spatial distribution
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
Continuous low frequency sound
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 125 Hz)
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 63 Hz)
  • D11C2
  • Underwater sound level
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 125 Hz)
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 2000 Hz)
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 63 Hz)
  • D11C2
  • Underwater sound level
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 125 Hz)
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 2000 Hz)
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 63 Hz)
  • D11C2
  • Underwater sound level
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C2
  • Underwater sound level
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C2
  • Other
  • Underwater sound level
  • Duration, spatial distribution
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 125 Hz)
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 2000 Hz)
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 63 Hz)
  • D11C2
  • Underwater sound level
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 125 Hz)
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 2000 Hz)
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 63 Hz)
  • D11C2
  • Underwater sound level
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 125 Hz)
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 2000 Hz)
  • Continuous sound (1/3 octave frequency band centred on 63 Hz)
  • D11C2
  • Underwater sound level
Coastal defence and flood protection
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Length of defence structure; Coastline pressure in
Offshore structures (other than for oil/gas/renewables)
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Area of structure; Area pressure index
Extraction of minerals (rock, metal ores, gravel, sand, shell)
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Mining volume; Mining area; Area pressure index
Extraction of oil and gas, including infrastructure
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Pipe length (area); Area pressure index
Extraction of water
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Volume
Renewable energy generation (wind, wave and tidal power), including infrastructure
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Area; Area pressure index
Transmission of electricity and communications (cables)
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Cable length (area); Area pressure index
Fish and shellfish harvesting (professional, recreational)
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Catch; By-catch
Marine plant harvesting
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Amount (kg); Area
Hunting and collecting for other purposes
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Number of individuals hunted by species (waterbird
Aquaculture – marine, including infrastructure
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Production (tonnes); Area; Nutrient load
Transport infrastructure
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Area; Volume (goods and passengers); Number of loa
Transport – shipping
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Number of ships (incl. number of ships complying w
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C2
  • Other
  • Ship movements
Waste treatment and disposal
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Areas of dumping sites and volume of dumped materi
Tourism and leisure infrastructure
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Number of marinas per coastline; Length of beach
Tourism and leisure activities
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Number of vacationists; Number of visits; People's
Military operations (subject to Article 2(2))
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Number of explosions; Number of trainings; Trainin
Research, survey and educational activities
  • Not Applicable
  • D11C1
  • Duration
  • Level of sound
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Volume of costs on marine researches; Number of re
Restructuring of seabed morphology, including dredging and depositing of materials
  • Not Applicable
  • NotRelevan
  • Other
  • Soil volume; Extent; Area pressure index
Spatial scope
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Transitional waters (WFD)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Transitional waters (WFD)
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • Territorial waters
  • Transitional waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Beyond MS Marine Waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
  • Coastal waters (WFD)
  • EEZ (or similar)
  • Territorial waters
Marine reporting units
  • BAL-LT-AA-01
  • BAL-LT-AA-03
  • BAL-LT-AA-01
  • BAL-LT-AA-03
  • BAL-LV-AAA-007
  • BAL-LV-AAA-009
  • BAL-LV-AAA-007
  • BAL-LV-AAA-009
  • L2-SEA-007-POL
  • L2-SEA-008-POL
  • L2-SEA-009-POL
  • L2-SEA-007-POL
  • L2-SEA-008-POL_1
  • L2-SEA-009-POL
  • L2-SEA-007-POL
  • L2-SEA-008-POL
  • L2-SEA-009-POL
  • L2-SEA-007-POL
  • L2-SEA-008-POL_1
  • L2-SEA-009-POL
  • ANS-SE-AA-BG_Vasterhavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-BG_Bottniska_Viken
  • BAL-SE-AA-BG_Egentliga_Ostersjon
  • ANS-SE-AA-B_Kattegatt
  • ANS-SE-AA-B_Oresund
  • ANS-SE-AA-B_Skagerrak
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Alands_hav
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Arkonahavet_och_S_Oresund
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Bornholmshavet_och_Hanobukten
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Bottenhavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_Bottenviken
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_N_Gotlandshavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_N_Kvarken
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_O_Gotlandshavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-B_V_Gotlandshavet
  • ANS-SE-AA-BG_Vasterhavet
  • BAL-SE-AA-BG_Bottniska_Viken
  • BAL-SE-AA-BG_Egentliga_Ostersjon
Temporal scope (start date - end date)
Monitoring frequency
As needed
As needed
Monitoring type
  • Administrative data collection
  • In-situ sampling coastal
  • In-situ sampling offshore
  • Numerical modelling
  • Other
  • Administrative data collection
  • Numerical modelling
  • Numerical modelling
  • Other
  • Administrative data collection
  • Administrative data collection
  • Remote surveillance
  • Numerical modelling
  • Remote surveillance
  • Other
  • Other
  • Other
  • Administrative data collection
  • Ecological modelling
  • Other
  • Remote surveillance
  • Remote surveillance
  • Remote surveillance
  • Remote surveillance
  • Numerical modelling
  • Remote surveillance
  • Administrative data collection
  • Administrative data collection
  • Remote surveillance
Monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Other monitoring method
  • Guidance on monitoring impulsive underwater noise
  • OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for Monitoring and Assessment of loud, low and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in the OSPAR Maritime Region
  • Other monitoring method
  • Guidance on monitoring continuous underwater noise
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring continuous noise
  • Other monitoring method
  • OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for Monitoring and Assessment of loud, low and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in the OSPAR Maritime Region
  • Other monitoring method
  • OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for Monitoring and Assessment of loud, low and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in the OSPAR Maritime Region
  • Other monitoring method
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring continuous noise
  • Guidance on monitoring continuous underwater noise
  • Guidance on monitoring impulsive underwater noise
  • Guidance on monitoring impulsive underwater noise
  • Guidance on monitoring continuous underwater noise
  • Guidance on monitoring impulsive underwater noise
  • Guidance on monitoring continuous underwater noise
  • HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea (PLC-Water)
  • HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea (PLC-Water)
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring continuous noise
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring continuous noise
  • Guidance on monitoring continuous underwater noise
  • HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring continuous noise
  • Other monitoring method
  • Guidance on monitoring impulsive underwater noise
  • OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for Monitoring and Assessment of loud, low and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in the OSPAR Maritime Region
  • Other monitoring method
Monitoring method other
|| MP_117 || Monitoring guidance for underwater noise in European seas. Part I: executive summary. Part II:monitoring guidance specifications. Part III: background information and annexes
|| MP_116 || Monitoring guidance for underwater noise in European seas. Part I: executive summary. Part II:monitoring guidance specifications. Part III: background information and annexes
There is no separate monitoring for the programme, the administrative data collection is performed and based on information from databases, maps, plans, environmental permits and their reporting and controls, etc. Estonian maritime spatial plan. The frequency of monitoring depends on activity: from annually to once per the 6-year period.
ICES, 2020. Underwater Noise (
Battery-powered hydrophone systems are used to measure sound levels. These need to be maintained approximately once every six months. The autonomous hydrophones measure approximately 30 minutes every hour and record at a sampling rate of 32–48 kHz, which means that sounds in the range 10–20 kHz can be analyzed. The hydrophones sit on an underwater rig with a gravel bag as ballast weight and an acoustic trigger to get the rig up. Two hydrophone rigs are set out per station at intervals of about 200 meters, to have extra coverage if any of the instruments do not work or disappear.
AIS (Automatic Identification System) is a system that makes it possible to identify a ship and track its movements. The system is based on each ship transmitting the information on 2 VHF frequencies that are captured by different land stations or satellites. All vessels with a gross tonnage of more than 300 tonnes and engaged in international traffic are covered by the SOLAS Convention and must be equipped with AIS transponders. The AIS transponder in a ship regularly collects information about its own ship's position, course, destination and more from other electronic navigation equipment. All this data is then formatted into data products transmitted via VHF radio on dedicated channels. Other ships and land stations within VHF range equipped with AIS receivers can then receive the radio signals, decode them and present the information in their own navigation equipment. Some information, such as name, width and length, is obtained through links to ship databases.
Quality control
|| MP_117 || Nationaler Standard wird im Folgenden aus Empfehlungen MSFD TG Noise und laufenden Messkampagnen (z.B. JOMOPANS und BIAS) abgeleitet.
|| MP_116 || Qualitätssicherung wird national verantwortet. National relevant für Rammschall: -- #Messvorschrift für den Unterwasserschall von Offshore Windparks, BSH 2011 #DIN EN ISO 11821:1997-08: Acoustics – Measurement of the in situ sound attenuation of a removable screen. #DIN 1320: 2009-12: Acoustics – Terminology. #ISO 1996-1 (2003-08): Acoustics – Description, measurement and assessment of envi-ronmental noise. Part 1: Basic quantities and assessment procedure. #ISO 1996-2 (2007-03): Acoustics – Description, measurement and assessment of envi-ronmental noise. Part 2: Determination of environmental noise levels.
I Danmark kvalitetssikres størstedelen af de danske overvågningsdata i den nationale database (VanDa) ved tre kvalitetssikringsniveauer: 1. Elektronisk kontrol – den automatiske kontrol alle indtastninger undergår, når der registreres data i VanDa 2. Faglig kontrol – automatisk/manuel vurdering af data og data serier i VanDa. 3. Fagdatacenter kontrol – manuel vurdering af data og dataserier udført af fagdatacentret. Hvis data ikke indrapporteres til den nationale database kvalitetssikres data af konsulenten, der udfører overvågningsopgaven, samt MFVM efter metoderne beskrevet i nationale tekniske anvisninger eller internationale guidelines. Hvis data ikke indrapporteres til den nationale database kvalitetssikres data af kosulenten efter metoderne beskrevet i de nationale tekniske anvisninger.
I Danmark kvalitetssikres størstedelen af de danske overvågningsdata i den nationale database (VanDa) ved tre kvalitetssikringsniveauer: 1. Elektronisk kontrol – den automatiske kontrol alle indtastninger undergår, når der registreres data i VanDa 2. Faglig kontrol – automatisk/manuel vurdering af data og data serier i VanDa. 3. Fagdatacenter kontrol – manuel vurdering af data og dataserier udført af fagdatacentret. Hvis data ikke indrapporteres til den nationale database kvalitetssikres data af konsulenten, der udfører overvågningsopgaven, samt MFVM efter metoderne beskrevet i nationale tekniske anvisninger eller internationale guidelines.
Data quality control systems of relevant data sources.
The quality is ensured by following the ICES guidance.
The quality is ensured by following the HELCOM guidance. The hydrophones are calibrated in a certified laboratory at least once a year. The hydrophones are calibrated before and after each measurement cycle.
Bias standard for noise measurements (2015)
Triukšmui matuoti naudojami kalibruoti prietaisai.
Monitoringas dar tik numatomas vykdyti. Bus perkamos tyrimų paslaugos. Tyrimų kokybę siekiama užtikrinti keliant aukštus kvalifikacinius reikalavimus tyrėjams (darbo patirtis, leidimai tokiai veiklai, plačiai taikomų bendrų metodikų naudojimas).
QA/QC procedures - no
QA/QC procedures - no
According to HELCOM recommendations
According to HELCOM recommendations
According to HELCOM recommendations
According to HELCOM recommendations
Sound recording and analysis follow the measurement and signal processing standard agreed within Helcom.
A reasonableness check of collected data is performed prior to reporting, and in connection with the transfer to ICES's register, an automatic check of data is carried out automatically.
Some inaccuracies in numerical values ​​may occur due to data losses occasionally occurring in the collection process.
Data management
Die Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nord- und Ostsee (BLANO) erarbeitet gerade ein nationales Konzept zum Datenmanagement, um insbesondere die Berichterstattung und Umsetzung der MSRL zu unterstützen. Dabei werden bestehende Zielsysteme, wie die Datenabgabe an den ICES (für OSPAR und HELCOM), weitere EU-Richtlinien und die Bereitstellung von Diensten für INSPIRE berücksichtigt. Hierzu werden verschiedene Instrumente des Datenmanagements, wie ein Nationaler mariner Datenkatalog (NMDK) oder die Koordinierung der Datenhaltung von Geo-, Meta-, sowie Zeitreihendaten vorgesehen. Die Daten werden durch die verschiedenen föderalen Strukturen in den Küstenländern, Bundes- und Forschungseinrichtungen dezentral oder zentral durch die Meeresumweltdatenbank (MUDAB) bereitgestellt. Trotzdem sind einzelne Datenbestände noch nicht frei verfügbar. Die Daten werden von den Datenoriginatoren in der nationalen Unterwasserschalldatenbank MarinEARS zusammengeführt und ggf. weitergeleitet. Die regionale Datenbank wird durch den ICES (analog zum Schallregister für Impulsschall) realisiert.
Die Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nord- und Ostsee (BLANO) erarbeitet gerade ein nationales Konzept zum Datenmanagement, um insbesondere die Berichterstattung und Umsetzung der MSRL zu unterstützen. Dabei werden bestehende Zielsysteme, wie die Datenabgabe an den ICES (für OSPAR und HELCOM), weitere EU-Richtlinien und die Bereitstellung von Diensten für INSPIRE berücksichtigt. Hierzu werden verschiedene Instrumente des Datenmanagements, wie ein Nationaler mariner Datenkatalog (NMDK) oder die Koordinierung der Datenhaltung von Geo-, Meta-, sowie Zeitreihendaten vorgesehen. Die Daten werden durch die verschiedenen föderalen Strukturen in den Küstenländern, Bundes- und Forschungseinrichtungen dezentral oder zentral durch die Meeresumweltdatenbank (MUDAB) bereitgestellt. Trotzdem sind einzelne Datenbestände noch nicht frei verfügbar. Die Daten werden von den Datenoriginatoren im nationalen Schallregister (welches durch das BSH geführt wird) zusammengeführt und weitergemeldet. Die regionale Datenbank wird am ICES geführt.
I Danmark udvikles der lige nu en ny national database, som har til formål at samle og opbevare data fra vandmiljøovervågningen – herunder også overvågningen under havstrategien. Databasen forventes færdigudviklet i første halvår 2021. Efter en kvalitetssikring vil data blive gjort offentligt tilgængelige.
Data Acess at the new established Underwater database at ICES/HELCOM. I Danmark udvikles der lige nu en ny national database, som har til formål at samle og opbevare data fra vandmiljøovervågningen – herunder også overvågningen under havstrategien. Databasen forventes færdigudviklet i første halvår 2021. Efter en kvalitetssikring vil data blive gjort offentligt tilgængelige.
The data are compiled from different databases of different institutions. The compilation and collection of data are coordinated by the Marine Environment Department of the Ministry of the Environment.
Data are reported to the ICES impulsive noise event database once at the end of the year. The data on seismic monitoring is stored at the Geological Survey and as reports in the national environmental monitoring database KESE.
The raw data are stored at the Tallinn University of Technology, processed data are reported to ICES. Data reported to the ICES becomes available at the end of the monitoring year, modelled soundmaps - next year, by 1 of March.
Finnish Environment institute (SYKE) organizes data collection. Primary data is stored in Administrative branch of Ministry of Defence. Secondary data about noise levels are stored in HELCOM database
Duomenys apie povandeninius impulsinius triukšmus registruojami povandeninių impulsinių triukšmų registre (ICES) pagal 2019 m. patvirtintą tvarką.
Duomenys apie povandeninius nenutrūkstamus triukšmus bus kaupiami Lietuvos aplinkos apsaugos agentūros duomenų bazėje.
Data holder will be State Environmental Service of the Republic of Latvia (SES). QC procedures for data no. Data will be available in SES.
Data holder is Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology (LIAE). QC procedures for data no. Data are available in LIAE.
Raw data and processed data with 20-second averages are stored nationally at FOI as there is no national data host for underwater noise in place yet. During 2018–2019, questions arose regarding the ownership and dissemination of data generated through sound recording from the measuring stations used within the national monitoring programme. During 2019–2020, these questions have largely been answered in collaboration with the military and monitoring contractors. Work is underway within ICES on behalf of Helcom to develop a regional database for model-calculated sound propagation of anthropogenic noise. Processed data from audio recordings can be downloaded free of charge from ICES's website or via the API.
There is yet no national data host for impulsive underwater noise. For the time being, SwAM stores the raw data that is collected and delivers it to ICES, which acts as an international data host for impulsive noise. At ICES, annual data summaries are presented on a map and data can be downloaded free of charge.
Data access,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Related indicator/name
  • BALEED11C2.1
  • DIST-S
  • DUR
  • FRE
  • PresEnvSoundImpulsive
  • SPL
  • DIST-S
  • DUR
  • FRE
  • PresEnvSoundContinuous
  • SPL
Geschäftsstelle Meeresschutz,
Geschäftsstelle Meeresschutz,
Tallinn University of Technology (Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture): Aleksander Klauson:
Tallinn University of Technology (Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture): Mirko Mustonen,; Aleksander Klauson,
SYKE continuous noise database is under planning.
State Environmental Service of the Republic of Latvia (SES):
Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology e-mail:
|| MP_117 || --# BIAS - Publikationen # #--
|| MP_116 || --# #--
The monitoring programme is approved by the minister of the environment and available at ( (in Estonian).
The monitoring programme is approved by the minister of the environment and available at ( (in Estonian).
The monitoring programme is approved by the minister of the environment and available at ( (in Estonian).
BIAS standard for noise measurements (2015) -
HELCM Progress in implementing the Regional Baltic Underwater Noise Roadmap 2015-2017: and